MTL - Another World Sandbox Gamer-Chapter 21 base selection

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Under the leadership of Manado, the soldiers in the camp searched almost ten miles, but still could not find the missing Princess of the Sea Clan.

Because the exit on the other side of the cave is too hidden, blocked by bushes and complex terrain, not to mention late at night, even in broad daylight.

What's more, no one believes that there is a flat ground under the "water truck", and there will be a hole leading to the camp here. When you see it, you will only think that it is a nest of some kind of animal, and you cannot contact the missing princess of the sea clan.

After all, no one knew that Ren had the ability to quickly dig terrain blocks and fill them back.

Until the sun rose, there was still no clue, and the princess of the sea tribe seemed to disappear out of thin air.

Manado could only lead the team back to Storm City and report the matter to Baron Andrew.

On the other side, two soldiers followed Adam's carriage on horseback, "escorting" Ren all the way to the forest of monsters.

Ren's psychological quality is still very strong. He pretends that there is no one on the road, and pretends that the soldiers accompanying him do not exist.

He knew that the other party failed to discover the princess of the sea clan, and failed to discover the secret underground passage, otherwise he would not have followed him all the time.

It took him a day to travel long distances, and he arrived at the outskirts of the Warcraft Forest at around 4 pm.

Adam stopped the carriage and said to Ren, "Brother, I can only deliver it here. The Forest of Monsters is just ahead, you can walk the next road by yourself! It's not too far anyway."

"It's hard work!" Looking at the virtual map, it was really close to the forest of monsters. Ren took out six silver coins and handed them to Adam, "Go back! Be careful on the road."

"Be careful yourself, the forest of monsters is dangerous!" Adam said, "How about I wait for you here, when will I finish the task and go back in my car?"

He thought that Ren was here for a mission and would definitely return to the city. Although the forest of demon beasts is dangerous and a little farther away, it is no problem to wait here for a day or two.

Ren didn't need to: "I will stay here for a long time, you go back first! As for the two officers, do you want to accompany me to the forest of monsters? With you here, maybe my task will be easier. ."

Hearing this, the two soldiers hurriedly shook their heads.

joke! The forest of demon beasts is so dangerous, you can lose your life at any time. Although being a soldier also faces death, no matter how you say it, it is better than becoming a monster ration.

So he said to Ren: "We still have a mission, go back to the city with Adam, take care of yourself!"

Sent here, I basically believe that Ren and Adam have nothing to do with the inexplicable disappearance of the princess of the sea clan.

So the two soldiers turned around with Adam and went directly back to Storm City to report to Manado. After that, Manado was still worried, and asked them to stay near the Forest of Monsters and squat Ren for a long time before giving up.

Ren came to the forest of monsters, and was not in a hurry to turn back to complete the mission of the princess of the sea clan.

He believed that the princess of the sea clan would not leave the cave. After all, in the human-controlled area, there is no ocean around. She definitely knew that if she left the cave, she would be discovered and even caught again. Now there are "water pools" in the burrow, and there is sufficient food and drinking water. If you have a little brain, you will be honest.

As for Baron Andrew's army, he won't be completely relieved in a short time. Although the two soldiers followed Adam back to the city, wouldn't they come back and squat at the intersection to monitor themselves.

They may not dare to enter the forest of monsters. As long as they leave the forest and return along the road, they may be followed by them.

So Ren's task now is to find a suitable location for building a base on the edge of the monster forest, build a new home of his own, and settle down first.

Then start to reserve materials, develop technology, and build basic tools and materials.

The most important thing is the means of transportation, so that you can travel between the base and Storm City.

High-tech like those battery cars, motorcycles, cars and even planes, the current intelligence is not enough to unlock. There are not so many metal materials, and even the mining address has not been determined yet.

Even more lack of fuel, at least until you find an oil mine, you don't have to think about it.

The bicycle is simple, the speed is not good, the load capacity is very small, and it also consumes physical strength.

At present, the most economical and most convenient is the carriage.

A wheelbarrow requires manpower and is a tool for delivering materials at close range. It is only suitable for collecting resources around the base. Although a flatbed truck can pull goods, it cannot be resisted in bad weather.

The carriage has a roof, and the cargo volume is not small. As long as the animal stall is unlocked, it does not necessarily need a real horse. Any animal that meets the standard and is fast enough can act as a mount for pulling the carriage. Even when the strength is sufficient, it is possible to tame monsters and pull carts.

The primary goal is to build a base, which is the foundation of everything.

Walking north, it took Ren an hour to finally reach the edge of the monster forest.

He has a special liking for burrows. He spends most of the time in the underground when playing games, because the excavation is simple and the underground space is large enough to be easily discovered.

So the first thing to do when you arrive in the forest is to dig a hole in place, step down, and quickly dig a spacious basement.

Looking quite was preparing to renovate, and suddenly felt the ground shaking, and then a big hole appeared in the "wall" on the left, and an incomparably huge earthworm appeared. Its body directly occupied half of the basement, ignoring Ren Punch a hole in the other wall and dig all the way in front of him.

When the earthworms disappeared, there were huge holes on both sides of the basement, which turned into amazing tunnels.

This made Ren quite speechless, and quickly blocked the hole with a hard sandstone block.

Unexpectedly, the earthworm turned around again, and the hard sandstone block could not stop it, the hole just blocked was broken again, and then it drilled away from the other side to create a third big hole.

Ren was even more speechless. He hated this soft creature.

Are earthworms in another world too big? Or is it just that a certain species of earthworms is larger because it is a forest of monsters?

Although the giant earthworm looked harmless, Ren felt that he couldn't get along with it in the basement, nor could he accept that his burrow was constantly being destroyed.

Helpless, I could only leave the basement and want to choose a flat ground to build a house.

Since I can't live in the basement, I have to settle for the next best thing, and I can barely accept living on the ground.

When he was building the house, many strange mushrooms appeared in the grass around them. They had no hands, no legs, and no face. They looked like ordinary mushrooms, but they were 1 meter high and could jump.

These mushrooms are very strange. Although they are not aggressive, they like to gather at Ren after they find him. They all surround him and keep rubbing against him.

In this way, Ren can't work, and wherever he goes, these mushrooms follow, which is particularly annoying.

In the end, Ren had no choice but to stack blocks on the spot, let himself jump high, go all the way to the air, place the created wooden block on top of a big tree, and choose a floating tree house.