MTL - Apocalyptic Rebirth: Earth’s Vast Changes-Chapter 16

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What is the most embarrassing thing for a man to get up in the morning? Maybe someone will answer the question of wetting the bed, dreams, and wearing the underwear of the female partner, but Qin Luo thinks that it is nothing. If you try it, you will be pointed at a chrysanthemum by a hot piece of roots in the morning, or you will only be poke a few times on the periphery, and then you will be "shy" with Chun Meng. I believe that it is nothing extraordinary. .

Qin Luo sadly and indignantly covered his face and meditated in prayer, the guy behind him just didn't feel his abnormality. However, it seems a bit impractical, so close, how could Yi Mo's ability not feel what happened just now. Thinking of Qin Luo, I couldn't help sorrowing, but I couldn't help grabbing someone behind me to grind my teeth.

Qin Ke woke up and was very happy to see Mo returned. Lying on Qin Luo's body, Mo asked Dong Wenxi while still in the bed. The key question is what toothpaste is used to brush his teeth. He also has to ask Xiaoyi to buy the same for himself. In this way, when they meet the bad guys, they can use teeth that are comparable to puppies. He firmly believes that all this is due to good toothpaste, because only teeth without tooth decay can be so powerful. However, the Qin Luo later killed two people, the little guy never said anything.

Qin Luo was so speechless that he didn't know what brand of toothpaste the vampire had, and whether it had tooth decay or not. In the past, he only thought that the child's ideas were very clueless. Now he can only lie on the bed lamenting. Qin Ya's quirky education has a solid foundation. The little guy's extremely powerful heart will support him to go further and further on the road of freak And there is no power to reverse.

Mo must answer Qin Ke's questions, and he is extremely patient. Qin Luo was more certain that this guy must have known the embarrassing thing he had just done. Depressed, he turned his head angrily and glared at the culprit, patting Mo Chua's paw on his waist.

Mo was conscious of being innocent by Qin Luo. Although he had been awake for a long time, he was still holding Qin Luo still. As for why there is something that bears Qin Luo, and Qin Luo's `` small universe erupts '' after being poked by that thing, it is completely out of his control.

Qin Luo turned a blind eye to Mo's innocent eyes, and tried to rush Qin Ke and him back to the room to wash, but both of them could not rest on the quilt.

Mo stared and pointed at the "little tent" he raised from the quilt. Some grievances "You told me how to solve it last night."

Qin Ke asked strangely, "Uncle Mo, can't you boo?" It doesn't matter, I can help you whistle.

Qin Luo's twitching in the corner of his mouth, decided to ignore this big one younger two guys, got up and went to the bathroom to wash.

The family had a lively breakfast, and Liu Ye hadn't packed away the chopsticks, and the uninvited guest came to the door. Gu Qingyang and Police Officer Liu who kept looking for trouble yesterday brought two police officers to understand the situation.

Qin Luo told Liu Ye to ignore them and let them bask in the sun for a while. He pulled Mo carefully and instructed him, and then put Gu Qingyang into the villa.

The police officer with the surname Liu almost exploded his lungs. Just before pointing at Qin Luo's nose, Qin Luo glanced at the door. "If you don't want to be a guest here, I don't mind asking you to go to the door and take a sun."

Gu Qingyang reluctantly smiled and made peace with each other. "Don't mind Mr. Qin, we are also eager to solve the case. After all, the three gangsters are really cruel. If they still wander outside, it will make everyone feel uneasy."

Qin Luo laughed without saying a word. Gu Qingyang's smoothness has been known to him. But if he just wants to ask, is it necessary to have four people together? However, he still sold Gu Qingyang's face, for nothing else, this guy saved him several times in the last ten years, which is the kind of brother who can give the back to the other side. When trying to save Qin Ke, he first entrusted Qin Ke to Gu Qingyang and took them away.

In the living room: The old man watched the cheerful and gray wolf on the sofa, occasionally excitedly dancing and dancing, without giving way at all; Uncle Liu did not know which rib was wrong, and he counted the glass beads on the chandelier. The chandelier was spinning on the ground; Qin Ke was playing the remote-controlled aircraft that Qin Ya bought to Qin Luo, and he flew up and down, left and right, and did not let any dead corner from the air to the ground.

Gu Qingyang's smile was a bit stiff. I heard that the Qin family had gone mad and foolish after an accident. Today, it is a thorough insight. The living room is actually quite large, and there are no problems where they talk about things. Judging by the current situation, there is really no place where they can stay stable.

Officer Liu stared at the three who occupied the living room. "Can't let them avoid it first?"

Gu Qingyang smiled bitterly and whispered to the three men, "Before the old man was sick, he was a disciple of the foreign boxing master Shang Zhenren. The uncle Liu who looked dumb, if I remember correctly, should be called Liu Tianshui You go back to check his information and see if we have enough of them. I think if there were no black people in the back then, Liu Tianshui would protect the old and young, because of his ability, it was really missing. It can hurt that person. Today I called you both to protect Police Officer Liu. I ca n’t take care of myself after being beaten. It does n’t matter if Police Officer Liu is injured, I ca n’t explain it to the director. ”

The three took a few steps to the door unconsciously, and Officer Liu struggled. "No one cares about them?"

Gu Qingyang raised an eyebrow. "Oh? Furious and stupid, let's be on the ground again. Even if we don't fight for nothing, we can compensate afterwards. How can you treat the two sick old men?"

Gu Qingyang's voice wasn't too low, Qin Luo could even hear some faintly, and smiled and received, "Everyone don't have to worry too much. My grandfather and Uncle Liu wouldn't be aggressive if they weren't overly exciting."

The three of them heard him say this, and just assuredly returned to their place, Gu Qingyang whispered again, "Two months ago, the miserable little thief escaped from Qin's house."

The words didn't end, and the three of them suddenly rushed back to the door again. The speed was so fast that Qin Luo almost laughed. Gu Qingyang liked that the whole person's problems still remained unchanged, which made Qin Luo feel very kind.

Mo Man was suspicious. Although Qin Luo ’s grandfather Xun Xun learned from the TV and liked stealing pots and beating people, it seemed that only Qin Luo was the only one to win. As for Uncle Liu, he is very good every day. He seems to have no other bad hobbies except for eating and eating.

It was not a problem for a few people to stand at the door downstairs. Qin Luo and Gu Qingyang were scared enough. They took Mo to the four people to the living room on the second floor, and Liu Ye returned after having tea.

Gu Qingyang cleared his throat. "Yesterday we brought out all the surveillance in the amusement park. The three gangsters did enter the woods, but the surveillance screen showed that they did not come out of the monitored location again. And all of the playground None of these three people appeared on the surveillance screen. "

After Qin Luo heard him, he said nothing.

Police officer Liu was impatient. "You said that three gangsters chased your friend into the woods, but there were traces of fighting left near the edge of the woods. How would you explain that? There are only two exits in that wood, one exit is close to One side of the "Haunted House" is the direction in which we later pursued the gangsters. On the other side, there are two hidden surveillance cameras, and they enter the woods from that direction. If they come out from that direction, the surveillance will definitely be able to shoot. "

Qin Luo glanced at him and Gu Qingyang with a funny look. "What does the surveillance picture capture? What does it not have to do with me? Where do they go after entangled with me, is that what I can say?"

A nearby policeman quickly interjected, "Mr. Qin, we just hope that you can carefully recall if you misunderstood me at that time."

Qin Luo shook his head. "When I ran away, they were chasing my friend into the woods. I don't remember it wrong."

Police Officer Liu snorted softly. "I started sending your friend into the woods, and there was no monitoring to capture him. If it weren't for your friend standing here now, I really doubt he and the three gangsters had evaporated."

Qin Luo glanced at him. "Is that all the cases that can't be broken? It's because the gangsters evaporated."

Gu Qingyang chuckled "I don't know where this friend ran out of the woods?" Then he turned his eyes to Mo.

Mo looked at Gu Qingyang and gave him no answer.

On weekdays, Qin Luo and Qin Ke communicated with him in English. Liu Ye also lived in the UK for a long time, so there were no obstacles for Mo to communicate with several people. Although Qin Luo was also actively teaching the Chinese language, he was very busy for a month, even though Mo was very clever, he didn't learn much. But yesterday, Mo sucked on the gangster, received a lot of memories of that person, and understand Chinese is no longer a problem. But he didn't want to show it, so Qin Luo would also teach him every day when he gave him leg treatment, and he could be praised by Qin Luo for his accurate pronunciation.

Gu Qingyang only tried it out, and his intuition told him that this man named Rick Murphy was not simple. The man's eyes showed for a moment, he absolutely understood Chinese.

After some cross-examination and Qin Luo's tireless translation, the four finally got out of the Qin family villa.

Officer Liu glared at Gu Qingyang complainingly. "The kid named Qin was not a fuel-saving lamp at first glance. Maybe it was something he was weird about. We couldn't catch anyone."

Gu Qingyang laughed. "Qin Luo's parents are authoritative of flora and fauna. Nearly a thousand endangered species have been saved by their hands around the world. The Qin Foundation has also been established to raise funds to help build nature reserves around the world. Qin Mr. Family is the master of hands and eyes. The only friends you can make are you ca n’t think of, and he does n’t know him. Even if these three people really disappeared in the Amazon jungle, the Qin family is not our little policeman. Police officer Liu, although Your Liu family is also a big gatekeeper. Your second uncle's level is not low, but you better ask him if you dare to provoke the Qin family openly. Also, before going out, it is best to investigate the background of the other party carefully. "

Officer Liu twitched at the corner of his mouth, and finally entered the police car with resentment.

A fellow police officer looked at the Qin family villa, "Boss, what is the case about this case? This Qin family is too weird. Not only are the people weird, but the villa is also grotesque. Ugh. "

The other rubbed his arm, and a little fear appeared in his eyes. "The three gangsters live or die without seeing the dead, just as the world evaporates. If they climbed the wall to go out, they should always leave a point. What's going on? "

Gu Qingyang gave the two of them a white look. "Look at you two who are alive and well, how can a good living person say that there is no such thing. But I think Qin Luo and his foreign relative are not simple. Those three guys may be fierce. less."

"Ah? Don't scare you, boss, it's so amazing."

Gu Qingyang smiled confidently. "I got my nose right from the time I hit my mother's womb. I know who is holding my life in my hand and I move my nose with my eyes closed. Don't look at the force value of Master and Liu Tianshui. It smells clean. Qin Luo And his foreign relative, the fishy nose rushed. "

The policeman who just talked couldn't help but trembled, and the other policeman patted his shoulder. "The head teases you. There must be blood on the body of the killer. There is nothing except the signs of fighting at the scene. Let's go It ’s so fast that you do n’t have time to deal with the corpse at all. You do n’t think that the kid named Qin put the corpse in his pocket and carried it. ”

Gu Qingyang frowned lightly, this is what makes him most puzzled. According to his intuition, the messy fighting traces are definitely a killing scene. It ’s not impossible without blood, but where are the corpses?

Qin Luo stood at the window and watched the police car slowly drive away. With Gu Qingyang's nose and keen insight, I am afraid that the trio's end would have been guessed long ago. He was depressed now, using common sense reasoning, and couldn't find the body at all.

In a world full of **** killings in the last days, surviving humans have many rules to follow, one of which is hidden blood. Zombie mutated creatures all over the world may also have werewolves and vampires. Once a lot of **** smells burst, it is likely to be a disaster. So when Qin Luo started, he was used to being quick and accurate. The broken neck bone did not bleed, and the dagger inserted into the broken heart was not pulled out, so as to prevent the blood from overflowing as much as possible. This is also a compulsory course for survival in the last days.