MTL - Apocalyptic Rebirth: Earth’s Vast Changes-Chapter 18

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Early the next morning, Qin Luo was awakened by Liu Ye. Police officer Gu said that he had called twice, and now he was standing outside the iron fence of the Qinjia villa.

Qin Luo stepped out of the villa in slippers, wrapped in pajamas, and saw police officer Gu Qingyang and his surname Liu taking the two men, standing outside the two gates, staring at him eagerly.

Gu Qingyang frowned when he saw Qin Luo coming out. "Mr. Qin, your door is too tight. If these two doors are locked, if you don't come out, we will ask someone to send a letter. Come talk. "

Qin Luo shook his corner of the mouth and smiled. Now it is not safe outside. Qin Luo was afraid that Grandpa and Uncle Liu stole the key that Liu Ye placed and slipped outside the villa courtyard. In this way, whoever wants to go in and out of the villa must pass Qin Luo's approval. Otherwise, as Gu Qingyang said, he can only speak through two doors.

The gate of the original villa courtyard was opened. Qin Luo stood two to three meters away from the fence gate reinforced to the rear and said, "Sergeant Gu, Officer Liu, some of you are early in the morning, not just to chat with me across the door Right. "

Police officer Liu glared at "Qin Luo, you are playing tricks with us here. Two of us were ambushed here last night. One was missing and has not been found yet. The other was bitten and seriously injured. In the ward. "

Qin Luo frowned, and the eruptions in the last days seemed to be faster than he expected. There are two types of people infected with zombie virus in the early stage. One is blood infection. Most of them have relatively fast onset, and the longest will not completely change over 36 hours. The other is a secondary infection. They can hide for a few days. Although some symptoms appear during the period, they are not obvious and may be ignored. These people may be in contact with the infected person. Except for Gu Qingyang, who will not be infected because of physical changes, there may not be one of the other three who is the carrier of the virus.

Gu Qingyang frowned when he saw Qin Luo, saying sincerely, "Mr. Qin, although they all happened outside the Qin family villa, but I hope you can cooperate with us to investigate."

Qin Luo looked at Gu Qingyang and hugged his shoulders and asked, "How does Police Officer Gu want me to cooperate?"

Gu Qingyang pointed to the iron fence between them. "Isn't Mr. Qin even willing to drink a few cups of tea?"

Qin Luo chuckled. "Police officer Gu really guessed right now. The Qin family is no better than before. The old and the younger have several mouths. They spend money on everything they eat and drink. It ’s really not wasted. "

Gu Qingyang was stunned, but Qin Luo was not expected to say this. After just two seconds of speaking, Police Officer Liu pointed at Qin Luo's nose and said, "You cry less often and you are poor. I can still afford a few cups of tea. I think you are afraid that we will go in and find out, then you will be pushed back to the villa to search. "

Gu Qingyang sighed, Qin Luo was obviously a hard-and-hard master. If it was good to discuss, maybe he could take care of his face a bit, Liu Chang said so. It is estimated that it would be impossible to enter the Qin family investigation.

Sure enough, as expected, Qin Luo glanced at Liu Chang and snorted. "Since Police Officer Liu is so confident, when you apply for a search warrant, I will open the door wide and invite you to drink tea."

Liu Changqi gritted his teeth. "Last name Qin, everyone knows what you have done, don't think that someone will support you to be lawless."

Gu Qingyang patted the blue tendons floating on his forehead, and he wanted to kick Liu Chang back to the bureau. He had long known that letting people watch Qin Luo did not work, so that Liu Chang didn't have to send someone to stare at him. Liu Chang refused to listen. This is good. Although these two were transferred together with Liu Chang, he did not bother to make trouble for himself, but anyway, he is also a colleague of the unit. It is difficult to be young at a young age, and some people can't bear it.

Qin Luo and Gu Qingyang have been together for many years in the last days. When he looks at his expression, he knows that the rabbit named Liu is very angry. Seeing that he seemed to want to take someone away, he hurried out of his voice, "Could Officer Gu take a step to speak?"

Gu Qingyang frowned slightly suspiciously, still took two steps in the direction of Qin Luo, Qin Luo also approached the iron fence a few steps. At this time, the distance between the two was less than a foot, and Qin Luo whispered "I don't know whether Police Officer Gu believe it or not?"

Gu Qingyang shook his lips. "Mr. Qin wants to discuss metaphysics with me?"

Gu Qingyang is not superstitious. The father of the Qin family is the famous name of Taishan Beidou in the metaphysical world. Although he feels a little bragging, so many big people have made a special visit to him, and there should be some doorways in it. However, Qin Luo suddenly asked himself whether he believed it or not. He really didn't know what medicine was sold in the gourd.

Qin Luo chuckled. "I can't compare with my grandpa. I just glanced at the door. At most, I can help people see the face, criticize the characters, and tell numerology."

Gu Qingyang gave a sigh and stared at Qin Luo's eyes. "So are you going to show me the face, or will the horoscope be judged?"

Qin Luo did not shy away from his sharp eyes and said indifferently, "From the look of Police Officer Gu, you have recently suffered bereavement."

Gu Qingyang's face immediately changed. "Mr. Qin, are you a threat?"

Qin Luo waved his hand. "Everyone who comes to my grandfather will be regarded as a threat when he hears unsatisfactory. Then there are more people threatened by our Qin family."

Gu Qingyang's face slowly eased, and Qin Luo went on to say, "Familiarity is also a fate. Since we are fate, I will send a few words to police officer Gu."

Gu Qingyang said, "Please."

Qin Luo said with a serious expression, "Every day in the world there are people dying. Maybe you, maybe me, maybe someone we know. Sometimes I miss a phone call and I miss a vitality."

Gu Qingyang went back and forth a hundred times. "Mr. Qin must make such a turn?"

Qin Luo stared at Qingyang's eyes tightly. "Heavenly, see how much you can believe ..." Suddenly he turned sharply. "Except for business, if you need any help, you can always look for me." The next look of Gu Qingyang inexplicably, locked the courtyard door and returned to the villa.

Gu Qingyang stared at Qin Luo's back for a long while, and frowned until he entered the villa. What kind of fame does this kid get? In addition to his business, there is nothing else he needs to find him. Could it be that he would kidnap people around him and threaten himself? It shouldn't be necessary, after all, he didn't catch any substantial handle on him.

A police officer who came to Qin's villa with Gu Qingyang the other day came together, "Boss, what did Qin tell you?"

Gu Qingyang snorted, "said my face shows that there has been bereavement recently."

The police officer's face changed drastically. "Ah! What then?"

Gu Qingyang gave him a white look. "What to do, say you believe it."

The police officer seemed to be really upset. He was anxious. "Boss, if this is really what Qin Luo said, you have to be careful. Old Master Qin is not an ordinary person. If Qin Luo is n’t allowed, he will take it seriously. His grandpa's mantle. "

The two were talking, and suddenly another police officer who was in the car with Liu Chang pulled the car door and shouted to Gu Qingyang, "Gu team, it's not good. Something happened on Sun Dapeng. We must hurry over."

Gu Qingyang frowned. "He's not in the intensive care unit. The doctor said there wouldn't be any danger for the time being. What more could happen?"

The police officer patted his thigh in a hurry. "Listening to him said that he was crazy, and bite when he saw someone. Several people had been bitten by him."

Gu Qingyang said for a moment, "How is that possible?" Anyone wondered, a seriously injured person who should be lying in the intensive care unit could bite people madly.

"Oh, Gu Gu, the fry pan is almost over there. What else might be impossible." The police officer hurriedly pulled the door for the two of them, and Gu Qingyang took a few steps to get in.

The four rushed all the way to the city hospital, and it turned out that the hospital was in a mess. Gu Qingyang grabbed an intern who passed by in a hurry and found out after an inquiry. For a while, there were four or five doctors and nurses who were bitten by Sun Dapeng, and more patients and family members were bitten and scratched in the corridor. Because the sedative did not work for Sun Dapeng, he was strapped to the bed in the intensive care unit at this time.

When the two stood in the corridor and talked, many people gave them pointers. It is estimated that not only the dean would look for him for a while, but also the families of the injured would not give up. Gu Qingyang thought of it here, and he was two big.

The doctor with the badge of the intern seemed to be very anxious, and Gu Qingyang was not good enough to grab too many questions. Thank you in a hurry, turn around and leave.

The intern suddenly grabbed Gu Qingyang and said, "Police, Mr. Police ..."

He seemed to be very nervous. Seeing Gu Qingyang focusing on himself, he swallowed his mouth and lowered his voice. "The police officer who suddenly bite was also bitten seriously. He was sent in less than three hours. If it caused him It was a germ that bite people crazy, and the infection speed of that germ was very amazing ... "Then his voice was a little lower." I don't know if you have seen the biochemical crisis ... "

Gu Qingyang frowned, "Resident Evil?"

The intern frizzled his hair nervously and irritably. "Just two more seriously injured patients were sent in. They were both bitten. In this way, more and more people will be infected ... I, I have to go , The hospital is so unsafe ... maybe unsafe outside ... "

Gu Qingyang watched him suddenly look nervous, and frowned. "I suggest you go home and sleep, take a good rest and come back to work."

The intern shook his head. "Go to work? I knew you wouldn't believe it, and Director Liu didn't believe it either." After speaking, he turned away and hurriedly bumped into two people.

When Gu Qingyang rushed to the intensive care unit, Sun Dapeng was still struggling. He looked very scary, his eyes were cloudy, as if he had a sheep madness, twitching and grinding his teeth. Blood was everywhere on the body. It is not known whether his own wound was torn twice or was left by the person who was bitten by him.

As soon as the doctor in the ward was about to speak to Gu Qingyang, Gu Qingyang's cell phone rang. He glanced apologetically with a glance and went out to answer the phone.

The call was made by the director personally, saying that it was a frequent attack in many places in the province in the past two days, and the attackers all bite when they saw someone. Ask him to leave a few people to deal with the scene, and immediately return to the city bureau for a meeting. This may be a premeditated act that disrupts public order, so the city must deploy it uniformly.

Gu Qingyang scratched his hair irritably, handed things over to others, and drove down to the city bureau.

The car drove halfway and the phone rang again. Gu Qingyang touched it out, it turned out that his brother Gu Shunyang called. This kid hasn't been home recently, and he is too busy to have time to control him. Yesterday I heard that he has a classmate who just returned from country R. Many people ran to the classmate's villa and had to play all night. Calling right now, I guess there is nothing serious about it, most of the time I want to pick up the car and go to pick him up by myself. He was too busy to die, and he was really lazy and was about to hang up. Suddenly remembered what Qin Luo said in the morning, his fingers couldn't help shaking.

After his parents died, Gu Shunyang was a relative. If Gu Shunyang had an accident ... Gu Qingyang's ghost pressed the answer button. If the kid dares to pull the skin and car, he won't get out of bed when he hits.

There was no one on the end of the phone for a long time. Just when Gu Qingyang was about to lose patience, Gu Shunyang's voice suddenly came. It ’s been eaten by them. Come on, brother, save me ... "

Gu Qingyang hasn't seen my brother cry for a long time. "Ashun, where are you ..."

The police car made a roundabout on the road, flashing the lights and heading directly to the address given by Gu Shunyang. Although he didn't know why Gu Shunyang was saying that everyone was crazy, Xiao Cheng was Gu Shunyang's girlfriend. He should not be joking about Xiao Cheng, and it was impossible for Gu Shunyang to cry and tease him at this time.

I think of Sun Dapeng in the hospital, the neurotic intern doctors, and the phone call from the old director. Gu Qingyang's hand holding the steering wheel was tight and tight, and the accelerator kicked down to the end.