MTL - Apotheosis – Ascension to Godhood-Chapter 3873 assault

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The entire burial place also became a transparent state for Luo Zheng.

From the chaos of the creatures to the number of each, to the bottom of the Montenegro, the huge jars used to cultivate chaotic creatures, every detail is complete.

Luo Zheng can also perceive those chaotic creatures flocking, their minds full of fanaticism, incitement and killing...

However, Luo Zheng is not interested in this. He wants to find the coordinates of the snake spirit king through omniscience.


Almost in an instant, Luo Zheng’s mind appeared in the mind of the snake king, the degraded figure.

The perceptions of these two are extremely sensitive. If someone snoops on them, they will inevitably be aware for the first time, but the state of Luo Zheng’s "omniscience" is not a prying, but all the information in the burial land he must know!

"Degraded, the snake king, found..."

The goal of Luo Zheng is not theirs, but the coordinates of the snake spirit king.

"His coordinates..." There is nothing hidden in the burial ground of omniscient state. As long as Luo Zheng "thinks", he can know the answer. He quickly locks at the bottom of a mountain. The coordinates of the snake king are still being used by the group. Black light is protected, while on the periphery of black light

There is a golden ring protection.


Luo Zheng glanced at the crowd, slightly decapitated, and the figure disappeared instantly, leaving a detachment in the same place.

Luo Zheng had just stepped forward, and the snake spirit king suddenly appeared on Lishan. The huge snake body slowly came up, and the snake head kept humming, and a pair of golden snakes could not hide the smug color.

"Frightened, scared, uneasy, your emotions make me intoxicated..."

The group of people, such as Nüwa, Kucha, and Shoji, are indeed full of uneasiness, but this kind of uneasiness comes from the fear that Luo Zheng’s actions are discovered, not the fear of the snake spirit king itself, but their emotions are perfectly matched with this performance. The Snake Spirit King did not even investigate whether Luo Zheng’s avatar was a deity, nor did he use omniscience to investigate what had just happened. It believed that it had controlled everything, bitter trees, Luo Zheng, Wendizhi, Yuxi... these weak The existence of no more

The possibility of the disk.

"My daughter, can you do as you wish now?" said the snake spirit king and spoke to Yuxi.

Yuxi stood in the corner of Jade Terrace and stared at his father coldly. His face was full of disgusting color. "You have never done so. Sleeping in your dreams for so long is empty, you are more pitiful than me!"


The inability to upgrade is also a big blow to the Snake Spirit King. Although it tries to accept it, it is still angered by the jade, and the snake's head opens its mouth and bites at her head.

The bitter tree, the smell of the earth, the three gods of Hua Tianming will be shot, but a burly and strong figure is faster and more powerful than them. That is Luo Nian.

In the absence of the reaction of the snake spirit king, Luo Nian has been attached to the side of the snake body of the snake spirit king, and the big punch of the sandbag is on the snake's body.


The fist seemed to linger on the pillow, the sound was light and boring, but the power that broke out was extremely terrifying. The huge body of the snake spirit king sag, and the force spread from the other side of the snake body, which spreads the space within tens of thousands of miles, and the fluctuations even affect the wide fluctuation caused by the rapid distortion of the space.

Those chaotic creatures who have just invaded, even though they are so far away, still blow them up.


After the power of this boxing is exhausted, the body of the snake spirit is directly turned into a powder, and the dead can no longer die.

Everyone on the jade platform stared at Luo Nian.

After Luo Yuan’s return, he had a reborn change. He also learned from Hua Tian’s life. The power of the exhibition has made everyone look at it. I didn’t expect that the power of the explosion is far beyond their imagination.

"I will protect everyone!"

Luo Nian waved his fist with a smile.

After returning to the chaotic world, he never tried his best. This is the strongest body in the deep air. It is so powerful that he is screaming and his self-confidence is skyrocketing.


A brand new snake spirit king reappeared.


"Awful power, good accidents, but how strong is your strength? Can you kill me?" Snake Spirit King sneered.


Its voice just fell, Luo Nian's figure has appeared in front of the snake spirit king, a fist in the head of the dead king.

Powerful to the ultimate body and strength is enough to get rid of the shackles of space, and even to some extent avoid the influence of omnipotence.

The snake body is again crushed...

It is still only an incarnation in the body that can be killed. As long as the snake spirit king is willing, it can also create thousands of incarnations.


The old snake spirit king was killed, the new snake spirit king appeared in a flash, and was once again killed, and a newer snake spirit king appeared.

This scene revolves around the Jade Terrace, which is fascinating.

The bitter tree and people did not sigh, but they knew the purpose of Luo Nian - to attract the interest of the snake king with strong strength, so that Luo Zheng succeeded.

In the process of Luo Nian constantly killing the snake spirit king, Luo Zheng has quietly appeared at the bottom of the mountain, only a distance from the coordinates of the snake spirit king.

He originally wanted to "appear" directly next to the coordinates. He was easy to do with the power of omnipotence, but the golden ring was very strange, and he was blocked.

Although it is separated by a ring of gold, this distance is enough, he must race against time.

Because as long as the snake spirit "thinks" where Luo Zheng deity goes, he will immediately reveal his position.

"Destroy the pole!"

A circle of purple energy is formed in front of Luo Zheng, which forms a gun head and a gun in the purple energy circle...

As soon as he grasped the gun that destroyed the polar energy, his eyebrows were vertical, and the gun had already smashed toward the front.


The long gun stabbed on the surface of the gold ring, giving a harsh, crisp sound, the golden ring swaying, and some cracks appeared on the edges!

"No broken? Bad..."

Luo Zheng originally thought that this gun could break the gold ring and break the coordinates. I didn’t expect this golden ring to be so amazing that even the ruined state could not break apart!

His reaction was also extremely fast. He received a second shot with a long shot and a second shot. At the same time he spurted out the second shot, he also offered two avatars.


The spirit of the snake spirit and the degraded remain in the mountains, and all their attention is concentrated on Luo Nian.

I have to say that I can see the body of the snake, and it really attracts the king of the snake and the degraded. "The young man's body is terrible... and I can feel that his soul is equally terrible. If you don't rely on the burial ground, I am not his opponent at all. Why can this birth be born in this place? Exist? Yes

Because of the extreme energy? Said the snake spirit king.

The degraded person shook his head and said, "Heavenly rod is brought back by him. He should have a big chance in the deep air. Whether it is the flesh or the power of the soul, it is also top in the deep air. You are not his opponent is normal."

"It's a pity that he fell into my hands. After all, he could only become a mouse that was played," said the snake spirit. "Don't care, they still have the ultimate energy, although it is not worth mentioning, but..." The descendant said half of it, and the six pairs of compound eyes suddenly flashed a red light, and the uneasy emotion spread from him.