MTL - Applaud for Happiness-Chapter 15 Applaud fifteen

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When Jiang Changzheng said that he died of these three words, his tone was a smile, a little ironic.

"My mother tried hard to stay with Jiang Shujin. Even the majority of the property that my father left her was given to Jiang Shujin. Unfortunately, he was blessed and died in a car accident before Jiang Nianjin was born.

That's why it's called Jiang Nianjin? Thinking of your true love?

Shen Qi has walked through countless worlds and has seen countless kinds of emotions between people. Jiang Mu is not the first or last person he sees. He can understand her thoughts, but he does n’t. Represents understanding and approval.

One is the son of true love, one is the son of the disgusted ex-husband, one is a baby, and the other is a disgrace.

He held Jiang Changyu's hand tightly again, and patted him gently, trying to comfort him.

"I can't breathe." Jiang Changxi smiled. These memories that he didn't even want to think about in the past, now speaking, it doesn't seem as embarrassing as he thought.

He is not stupid, but rather extremely clever, and understands why this change is.

To be honest, even if he promised Shen Qi to try with him, in fact, he didn't hold the expectation that he would go on from the bottom of his heart. At one time, he didn't feel how deep he felt about Shen Qi. A beautiful and handsome person who liked his appetite in all aspects appeared and expressed his admiration for himself wholeheartedly. It was false to be indifferent.

It's like a single, straight man who ran into a big beauty who confessed to pursuing his arms, but most of them couldn't carry it.

Secondly, Shen Qi is too young. He is already thirty-six. He has lived more than half of his life. Shen Qi is only in his early twenties. He is more than ten years younger than him. If he puts it in ancient times, he will soon be his father.

He doesn't doubt how much Shen Qi is feeling for him now, but how much of his feeling is because of himself? Even though Shen Qi himself didn't feel it, he could see clearly that most of his feelings for him came from the brain and the worship of idols for many years. Once he understood his essence, he might not continue to like it.

Shen Qi's feelings were too hot and brilliant, like fireworks and comets, so he couldn't be connected with the long-term.

If Shen Qi knew that because he was too enthusiastic, he would make Jiang Changxuan feel insecure, and I'm afraid he would die.

This anxiety, even if he now reveals his unbearable disguise, even if Shen Qi's attitude delights him, he still cannot be relieved.

But his feelings for him were deepening.

He didn't dare to say that he only liked him, his whole life, and so on, but for now, he didn't want to let go, he wanted to try with him, and try to go on together.

"Happiness +15."

Shen Qi was shocked by a huge surprise. If he didn't sing, it was already a blockbuster. He actually added fifteen points directly at one time. This was the biggest increase in his happiness value since he contacted Jiang Changyu, and he didn't hesitate.

There was a sense of joy and an indescribable emotion lingering in the heart, and it finally turned into a bright smile, loosely holding Jiang Changxuan's hand, and burying his face in his chest, the smile was about to come to his ears.

"Why are you so happy all of a sudden?" Jiang Changzheng wondered, and pinched his cheek with his fingertips.

Shen Qi raised his head from his arms, and he was so happy that he did not see his teeth: "I don't know, I'm just happy." He got up and kissed Jiang Chang with his lips, "You see, even after going through these things, you are still so good , Of course I am happy. "

Neglected and abused, Jiang Changyu stood up tenaciously and, with his own efforts, became the Jiang Yingdi now praised by everyone.

Such an excellent person is worthy of his love for so many years, and more importantly, he is now his!

Shen Qi was even happier when he thought of it. He took his face and kissed him again, patting his chest: "You can rest assured, I will hurt you in the future, and no one will dare to bully you! Whoever dares to bully you, I will help you bully back ! "

This sentence is not only from the standpoint of Shen Qishao, but also from the heart of Shen Qi. If he counts seriously, he is actually much larger than Jiang Changzheng. Jiang Changzheng is only a teenager in his eyes. If he was originally from Jiang Changzheng, He likes him externally, but now because of his inside, he is very cold-resistant to the kind of blackened villain, and he prefers such a person who persists in self-adversity and works hard to succeed.

Although Shen Qi was born naturally, he was also a man. He thought he was older than Jiang Changzheng, and he would naturally take care of him in the future.

Can not help but secretly sighed that this time the person set the right choice.

Jiang Changmao couldn't laugh or cry, but his heart was warm and coaxed him: "Okay, if someone bullies me in the future, I will tell you immediately."

Shen Qi smiled proudly: "Don't underestimate me, I'm terrible! You'll know tomorrow!"

He is Shen Qishao, with Shen behind him!

"In this case, you will come to my house with me tomorrow." He originally thought that he would be with Jiang Mu, who knows that the relationship between the mother and son is so bad, let alone Mid-Autumn Festival, I am afraid they are not together for the New Year. Fifteen, let's go back to the Shen family with him.

Jiang Changzheng hesitated slightly: "OK."

After sharing the secrets, the relationship between the two went further and the atmosphere was so good. They should have met frankly and reached the home base. However, they had to see their parents the next day. Where is Jiang Changzheng? A gift.

Shen Qi is a staff officer who will explain his family ’s hobbies one by one. Although Shen Qi ’s identity is forged, all memories are true, and everything is traceable from small to large. He is not new to the world. Actually, It has been more than four years since then, and all the real star-catching blog posts on Weibo were knocked down word by word.

He is not just looking at the identity of the Shen family. At the time of the program inspection, there were five alternative identities. He chose the Shen family. The same family name was Shen. Second, Shen's mother happened to have a child because of an accidental abortion, and he replaced it. Got this kid.

The origin of orphan Shen Qi, unless special circumstances, is very kind to the parents and families of each mission world, treat them as best as possible in their own scope.

Some of them are those who only care about the goal of the task to achieve their goals, or those who are totally outside and do n’t devote half of their emotions. Shen Qi belongs to a different kind. Each of his worlds is true and sincere, but he invests more or less. Similar to practice, some people choose to be born, and Shen Qi chooses to join the world.

At the beginning, he will be painful and sad, but after a long time, he learned to adjust. When he invested, he was totally devoted, and when he was finished, he was chic and chic. Nowadays, there is wine and drunkness. .

In the blink of an eye the next day, I woke up too early to catch the plane yesterday, and I woke up until more than ten o'clock, but was awakened by a phone call to express delivery.

Shen Qi brushed his teeth and washed his face, shocked by the piles of boxes in the living room.

"Did you buy so much yesterday?" How could he remember that there were not so many in the shopping cart.

Jiang Changzheng unpacked the boxes and divided them into different categories: "I want all of them. These are not all for your family. Some are left for our own use."

Shen Qi came to help, and the two quickly sorted things out.

"I already told my parents that we will leave in a while, just in time to eat at noon, I will not stay overnight at night, how about coming back after dinner?"

When the matter came to an end, Jiang Changzheng became nervous in vain. He did not expect that one day he would actually go to see his parents with **** people.

Fortunately, he is not a hairy guy, he should have some calmness, and nod his head when he is cleaned up.

The fourth family of the Shen family was in the same room. The old father Shen was in poor health when he was young. He was gone eight years ago, leaving the old lady Shen. There is only one son, Shen, who has three children after his marriage. Shen Qi, the third child who should have had an abortion.

Mr. Shen has two brothers, and each has children.

Brother Shen is married and has a pair of dragons and phoenixes. He is the second child among his brothers and sisters. Most of his family members are called second children. Shen's entertainment is taken over by him.

Sister Shen actually ranked fourth.

Because Shen Qi said hello beforehand, when he arrived at the door of the house, before he knocked on the door, the door opened, and two five- or six-year-old children, one man and one woman, looked very similar.

"Uncle Seven!"

"Uncle Xiaoqi!"

One person hung on Shen Qi.

"This is Yuanyuan and Tuantuan, my brother's child." Shen Qi held one in one hand, "This is Uncle Jiang."

The two of them kidded his shoulders and looked at Jiang Changyu.

"Hello," Jiang Changzheng said with a smile.

Sister Yuanyuan tilted her head: "Hello, are you the one that Qishu said he likes?" His eyes lit up, "You look so good."

The younger brother sucked his nose and said, "It's him. I've seen pictures of him. Uncle Xiaoqi's room is full of his pictures." His little adult reached out to Jiang Changyu and shook hands. "Hello Xiaoqiu, I am It's a ball. "


Shen Qi kicked a foot.

Rao is as smooth as Jiang Changyu, and he can't help it.

"I was wrong." Yuan Yuandao said, "I was talking about a girl, and Uncle Jiang was a boy. He couldn't be called, he was called ... he was called ..." She frowned, apparently this was not within her knowledge .

"Just called Uncle." Shen Qi quickly said, "Just call Uncle Jiang."

"Okay." Tuan Tuan "reluctantly" accepted the statement.

Yuanyuan obviously likes Jiang Changyu very much and reaches out his hand: "Uncle Jiang is coming, grandma, grandma, grandpa and aunts are waiting for you!"

Shen Qi held his two children and turned back: "Go, go home!"

The little tension in Jiang Changmin's heart suddenly disappeared, and he picked up the gift that Shen Qi had put on the ground, and laughed, "OK."

The author has something to say: Shen Qi and Du Jiu are different. Du Jiu is actually very simple in terms of feelings. Shen Qi can be said to be an old driver. In various aspects, the two are completely different.

Therefore, it is not so easy for Shen Qi to pay all his feelings. For Shen Qi, at least for now, this is his task. He is completing the task. Jiang Changyu is his task goal. Do n’t expect his first world. I can fall in love immediately. The relationship is gradual. I didn't want to spoiler originally, but I am worried that everyone wants to be partial. I can only spoil it. This so-called new project is actually aimed at Shen Qilai.

This is actually a story that has been pursued by every means.