MTL - Arbor Siluo Depend on Each Other-Chapter 3 find fault

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  Chapter 3 Here Comes the Finder

  Is their wife insane?

   This monster cannot be eaten.

   "If you want to die, you can die yourself, and you still want to take us with you."

  Mu Xuan spoke angrily.

   "Shut up." Joey said coldly.

  Mu Xuan can't understand her, she bears it.

   After all, it is the original owner too much.

  I don't mind scolding her at ordinary times, anyway, she won't lose a piece of meat.

   But now she is very, very hungry.

   She has a bad temper after being hungry.

  When Mu Xuan heard Qiao Yi tell him to shut up, his whole body trembled and his face turned red.

   stretched out his hand, pointing at Joey.

  My chest was bulging, and I was about to curse when I opened my mouth.

   As a result, before he could swear, he was attracted by the delicious food that suddenly stuffed into his mouth.

  Suddenly forgot what I wanted to do just now.

  Qiao Yi didn't look at the Mu family brothers either. Seeing that the firecrackers had finally stopped, she opened her mouth.

"This is edible. Look at how I made it. The shell is not edible. The meat inside is fine. Remember, the shrimp threads must be cleaned up. As for what you want to ask, I will talk about it after eating .”

  Listening to Qiao Yi's words, no matter how many doubts he had in his heart, he could only keep silent.

  See how delicious Joey eats, and the cooked crayfish smell really delicious.

   Only then did they start to eat one by one, imitating Joey and began to eat.

   After eating a crayfish, several people's eyes lit up, and then they ate uncontrollably and crazily.

  They did not expect that the "monster" with such a scary appearance would have such white and tender meat, and such a delicious taste.

  Growing so big, even when their parents were alive, they never tasted such delicious food.

  The five of them ate up Qiao Yi's 20-jin crayfish in a short while.

  But everyone's stomach was only tightly packed.

  Seeing this, Qiao Yi went to the river again. This time, he picked up two baskets and cooked them.

   By the time everyone had eaten, it was already noon.

   After putting away the shrimp shells, the four Mu brothers all looked at Qiao Yi.

  Even Mu Xuan, who had a temper like a firecracker, looked at Qiao Yi quietly.

   Qiao Yi straightened out his thoughts, and then said: "How many days have I been in a coma?"

   "Three days." Mu Yun should arrive.

   "No wonder I feel like it's been a long, long time. In fact, the past few days are not so much that I'm in a coma, it's better to say that this is a chance that God gave me."

  “There is always a voice in my head, asking me to reflect, asking me to think about where I went wrong, saying that if I don’t understand what I went wrong within three days, then never wake up.”

   "I thought about it for a long time, but I didn't know where I was wrong. But when that voice appeared again, saying that the last time was up, I suddenly understood, and I understood where I was wrong."

   "But after I understand it, I don't want to wake up. Hehe..."

  Joy paused when he said this, with a wry smile on his face.

  Looking into the distance, but there is no focus in the pupil.

  Joy like this made the Mu brothers feel a little nervous.

   "The moment I wanted to give up, another voice sounded, telling me to live, I must live, only living can have hope, once I die, there is really nothing left."

   "So I woke up. Whether you believe it or not, I will not do anything to you in the future. I will live a good life and support this family."

   "As for this, it was the voice in the dream that told me that it was edible after seeing that I was really sorry."

   After Qiao Yi finished speaking, seeing the suspicious eyes of the Mu family brothers, he didn't care about it, but turned around and poured the shrimp shells into the weeds behind the hut.

   It is definitely impossible to hide the fact that this thing can be eaten, but it is a day if it can be delayed.

  The Mu family has no land, so they have almost no income except for show jobs and raising rabbits in the mountains.

  So she plans to make a fortune with the almost inexhaustible supply of crayfish in this river.

  Before winter comes, green brick and tile houses cannot be built, why should we build two warm mud embryo houses?

   Also prepare some food for winter.

  The most important thing is to get through this winter.

  After processing the crayfish shells, Joey stretched out.

  Ancient air is good.

  Take a deep breath and feel comfortable.

  She likes this superficial dynasty, where life is not as fast-paced as modern times.

  Here she can use her various skills that she is not very skilled to make money.

  Even if she can't make money, she can still make money from the endless mountains across the river in front of her.

  Relying on mountains to eat mountains and relying on water to eat water, this is a famous saying.

   Just as Joey was looking at the river and mountains in front of him and thinking about the future, the noise in the distance caught Joey's attention.

  Even the slightly absent-minded Mu brothers came to Qiao Yi's side and looked along where the voice came from.

   Seeing the person coming, the youngest Mu Xuan became angry.

   "It's too much to deceive people." He growled violently in a low voice, then found a pole and held it in his hand.

   "Third brother, don't be impulsive." Mu Yun frowned. When will his third brother be more rational?

   "It's all locked up, how can you let me not be impulsive?" Mu Xuan is like a violent lion at this time.

   There is a posture of biting whoever comes over.

  Joy just wanted to ask what was going on, but the crowd had already arrived.

   "Village Chief, you have to take care of this matter. The youngest of the Mu family has scared my chickens so much that they won't lay eggs. My family relies on these roosters to lay eggs to support the whole family."

  A woman who was as fat as a fat pig, with a fat face, and eyes that could hardly be seen, shouted in a rough voice.

  When he saw Joey standing in the front, he snorted contemptuously.

"Your father's blood spitting, when did I scare your rooster? I just passed by your door. I haven't said that your rooster scared me. Besides, how many old roosters have you raised? How old is it? I'm about to die of old age. Have you ever seen a father who can still give birth to a child?"

  Mu Xuan didn't wait for the village chief to speak, he pointed at Mu Daju and scolded him.

   Hearing what Mu Xuan said, many people covered their mouths and laughed, and their shoulders shrugged.

   Even the village chief coughed.

  Mu Daju blushed angrily when she saw this, and her neck was thick.

   "Village chief, you can see that the youngest of the Mu family has such virtues. It's a ruin of family style. A husband and wife dare to point at my nose and scold me."

   "I'm just as good as I am, what can you do? Whether my house is leaky or not is none of your business? If you have that kind of leisure, you might as well worry about why your old rooster doesn't lay eggs."

  Mu Xuan is not the one who suffers, and no matter what women are superior to men, and no matter what women are around, men should not talk.

  If you criticize me and make me dissatisfied, I will hate you.

  Anyway, he is not afraid of wearing shoes when he is barefoot.

  Mu Daju was so angry that his seven orifices were about to smoke.

  The purpose of her bringing the village chief here today is to make the Mu family lose money. If there is no money, then get out of the Mu family village.

   I didn't expect the youngest of the Mu family to be so talkative.

   And the village chief looked up at the sky, and didn't care about this uneducated boy.

  But when he saw Joey with the old **** present, his eyes lit up.

  (end of this chapter)