MTL - Arcane Age-Chapter 547 Arcane energy

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The transmission and flow of energy is accompanied by huge losses. This is also the key to many spells having a range of spells. The seven-ring spell "Rainbow Jet" is typical of this spell, with nearly a legendary spell within ten yards. Power, but when it exceeds three hundred yards, it is almost the same as a fireball.

How to maintain energy in the long-distance conduction of energy spells is not a serious failure, which is an eternal subject for the magician. For thousands of years, countless magicians have proposed exploration and experimental results in many directions, and have made some progress. Especially in the middle and low ring spells.

However, for the seven-ring and even legendary spells, such a huge amount of energy, attenuation is inevitable. Even the legendary spell of the Nine Rings, it is very good to have a range of one kilometer.

For this topic, Xiwei and Zero have been conducting research and exploration all the time, especially after Xiwei was promoted to the legendary rank.

"Superconductivity", as a term that was once known to the world, has finally entered the vision of Xiwei after hundreds of times of repeated tests of changing variables.

But the energy superconductivity of the Orient world does not depend on ultra-low temperature, special conductors, but light and shadow.

This is also a discovery of Xiwei's exploration of the source of light. Compared with the elements, the light and shadow energy are more conductive and the decay rate is very low.

So how to use the elements to simulate light and shadow characteristics has become an important topic in the study of Xiwei and Zero. After a month of experimentation, Xiwei and Zero finally achieved a key breakthrough.

The two combined to cast a spell, one used to simulate the light, one used to simulate the shadow, two elements of different nature attract and aggregate each other, and finally get the most essential blending energy, as from the "magic missile" to the "Arcane" The change of the missile.

After three years of growth, Xiwei finally thoroughly understood the principle of the energy conversion of the "Arcane Missile" that was accidentally obtained. It was precisely in the light and shadow. That time, Ms. Silver Moon helped her to complete this part. And this time, Xiwei and zero can do it.

This is a new milestone. As a new profession, the Arcane Master has a fundamental energy that is completely different from that of the magician. Xiwei will gradually stabilize and standardize the Arcane energy. The Arcanists will no longer use the elements directly. The magic of cohesion, but the arcane energy refined by the magic of the elements!

Arcane energy is more pure and more stable than elemental magic, and it is exempt from most protective spells and energy barriers. It is very suitable as a source of strength for future Arcanists.

Nowadays, the cloud tower, the Bohai Sea, the enterprise, the civilization, and the star-watching five-island mage tower are in harmony with each other. The mighty elements are transmitted in it. Each time a Master Tower is passed, it will increase once, and it will be transmitted five times in a row. Five times, the element pool of the five mage towers violently boiled, and Morris, Meryl and Yang, who presided over the Master Tower, almost reached the limit!

Finally, with the order of Xiwei, the mighty elements of the five reincarnations were directly spurted from the towers of the two islands in the clouds and the Bohai Sea. Two dazzling beams of light were drawn on the sky, directly aimed at Violet tower and moon tower.

"Come on!" Xiwei and Zero know that now is the most critical and difficult stage of the entire cast. The light and shadow of their etheric simulations are more and more real and thicker. After the two elements of the flood hit two towers, the whole Violet Island The sky suddenly turned into a day, a huge white light group shines on the top of the Violet tower, swallowing the figure of Xiwei, like a sun staying at the top of the tower!

"This, this energy is even stronger!" A large number of arcans gathered at the morning star tower of the Arcanist headquarters, which is the safest place in the entire Violet Island. For the Arcanist, the enemy is not terrible, but knowledge And the magic is more intoxicating and awe.

In the face of the horror ball of light that the president of Violet and the president of the Arcane Review Committee, Savi, summoned, no arcane master was born with awe, because the energy of this ball is so terrible that it is far beyond the nine rings. The ultimate in legendary spells!

"Don't it be that I have to see the legendary Tenth Ring of the Holy Flames?" The young Jun, who had just exchanged from the University of Copenhagen, was shocked. His heart instantly smashed and his eyes stared straight into the sky. The ball of light is not lost.

Nine-ring legendary spells are not uncommon, and every legendary caster can perform, but Orient has been around for hundreds of years, and no one has ever seen the power of the Ten Rings.

Although the catastrophe of the Glorious Lord when he left, if converted into a spell, at least the power of the tenth ring or even the eleventh ring, but that is the miracle displayed by the billionaires of glory, not any mortal can display it. . For thousands of years, magicians have been challenging themselves to pursue the limits, but the existence of the Ten Rings sacred spells has been questioned by many young scholars.

At this moment, the light in the hands of Xiwei attracted the attention of almost everyone, but no one paid attention to the zero in the shadow. The island on the moon seemed to disappear completely at this moment, becoming the end of all light, reflecting the violet tower. The light, in the silence, gathers the power to destroy the earth.

"What is that?" Shouted the phoenix phoenix, and even he could sense the horrible power of the distant light ball. He shivered and shivered from the depths of his soul to remind him to run away quickly.

The sea is dark and gloomy. As the leader of the Orient expeditionary army, as the great priest of the deep sea queen, Canoya, he has the energy of a far more legendary caster, and he also cultivates deep sea magic and natural spells. Is a very powerful and experienced caster.

The light in the distance contains the destructive power of terror, but is there really a spell that can break through the sky of nearly 100 kilometers and hit the army of fishermen?

No, it’s impossible, even if it’s the Queen of the Deep Sea, it’s impossible to do this. Perhaps it’s just that the enemy is helping the merchant ship to escape!

Hai finally made up his mind, firmly waved his hand and ordered the returning fisherman to return. He must continue to observe the changes and be cautious in making decisions. Since this magical armored ship has appeared, it will never escape its palm.

Despite the help of the popular bombs, the escape of the merchant fleet was thrilling. "Mr. Nat" became another hapless, and was directly pierced by the legendary squid fisherman who took the lead in charge, in an instant. It sank to the bottom of the sea and was completely destroyed.

"The fisherman stopped chasing, general!" Major Cayor's nervous mood finally eased, and he said excitedly to the distance.

Catalina looked at the complex glow of the North and silently nodded.

Finally, in the long process of casting, Xavi and Zero controlled the elemental energy that was increased by twenty-five times from the five five-pointed star-shaped mage tower. At this time, the power of the entire spell has far exceeded the limit of the legendary spell. Hertha, but came to the horror of the 280th Heta!

Although Xiwei and Zero are used to simulate light and shadow, respectively, the energy is gradually approaching the limit they can control. The pool of elements at the bottom of the Violet Tower and the Moon Tower is violently boiling, close to the edge of the collapse.

The whole person of Xiwei has been fully integrated into the light. This is not the source of light provided by Yulichia, but the radiance of the transformation of the etheric elements. This is not the light of the sun, but the light of the arcane!

At the last limit, the last moment before the rolling torrent is about to break the dyke, Xiwei and Zero look at each other and slowly push the light and shadow in the hand toward the other side.

The light and the faint shadow gradually approached, and each other was absorbed. The magical scene that was once performed in the test of Xiwei and Zero was re-enacted. However, this time, the energy has increased by more than a thousand times!

Light and shadow are combined with the energy of hundreds of Herthas gathered together. A pure and stable energy is born in it. This energy is so powerful that even with the combination of Xiwei and Zero, it is impossible to control.

But this is enough. The soul of Xiwei directly locked the sea 80 kilometers away with the help of zero. The deep sea priest Hai and the deep sea horn he gave by the deep sea queen, Canoya, are just in the dark. The lighthouse is so dazzling.

"Light of Arcane!" With the grand voice, the heavens and the earth are bright, this is already a twilight moment, but all the people on the west coast of the Gold Coast have noticed this magical scene, in the East, in the West, in the South, a The new white sun is shining, and it’s so dazzling that it’s enough to keep your eyes closed!

The 280th Heta is not the limit of the light of this arcane. After the transformation of the light and shadow of Xiwei and Zero, its energy has increased again, and it has reached 560 Heta!

A huge super-orbital arcane energy wave directly locked into the deep sea priest Hai, the ultimate weapon of the Violet protection system built by Xiwei finally showed its horror in front of the world.

"This, this!" Hai whispered, is there really a spell that can cast such a range?

At the last moment, his soul was shaken. With instinct, he immediately inspired the strongest magical power given by the deep sea queen, Canoya, before the expedition, and it was also the life-saving nine-ring magic of the bottom of the box. will"!

This moment is no longer the practice of the deep sea priest Hai, behind him, a huge illusion is condensing, the dark blue faint giant figure, with countless tentacles and gloomy desperate atmosphere, the deep sea queen 寇Kanoya For the first time, her power was projected into the main material plane.

However, Deca Noya had just arrived in the mainland of Orient, and had not had time to figure out what had happened. The dazzling arc of the Arcane had already rushed in and hit her directly!

The next moment, the sea was boiling and turned into a steam sea with hundreds of degrees of high temperature. The huge bubbles rose into the sky like a bubble rain.

However, for the fishermen, this is the most terrible torment. Although they have been living in the worst natural environment, they cannot adapt to such a terrible environment, let alone the magnificent arcane energy with the destruction of the earth. Enough to crush everything, is gradually engulfing the will of their god, the great deep sea queen, Canoya!

Yes, even one of the most powerful demigods in the world of the Orient world, the will of the deep sea queen, Canoya, is simply unable to fight the light of this arcane, all her gloom and despair, all the dark frenzy In the face of the Arcane Light, the film disintegrated and disappeared. The Queen’s Majesty only had time to open her mouth and did not say anything. She was beaten back to the frenzy deep sea.

The energy of the Arcane Light is still raging. Thousands of fishermen and elite warriors have no resistance in the face of this horror, even the legendary powerhouse. At most, it can only delay the death, and suffer in despair. Struggling for a moment.

The deep sea priest Hai, as the goal of Xiwei’s lock, did not escape the fate of death. When the will of the 寇Kanoya dissipated, he was instantly penetrated by the light of the arcane. Although the layer of defense was opened, it did not help. .

The fishermen mobilized, the whole golden sea's big gathering, thousands of fish people elite, deep sea priest Hai, all overturned under the light of this arcane light The surviving Holy Norman Empire merchant ship stopped the death Running around, all the boats were floating quietly on the water. All the crew members were stunned one by one. They didn’t know what happened. The dazzling light flashed, and the horrible fisherman army disappeared.

Catalina was pale, and she naturally knew what had just happened. Violet, or Xiwei even summoned such a terrible energy blow, which is more than 80 kilometers away!

As a legendary strongman, she naturally has pride, but she asks herself if she has just exchanged her into the fisherman's army, even if it is this glorious aftermath, she is completely unable to resist.

This has gone far beyond the legendary field. Even the projection of the deep sea queen, Canoya, is vulnerable. I am afraid that only the sanctuary and even the semi-god's full-scale attack will be comparable.

In any case, Katrina knows that after the World War I, Xiwei and Violet will be famous. He is no longer a legend of tomorrow, a star of potential, but a true powerhouse. This is the glory that he sent out. Wild roar, shocking the world!

"Ten Rings sacred magic, ten ring sacred spells, I am sure and sure, this spell is beyond the limits of all the legendary nine-ring magic, only the legendary ten-ring sacred spells are comparable!" Morning Star Tower In the middle of it, Bol was excited and shouted, and his words quickly reminded all the arcans around him. Yes, we were fortunate enough to witness the first sacred magic in the past 100 years!

Moreover, this magical sacred spell was once violent, and it directly ruined most of the elites of the scorpion fishermen's expeditionary army. Even the projections of the deep sea queen 寇Kanoya were vulnerable, the sea was boiling, the heavens and the earth changed, magic The power of this is so powerful, all the arcane masters are excited at this moment, for the president of Xiwei, for a brighter future of arcane!