MTL - Arcane Age-Chapter 561 Stealing authority

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The bright camps are of course fighting each other, and the dark parliament is not a piece of iron. Therefore, under the mutual restraint, this matchup is only played between France and the non-death spirit, and the outstanding morning monk, Ulysia, is undoubtedly It became the most shining sun in the entire battlefield at the moment.

"The Lord of the Morning, the first light of the Orient world, is born to control the source of light, and now its gods are as good as the Lord of the Sun with the glory of the Lord, as long as these two light gods Without falling, the Dark Council could not completely conquer the continent of Orient." A legendary **** warlock from the Holy Norman Empire sighed.

The sacred rune system that Xiwei helped Ulympia to build finally saw results. Although there were millions of morning devotees in a short time, most of these new believers learned to understand the low-circle morning gods under the guidance of the pastor. The consumption of Ulysia's divine power has only increased by three or four times compared with the previous one.

But she has received the blessings of the millions of morning believers. If it is a true god, with so many powers of faith, the limits of the gods and the limits of divine power can immediately rise sharply. Even so, the Lord of the Morning has deepened the control of the power of the light, and she is far stronger than three months ago.

In the spread of faith, the undead king Bades slowed down. The number of psychics was far less than that of the morning worshippers. On the battlefield, the glory of the morning sun, Ulysia, completely suppressed the darkness, and the French elite In the battle with the undead army, it gradually gained the upper hand.

The undead king Bades is singing and guiding the ten-ring sacred magic as the sword of Damocles hanging over the heads of the people. Once the spell is completed, the battle will inevitably fail. Therefore, at the beginning of the war, the French side has already exploded. The most powerful force.

Both Olong and Visby have become the most shining knights on the battlefield. They are almost unstoppable wherever they go, and the lord of death, Von Neumann, is constantly commanding, and it is only able to withstand these efforts. The last enemy of the fight.

However, at this time, the three Necromancer towers have been fully operational, and the negative energy source is continuously transmitted through the pool of the Styx. The three Necromancer towers are slowly rising, suspended in the air, and the green negative energy is like a satin curtain. The link between the three towers runs back and forth, almost completely integrated into one.

In this uninterrupted energy back and forth, like the tides of the same wave, the energy is constantly raised, and the power contained in it continues beyond the energy benchmark of the nine-ring legendary spell. Continue to rise.

Above the sky, several legendary spellcasters, led by the blue phantom Lannister's changing blue dragon, are battling the Styx dragon, the Thunder and the storm, death and ice are colliding, causing dramatic weather changes, instantly There will be a lot of rain in the spring.

However, all these battles are only the background. All the sacred fields and legends are also the supporting roles of this battle. The change of the form of the frontal battlefield depends entirely on the two of the morning lord, Ulysses and the undead king, Bardes. A confrontation between the top half gods in the world of Orient.

Although the momentum of the Lord of the Morning has come to the peak, but the face of the three towers of energy blended into one, the pool of the river of the river continues to bless the undead king Baddes, she also can not think of the possibility of interrupting the enemy.

At this moment, Bardes is like the Infiniti, the lord of the Sun, who is holding the Apocalypse of Light and the Holy Sun. It has a steady stream of supplements and is far more extraordinary.

"Xiwei, Victor, it's up to you!" Yu Lixia's brilliance sheltered all the soldiers around, looking forward to the arrival of the plane.

At this time, Xiwei and Victor Hugo had already come to the position of the bones, and waited for a full three days of Reinhart in the pool of the Styx.

"The decisive battle has already begun, and Bardes is leading a ten-ring sacred spell. He is innocent, and Reinhart, began to steal the authority of the pool of the Styx and become the master here!"

Reinha has nodded. The whole person once again sneaked into the pool of the Styx. The power of death is completely open. Like the long whales, the power of death in the pool of the Styx is absorbed.

Originally working at full capacity, the pool of the Styx that provided negative energy for the three Necromancer towers was instantly pulled by this reverse attraction, and the flowing water of the Styx began to divert, and most of them continued to follow the pipeline through the legendary Lich. The tower of the Necromancer in Diesel was converted into negative energy, but more than one-fifth was intercepted by Rheinhardt.

The change in the pool of the Styx was instantly sensed by the legendary Lich Dessel, who sent directly to the pool of the Styx River and saw Reinhardt at the center of the vortex at a glance.

"The **** ants, dare to spy on stealing the power of the undead king!" Dissel's hand in a deep red beam instantly hit, it is the nine ring death spell "death one finger", hit the kill, even the undead Or you are no exception.

However, this "death one finger" hit Reinhardt's body, but made him as comfortable as a hot bath, without any feeling of discomfort, because he has the power to kill, completely exempted. The death effect of the "Death One Finger" spell!

Diesel finally realized the seriousness of the problem. The ants who steal negative energy, like the ones of Bards, are the masters of the power of death, and the enemy of the battle of death with Bardes!

He will immediately return to the Necromancer Tower, because in this Master Tower, his ability to cast spells will increase dramatically, but at this moment, a starlight falls on him, firmly locking his space spells. ability.

Xiwei quietly stood up. This space imprisonment was strengthened after he referred to the "Starry Sky Lock". Although he could not be banned, he could also ban legends and even enemies of the Sanctuary. For the legend of Diesel. The Lich, the time of imprisonment is no more than a quarter of an hour.

But this is enough, Victor Hugo changed directly into an ancient red dragon, a red flame spurt out, crazy to sizzle Diesel's bone shelf!

The magical robe of Diesel is a legendary magical object, with more than four protections against the legendary level attack, but in the face of Victor Hugo’s horrible red flame, it is almost instantaneously disintegrated. The road collapsed.

"The Lord of Change!" Dissel naturally recognized the "Five Law" identity, and the entire Orient World did not have a dragon like him. He immediately realized that this was an attack by the enemy. And the conspiracy, the mystery of the pool of the Styx is exposed!

But despite the downside, Diesel did not panic, he continued to use a variety of legendary epic level magical things, which he made in the long time, although these epic and legendary levels of magic Almost all of them were destroyed by Victor Hugo in an instant, but they got enough time for him.

The space on the body disappeared, and a white light flashed in a flash. Diesel appeared directly at the center of the Gathering of the Necromancer Tower. As long as he stood here, he had a confrontation with the fifth law. Bottom!

However, at this moment, he changed his face, and his cheekbones showed a look of horror, because before him, there was actually a person who took control of this Necromancer Tower and replaced his authority!

How can this be? I have been here for nearly a hundred years, except for the great undead king Bades, no one can easily be anti-customer!

It is Shi Wei who completes this impossible feat. He has realized the "two flowers" of the power of death in the endless river, and to some extent has the same level as the legendary Lich Diesel. The right to die, in the time when this quarter of the clock was confined, Victor Hugo was entangled in Diesel to make him innocent, and Xiwei entered the Necromancer Tower, with the help of zero, Direct control of the authority of this mage tower.

The Xiwei Imperial Master Tower relies on the power of death, higher than negative energy, and ignores most of the organs and secret language, violent cracking, violent control, and anti-customer. At this moment, the gathering of energy can continue to be negative. The energy gathered, but it was attributed to Xiwei.

But this negative energy can only be used to cast Necromancer spells. Most Necromancer spells have almost no damage to the legendary Lich. Xiwei can only cast a spell. This spell is very targeted. It is the legendary space spell of the Nine Rings. "Positioned exile."

With the power of space spells and Necromancer spells, Xiwei directly exiled Diesel to a chaotic and disorderly face. Even if Xiwei himself, he must find at least half of the magic time to find the way back. Necromancer spells directly block all negative energy in Diesel's body for at least one magical time.

It is very difficult to defeat a legendary lich. It is even more difficult to kill or even destroy a legendary lich. The most important thing is time, so Xiwei chose to eliminate this trouble.

Poor Diesel, the first Lich in the world of Orient, has a far more extraordinary legendary caster, enough to compare the strength of the legendary magician, but the first change of the Styx caused by Reinhardt led the mage The tower, again by the changing Lord Victor Hugo, blocked the retreat, and Xiwei took the opportunity to steal the Master's Tower, completely falling into the passive, and even notified the undead King Baders could not do it.

However, Diesel is not required to inform Bardes. With the increasing authority of the Styx Pool stolen by Reinhardt, the negative energy supplied to the Three Towers is becoming less and less, and even a shortage begins. .

Xiwei controlled the tower of the Necromancer, constantly trying and issuing orders to slow down the energy transmission to the Orient plane. Although it could not be interrupted for a while, it also played a good effect.

The undead king, Bardes, who is singing and guiding the eyes of the ten-ring sacred magic spell, has a slight tremor. Now, how can he guess that there is a change in the pool of the Styx?

The plane key of the entire buried bone is in the hands of Bardes, and anyone can't escape his induction, but he thinks of the legendary caster who mastered the "Symbolism". Bardes finally understood that the original problem was here!

Budds frowned. At this moment, the energy of the Eye of Death guided the savings just over halfway. Is it interrupting the spell to return to the pool of the Styx to deal with these mice, or to guide the completion of the spell and destroy the Maginot line?

Buddes subconsciously closed the space transmission channel of the position of the buried bone, and no one could enter or leave in a short time. He has made up his mind to deal with the mouse at home and then destroy the defense line no later than it!

The younger lady of the morning sun, Ulysia, is naturally able to sense the change of negative energy. The energy transmission in the pool of the Styx suddenly decreases greatly. It is no doubt that Xiwei has succeeded!

Seeing the death of the undead king Bades, the deep breath of the sea has calmed down. Ulysia flew up into the sky without hesitation, and a pair of jade hands gently tore a roll of scattered starlight~www.novelbuddy .com~Stars and Locks, the super space ban spells copied by Grodick, the second law navigator!

In an instant, the night sky appeared on the sky, the blue starlight fell, turned into a magical lock, the undead king Bades was firmly locked at the top of the Necromancer Tower, unable to move, unable to transmit !

"This, this is the starry sky lock!" Boss Anthony clearly recognized the name of this spell, but he and the second Fagrodick's contemporary magician, once witnessed Grodick's performance of this spell Weineng: "Even if you don't die, King Bardes will be locked and unable to move. This is the best time to defeat the undead King Bades!"

At this moment, in the pool of the Styx, Reinhardt has stolen more than half of the pool of the Styx, and Xiwei has finally found a way to cut off the negative energy transmission. As he commands the input and execution, it is like The negative energy pipeline that flows through the rivers and rivers is stagnation, and the energy transmission to the Orient continent is completely interrupted!

"Okay, this time, we are speeding back to the mainland of Orient, besieging Bades!" Xiwei knows that although "Star Lock" is a very overbearing space-free spell, but for the undead King Baders There is absolutely no time to ban his time, and the chance to win is fleeting!

Xiwei launched the "Breakthrough of Universal Understanding", but his face changed instantly, his figure did not move at all, and he stayed in place!

"Bades has forbidden all the space transmission in the position of the bones!" Bardes controld the key to the plane of the bones, and naturally had this authority, which cut off the possibility of the smuggling of the West.

"We walked through the endless river!" But Xiwei looked at the endless river of the river beyond the pool of the Styx, and found the second road. (To be continued.)

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