MTL - Artifact Planting Space-v4 Chapter 238 Zeng Yi’s surprise

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"Xie County Lord!"

The disciples of hundreds of refiners have been excited one by one.

In the eyes of the gods and gods, he finally remembered a way to speed up the cultivation of the official way. That is to use air transport to add to this matter.

If there is no accident.

I am afraid that the strong people of the entire Guanghe County will rush to cultivate the official road.


On the top of the unknown hill, there is a pavilion.


Zeng Yi landed in the pavilion and cleaned the dead leaves and dust with a wave of his hand. He took out the food and wine and placed it on the stone table, waiting for the arrival of Ye Tian.

That is the time between breaths, Ye Tian appeared in the pavilion, he looked at the surrounding environment and smiled: "The scenery here is not bad."

"Well, I used to come here with my wife and drink a little wine. It was very pleasant!" Zeng Yi sat down and poured a glass of wine on Ye Tian: "Let's sit down and talk slowly, maybe next time I meet. After the year."

"The Sovereign really intends to return to the refining ancestors tens of thousands of years ago?" Ye Tian shrugged a sip of wine and asked seriously.

"Yeah!" Zeng Yi nodded.

"How did the lord deal with you tens of thousands of years ago?" Ye Tian asked again.

"I won't disturb his life. It will only appear when my wife is about to fall. My intention is to make my wife live with me!" Zeng Yi smiled at Ye Tian: "You can rest assured. I don't know how I was about myself a thousand years ago. After all, I also know the consequences of tampering with history, and I am still my own!"

"That's good!" Ye Tian was somewhat pleased: "When did the Sovereign leave the refining ancestor thousands of years ago?"

"Wait a minute, I have other things to tell you now!" Zeng Yi took out a mysterious instrument similar to a bird cage: "This is what I found in Zhang Wei's residence, it is a control class. Artifact, there are hundreds of strong people in it, including the bamboo sounds and the magic of the Wushan Dongfu. These two girls must know you."

"Bamboo sound, Qinmo?" Ye Tianyi, then widened his eyes: "They aren't they going to Wushan Dongfu? How is it in Guanghe County?"

Zeng Yi smiled: "You don't want to ask me this, and unfortunately, with my ability, I can't save them from this bird cage. I think you have space fields, and it is not difficult to save them!"

"This is true!" Ye Tian nodded.

"The bird cage is yours. Most of the strong insiders are the strongmen who Guanghe County originally had against Zhang Wei. You have to be kind to them!" Zeng Yi handed the bird cage to Ye Tian, ​​saying with a strong heart. .

"Yes!" Ye Tian took over the bird cage, and after taking a look, he closed it up.

"There is still one thing!" Zeng Yi sighed: "If you want to unify the whole Zhou Longguo, it is not so simple. Don't forget the founding powers behind the Zhou family."

"Yes!" Ye Tian nodded.

This point is that Zeng Yi does not say, he will be secretly wary.

Zeng Yi smiled and said: "As for the coming of the Mozu, I have thought about it for three months. This is actually a disaster in the whole mainland. You don't have to be alone. When the whole mainland will be there, there will be Many strong people stand up and fight with you."

"The meaning of the words of the sovereign, is it that you are not going to shoot?" Ye Tian wondered.

"No! No! No! I will definitely help out. It is a great merit to destroy the Mozu. I will let it go. The previous meaning is to remind you that some things are already doomed, understand?" Zeng Yilian Said.

"I understand!" Ye Tian replied.

He didn't know what Zeng Yi's talent field was. He dared to do so to eliminate the Mozu. If there is no accident, then there should be no mistake.

It’s just that he has some faint worry in his heart.

The Mozu is a foreign creature of the alien universe. Although it is a fixed number, but at the moment when something does not happen, it is unclear.

"Okay! I said everything that I said!" Zeng Yi sighed: "I shouldn’t say it, it’s time to leave, Ye Tian! I hope you can treat my disciple of Zonghong." Like the people in Guanghe County."

"Yes!" Ye Tianlian said.

Zeng Yi got up and looked at the sky outside the pavilion: "I have time to really envy you, dare to do things that other strong people can't do, and every time they do it right, even Tiandao appreciates you. The people of Zhongyang County and Guanghe County have strong people like you to protect them. It is the blessing that they have cultivated in their lifetimes!"

"The words of the sovereign..." Ye Tian did not understand.

How did he hear the feeling of jealousy?

"Ha ha ha..." Zeng Yi laughed and said: "I don't mean anything about it. I only have a sense of it. You can do it as if you didn't hear it. If conditions permit, send me to the refining sect of 10,000 years ago! I really want to... I want to see my wife."

"Yeah!" Ye Tianyi waved his hand and showed his time back: "The Sovereign, in the refining of the 10,000 years ago, remember not to kill Everything can only go with the flow, as for the lady's business, I will take care of it, you have to take her out, there should be no problem!"

"Thank you, Ye Tian!" Zeng Yi laughed and walked into the picture of time backtracking.


The picture disappears.

Zeng Yi also disappeared.

However, Ye Tian knows that Zeng Yi did not die, but the refining sect of 10,000 years ago to make up for the regrets in his heart.

It was not early to see the time. Even the vibrating Tianyan wing flew toward the location where the county’s main palace was. At this time, there were still many things waiting for him to do in Guanghe County.

The county main palace.

Hundreds of guards patrolled back and forth at the door.


Ye Tian, ​​a glider, landed at the gate, and was about to walk into the main hall. A black-faced warrior greeted him and said, "The county lord, the hundreds of disciples of the reigning sect of the king of 鲲鹏 went to repair the road. He asked me to tell. You, you can go to Tianhe City to find him."

The reason why Ye Tian is the county owner is that the Emperor Peng Peng has specifically told them that he can’t call the name Ye Tian!

Of course, the most important thing is that Ye Tian’s strength and prestige have already reached the level of the county owner.

Ye Tian did not care so much, but asked: "What about the road? He also followed the road repair?"

"Yes, the county owner!" The black-faced warrior replied.

"I know, you go to work!" Ye Tian waved his hand and walked straight into the county palace. Since the refining of the sect did not require him to take the shot, he did not want to control it.

With the ability of the King of Peng Peng, it will be able to handle it properly.

"Yes!" Ye Tian took out the bird cage that Zeng Yi had given him before: "Bamboo sound and the piano are still inside, I have to rescue them, or I will forget them if I wait for them." ""

Seeing that there were no other people around, a flash went into the Wuyuan space.