MTL - As Superman’s Younger Brother, I Became a Native of the Motherland-Chapter 322

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Eric looked at the strong aura emanating from the opponent's body, red lasers appeared in his eyes, and the accumulated dangerous energy seemed to be shot at the opponent in the next second.

"Can I think that this is your threat to me?!"

Eric asked Ganser impolitely.

Ganser's body emits green fluorescence and also releases his own super power.

He sensed the danger of the other party.

The atmosphere between the two sides immediately became tense.

"Cough, okay guys, you two are very impulsive here, why don't we drop this unfortunate superpower now, lest you blow up the entire continent, how?!"

Gardner, who had been serving as a melon eater, saw the possibility of a conflict between the two, and immediately jumped out and said to the two:

"Why don't we go to the bar for a drink, although it's a bit difficult for Gunther to look around the bar, but I'll bring him a cushion or something so he can look high enough. You say so? Hal Jordan?"

As he said, he turned his attention to another Hal who acted as a melon eater.

Hal froze for a moment, then nodded quickly.

Eric ignored Gardner's gag and walked directly to Gunther.

His eyes turned crimson, his whole body exuded awe-inspiring killing intent, and he looked down at Ganse condescendingly.

"You—get the **** off the earth!"


Hal next to him swallowed nervously.

He had no doubt that if Ganser made any dangerous move, Eric's hot eyes would shoot at Ganser without hesitation.

Gardner didn't expect such an unfolding, he stood beside him a little embarrassed, for fear that the two would accidentally fight.

At that time, it is people like myself who will suffer!

Eric and Ganser, neither of them spoke, they looked at each other.

The atmosphere suddenly froze here.

In the end, Gunther chose to back down.

He turned around and chose to leave.

"I'm sorry you have such an attitude, it's clear you've crossed the line of reason now."

As he walked forward, he said to Eric.

Gardner quickly followed in his footsteps.

Hal was a little embarrassed. He glanced at Ganther who was leaving, and then looked at Eric, not knowing whether he should stay or leave with Ganther.

Fortunately, he didn't have to think too much, and Ganser made the choice for him.

"Follow us back to Oua, Hal Jordan!"


Howl looked at Ganther's back with an embarrassed expression.

He doesn't want to leave Eric's side now, after all, he still has a higher sense of belonging here.

But Eric didn't make him embarrassed, and nodded slightly to him, motioning him to follow Gunther.

He needs Green Lantern right now, so he doesn't want him falling out with the Oa Legion.

"Okay, bye, Eric!"

Hal greeted Eric and followed Gunther's footsteps.

After the three of them left, Eric withdrew his hot gaze, turned around expressionlessly, and looked at the direction behind him.

"Come out, Kara, I guess you've seen enough of the play."

Supergirl Kara, who had been hiding behind the windmill tower, felt a little embarrassed to stand up.

"Actually I was passing by."

Kara explained to Eric.

Seeing that Eric's expression was very suspicious, Carla shrugged helplessly.

"Well, I admit, I came here on purpose. I wanted to see what happened here, but I didn't expect to see you meeting alien friends here."

Kara said to Eric: "It seems that the blue-skinned villain who calls himself Ganther has a good mind and has the same idea as me. He also thinks that you are controlling the entire human race, and as an alien, more than me Can make a righteous look."

Eric ignored her and asked her directly, "Why did you come to the farm?!"

"Tomorrow is your birthday. I'll celebrate your birthday in advance, can't I?"

"We're not that familiar. And I don't have much interest in birthdays or anything."

Eric walked to the other side and said, "If you approach my family without my permission next time, I will never begrudge showing you my violence. Trust me, you won't want to see that. me."

"Mrs. Kent is also my relative. Even if you and I have any political differences, I will not do anything to hurt Mrs. Kent and Rachel."

Kara sternly said to Eric.

"You better do what you say!"

Eric shook his head and prepared to leave.

"and many more!"

Seeing that Eric was about to leave, Carla stopped him.

"You've been to the North Pole, haven't you?"


Eric's eyebrows furrowed slightly.

"Yes, I once saw a building made of ice crystals in the North Pole, and I saw you there, which means you go there often, doesn't it?"

Kara finally asked the question she wanted to ask.

"The spaceship I came to Earth was also docked at the North Pole, but now I can't find that spaceship. Did you hide it?"

Eric was about to leave when he heard the words and turned around to face Kara.

"Isn't it absurd to pass the blame on to someone who's been in the same place as you if you lose anything?"

"Although it's absurd, all I can think of is that you can open the spaceship without disturbing me."

Carla expressed her doubts, "You're a Kryptonian too, aren't you? Although I haven't heard of you, you just talked to each other about the Kryptonian situation, and Mrs. Kent once said that you used to use crayons when you were a child. I have painted the picture of Krypton exploding, if some things are not naturally engraved in the memory, why are they still fresh in the memory at a very young age?”

"If you started the ship that brought me, then"

Kara's expression became serious, "Then I hope you return the spaceship, that's very important to me!"

Facing the other party's plea, Eric pondered for a moment and asked her, "You think I will help one of my enemies?"

"I am not your enemy!"

Kara immediately refused.

"No, obviously you are! We are not all the way. Get out of here and be a good neighbor in your city who helps the citizens. Don't set foot here from now on!"

After Eric finished speaking, he was ready to leave.

"Maybe you will need me!"

Kara said something that made Eric stop.

"I heard your conversation just now, the man from Oa might not just let it go. I'll help you deal with him if he tries to invade Earth. In exchange, how about handing over my ship , is it fair?"

Kara said to Eric.

"I don't need anyone's help, I can take down all the enemies by myself."

Eric declined the request.

"If you want to get the spaceship, then it's best to leave here now. If there are any conditions, wait until I think about it."

"Are you threatening me?"

Kara asked Eric in surprise.

"You can understand it like this, it's up to you whether you want to cooperate or not."

In Kara's surprised eyes, Eric turned and left.

She really wanted to stop the other party, but she felt that in the face of this insufferable bastard, no matter what the other party said, the other party would not agree.

The original plan was to "Curve Warfare", to have a good relationship with Mrs. Kent, Rachel and others, and then attack Eric, but now it seems that his battle plan is a complete failure!

Meanwhile, Oa.

Green Lantern Hal Jordan was taken to the Guardian Corps headquarters to be questioned by the council elders.

"I don't know what you are afraid of."

Hal was suspended in the center of the circular natural venue surrounded by a circle of stone pillars, facing the elders, explaining: "An unrestrained and tough native of the motherland, maybe this means danger, but you are wrong to blame him, He never harmed any civilians, and he even defended Earth during several alien invasions!"

Hal met Eric in middle school.

Although the other party threw him off the bridge and almost scared him to death, he did let him experience the feeling of flying.

And Eric saved his mother, and from some emotional substitution, he brought him into the position of his eldest brother, or even his father.

So in the face of these guardians' accusations against Eric, he immediately refuted them.

Gunther disagreed with Hal.

"The man I saw on Earth was clearly behaving in ways that did not lead to peace."

Hal argued, "He's been doing a good job, at least he's protected the Earth a few times, but you've watched his hometown be destroyed, if you want to judge him, why don't you judge with the other guardians? What did you do?!"

An elder next to Gunther said: "We are not judging anyone, but preventing things from developing in a terrible direction. As you said, he was crusted by those in power and lost the people closest to him, he Instead of taking revenge on the world, I chose to do it in my own way."

"From that day on, the war was terminated and the dictator was pushed down"

The elder asked Hal: "After overthrowing the legitimate government, what is the purpose of the people of the motherland using those medicines to create fortified soldiers?"

"We needed a confederate army, so we built an army against the terrorists and the careerists trying to counterattack," Hal explained.

Ganther obviously didn't believe Hal's explanation, frowned, and with his hands in his sleeves, he said to Hal, "He's creating a super life form!"

Facing the questioning from this group of people, Hal had a headache.

He covered his forehead, "Then what? Are you telling me seriously, are you against taking power back from a few people? If that's the case, I think you need to reconsider your way of doing things. ."

After Hal rubbed his forehead, he said to the surrounding elders: "Because of Kyle's active role on the earth, countless lives have been saved. Although he overthrew the government by violence, in a substantial sense, He also reduced violence in society. Those violent people feared him."

Ignoring the surprised expressions of the people around him, Hal continued: "He is still a very smart scientist, and he can use a lot of Kryptonian technology to make this world a better place!"


Gunther stopped Hal from speaking, "Thank you, Hal Jordan, the deliberation has heard enough."


Hal lowered his head and whispered to himself, "But I don't think you heard anything."

"Hal Jordan!"

Gunther waved his sleeves and said to Hal: "Your opinion has been dismissed, and we will consider the information you provided when discussing the action plan."

"All right."

Hal nodded, "I hope the information I said will provide you with enough useful value. Good luck to you!"

After nodding slightly towards the surrounding guardians, Howl flew away from the towering stone tower.

As soon as he landed on the ground, he saw a Green Lantern who looked a bit like a hippo walking towards him.

"Hey guy!"

"Pink Hippo" Green Lantern excitedly hugged Hal when he came up, tightened his waist with both hands, lifted him into the air, and greeted him in this way.

"Hey Kilowog, it's nice to see you, but you're about to squeeze my guts out now!"

Hal was a little breathless, and while panting slightly, he replied to him with difficulty.

Kirovog is also a Green Lantern.

He is the Green Lantern of Sector 674, originally a scientist, and after being recruited by the Guardians, he is trained by Hermi the Green Lantern (Hermi calls Killowog a "dumb", which is also the same as Killowog One of the mantras in training new members).