MTL - Ascend Another Day-Chapter 25 Hidden scenes can live forever

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Standing at the bow of the boat, Xu Ying looked at the two banks, and saw that the mountains and rivers on both sides of the Nai River were constantly shaking, the underworld was still invading the world of the underworld, and new mountains and rivers were constantly emerging from another world, squeezing the original mountains and rivers and the land on both sides of the river, and the momentum was astonishing. !

The boat galloped on the water, its speed getting faster and faster, and the mountains and rivers on both sides of the bank passed by in a flash, Xu Ying was secretly shocked: "I'm afraid this boat will be able to run a hundred miles soon!"

The farthest place he has been to is hundreds of miles away, and he felt a little nervous on the boat at the moment: "If she doesn't send me back, will I still know the way? I also heard that some people will sell children..."

In his mind, Da Zhong sneered, and said in his heart: "This kid is sold by the witch without knowing it! The witch must have other plans, I don't know what Xu Ying is after."

Xu Ying didn't know what it was thinking, and asked the girl in the coffin, "What do you mean by thinking?"

The big clock was furious: "Stinky boy, how dare you ask me that my enemy doesn't ask me! If you ask me, how can I not answer? Wait a minute, he seems to have asked me, I forgot to mention, just tell him how to look inside. Careless , was caught by the demon girl first."

The girl stood at the bow of the boat with a handsome figure, and said: "You don't know what it means to keep thinking? That's right, the lineage of Qi practitioners has been extremely declining in your generation, so you can forgive me if you don't know. In fact, in my generation, it is already So much has been lost. The influence of the Great Evil is simply too great."

She paused for a moment, then said: "Consciousness is an image of nothingness to stabilize the mind. The so-called image of nothingness is to create an image of the great way in nothingness with the mind to subdue the ape of the mind and tie the horse of the mind. When you are thinking, you have to create something out of nothing, refine the false into the real, and use this to practice magic and supernatural powers, so that you can gain the Tao."

When Xu Ying heard this, his heart moved slightly, and he said, "The cultivation method of Cunxiang seems to be somewhat similar to that of Hidden Scenery."

The girl wondered, "What hidden scene?"

Xu Ying took out the volume "Nid Pill Hidden Scenery Qi Refining Method" and said: "This Nuo master's exercise says that hidden scenery is the image of the Dao, but it is refined by picking the secret power of the Niwan. Hidden Scenery Scenes are also created out of nothing, and when fakes become real, they can be refined into spells or supernatural powers!"

He unfolded the Qi Refining Method, but saw a strand of hair falling on the unfolded book page. Xu Ying looked up, and the girl came to him at some point, looking sideways at the "Nud Pill Hidden Scene Qi Refining Method" in his hand .

Her hair hung down and fell on Xu Ying's shoulder.

Her skin is snow-white, her neck is slender, and her black hair is more fair, unlike an old corpse that has been imprisoned for thousands of years.

To Xu Ying's surprise, the girl didn't smell of corpses, on the contrary, there was a very nice faint scent, which made him unable to resist sniffing it twice.

Xu Ying was so close to her for the first time, he was a little distracted, and slowly turned the pages of the book to let her read carefully.

The girl was very serious, Xu Ying looked at her secretly, and felt that her side face was more beautiful than the front face, her eyelashes blinked from time to time, her eyes were like jewels, the tip of her nose was delicate and straight, and her lips were as pink and alluring as cherries.

Xu Ying felt his heart beating faster, and quickly looked away: "The female ghost is not only very polite, but also pretty."

After all, he is still a boy of 14 or 15 years old, and when he sees a beautiful opposite sex, he is a little distracted, even though this opposite **** may be a female ghost or a female zombie.

In Xu Ying's mind, Da Zhong sneered secretly, and said in his heart: "You brat doesn't think about it. When he sees a beautiful woman, he becomes distracted. His concentration is too weak. I'm afraid he even thinks about the child's name!"

Having said that, it was still worried about being discovered by the girl, so it quietly covered the chaotic round egg with the mouth of the bell, and said in its heart: "If I put it on the secret cache of mud pills, the witch will think I am a chaotic egg, and won't Find me."

The girl quickly browsed through "Niwan Hidden Scene Qi Refining Method", closed the scriptures, pondered for a moment, and said: "It is indeed a bit superficial. The hidden scene in this book is an incomplete method. If you practice it, you will go astray. Losing your life for no reason is extremely shameful. You should stop practicing."

"Lost life?" Xu Ying was terrified.

"Nid Pill Hidden Scenery Qi Refining Method" is a method passed down to disciples by the Zhou family. How could the Zhou family not know that there is such a big loophole in it?

"The flaws in the book are definitely not left by the master of Niwan Palace. Then, it can only be that the Zhou family deliberately taught this incomplete method to their disciples!"

Cold sweat broke out on Xu Ying's forehead. The Zhou family used these disciples to work for themselves, and used this method to consume the lives of the disciples. Their intentions can be described as vicious!

"In this way, the Nuo method of the Zhou family will not leak out. Even if it leaks out, it will be the method of quick death. The Zhou family uses this method to maintain their own status!" He thought to himself.

The girl continued: "Although the hidden scene in the book has great hidden dangers, the concept of the hidden scene is very good, even not inferior to the idea of ​​the exercises of the Qi practitioners. Judging from this superficial exercise, the hidden scene may not only use It is more likely to be a hidden method."

She frowned slightly, a little puzzled, and said: "Have the exercises of qi refiners been eliminated? But, I don't think that hidden scenes can be better than the exercises of qi refiners. The extinction of the chivalrous?"

She has been imprisoned for thousands of years, and everything feels strange to her today.

Xu Ying asked: "Girl, what do you mean by concealed scenes?"

The girl said: "Judging from this exercise, the purpose of Nuo Master's cultivation of Hidden Scenery is to create a small fairy world in his body, and finally hide and hide in it, so as to achieve the goal of immortality. It's just that this exercise is too It’s superficial, and it’s not clear how to conceal the scene.”

Xu Ying's eyes were shining brightly, and he formed a small fairy world in his body, lurking and hiding, can he be immortal?

Isn't that the fairy?

The inheritance of the owner of Niwan Palace does not seem to be that bad.

"Then, how does Yinjing cultivate?" Xu Ying suppressed the excitement in his heart and asked.

The girl was a little displeased, and said lightly: "You and I are in the same race, and your inheritance is no weaker than mine, so why bother to learn hidden scenes?"

Xu Ying was dumbfounded, and it took a while to come back to his senses: "Is my inheritance so strong? Wait a minute, where did I get my inheritance? Is it Taiyi Daoyin Gong?"

He was a little confused, Taiyi Daoyin Gong only had the Daoyin Gong of Qi Gathering period, and there was no follow-up method.

Suddenly, the boat went all the way west, and the speed of the boat gradually slowed down in the middle of the night. Xu Ying didn't know how far the boat traveled along the Nai River, but it was at least two or three thousand miles.

"Is this Huaihua or Tongren? No, Huaihua is just west of Yongzhou, and Tongren is only a few hundred miles away."

He didn't know where the boat was going. He is just a country boy, and the farthest place he knows is the county near Yongzhou.

Xu Ying looked forward, and the Nai River diverged suddenly here, forming tributaries, like the veins of leaves, spreading out in all directions, flowing into the vast darkness.

On the river bank where the tributaries pass, there are little will-o'-the-wisps. From a distance, there are will-o'-the-wisps everywhere in a radius of a hundred miles, dotted all over, like a world of ghosts and monsters!

It is rumored that Naihe will guide ghosts into the underworld, so as to prevent them from being exposed to wind and sun.

When a person just dies, the soul leaves the body and turns into a ghost, which will be torn apart by a slight breeze, and will be torn apart by a slight sunlight. Even the yang energy of mortals can impact ghosts.

Ghosts are safe only in the underworld.

Xu Ying looked around, but unfortunately it was late at night, so he couldn't see too far. He could only see the boundless will-o'-the-wisp.

"Why are there so many will-o'-the-wisps here?" he whispered.

The boat slowed down and entered the main road among the hundreds of tributaries of the Nai River. There were ghostly fires on both sides of the river, and the city wall of the village could be seen vaguely.

Probably because of the night, no human smoke can be seen.

The girl opened the erected black coffin, opened the inner and outer coffins, groped inside for a while, took out a two or three zhang long whip from the coffin, handed it to Xu Ying, and said: "You stay on the boat, and wait until the upper boat stops. When the boat is burning, you take up this whip and whip it into the sky until you are exhausted."

Xu Ying looked at the whip. It was an ordinary whip, braided with fine hemp rope. There was a strand of golden tail hair hanging from the tip of the whip. It was the hair from the tail of an unknown animal.

"In this way, the gods can be sent away?" Xu Ying asked doubtfully.

The girl smiled and her eyes were like crescent moons, very attractive, and said: "Of course."

Xu Ying breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile: "Leave it to me, you can rest assured."

But the girl was worried, and said: "This boat was made by me three thousand years ago, ordinary fire cannot be ignited, so I will give you another flame."

Behind her, the girl Yuanshen stretched out her right hand, her thumb touched the finger of her ring finger, and there was a faint flame at the end of her finger, which was sent to Xu Ying.

Xu Ying didn't know how to catch the flame, but the right hand of the girl's primordial spirit penetrated into his Xiyi area, separated her thumb from her ring finger, and the flame quietly floated in the air.

"This flame is the pure yang fire that I found. This fire is made of heaven and earth, and it can help you practice."

The girl got off the boat and floated away. The voice was crisp and came from a distance, "You only need to use your spiritual consciousness to enter the flame, and then you can control the advance and retreat of the flame. After setting fire to the boat, you refine the fire and use the fire to truly Yang quenches the body and soul, which can help you cultivate a pure Yang body."

Her figure quickly disappeared into the darkness, and her voice became weaker and softer: "Wait for half an hour, then you can set fire and whip your whip, and then you can leave on your own. This place is dangerous, so you can't stay long. I will find you and send you back to Wuwang Mountain!"

Xu Ying watched her go away, only to feel warm on his body, the pure yang strange fire exuded bursts of yang energy in his Xiyi domain, and it unexpectedly had similar effects to Lei Yin's body tempering and Da Ri's body tempering, Can temper the flesh!

What surprised him even more was that his vitality passed through the flames and became more and more pure!

"Even vitality can be tempered!"

Xu Ying was inexplicably surprised, and tried to sharpen his consciousness. To his surprise and joy, his spiritual consciousness has also been tempered, becoming more tenacious and pure!

"If I can use this fire to temper my physical body, spiritual consciousness, and vitality, I will definitely increase my strength!" Xu Ying stood at the bow of the boat, facing the dark wind on the Nai River, full of ambition.

The big clock flew out from behind his head, and said quietly: "Ah Ying, what's the name of your child?"

Xu Ying asked puzzledly, "Child? What kind of child?"

Da Zhong sneered: "You and the demon girl are in love with each other, have you ever thought of having a child with her?"

Xu Ying blushed and said, "How can this be? And how did the child be born?"

"Just use your... to stop!" Da Zhong came to his senses and quickly stopped talking.

At this time, Xu Ying saw on the left bank of the Nai River, a ragged, disheveled man walking out of the jungle with difficulty, leaning on a wooden stick.

Behind the ragged man, the jungle swayed, and a few old men and women in ragged clothes walked out, also leaning on wooden sticks, moving forward with difficulty.

More and more people came out of the jungle, men, women, old and young, dragging their families and supporting each other, but they all walked forward in silence.

With the light of the will-o'-the-wisps on the Nai River, one could see shocking abscesses where their clothes were torn, attracting flies to buzz around them.

Xu Ying looked in the direction they came from, and saw the mighty fleeing crowd like a black dragon stretching for miles.

"They are..." Xu Ying murmured.

The big bell sounded a little dignified, saying: "They are plague people, infected with the plague."

Xu Ying looked further away, and there was a place filled with ghost fires for hundreds of miles. The plague man should have come from there.

"Where they come from, there are probably floods, wars or famines." The big bell said in a low voice, "I have been hanging alone on the rocky mountain for three thousand years, and I have seen this kind of thing many times."

It hangs in the deserted temple on the stone mountain. It has seen countless floods, wars and famines for thousands of years. There are corpses everywhere and no one to bury them. Whenever this time, plagues will breed.

The building boat was still moving forward at a leisurely pace, and more and more infected people appeared on both sides of the Nai River, mountain villages, city walls, and infected people everywhere.

The plagued man walked forward with difficulty, not knowing where to go along the river bank.

People kept falling down, their bodies twitched a few times, and they were completely out of breath. UU reading

But the others turned a blind eye to this and continued to walk forward on their own. Their eyes were dull, like walking dead.

"Ah Ying, this should be the source of the diversion of the Nai River."

The big bell said in a deep voice, "In order to rescue the demon girl here, some people are killing and spreading epidemics. Ah Ying, this witch asked you to help her this time, she must have bad intentions, she must have a plan!"

Xu Ying was still standing at the bow of the boat, staring blankly at those plagued people.

He cultivated his heavenly eyes and saw the world with his heavenly eyes, and everything became different.

In the sky, there are thick flesh-red tentacles floating, hanging down silently.

These flesh-colored tentacles are extremely agile, as if protruding from the depths of another space, and the source cannot be seen.

They came behind those plagued people, split into many tiny tentacles, inserted into the abscesses of these sallow-faced people, wriggled slowly, and sucked.

Xu Ying looked into the distance, there were will-o'-the-wisps everywhere, and in the sky in these places, there were also countless tentacles protruding from another space, descending from the sky, and sinking into the darkness below.

A strip of flesh-red tentacles came from another world, interspersed and criss-crossed, covering the dark sky, blocking the stars at night. They split into more tentacles, constantly swelling, shrinking, swelling again, shrinking again, sucking the life force of the plague man.

This picture is very real, but also very unreal.

This is what his heavenly eyes saw!

Xu Ying moved his eyes with difficulty, and his Adam's apple rolled: "My God..."

As far as his eyes could see, the entire dark and unclear sky was completely covered by wriggling red flesh, with no end in sight.

An incredible creature enveloped the sky, hanging down countless flesh-colored tentacles, probing towards the people in the western land.