MTL - Ascending, Do Not Disturb-~ 123. Hug

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"Please, please."

Everyone in Yunhuamen stepped into the hall and found that there were many ornaments in the style of the city. The servants were soft and soft, and they were not as gentle as the Shuguangzong monks.

Lin Hou of the apse did not go in. He stood at the entrance of the nine-turn corridor: "Please take a rest for your guests, and don't bother to go in the next."

"There is labor." Qiu Shuang had to admit that at the reception, Shuguang Zong was very enthusiastic and serious, even considering every tree and tree, so-called "home away from home" is just like this.

Yan Chaolin smiled and smiled. He entered the inner hall behind the autumn frost. Lin Biao stood on the cloister and watched them go far.

I don’t know if the son and the girl are alone together for so long. Do you have any mutual understanding? Now that there are so many people, even if he wants to ask, he is not good at opening this mouth.

On the main hall side, Mou Zong and Jin Yue briefly talked about what they have seen and heard from the outside world for more than a year. When he mentioned Yunhuamen, he looked soft and gentle: "This sect seems to be lazy and acting." There is no rule, but it is not the case."

When Jin Yue saw that he only mentioned Yunhuamen, he would show a gentle appearance. He couldn't help but sigh in his heart. The so-called love house and Wu, his apprentice is a person who fell in love with a whole martial art.

"They teach their disciples to be loose but not tolerant, but they are short-handed but not entangled. It is a... lazy with a sober sect." Zong Zongdao, "The most terrible thing is that the world always thinks this sect is the best to speak. Bullying. But in fact, the people who offend Yunhuamen have nothing to end. For so many years, Yunhuamen has never looked further, but it has not fallen."

Jin Yue slowly nodded. He never dared to see the gate of Yunhuamen. Over the years, there have always been a large-scale squad, but it will fall in just two hundred years. Yunhuamen is different. It seems that there is no Which shot is at the top, but it does not tolerate a small flaw.

This is a sect that looks like a wicked door and is blessed by heaven. Actually, all good luck comes from themselves. If you owe everything you get to Yunhuamen to Heaven, it can only show that this person's vision and mood are not enough.

This is a clever and sensible sect, with the same broad mind.

Jin Yue still remembers that when he was still young, he heard someone outside of Yunhuamen joking about things. The Yunhuamen disciple who was sitting with him laughed with many people and patted the thighs to talk about some insignificant sects. The door is a joke.

At that time, he did not understand and asked why the Yunhua doorway friend wanted to do this.

The Taoist friend said that ordinary mortals have only a few dozen lives, and practice is a distant and inaccessible dream in their hearts. It is not a big deal to take a joke in private and find some happiness. It’s not that they’ve done bad things in Yunhuamen, they’re corrupted, and the rest goes with them.

At that time, he only thought that the Taoist friend was too casual, and even the reputation of Zongmen did not care. Later, he often heard the people say Yunhuamen. Although they used them to ridicule, they were somewhat close to each other. If Yunhuamen had a conflict with the sect, the ordinary people would not consciously prefer Yunhua. door.

Yunhuamen's connivance and respect for the people made the people with short-lived life more natural maintenance for them.

Since then, he suddenly realized that Yunhuamen is actually not wrong. He is wrong. He is too proud. Because he can practice and have a long life, he does not consciously put the people in it. In a low position, and no mercy.

After trying to understand this truth, he broke through Jindan’s great perfection and became a Yuanying monk. Therefore, although he later became the lord of the Shuguang sect, Shuguang Zong and Yunhuamen were far apart, and he still had a natural affection for Yunhuamen.

When he heard that the disciples of the apprentices and Yunhuamen had a feeling of men and women, Jin Yue had never worried about it, and even felt happy for him. The body of Yunhuamen disciple had a kind of spirit that could not be possessed by the disciples of Shuguang.

"How are you and your girl?" Jin Yuedao, "Being a child, you are three years older than her, and you must be generous in your actions. You must know how to be happy."

Zhai Zong used the eyes of the play to look at Jin Yue. Master’s life is not close to female color. Is there still experience in this matter?

“What is this look?” Jin Yue’s eyes widened. “When I went out for a while, I even learned to make a joke with the teacher?”

Mou Zong single-handedly put a fist on his lips and coughed softly: "Master, you are wrong, this is the admiring look."

Jin Yue looked horrified. He couldn’t say the playful words of his apprentice who didn’t even talk about it. It seems that the previous rumors were not wrong. Yucheng is a place with magical curses. Those who go in don’t want to come out again, they figure it out, and they will also get some habits of the city.

"No big or no small." Jin Yue smiled and said, "Know that you will meet with the little girl and wait for you to meet, go and go, for the teacher's old face, can't compare with the little girl."

Yan Zong smiled and stepped back two steps. He went down to Jin Yue: "The children wished Master a big rise. These years are not up to expectations, and you are worried."

The light shone into the door and cast it on the back of the ancestral temple, pulling out a black shadow.

Jin Yue stood with his hands on his back and looked a little gentle: "Get up."

"Yes." Yan Zong arched out of the hall, his robes gently swayed, stepped on the back of a crane, and went through the clouds. Jin Yue looked up at the thick clouds and suddenly laughed.

When I heard that the disciples of Yunhuamen had arrived and were arranged on the peak of Zhongzheng’s real people’s jurisdiction, some disciples couldn’t help feeling. It seems that the relationship between Shuguangzong and Yunhuamen is true. Very close, I heard that the mountain peaks of Zhongzheng lived in the past, never arranged for foreign visitors to enter.

The swordsmen are quiet, and Zhongzheng is obsessed with practice, so he does not like outsiders. This time, I even arranged Yunhuamen, who likes to play, at this peak, and I can see the closeness of the taste.

"Senior brother, do you say that you will marry Shuguang and Yunhuamen?" Libo whispered to Changde Dao. "The last time Jiufengmen wanted to tie up with Shuguangzong, the result was disappointing and lost. Small face. Maybe it is because Shuguangzong didn't look at them and looked at Yunhuamen?"

Jiufengmen wants to marry Shuguangzong. The people outside are only rumors, but she knows that it is true, but Jiufengmen failed to fulfill the wish.

"I don't know when Jiufengmen came, I want to meet them personally." Libo smiled very proudly at the teacup, knowing that they didn't live well, she was happy.

"Don't mess around." Changde laughed. "We are coming to the conference, not to participate in the fight."

Libo stood up: "I will visit you."

"Where are you going to find her?" Changde followed and stood up, afraid that Libo would quarrel with him.

"Go and say hello." It must be inquired clearly. What is the style of dressing recently? She can't be compared. Changde hesitated for a moment, but still chased it out.

When Zong Zong came out of the main hall, he stepped on the crane and went straight to the peak. When a disciple met him on the way, he had not had time to be excited and saw his gust of wind disappearing into the clouds.

“Zhong Yu’s uncle seems to be in a hurry...”

"I heard that there is a guest in the sword of the uncle, and he may be rushing back to hospitality."

"The uncle's Ming Jianfeng entered the foreigner?!"

Through the clouds, Mou Zong saw a girl in a pink dress sitting on a boulder. Seemingly aware of his gaze, the white-haired woman looked up at him, showing a big smile, standing up on the stone and smashing twice: "Zhu Zong, here."

Mou Zong flew down from the back of the crane on the boulder and touched her hand: "The wind is big here, how are you here?"

"I'm afraid you can't find me back, so I'm here to wait for you." He held his hand and his eyes were bent into crescents. "The expensive buildings are beautiful."

“Is it?” Miao Zong used to see the architecture of Shuguangzong. He didn’t feel that they had anything special. When he heard this, he asked: “When you are free, you can live with me in Shuguangzong. Some time?"

箜篌 pretend to cough, look at the sky to see the earth, is not to see the ancestral, that is, the cheeks are white with red, like a crystal clear spirit, but also a sweet taste. Mou Zong bowed his head and quickly kissed her on the cheek. Then he quickly turned his head and pretended to look at the sea of ​​clouds without incident, and a blush came to the back of the ear.

"There are individuals, sneaking up on cheap, just ignore people."

"Bullying the little girl, I don't want to recognize the account when I kiss..."

"You." Mou Zong couldn't help but smile and turn to see her, seeing her eyes shining brightly, where there is sadness or anger, all the joy after the success of the mischief. He bent down and put the red-like sunset on his face. "Give, let you get it back."

Blinking, slowly approaching the face of Miao Zong, kissed him in his beautiful eyes.

This action is very light and light like a spring breeze. The scorpion eyes are trembled, as opposed to the eyes of the cockroach.

"Zhu Zong, there are stars in your eyes." Xiao whispered, "very beautiful."

Mou Zong slowly smiled and reached out and took it into his arms. Her body was soft and petite, and she was very comfortable in her arms. His whole heart was filled with her, and there was no gap left.

Holding the neck of the sect, he laughed happily on his shoulder.

Suddenly, Zhai Zong swayed her up.

"Where are we going?" Holding her neck tightly, she felt comfortable to be swayed by her, so she decided to shamelessly on the body.

"Take you to see our treasure house." Yan Zong bowed his head and kissed her forehead.

"Our treasure house?" Hold on, when did she have a treasure house?

"Yes, our treasure house." Mou Zong sneered out, even the laughter was filled with tenderness. "My is yours, so this is ours."

In the corner, the Dawning sect of the Lin Biao, who was in the grass, couldn’t move, and said: "Formers, the uncles, they went to the treasure house..."

You will let the younger climb up from the ground.

Lin Biao loosened the hand of the young disciple and stood up from the ground, slowly saying: "Is disturbing others to talk about love, will be thunder, I am for your good." And it is impossible to repair with the son. I don't know if they are hiding here, nor can they not know that there are two people in the clouds who are secretly watching.

He looked up at the clouds and didn't know who was coming from?