MTL - Assistant Lin Has Something To Say-Chapter 48

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【Gossip Chat】Has HJS stamped him and LH? In the interview, laughing too much, isn't that what the **** looks like passionate love?

0L: There are 27 minutes and 14 seconds left. Did you turn the ring? Aren't the two already married?

1L: Haven't you read the news yet? hjs chased lh for several years before catching up, saying that they had already registered their marriage abroad

2L: Reply 1L: Crazy? lh He De He Neng? ? hjs chasing him?

3L: Reply 2L: Laughing to death, what virtue and what ability? If he can invest in Wanzhu, what ability do you think he has? He's only 30 years old!

4L: No, no, no, no, no, no His little lover open the back door

5L: To be honest, I now feel that hjs is Lh's little lover.

6L: Reply 5L: Me too…

7L: Reply to 5L: I even feel that hjs has volunteered to sacrifice himself in order to keep lh in Wanzhu

8L: To be honest, I didn’t believe the news, but I read a lot of them. Although the details are different, there are two things that have not changed. , so it should be true

9L: @WANZHU Employee Don't we have Wanzhu people in our forum? Come in and break the news, I'm really curious now

10L: Good guy, the drug-addicted chicken on Weibo is crazy

11L: Reply 9L: I am, and I am in close contact with the boss and assistant Lin, what do you want to know? Oops, I think I probably know everything you want to know, but I'm not going to tell you a little bit a little bit

12L: Reply 11L: ...not necessary

13L: Die laughing, it’s so cool to see your version being slapped in the face, as I said before, hjs has always had a good reputation, the two of them look very sweet, they won’t go to jail, they won’t For doing these things, I was scolded by your version of the crazy @, saying I was washing the floor hahahaha

14L: Colleagues on the 11th floor have a password? What floor are the beautiful girls' refrigerators on? Forgot to mention, I just once said in a certain building that Assistant Lin was very powerful, and then said that I exposed myself to lh for washing the floor. I will break the news today. My judicial affairs have already made a list, and I have already replied to the post. All my screenshots have been posted hahahahahaha

& nbsp;

16L: I still don’t understand, since it’s fine to say it directly, why Wanzhu still mentions his resignation, it’s clearly misleading us

17L: Reply 16L: Just to catch you! Have you seen Shuangwen? There is no annoying villain to set off, where is the face-slapping cool, the saddest thing is that you are not even a villain, just a clown who doesn't even have a name in other people's stories hahahahahaha

18L: Reply 16L: It should have been decided long ago, but it was just announced. It can only be said that it was a coincidence. He is a shareholder. It doesn’t matter if the deputy general manager does it or not. give it to someone else

19L: Reply 18L: Maybe the person who succeeds him is still designated by him

20L: Can you say it now? You can tell that hjs is a very discerning person.

21L: Am I the only one who wants to know their love story? ! I really can't imagine how hjs is chasing people and talking about love, I really want to know ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah

22L: The king is the real king, and the queen is also the real queen. Only the loser on the Internet clicked on his mobile phone, saw the balance, and opened a pack of instant noodles...

23L: Reply 14L: It is the 8th floor! Look at the group, Sister A has asked Lin Zhu to give out a red envelope, go grab it!

Lin looked back at the posts on the forum, swiping from top to bottom with question marks all over his face. He picked up his mobile phone and called He Jianshan: "Can you explain? Why are you chasing me to the death overnight, and we have already registered in Las Vegas?"

Too outrageous, they said they saw them spend a lot of money at the casino in Las Vegas at night, and then they kissed wildly in the rain.

Now even idol dramas don’t act like this!

He Jianshan didn't know what he was doing, there was a slight voice, and then it became quiet again, it should have gone to a place where no one was: "Then do you like this—' He Jian Shan asked Lin Hui for marriage on a private yacht full of red roses, and He Jianchuan played the guitar and sang "Answer" because it was their love song'?"

Lin Hui: "...How come there is something about He Jianchuan? And I don't like red roses."

"What do you like?"

"I like white roses."

"Oh—" He Jianshan suddenly realized, "I suddenly remembered that someone asked me what flowers I liked for my wedding."

Lin pretended to be stupid: "Who is it, who asked?"

"It seems to be a man who 'rejected He Jianshan's three marriage proposals and became obsessed with work, and then He Jianshan was so angry that he forced him to resign and take a good rest'."

He Jianshan just finished speaking, and the two laughed together on the phone. Breathing and laughter are transmitted together through radio waves into each other's ears, bringing a subtle shudder.

"I miss you." After a while, He Jianshan said softly.

Lin Hui counted the time, he hadn't seen He Jianshan for about a week: "Then why don't you go home? I send you WeChat every day, you will reply 1, if I don't today Take the initiative to call you, and you don't call me."

He Jianshan did not defend: "Is the house ready?"

"It's done, the upstairs is very polite, and I have specially asked a master to deal with it. I have nothing to do at home for the past two days, and I did a big cleaning by the way. It's almost New Year's Eve."

Anyway, since his house is small, it is not too tiring to clean, so he should relax.

"Have you bought flowers too?"

Lin Hui looked at the flowers piled in the house, nodded and said, "I bought it, I will put less here, and I also bought the jadeite cloud mountain by the way."

"Then guess how long until I get home?"

Lin Hui felt that he was walking and couldn't help laughing: "3 minutes?"

3 seconds later, there is a knock on the door.

Lin Hui opened the door, a bouquet of white roses appeared in front of him, He Jianshan looked at him and smiled from behind the roses.

I haven't seen each other for a week. Seeing He Jianshan again, Lin Hui's eyes were a little hot. As soon as the door was closed at the entrance, he couldn't help hugging the man in front of him. When I sent WeChat, I didn't feel that much, but when I saw someone now, Lin Hui deeply felt how much he missed him. He Jianshan put down the rose, hugged him tightly, and coaxed softly, "What's wrong?"

Lin Hui buried in his arms and whispered, "He Jianshan."


"I missed you."

He Jianshan closed his eyes: "Well."

"I was wrong, I will never hide anything from you again."

That day, he saw He Jianshan's shocked expression after hearing that he said "resignation", and his heart ached and uncomfortable. For so many years by He Jianshan's side, he had never seen him so flustered. He regretted that moment, he thought, he never wanted to see him like this again.

He Jianshan patted his back lightly and said: "The statement reads 'Deputy General Manager Lin Hui resigns', don't you still have a position, why didn't you write it, you shouldn't Is there such a mistake?"

"I can't bear it."

He Jianshan smiled: "I know, I know."

He knew everything Lin recalled. The Ninghai project is an opportunity, and his resignation is his attitude to shareholders. He Jianshan seized the opportunity to turn passive into active, and endured not going to him for so many days. It's really a waste of time for the two of them to be occupied by these messy things.

"Okay, this new shareholder of Wanzhu, although the whole process is estimated to be completed after the year, but you are also the one who is lying down and taking the money, don't invite me to dinner at night OK?"

Lin Hui came out of He Jianshan's arms: "I didn't buy food today, I thought you weren't coming back. Shall we go out to eat?"

"Don't bother, I'll ask Xiao Nanxuan to bring it over. When I had dinner with Xue Pei last time, didn't you say that some beans are delicious?"

"Okay, save the trouble."

Lin Hui said he took the white rose, ready to wake up first. It turned out that there was a small wooden box next to the rose. He picked it up and looked at it. There was no LOGO on it, but it looked very textured.

"What is this?"

He Jianshan glanced at it: "Express, leave it alone, let's see what else you want to eat?"

"Come on." Lin played back the box and walked over.

After the two finished ordering, they sat on the sofa chatting while waiting for dinner to arrive. Lin Huidian opened the WeChat chat with He Jianchuan on his mobile phone, handed it to He Jianshan and said, "Look at your brother."

He Jianshan took a look at it, and after scrolling from top to bottom for a long time, the screen was full of "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh."

Later Lin Hui chatted with him about the "Continuation" bar singing, He Jianchuan immediately became very good: [Thank you sister-in-law]

Lin Hui: [...No, you should call me brother, it sounds nice]

He Jianchuan: [Okay, brother-in-law]

He Jianshan smiled and shook his head, then remembered what Fang Minghuai had told him before returning from the company, and said, "Lawyer Fang came over today, saying that he paid the bar staff to let him The person who checked the surveillance has been caught, guess who it is?"

Lin Hui asked curiously, "Who is it? Our rival company?"

He Jianshan shook his head: "It's a platform for self-media. The marketing account that sent our picture belongs to this company."

Lin thinks back, he does know that there are companies behind the marketing accounts on Weibo, but they have nothing to do with these companies: "We Wanzhu offended this company?"

"No, it doesn't matter."

It can only be said that the sense of smell in this industry is really sensitive, and it only took a little money to get big news.

Lin Hui understood, this is using him and He Jianshan to make money from traffic. He smiled and said, "What should I do now?"

I will sue them bankrupt and make their computers tremble when they see it, including those who maliciously comment and spread rumors online, none of them can escape."

Lin Hui has already started to calculate the compensation: "Then donate the lost money? It can be donated to the disabled. The healthy people don't speak human words or do human affairs, so it is better to use it to help unhealthy people."

He Jianshan laughed: "Then you are wrong. This kind of money is not worthy of charity, it should be spent, such as buying a car or a watch—" He Jianshan was relieved "Probably not enough."

Lin Huicai patted his chest boldly: "This shareholder will make up for you."

By the time the two of them finished their dinner, White Rose was already awake. Lin Hui found a vase, put them in the vase, and carefully arranged the branches and leaves. He Jianshan stared at him for a while, and then brought the box that had been placed at the entrance.

He Jianshan pushed the box in front of Lin Hui.

The movement in Lin Hui's hand stopped. He looked at the white roses in the vase and the size of the box. He looked at He Jianshan in disbelief: "You don't really buy four rings to propose, as they say on the Internet, one for each year. Four seasons, let me change one every season?"

He Jianshan fell into silence: "...What kind of people did Fan Yudu look for?"

Lin Hui couldn't help laughing: "It turns out that the fake news about you stalking me and registering marriage was really the one that you asked the PR to release."

"Anyway, people on the Internet just want to satisfy their own voyeuristic desires, and don't care about authenticity."

"Is this true?" Lin Hui clicked on the comment below the video of He Jianshan's exclusive interview on his mobile phone and pointed to him, "Look at this one called 'Jiang Mian can't sleep all the time? Full, she said you pretended to have a ring on your left hand to imply you wanted a ring, and 21 people liked it."

He Jianshan was dumbfounded: "Of course the ring is—"

He Jianshan raised his head, he saw Lin Hui standing next to the white rose and looking at him smiling, the light fell on his face, casting a soft shadow. He stopped suddenly, didn't want to say anything, just wanted to keep looking at him like this.

After a while, He Jianshan said, "Open it and see."

Lin took a look at him and slowly opened the box—

There are three long cylindrical things arranged side by side. The whole is a metal shell, and one end has a tube sleeve.

Lin Hui picked up one of them casually, he sank a little, then looked left and right and swayed, there was a crisp and fine crashing sound: "Is it a kaleidoscope?"

He Jianshan nodded.

"You gave me three kaleidoscopes?" Lin Hui wondered if he acted too much and gave him the illusion, "Do you really think of me as a child?"

He Jianshan still did not speak, and motioned him to pick one up and take a look.

Lin Hui raised the kaleidoscope in his hand suspiciously, squinted his eyes in front of him, and said with a smile: "The last time I played this was—"

Lin Hui suddenly stopped, only his hand was slowly turning, without saying a word.

After waiting for a while, He Jianshan asked, "What's inside?"

Lin played back the kaleidoscope and looked at He Jianshan blankly: "The stars. Inside, there are stars."

It is difficult for Lin Hui to describe what he sees in his eyes: those that have been cut and polished may be diamonds or other gems, etc. Collision, constantly changing, reflecting beautiful and dazzling brilliance.

His first reaction was stars.

It's amazing, it's not like the kaleidoscope he imagined. Although there are no stars, it still simulates the feeling of looking up at the starry sky at night - just like I saw when I was a child, in the quiet and deep summer night, the stars twinkled.

He Jianshan finally laughed: "It's the starlight of childhood."

Lin Hui seemed to be completely stunned. He pointed at the other two kaleidoscopes and couldn't help stammering: "Then, this, these two?"

"This is the moonlight we have seen together over the years. And this—" He Jianshan picked up the kaleidoscope on the far side, "It's the sunset you photographed. I always thought, I fell in love with you that day."

He Jianshan stopped for a while, and asked a little embarrassedly: "Do you like it? Just treat it as a celebration... um... You choose flowers for the New Year at home."

The starlight of childhood, the moonlight we saw together, and the evening that loved you.

He Jianshan put these three things into the kaleidoscope.

This is a gift from him to Lin Hui to celebrate the first Chinese New Year they will spend together.

Lin Hui was almost speechless: "I..."

He Jianshan kept laughing: "It's so happy to prepare surprises for people."

Lin Hui held the kaleidoscope tightly, and it took a long time to slowly calm down: "What are these kaleidoscopes inside, and I feel different from what I saw before?"

"I did make some adjustments and designs, but I don't know the specifics. The designer is my former classmate abroad and likes to make these things. He made them according to my requirements. this."

"The star tube is mainly made of diamonds, some blue diamonds, and various deep and shallow sapphires."

"The moonlight uses a lot of pearls and mother-of-pearl, and the night should be simulated with dark sapphire."

"There is more sunlight, pink diamonds, red diamonds, rubies, topaz, etc., and a lot of gold beads? Or gold foil? I don't remember clearly."

His only requirement is to simulate the feeling of these three rays to the greatest extent, and the others are not very concerned. Since they were officially together, he has been planning this matter. Fortunately, the old classmate was relatively free, so he took his order and worked overtime to make it for him. Then He Jianshan remembered the Easter egg he had hidden: "There are sapphires on my cufflinks in the starlight and moonlight, and the red diamonds for sunlight were taken by someone in Switzerland. I like its name very much, it's called—"

"The Lover's Heart."

He once wanted to exchange a lover's heart with Lin Hui, but Lin Hui fled that day.

But now he thinks, he doesn't need it anymore, he can just give him his lover's heart.

Lin Hui did not speak again, he looked down at the three kaleidoscopes, wondering what he was thinking.

He Jianshan waited for a while, but didn't see any response from him, and finally couldn't help asking: "What's the matter, don't you like it? If you don't—"

"You'd better stop talking." Lin Hui raised his head blushing and interrupted him, "My heart is beating fast now, and I feel in love with you again."

Lin Hui's tone was very serious, He Jianshan was taken aback for a moment, then he laughed and hugged him. Lin Hui felt weak all over, feeling that he didn't even have the strength to hug back, so he could only let He Jianshan press on him in vain.

"Assistant Lin?"


"Like this gift?"

"Don't ask, my god, my face is so hot..."

"Do you like it or not?"

"Please don't talk--um-"

There are 15 days until the Chinese New Year.

On a quiet winter night, the temperature in the room gradually rose, leaving only the soft white roses in the living room, and the colorful gems in the kaleidoscope, reflecting the color of the home.

The author has something to say:

The article has officially entered the final stage. It's about the same as what I estimated, not counting the extras, the text is about 20-21w words, and now I still have a foreshadowing left to unravel.

, and wait a few years to see.

 See the mountain, it's really good.

Finally, welcome everyone to come to my Weibo to play with me! (There is an address on the author's column)