MTL - Attack Stream of Life-Chapter 199

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"You tell me about such a big thing?" Qingchuan said in his heart that he was big enough, he didn't even know him, and he couldn't be called a temporary cohabitant, so he dared to put himself The enemy speaks out?

"I won't talk about it now, but I will know it later. There was a lot of trouble in the past few years, and even people in such remote places knew about it. In the future, you will find out by looking at your face when you go online." He lifted the bangs, then lowered them again.

Qing Chuan didn't expect that he would be a ruthless character when he met him. In the past few days, he has been flipping through the book of memory every day, and he is no longer as naive as he was when he first came. Zerg and human groups are different, have a very strict hierarchy, high-level insects have a natural suppressing effect on low-level insects.

’ If this sentence is placed on the Zerg, the answer must be: yes.

Yes, all the orderly division of labor of the Zerg is based on this natural identity system, that is, the sacrifice of low-level insects. After entering the interstellar era, there are also Zerg who want to resist all of this, because some of them want to get rid of this animal nature and awakened 'humanity'.

Almost, or basically, this act of defiance ended in failure.

Because of the suppression of blood, low-level insects need extremely strong strength and willpower to escape the natural control of high-level insects.

And such behavior, in the Zerg world, is to be spurned. Even the low-level worms that people want to fight for are spurned. It is difficult for ordinary Zerg to get rid of the nature of 'kneeling over high-level insects'.

And a person who wants to overthrow a system is too difficult and too lonely.

Unless this well-ordered system is severely impacted, similar to a nationwide natural and man-made disaster, no one can break this class distinction.

The royal family is the most advanced bloodline of the Zerg, and all Zerg instinctively surrender to them. Even if the royal family is bad, rotten and scumbag, the low-level worms below will continue to obey like a scumbag who will never die.

How could Hook overcome his own nature and swing his sword at the royal family?


Ordinary people don't even dare to think badly about the royal family. This one directly said that his enemy is the entire royal family. He wants to overthrow this 'natural supreme being'.

Each has its own advantages.

Qingchuan can't believe that the entire Zerg really only has a rebel like Hu Ke.

The Zerg is still different from the real one.

They are an intelligent race. As long as there is wisdom, there will be 'humanity', and if there is humanity, there will be disputes.

Trouble first."

"You can come to me if you need help."

"An extremely large animal, either in comparison with my size or in the buggy car we are riding in today, it is the same size. And it has a very high aggressiveness, some monsters They even have supernormal abilities, and their flesh has energy to improve physical fitness. What do you call it?" Qing Chuan suddenly asked.

This is the first time Qingchuan asked about a specific matter.

Indirect disclosure of his purpose.

"If you're talking about the one I know. It's the star beast."

Hook had already stood up and took a step, "The star beast is a special kind of food for the superior Zerg. Its breeding rights have always been in the hands of several big families. Low It would be a crime to wait for the Zerg to possess it."

"In fact, at the beginning, the star beasts were not used as a source of meat. The star beasts were sub-intelligent races and planned to cultivate them into war beasts. The energy of the body, the star beast has become a special kind of food for the royal family and high-level people."

"Have you eaten?" Qing Chuan asked.

"I have eaten it since I was a child. You may not know that in the Zerg recipe, all the same species are edible. When food is scarce, the survival of the royal family needs to be ensured. Therefore, low-level The Zerg sacrificed themselves to keep the royal family alive."

"When the Zerg did not evolve, all Zerg were born from the king bug. But now, different Zerg breeds independently, and the royal family also lost this ability. But inside the Zerg, it is still instinctive to support The royal family has been like this for thousands of years."

"The royals have a habit of asking other zerg for things, and have always been. Their hopes will be satisfied, whether reasonable or unreasonable. When they are not satisfied, they will destroy the one who opposes them, That's why I'm standing here."

This is also the first time that Hook mentioned himself, "I used to have a sister, and when she went to a ball held by a royal family with her friends, both of them died in it. The royal family wants to When he wants something, he must get it, even if it is taking pleasure in the life of a higher Zerg."

More things he did not say and need not say.

Not every villain has a tragic past behind it, but villains with a tragic past are especially treated by the **** of fate, no, or the audience who are built into the world. If the Zerg world is also a small world derived from the story, maybe Hook is the super boss in the story.

And Qingchuan is that **** assist.

But their minds are the same: Dirty fellow, destroy it!

Hu Ke continued to work to earn a meager salary, and Qingchuan continued to investigate the star beast.

Qing Chuan was very nervous at first, always worried that someone would see through his space spells. Fortunately, the world's research on space laws has not reached that level. Qingchuan, who has been studying the magical race of the Zerg recently, found that there is a strange higher Zerg in the Zerg, called the Flash Bug, not the shiny flash, but the flash of the flash.

The innate ability of this higher zerg is to know space spells. So far, all the space storage equipment of the Zerg were invented by this race. They can even create small black holes and other fixed-point space teleportation channels.

Of course, it is not without cost, a single flash bug can build a space channel. A channel like this linking the two civilizations must have cost the Flash Worm a great deal.

At this time, Qingchuan had a faint feeling that the master behind the conspiracy must be extremely powerful, either a powerful family or a royal family in the Zerg.

Qingchuan found a space transmission channel, a one-way transmission channel, in a corner of the star beast farm. Not from other worlds to here, but from here to other worlds.

Why so sure?

Because he saw a group of people driving the mecha-like bugs to drive the star beast in one direction. In that group of star beasts, there are several second-levels that Qingchuan is very familiar with. He has also eaten them, and they are delicious.

Several star beasts entered that space passage and disappeared. After sending away ten, the staff put down a large gate and hid the space passage.

He wasn't sure, these star beasts went to the human world. What if there is more than one slaughterhouse of that kind?

Qingchuan also wants to find the passage from the human world to this place, but has not found it yet.

At present, he has locked down two kinds of bugs, the flash bug and the royal family. The former is the only one that can construct a teleportation channel, and the latter...because of a legend within the Zerg. Legend has it that king insects can create dimensional space.

This is a fairy tale from the Zerg, many Zerg think it is just a fairy tale. But according to Hooke, a former high-ranking bug, there is. But it was a long time ago, and the ability of the king insect to create dimensional space was as degraded as the ability to breed hundreds of insects.

Qingchuan looked for clues during the day, and he treated Hu Ke at night. In fact, for Qingchuan's spiritual power, it is a matter of waving his hand. He wants to slowly grind it. Now that a layer of seal has been opened, Hu Ke can use a little spiritual power.

Occasionally Qingchuan and Wei Ge over there will report new discoveries here, such as star beasts, such as the strange Zerg here.

Qingchuan marked several star beasts that entered the teleportation channel. He told Wei Ge that if there was a black dot the size of a fly head near the mark, then the star beast here was a small one. The monsters of the world are right.

On the thirteenth day of coming to the Zerg world, Qingchuan found a passage from the small world to this place - no wonder it has not been found before. It turned out that this mysterious factory was built 30 meters underground. There is a group of fixed staff to take care of it.

Underground luxury cannery and farm belong to different managers, and the two sides do not intersect.

There is also a channel, which is also a one-way channel, where materials are transported. And the cannery is a top-down relationship. A marker is detected above, and a supply is automatically placed below. These materials are sealed before they are released, and they are full of bacteria.

But there is also one thing, their IQ is really low, obviously the skeletons or stumps come out of the transmission port, these worms have no doubts.

Qing Chuan watched these giant bugs dragging monster corpses larger than them or a small piece of monster debris, all of which were thrown into the blender equally, with a serious attitude and no strange expression.

Seriously, unless all the monsters over there are greedy, the IQ of these low-level Zerg will never find out that the situation on the other side is a bit out of plan.

Not far from the cannery here, is the place where human corpses are processed. It's simpler there, there are no low-level worms, and the channel is directly set on top of a huge blue liquid.

Every night, this pool of blue water is automatically processed and purified once.

Looking at the fallen human corpse, Qing Chuan was silent for a while.

Yes, it is the small world that connected him.

On that day, Qingchuan lifted Hook's second layer of blockade, and Hook could already use 30% of the mental power in his heyday. This is Hu Ke's statement, but according to Qingchuan's own observation, he could not reach his heyday if he released all his remaining spiritual power.

It seems that this blockade has eroded a lot of Hook's mental power.

Qingchuan told Hu Ke the unfortunate news, "Do you have any way to increase your mental power? According to my observation, at least 20% of your mental power has been absorbed. Lost."

Although he knew that he had lost a lot of mental power, Hook still felt distressed when he heard this number. He restrained his distress, "There are still ways, there are special practice methods, there are medicines to repair mental damage, and there are things that can enhance mental power."

"That's good. By the way, after you recover, are you going to stay here for a while, or do you want to go somewhere else?" Qing Chuan asked unintentionally.

"I'm going to return to Wang Zongxing." There are also secret hands he left for revenge. If his strength is restored, these secret hands can be used.

Qing Chuan, who also wanted to see Wang Zong, smiled, "I don't have any place to go anyway. When the matter here is settled, I will also go to the place you mentioned. Will it be more prosperous than here? ?"

When it comes to his hometown, Hook's expression becomes more complicated, a place of nostalgia and a place of sadness. He was different from other Zerg since he was a child, and he had no reverence for the king insect. It was because he saw this that his sister sent him to the military headquarters far away from the noble circle.

In the military, most of them are descendants of war bugs, and their strength is respected. Although it is also suppressed by the bloodline of the royal worm, it occasionally resists. However, the power is large, and it is the most important combat power of the Zerg, and the king insect is helpless.

Now that I think about it, after my sister sent him to the military, their family was blacklisted by the royal family. They couldn't torture Hook, who was far away in the army, but they could do something to his sister. After that, Hook shot at the Zerg in anger, and was then taken away and judged logically.

In the Zerg, no matter whether the king is wrong or not, doing anything to the king is a death sentence.

The military saved Hook's life - not because he cherished his junior, but because Wang Zong's behavior was to hit the military in the face, and of course the military had to fight back. Plus Hook promised to give the remaining assets to the military.

Hook is the heir of a certain type of advanced worm, and his assets can be said to be worth the official income of the zerg for a year. But so many things were divided up by the royal family and the military in a few days. Between the two forces, even a family, a genius, is just an insignificant pawn.

"It's more prosperous than here, and it's more deserted than here." Hu Ke said slowly, "Wang Zongxing is the body of the most powerful generation of king insects, and now all Zerg tribes are composed of this former king insect. It was born from the king insect. The king insect planet is slightly smaller than ordinary planets, and there lives the royal family, nobles close to the royal family, servants who serve them, and slaves.”

There is a bug the size of a planet? After death, the corpse becomes a planet?

Because the people in the farm are very respectful to the mysterious boss, according to the characteristics of the zerg, it should be a higher worm or a royal worm. Since this king bug star is full of royal bugs and advanced bugs, isn't it very likely that the mysterious boss is on it?

Qingchuan can't wait to see it.

After confirming that this is his destination, Qingchuan accelerated. Layer by layer screening, filter out the main person in charge of the farm and the underground factory, and these two persons in charge are also responsible for the upper level.

In addition to these two, there is also an airborne soldier, the one that Qingchuan tracked at the beginning, the one named Jessie.

Qingchuan copied their memories and searched for information about this farm and factory.

Their direct boss, called Cammy, is a princess of the royal family and the third heir. According to the information obtained, the top members of the royal family have such farms and factories, and since the discovery of edible beasts, at least three generations of people have been sucking blood on them.

Yes, it's not just the human world, and it's not just this time. Farms are the preserve of their race.

As for bacteria, that's another collaborative project. From the Paradise bug, a bug that excels at healing and medicine. Eighty percent of the Zerg's medical industry is in charge of their race, and the bacteria industry has a longer history than star beast breeding.

This is a miracle drug named 'Life Elixir' that can regenerate limbs, restore youth, and prolong life.

But this medicine can only be obtained by breeding with intelligent organisms.

From the very beginning of this project, a colony planet was selected to be carried out, which is equivalent to mass slaughter of other intelligent races. Many of the colonized planets that were defeated by the Zerg became the source of raw materials for life medicine, so they caused public outrage, stopped production, and listed them as banned drugs.

This medicine has not appeared on the market for decades, as if it has really been discontinued.

But what?


After sifting through several high-level memory books, Qingchuan found seven breeding grounds, all of which are the combination of star beast farming and bacterial farming, all of which belong to royal worms and heaven worms Collaborative projects that bring them large amounts of money and resources each year.

Others are mainly involved in the Zerg, as well as the Semiworm, who are responsible for creating space channels. Polymorpha, choose vigorous human implant markers. Multipodal insects are also a very special kind of Zerg, which can indirectly attack a certain object through images, but the attack is relatively weak.

Of course, the most important thing is the royal worm, because only the royal family can open up the passage to the small world, and there is a saying that these small worlds were originally left by the ancestors of the royal worm. This is the most important reason why the royal bug has always occupied the majority.

On the thirtieth day here, Hu Ke finally got a brain without a master. Qingchuan didn't know how much money and favor the other party spent.

The original owner of this intellectual brain has died, and died at the age of ten. Because it is a female, the state has a special subsidy for females, so the family did not report the death because of the subsidy, so it has not been written off.

Not long ago, the family died unexpectedly, but the 'female body' was not found, so it was determined to be missing, and it was still not written off. If there is no movement for a year, it will 'die'.

Hook's mental blockade was lifted two days ago, and indeed it was less than 80% of what it used to be. So he has been doing recovery training for the past few days. It is a pity that this remote planet has too few resources, which is not conducive to the recovery of his spiritual sea.

"I have quit my job as an experimenter in a security protection company and am going to Wang Zongxing. Do you want to go together?" When he was still brilliant, Hook had already hidden a lot of Things, thinking about it now, maybe at that time I realized that I had a war with this class after all.

"Of course." Qing Chuan said with a smile, "Actually, my business is almost the same. You can leave at any time."

"Then I'll book now."

Hook is a man who says he will leave. He booked a ticket that night, and appeared on the interstellar insect (transit station) bound for Warworm Star the next day. Because this kind of remote planet does not have direct access to the interstellar flying insects of Wang Zongxing.

Well, the interstellar insect is also a huge modified low-level insect.

Wang worm star is surrounded by several war worm stars. At first, it was to protect the king worm star and the royal worms on it. Now it is a means of the military to restrain the royal worms. These war worm planets have been transformed into war fortresses and have very powerful military forces.

Before going to the interstellar insect, Qingchuan said to him, "Help me get this cicada chrysalis. In order to avoid being discovered, I need to sleep for a while. By the way, how long does it take to reach the war insect star from here ?"

Hook looked at the time, "It doesn't take too long, two days is enough."

"Two days later, call me out of the station."


The next second, Qingchuan appeared on the planet they left. He stood in the air and looked down at this private area surrounded by the sea.

There will be foreign enemies.

What? Hit here by the raging other intelligent races? What a joke, something that hasn't happened in hundreds of years has zero chance.

So their weapons are mainly to prevent star beasts from rioting. As a result, a large number of weapons are concentrated near the breeding grounds, and there are only a few forts along the coast.

The location where the weapons were concentrated was already located by Qingchuan, he teleported directly, killed the guards within three seconds, took away all the weapons, the next one.

In this way, there is no real reaction, Qingchuan has collected all seventeen places to hide weapons.

"Enemy attack—" The alarm sounded frantically, the personnel in the main control room gathered at once, and several battery forts along the coast started to operate.

"Report sir!"

The young warrior ran in, and the chief was about to ask him to explain the situation when the young warrior suddenly stepped forward, like a mantis' long arm passing by, and the chief's head flew from his neck He went out with the serious expression on his face.

"Ah—" Only then did the people in the main control room react, and the young warrior had already rushed over. This formerly upright and shy warrior suddenly looked like a madman who killed insects. They shot him with guns and used various superpowers to deal with him.

He seemed to be unconscious, even if half of his head was bombed, he could still kill four or five people.

"Control! He's under control!"

The bugs screamed and collapsed, and they quickly escaped from the main control room.

There is no warrior with half a head and a third of the body standing on one foot, still laughing.

"Stop playing, Pippi (painted skin demon), destroy this place."


Qingchuan appeared over the southeast coast. The paper figurines that have been cut these days are fluttering like flying snow, "All humanoid creatures." The voice fell, and those little paper figurines that were flying slowly were like sharp swords flying out, and the little white dots the size of sesame seeds were at the same The snow-white ground shuttled rapidly, as fast as an illusion.

The staff were contacting everywhere in panic, discussing solutions and next steps, when a phantom suddenly appeared behind him. His companion's eyes widened, but before he could even scream, a phantom of a gray-black paw directly pinched his throat.



The screams came and went, and then stopped abruptly. There was not a single surviving humanoid creature where the white paper man passed.

Then a glamorous woman waving black wings stepped forward in the direction of the paper man, and the constant force of death was absorbed into the book in her hand. The Zerg corpse quickly collapsed into a pile of ashes.

Qingchuan was worried about the kind of Zerg that could survive with a severed neck, so he chose the Lord of Plague to deal with the aftermath.

This is a huge continent with countless breeding branches. News from the southeast quickly spread elsewhere. Everyone panicked and started to run for their lives.

Some of them were preparing to escape from the air, and the buggy cars rose from the docking station and fled desperately to the outside.

The bug car is not the same as the plane in the human world, there is no cockpit covered by transparent glass. They all have an electronic screen in their cockpit, and it is also very convenient to directly project the pictures seen by the buggy car onto the electronic screen.

But what should I say, this kind of civilian flying insect car, from the insect flying car to the electronic screen, there is actually a delay of one or two seconds. Of course it's okay in normal situations, but in an emergency, it's a big problem.

Like now.

A huge wave more than 20 meters high was right under their noses. It took no more than two seconds to form, and it was still climbing higher and higher in violation of the law of gravity, like a huge slap.

The talents in the buggy saw a wave appear on the screen, 'bang', and they had already taken people and the car into the sea.

Not to mention those who try to pass by sea.

Suicune watches the movement of the sea in the sea, all the water is his sensor, instead of him seeing and feeling the movement of all the enemies.

A group of sea monsters in hunting state, mermaids, octopuses, shellfish...are dispatched one after another, tearing open these fragile insects with their bare hands, and even the cars and people devoured them all.

Jesse, who was not long after landing here, fled to the east frantically. There was a grass over there, and after the grass was a secret passage. There was a space teleportation passage leading directly to the capital star. Know the emergency escape route, just go there...

He was originally a speed-type Zerg, and he escaped quickly, so he saw a green pasture after a while.

"Great!" Jesse seemed to escape from the sky, her face full of ecstasy, until... seeing this scene.

A lot of stone tablets (tombstones) appeared in the flat grassland, and they were densely arranged on the huge grassland. The land in front of these steles kept turning, and black hands stretched out from it.

Suddenly I saw a huge opening in the ground, and a huge black coffin slowly rose. A handsome man with a sympathetic temperament stood on this huge black coffin, indifferently look at him.

The author has something to say: Craftsman system host: choose me.

Black Coffin System Host: Or me?
