MTL - Atypical Heroine-Chapter 17 Xu Runyu【16】

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The days in the pile of test papers passed quickly, and the white horse passed the gap, and in a blink of an eye, he rose to the second year of high school.

Gu Huiyi has completely understood that Ji Yu's relationship with Xu Runyu is better than her relationship, but she has no temper after being worn down. Because Xu Runyu doted on her very much, more than Ji Yu doted on her.

It made Gu Huiyi almost accept their "strict father and loving mother" setting.

Before another round of shift exams, Xu Runyu bet on key topics to teach her patiently.

Ji Yu sat next to her and watched. She was a little distracted, so she rolled up the test paper and tapped her on the head, "Isn't it wrong? Did you hear the question crying? Do it so many times and still don't recognize it?"

Gu Huiyi "…"

She raised her eyes and muttered, "I suspect that you're deliberately speaking dirty, but I have no proof."

"Fuck talk? I've smashed your head." Ji Yu hated that iron could not be made of steel, and tapped on the table, "Last time, the fifth from the bottom stayed in the class, let's see if you have good luck this time."

Xu Runyu smiled and said, "She wants to take the local key test, and it is enough to be in the top 100 in the grade. This is strength."

"Yeah, I don't have such big ambitions, it's better to step on the line."

Speaking of volunteering, Ji Yu turned to Xu Runyu and asked, "What about you?"

Xu Runyu blinked, shook the fountain pen in her hand, her eyes curved, "Guess what."

Ji Yu said in a determined tone, "I guess... all your wishes will be filled in the same way as mine."

The corners of Xu Runyu's lips were wide and she said softly, "That's right."

The two looked at each other with a smile in their eyes.

In the pile of test papers that can never be written, the most nervous and anxious, on a single-plank bridge with thousands of horses and horses, hard work always pays off, and there are loved ones around to fight side by side, I really don’t feel hard.

In the big test, play big, small test small play.

Ji Yu took Xu Runyu to watch a movie at home. The projection screen her father bought was never used.

She spent the morning rolling up her sleeves and installing and connecting the projection equipment according to the instructions. Just as I stood up with the remote in my hand, the doorbell rang.

Xu Runyu was holding a large bag of snacks.

Before I came, I knew that her parents were not at home, but when I entered the house, I felt that there were few traces of their living in the house, so I couldn't help but ask, "Do you usually live alone?"

Ji Yu hummed "um" and said with a smile, "I lived alone a long time ago."

"So you can be a hooligan."

As she spoke, she pinched her cheek affectionately, but Xu Runyu took her hand away, "What movie do you want to watch?"

Ji Yu slumped back on the sofa, smiling badly, "I want to watch the little movie we both play."

Xu Runyu came over and pinched the soft flesh on her cheek with a half-smile, "Again, want-see-what?"

Ji Yu "...I heard that Downton Abbey is very beautiful."

Xu Runyu thought for a while, "That's a TV series." Then she turned around, "It's alright, just watch that one, you can always watch it all day today."

Ji Yu wrapped his arms around her waist, leaned over, and grabbed her wrist up.

Looking at each other, Ji Yu got closer, Xu Runyu closed her eyes subconsciously, and raised her chin slightly to facilitate her kiss.

The light of the sky gradually subsided, and the two were about to finish the first season.

This house was bought for Ji Yu to go to school in the early years. Her father's work focus is not local, and he rarely comes back. Her mother also travels frequently and likes to live in another house when she comes back.

The sound of the door lock was not in the sound of the TV.

Ji Yu didn't see her until Chen Qiwan came over after changing her shoes.


Ji Yu was really speechless, but he didn't let go of Xu Runyu's hand immediately, and said flatly, "Mom, why are you back?"

Xu Runyu shouted, "Hello, Auntie."

Two girls are sitting on the sofa watching a video.

Normally, there's nothing strange about it, but Chen Qiwan still looked at it a little bit more.

"Did I ask someone to bring back two boxes of cherries and put them in the kitchen? I'll go wash them."

Ji Yu told her gently, "Mom, that was all two months ago."


After a while, it was already evening.

Chen Qiwan wanted to keep her for dinner, but Xu Runyu excused herself and said it was time to go home. Since she didn't know how to cook when she stayed, she didn't stay.

Ji Yu sent her out and came back.

After closing the door, she turned around and saw Ms. Chen sitting on the sofa, with a cigarette in her hand, approaching the lighter to light it, and the ashtray in front of her was full of cigarette butts.

After a while, the living room was filled with smoke.

"What's that girl's name, why didn't my mother hear it from you?"

Ji Yu's eyes flashed, and he chuckled and said only two words, "You are busy."

Chen Qiwan snorted, her face could not tell whether she was angry or not, and she only said lightly, "You are in love with that girl."

Ji Yu sat down beside her.

He turned over the glass, poured himself half a glass of cold boiled water, and nodded silently.

Chen Qiwan has a vision of turning a small company into a listed company independently from scratch. She knows Ji Yu, and Ji Yu also knows that her mother is not cheating her now.

When she nodded, Chen Qiwan sighed.

Not too surprised, he pondered and said, "I don't care about you, I'll ask your dad to come back and talk at night."

Ji Yu didn't speak.

She knew that her mother would not embarrass her, but she could not guess what her father's attitude was. So look at her.

Chen Qiwan pinched off the cigarette, poured herself a glass of water, and said with a sneer, "Don't look at me, I don't know what your father's attitude will be, anyway, he's your biological father, you two can figure it out."


Her attitude was clear, "I don't care about you."

Ji Qiwei originally held a meeting outside the city, and this meeting will continue the next day, so he can't find time.

It's best to talk about it face to face.

Chen Qiwan didn't say anything in detail, she herself was going to travel soon, and if the next time the three of them were at home at the same time, she didn't know when.

She said that she didn't care, but her own daughter still wanted to accompany her to see her father's attitude.

Bring people back from abroad.

Ji Qiwei can only get home at night, and after a few hours, he has to rush back overnight.

"whats the matter?"

He was still wearing formal clothes, and he looked at his wife and daughter, who didn't seem to have any major incidents at home.

Chen Qiwan quickly explained her daughter's situation in a few words.


Ji Qiwei's expression changed from unbelievable to complicated, slowly and calmly.


He glanced at Chen Qiwan, and his words took a turn and changed to a gentle "Do you blame your parents for not spending a lot of time with you?"

Ji Yu shook his head and said seriously, "You all work hard for my own good, I knew it when I was a child."

"Then why?"

"There's no reason, Dad."

Chen Qiwan sat on the sofa and listened to their speeches, suddenly got up in silence, and said, "You guys have a good talk, there are still things in my company."

She picked up her coat and bag.

As soon as she went out, Ji Qiwei said, "Is it the reason why your mother ignored you when you were like this now?"

Ji Yu smiled, "Mom is very good, she taught me what it's like to do an independent business by words and deeds."

The two were silent for a while.

Ji Qiwei wanted to take a cigarette, but paused. After Ji Yu was born, he quit cigarettes.

"Do I need to get you a psychiatrist?"

Ji Yu shook his head and said, "Dad, I have no mental problems."

"then you…"

"The World Health Organization removed homosexuality from the list of diseases in 1990." Ji Yu interrupted his meaningless inquiry and said calmly, "China also removed homosexuality from the mental illness category in 2001."

"You don't talk to me now."

Ji Qiwei finally grabbed the pack of cigarettes and lighter on the coffee table, got up and went to the balcony.


After Ji Qiwei calmed down, let Ji Yu break up, or allow her to break up at any time in the next two years. When he was admitted to university, he got engaged to Chen Yuyang first.

Ji Yu agreed with nothing.

So Ji Yu was locked at home.

After disconnecting from the Internet, my aunt comes to the house to cook three meals for her every day, and locks her as instructed before leaving.

Her house is on the tenth floor, and there are security windows, so there is no chance of jumping off the building at all.

Ji Yu was very calm, and during the day, he reviewed at his own pace, wrote exam papers, and checked the answers. After reviewing, the various idle books on the bookshelf started to turn from left to right, and I finished reading the first floor.

She bet she would be released before the placement test at the end of the term.

Endure the anxiety in my heart.

Both parents are extremely rational people, so she is not qualified to do it, because she doesn't feel that making a fuss can achieve any purpose.

At 10:30 in the evening, Chen Qiwan came back and used the scanner to copy the working documents.

She packed up and prepared to fly abroad for a meeting overnight.

Before leaving, she handed Ji Yu a brand-new mobile phone and a supplementary credit card, and took off the lock, "Let's go out and play first, you don't have to go to school, you can play wherever you want, but don't go abroad."

"Your dad is helping you apply to a new high school."

"In two days, prepare for the interview."

Ji Yu said nothing, put away his mobile phone and credit card silently, and continued to eat.

Do you want to prepare the country for the visa interview?

Before the final exam, Ji Yu had not come to class for a week, and the head teacher said that she was not feeling well.

The class spread that she had a disease that required isolation and was hospitalized.

Xu Runyu was restless and always felt that something was wrong, and how severe would the isolation be that she couldn't even make calls on her cell phone?

She studied until late at night and still couldn't fall asleep.

Get out of bed, get up and pour yourself a glass of warm water.

Gently pull the chair away. I turned on the study light again and adjusted it to the darkest light, so as not to disturb the sleep of my roommates,

"Kang Kuang Kuang..."

Just as Xu Runyu took a sip of water from the cup, her hands shook, and the water flowed down her chin all over her body.

Someone tapped on the iron railing outside.


It is now 12:30 in the evening, and it is quiet outside the window, not even the sound of the wind.

Xu Runyu was silent for a few seconds before hesitating to move the glass door.

"I really didn't sleep."

Ji Yu rested on the balcony railing with his elbows, his feet were in the gap, and the corners of his lips were smiling. Looking quite relaxed.

Xu Runyu's heart was beating very fast, and in the middle of the night, she was so frightened that she trembled. This was the fourth floor!

She hurried over to hold Ji Yu's hand tightly, her face pale.

After reacting, he changed to hug her tightly, and asked in a hoarse voice, "What are you doing crazy, Ji Yu."

"It won't fall."

Ji Yu wanted to explain to her how easy it is to climb over the wall. But being held by her, I didn't want to spend too much time explaining this, so I coaxed her with a smile and said

"It's not high here, there's grass underneath, and it's just broken when you fall."

After Xu Runyu was frightened, she was angry again by her attitude of not caring about her own safety, her face turned red, and she endured it again and again.

"Then what are you doing in the middle of the night like a thief!"


In the dark night, Ji Yu chuckled lightly, "Yes, it's a thief."

He let go of her embrace, and quickly climbed into the balcony of the dormitory while holding the railing in both hands.

She moved so decisively that Xu Runyu didn't even react.


Taking a step forward, Ji Yu picked her chin and smiled wickedly, "I'm here to steal Runrun's heart."

The author has something to say about the little cute things that have kitten claws and claws in the message, so cute!