MTL - Atypical Heroine-Chapter 19 Huh Jun Yu [Final]

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Ji Yu left the embassy and began to think about how to explain it when he went home.

She will also be rejected for this conditional interview, and no one will believe it if she didn't destroy it herself.

You can't really annoy the parents, otherwise they will just put her in any small country with low requirements and no interview, and she will be the unlucky one.

Ji Yu was pushed by his aunt in a wheelchair and asked, "What did my dad say?" After reporting the results, the aunt repeated the words to her calmly, "He said, 'Come back and talk about it.'"

Ji Yu took off his ponytail before entering the house, and his hair was loose and messed up. Looking down, he looked sullen.

Long eyelashes blinked, brewing emotions.

When she opened the door, Chen Qiwan was standing in the living room. She bent down and picked up the lighter that had fallen into the corner of the sofa.

Looking up to see Ji Yu in a wheelchair, he was stunned.

Before Ji Yu entered the door, tears were brewing, so he didn't care who he was, he rolled his wheelchair and stretched his arms to hug her, "Mom..."

The tone was whimpering, as if she had finally seen her relatives after being aggrieved. This is still learned from Chen Yuyang.

There was also a thick cast on the leg.

"what happened?"

Chen Qiwan came back in a hurry, hugged her, looked at the miserable appearance of her daughter in a wheelchair, "Jumped off the building??"

Ji Yu shook his head, and immediately heard the door open again. She turned her head and said to Ji Qiwei with tears in her eyes, "Dad, I don't want to go abroad."

"You know what I want to do in the future."

"Reading the MGM book really doesn't help me at all in my future planning. Only people like Chen Yuyang need to be gilded earlier."

Ji Qiwei pursed his lips, but his brows loosened slightly.

Admitted to a strong major in a famous university and then graduated with a master's degree, and the targeted selection of students is indeed the most standard and safe way. If the child has a future...

Seeing his gloomy and contemplative appearance, Chen Qiwan couldn't believe it, "Ji Qiwei, did you break her leg?"

Ji Qiwei "…"

Ji Yu originally only paid attention to his father's expression, but when she was interrupted, it was better to let it cool first if it was hot. She hugged her mother and cried, "Mom, my legs hurt so much..."

It was the first time that Ji Qiwei heard her cry that her leg hurts "..."

"Okay, okay," Chen Qiwan patted her head, turned her face and said to Ji Qiwei, "leave the child alone."

"I earn so much money so my daughter can do whatever she wants."

"If you want to take the college entrance examination, go for the college entrance examination."

Ji Yu whimpered, "Mom is the best."

Ji Qiwei swallowed what he had to say, picked up his briefcase, and turned to go out.


Ji Yu wiped away two tears and looked at the closed door "Mom..."

Chen Qiwan interrupted her indifferently, "It's okay."

Chen Qiwan sent her aunt back first, went into the kitchen by herself, made half-baked tomato scrambled eggs in half a day, and brought it into the room to coax her daughter.

"I called you to ask. The withdrawal procedures have been completed, but it is not a big problem to re-enter."

"Just as usual, the special class after the third year of high school does not accept transfer students. You can go to a parallel class."


Ji Yu was happy in his heart, and he looked pitiful on his face, and said aggrievedly, "I used to be the first, but now I can't even get into the special class?"

"Okay, little brat, stop pretending."

"Where are you crying? It's a special class. It's sad that you can't take classes with your girlfriend. Mom can help you find a house closer to the school. You can move in and live with her next semester."

Ji Yu was taken aback by this good thing.

"It saves you going to climb the stairs," Chen Qiwan rolled her eyes at her, put down the tomato scrambled eggs in her hand, and sighed, "Mom believes you are a sensible child... Then you, continue to be sensible, and mother is sensible too."

Ji Yu said that she needed someone to take care of her leg injury. He pretended to be weak, and Xu Runyu's heart was broken. Before school started, she rushed into Ji Yu's place and planned to cook for her and push her in a wheelchair every day.

As a result, Ji Yu recovered too quickly, and the wheelchair was already deserted and full of debris.

Xu Runyu "…"

Ji Yu folded his arms, leaned against the wall and smiled at her, raised his lips and said, "My wife cheated into the door."

"You really don't need a wheelchair?"

Xu Runyu suspected her stubbornness, and counted the time in her heart, "How long has it been since you recovered."

Ji Yu obediently took two steps to show her, and held her waist, "The doctor said that I can't exercise vigorously yet, everything else is fine."

She leaned against her in her arms, and she regretted that she didn't enjoy the treatment of being eighty for two days in advance of being eighteen, but she wanted to be able to stand and hug her more quickly.

I couldn't help but say, "Baby Runrun, can I call your daughter-in-law in advance?"

Xu Runyu lowered her eyes and suddenly said softly, "Do you remember the bet we made, you have to promise me one thing unconditionally."

Ji Yu kissed the top of her hair, "I'm listening."

"Then we... never break up. Is that okay?"

"No," Ji Yu lightly kissed the corner of her eye, his voice was rarely gentle and serious, "Since the day we were together, I never thought about the possibility of us breaking up. So, it's too wasteful to use conditions here... "

Xu Runyu's expression moved slightly, just about to say something.

The hand that was around her waist slipped into her clothes, her tone became less serious, and she smiled lowly, "Keep it, there will be a time to beg me in the future..."


Those two laughs seemed to be afraid that she would not understand the meaning of the words.

Xu Runyu's face was stern, and she couldn't help but squeeze her soft cheeks with a smile, "Ji Xueba, why do you always act like a hooligan in front of me? Huh?"

Ji Yu Wanwan smiled and her eyes were full of "I don't know, do you think I would do this to others? Who's to blame?"

"It's not your fault... it's too cute to harm the world."

In the blink of an eye, it's the high school entrance exam.

In the end, Xu Runyu did not have the same university and major as Ji Yubao. Ji Yu's chosen economic major doesn't mind adjusting, but a strong professional will narrow her choices in the future.

The medical school that Xu Runyu applied for has almost no pressure from the college entrance examination due to her strength.

The weather during the college entrance examination was not very good. It rained for days, and the black clouds lingered on the top of the head. The rain washed the corners and corners of the city, and the roads were flooded.

The first few subjects performed normally. The two went to the exam room together and went home together, wearing rain boots and playing in the pond like a child.

Soon the last exam was over.

Ji Yu's heart was beating very fast, his whole body was light, and every student who came out beside him also had similar expressions.

They have worked hard for three years, no matter what the final result is, at least this moment is liberation and happiness.

The transparent plastic umbrella was propped up in the pouring rain, and the rain tapped the umbrella surface, making a dull sound. She crossed the main entrance surrounded by many parents and subconsciously walked towards Ximen.

There were many pedestrians and vehicles on both sides of the road, and the car horns continued to honk after the test.

Parked in the rain, a black umbrella did not move.

Ji Yu walked over quickly.

On the edge of the umbrella, a pair of smiling eyes were revealed, but he did not speak.

She was just standing by the fence, watching her come.

The two of them clearly didn't make an appointment last night, where to meet after the exam and what to do. But there is such a tacit understanding that does not require words, and they all come to this place to find each other as soon as possible.

Ji Yu collected the umbrella and walked under her umbrella.

He wrapped his arms around her waist and smiled softly, "Aren't you wet in such a heavy rain?"

"It's wet now." Xu Runyu looked down at the rain on her clothes, raised her lips and smiled helplessly, "Your coat looks like a poncho."

The material of the jacket Ji Yu was wearing did not absorb water, and the rain that fell on him quickly rubbed against Xu Runyu. She deliberately hugged tightly, her face was close, and she smiled wickedly in her ear, "How about that?"

Xu Runyu couldn't stand the air in her ear, turned her face to the side, and smiled kindly, "Are you hungry?"

"Yeah." Ji Yu rubbed his fingers against her cheek, and the stray hair was tucked behind her ear, then she lifted her chin and kissed her lips. The kiss pressed over and pressed her teeth open eagerly.

Xu Runyu's long eyelashes blinked slightly, and she raised her face obediently. The umbrella in her hand swayed from side to side and was clenched.


A black umbrella cut off the line of sight on the side of the road. Vehicles turned on their turn signals and honked their horns. Parents asked questions and the students were excited.

The two embraced and kissed deeply.

The sound of rain obscured the noise in my ears.

"Go home," Ji Yu breathed lightly in her ear, both of them were wet, "take a hot bath together."

Xu Runyu bit her lip, her eyes were bright, and she frowned childishly, but she blushed and didn't say anything against it.

Holding only her hand, she walked forward silently with an umbrella in one hand.


Ji Yu was just joking about being a hooligan, but his thoughts swelled when he saw this.

"Run Run."

Xu Runyu hummed.

After a while, Ji Yu didn't know what to say.

Bending her lips and smiling, she silently clenched her hand tightly, and called out again, "Runrun."


Xu Runyu snorted softly.

One document, one meeting. Ji Qiwei didn't eat lunch until the evening, and discussed with his colleagues whether the progress of the project was a little slow, so he had to rush.

A colleague reminded him, "Have you made up a secretary that you lacked now?"

"Well, the young man surnamed Chen is really capable."


"What's the matter?" Seeing the hesitant look he was obviously trying to say, Ji Qiwei stopped his chopsticks and raised his eyes, "Isn't he from the same school as you?"

"Well, yes, it was Lao Zhang who brought him here, but I heard about him later..."

"What did you hear?"

"I heard that he is gay..." The colleague took a sip and said in a low voice, "That's the gay."


Ji Qiwei was silent for a few seconds, and the smile on his lips slowly faded.

He snorted, and then quickly said, "The World Health Organization removed homosexuality from the list of diseases in 1990, and China also removed homosexuality from the category of mental illness in 2001."

"You're still discriminating? Are you still discriminating? What do you want to do?"

Runrun said that ice cream can only be eaten when the weather is good.

What's the weather like tomorrow.

The author has something to say about the next world writing scumbag x teacher