MTL - Atypical Heroine-Chapter 22 Yang Ning【3】

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Yang Ning raised her hand and brushed her hair, raised her eyes, and gave her a cool look.

Ji Yu almost knelt down for her.

"...Are you all right?"

Ji Yu luckily thought that such an over-the-shoulder fall shouldn't hurt, so when he squatted down and tried to help her up, he saw her palms were bruised and bleeding.

I was stunned for a moment, and I grabbed her wrist and wanted to take a closer look.

However, Yang Ning pulled out his hand and stood up by himself, avoiding her support.

"What's the matter with you?"

Liu Xiaoxi, who had just come over, met her eyes, stumbled, and then said, "I... we're done eating, we'll come out first..."

Ji Yu wondered how she fell just now, "Let's go to the infirmary."


Yang Ning was noncommittal, "It took only three minutes to finish the meal, it's because your instructors are watching too closely."

She glanced at the watch on her wrist and said, "There are still two hours until the afternoon training. Stay in the dormitory for these two hours and don't wander around."

"Okay," Ji Yu nodded in agreement, looking at her, "but I have to go to the infirmary with you first."

Yang Ning "No need."

Ji Yu tilted his head and whispered to Liu Xiaoxi, "You go first and get your own things."

"…it is good."

As soon as Liu Xiaoxi left, Ji Yu followed Yang Ning and asked, "Do teachers have anything else to do during lunch break?"


"Then let's go to the infirmary, it's not far away."

Seeing that she has a somewhat brownish candy attitude.

Yang Ning could only say, "Go back to the dormitory, I will go myself."

"Take me," Ji Yu followed her and refused to go first, trying to convince her, "This place is quite big, and you shouldn't be familiar with the place. I just looked at the map at the door for a long time, and I know the infirmary. Where."

Yang Ning paused for a while, then turned to look at her with a half-smile, "Ji Yu, this is not the first time I have been the head teacher to lead military training."

"Oh," Ji Yu thought to himself, but this must be the first time you've been thrown over your shoulder...

She should accompany her without saying a word.


If Yang Ning sighed, he didn't say anything.

Ji Yu followed her obediently.

The infirmary was not far from the dormitory building. The narrow white door was tightly closed. Ji Yu knocked on the door habitually, but the door was unlocked, so he went in directly.

The coolness of the air conditioner blows.

Looking around, only the two students lying on the bed looked up at them.

There is no one else in the infirmary.

Ji Yu asked them, "Classmate, is the doctor here?"

"No," the girl lying on the bed inside told her, "he went to eat, and he probably won't be back until the afternoon."

Ji Yu turned his head to look at Yang Ning helplessly, "Teacher, shall I disinfect and apply iodophor for you?"

"I'm very experienced," she thought about how to improve her credibility, "know how..."

Yang Ning didn't speak, just pulled open the white drawer and took out tweezers and cotton swabs from the stainless steel disinfection tray. Get out the hydrogen peroxide bottle.

Ji Yu walked over, before he had time to say "..."

She skillfully picked a cotton ball with tweezers, dipped her hand in hydrogen peroxide, and raised her hand to clean the bruised wound on her elbow, along with the wound on her palm.

Throw away the cotton **** and replace the cotton swabs with iodophor.

Ji Yu was stunned when she saw that she didn't need to take a second look when she took the potion.

"Teacher, you... have a lot of experience too?"

Yang Ning hummed, not wanting to pay attention to her appearance.

The dazzling light came in from the glass window, facing the light, Ji Yu couldn't help squinting slightly. Yang Ning dealt with the bruise on the elbow, her face was calm, and her long eyelashes hung down with a curling arc.

Ji Yu was quiet for a while.

For some reason, there was a feeling in her heart that she seemed unhappy as a teacher.

She healed the wound quickly.

Returning the things to their original places, as soon as the drawer was closed, a white hand stretched out in front of her and spread it out.

Ji Yu spread his hands and said in a low voice


"Call you back, don't be cruel to me... I'm also very guilty."

Yang Ning was stunned.

Ji Yu is a little bully in the class who doesn't eat hard and soft. Although he consciously does not touch the bottom line, he is definitely not good-looking. She is like a little beast born to be unconvinced, holding her head proudly and acting willfully and freely.

I had never heard her say such soft words.

She said, "I'm also very guilty," without being deliberately coquettish.

Such an ordinary sentence can make people feel that she is not pretentious.


Yang Ning pursed her lips with a fleeting smile, then raised her hand and patted her palm, "Okay, it's even."

The tone was somewhat gentle.

Ji Yu's heart skipped a beat.

She hurriedly looked away, thinking about chatting on a topic that was easy and could bring her closer.

I can't help but think distractedly, it's really killing people to look good when they smile occasionally.

Suddenly someone knocked on the door.

Two students who looked like junior high school students came in. Among them, the tall boy supported the boy in blue. When they saw Yang Ning standing at the table, they thought she was the teacher here.

"Teacher, he broke his knee."

When he came over, he rolled up his trousers and showed her the wound.

Ji Yu "…"

Yang Ning didn't say anything, pulled out the chair, "Sit down first."

The boy then sat down obediently and took off his hat. There are also junior high school students in the military training base here. They came earlier than them. The symbol is this bright red hat.

Yang Ning took out the tray again, dipped a cotton ball in the tweezers and dipped it in hydrogen peroxide to clean his wound.

The action is much softer than when I dealt with it for myself just now.

The boy was still grinning in pain.

He had a large scrape, oozing blood and tissue fluids that were prone to bacterial infection.

Yang Ning cut another piece of gauze, and quickly wrapped it up for him. He instructed, "The gauze is no longer needed after the scabs have formed. Don't wrap it all the time, and the wound should not touch water."

"Okay," the boy was helped to stand up and thanked, rolled up his trousers and left, "Goodbye, teacher."

Ji Yu was immersed in her softer-than-usual tone of voice, and sighed, " do I think, teacher, you are more patient with them than with us."


"There is."

Yang Ning put the things back in place, "Then why do you say that?"

Ji Yu shook his head with sincerity, "I don't know, everyone is obviously not too different in age."

"…gone back."

"Oh," Ji Yu hurriedly followed.

"Teacher, aren't you going back to the dormitory?"

"Go get your luggage."

"Teacher didn't have to stand in a military position just now, so I haven't had time to go to the dormitory yet."

Yang Ning reluctantly told her, "Teacher doesn't stand in a military position, but I'm going to get you the clothes you'll wear later."

"Oh," Ji Yu asked again, "are we wearing that camouflage too?"

Yang Ning hummed.

"Have you eaten by yourself, teacher?"

Yang Ning has a strong sense of distance. When a student encounters her on the road, his first reaction is to hide. If there is nowhere to hide, he will come forward to say hello.

That's why Ji Yuhui is neither big nor small, so he doesn't mind the cold.

The strange thing is that she speaks sentence by sentence, but it does not give people the feeling of being noisy.

Yang Ning didn't hate it.

Take back the luggage from the bus and head to the dormitory building.

There are three steps in front of the dormitory building.

Ji Yu didn't pause, he lifted up a suitcase in one hand and strode over. Yang Ning turned the box across and carried it with both hands.

Seeing that she didn't seem to lift heavy objects, Ji Yu lifted his two boxes side by side, freeing up one hand. When I got to the stairs, I took her suitcase directly. "I'll get it."

Yang Ning was stunned, but she took the suitcase away.

She was not used to calling students like this, and subconsciously wanted to take it back, "No need."

Ji Yu didn't speak or let go, his pupils that reflected the light had a beautiful luster of colored glaze, and looked at her slightly with a puffed face.

Stand still for a few seconds.

Yang Ning's hand was on the back of her hand, which was delicate to the touch. After reacting, he retracted his hand in a daze.


"Then take this," Ji Yu saw this, handed her one of his suitcases, and went straight upstairs. He muttered, "Where is the teacher who dares not call the students..."

Yang Ning stared at her back for a few seconds, then sighed.

Go get her suitcase.

Lifting it up, it felt surprisingly light.

Yang Ning went upstairs, thinking about why she brought an empty suitcase all the way...

Ready to decorate a souvenir to go home?

Ji Yu was very strong, but he also stopped to climb the fifth floor with two heavy suitcases.

Follow Yang Ning to the door of the dormitory.

Every dormitory door has red paper with its name and bed number written on it.

Liu Xiaoxi had told her the bed number before, but Ji Yu stopped to confirm it again.

Yang Ning stood beside her and glanced at it.

Ji Yu pushed the door and went in.

The air conditioner was on in the dormitory, and the people who came back quickly had already packed almost all their luggage. The curtains are drawn, and the dim light can clearly see how dilapidated the dormitory environment is.

The army-green bunk beds with iron railings were packed full of rows, and there were only two desks in front of the window in the entire dormitory.

The only thing that was brand new was the big yellow sticker that was temporarily attached to the head of the bed, with the bed number written on it.

Liu Xiaoxi had just rolled up the gray army green quilt and stuffed it into the bottom cabinet. Without looking back, he said to Ji Yu, "There are ten cabinets, and the ones below are so dirty that they can't be used."

"The whole bed is dirty, you hurry up and clean it up, we bunk up and down."

Ji Yu hummed and walked to his bed.

Everyone has inquired about the dirty and messy dormitory with the seniors and seniors, and they scrubbed the beds without any accident, and took out the blankets and thin quilts they brought with them.

"Teacher, teacher!"

Huang Yawen obviously waited for Yang Ning for a long time. As soon as she entered the door, she leaned over and said, "I...I want to sleep with Jingjing at night, is that okay?"

Yang Ning didn't even think about it, "Is there not enough beds? No."


Huang Yawen finally came up with a way to survive, but she didn't expect to be rejected.

The whole person stayed.

The dormitory beds were arranged by the military base, and the teachers couldn't save face to express their dissatisfaction. Yang Ning comforted them and said, "In the past, ten people were arranged to live in one room, but now the number of people is almost halved."

Everyone immediately protested, "Teacher, that's because the beds are broken."

"I can hardly sleep in the upper bunk!"

"The whole ladder is missing from this bed, Sensei! There are just six beds that can sleep."

In order to save space, there are two large beds at the corner that are placed together. One of the upper bunk railings of these two is seriously rusted, and the other is directly broken.

So only the bed in the lower bunk is arranged for sleeping.

The names written on the 5th and 6th beds on the red paper at the door are Huang Yawen and Yang Ning.

The two beds together actually become a whole queen bed at all.

...In other words, Huang Yawen can almost be regarded as sharing a bed with Yang Ning at night!

Huang Yawen shivered and felt a sense of despair that she couldn't even cry.

Everyone came over and patted her on the shoulder, with expressions on their faces that wanted to comfort her but couldn't hold back their laughter.

"I'm the top bunk," Ji Yu put the suitcase into the closet, and laughed out loud when he saw the two beds that were raised side by side, turned his head, and said to Huang Yawen, "You can change with me, I'm afraid of heights."

Huang Yawen's face was suddenly full of surprise and ecstasy, "Okay, okay! Okay, okay!"

Yang Ning said lightly, "What's the matter? You can't just change the bed."

"I didn't change it casually," Ji Yu sat on Huang Yawen's bed and said innocently with his lips crossed, "I'm afraid of heights, so I dare not climb the railings. Teacher, will you carry me to bed at night?"


At the same time, everyone remembered that this person was a big guy who flipped a wall two or three meters high.

Now I'm afraid of heights and can't climb on the bunk...

Huang Yawen "It's nothing but the two of us to exchange teachers. I hate the bottom bunk and she's afraid of heights. You can't let us all sleep on the floor, teacher! What's wrong!"

Huang Yawen doesn't care if she is really afraid of heights.

This is a lifesaver!

Huang Yawen looked at her with a bark, stared at her hard, with an expression that she would cry immediately if she disagreed.


Yang Ning thought for a while, but he really couldn't find any reasonable reason to refuse, "...Okay."

"Great," Huang Yawen ran excitedly and hugged Ji Yu, lowering her voice, "Boss, I owe you this time."

Ji Yu "…"

Yang Ning looked at his big bed expressionlessly, and said in a calm voice, "There is still a quarter of an hour before the meeting point, everyone pay attention to the time."

He turned around, but closed his eyes helplessly.