MTL - Awakening-Chapter 221 Hot spring

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After coming out of the airport exit, I looked at my face with a pale face. Ray couldn’t help but have a distress. "Is it very hard?"

Naoko smiled and shook his head and said, "I'm fine, just some airsickness. It will be a while."

Lei Yin still had some peace of mind, so he said, "Let's go to the lounge first, wait a minute and then take the bus to the hotel."

"No, I am really fine."

"Obvious." After that, Lei Yin used his right hand luggage and left her hand to go to the airport lounge.

Feel the lover's thoughtfulness, the heart is sweet and moving, leaning his head on his shoulder, both arms also stretched over his waist.

At this time, the man in charge of the reception saw that the son did not go to the side and went away. So he immediately ran over and said, "Miss Changgu, the bus that picks us up is coming soon. I am asking you to come over and gather here. Ok?"

The son did not have time to answer, Lei Yin said to him: "My girlfriend is a little uncomfortable, I want to take her to the lounge to rest, wait for us to go to the hotel by car, you do not have to wait for us."

"You're fine, Miss Naoko?" The man saw her face very bad.

"I have your concern, Mr. Maruyama, I will take a break." Naoko replied very politely.

"In this case, let's go first. If there is anything, please contact me."

"Thank you, Mr. Maruyama."

After Maruyama returned to the meeting point, a 35- and 6-year-old man asked him: "Mr. Maruyama, Miss Changgu is in trouble?"

"It is such a Mr. Chizu, Miss Changgu because she is a little uncomfortable, so I want to take a rest in the lounge of the airport. After a while, I will take a bus to the hotel to meet us."

"It turned out to be like this." Chijin looked up at the shadow that had just entered the lounge.

At this time, a young male voice came from the side. "Sure enough, the beauty of the body is generally weak. Hey, I can’t think of the very recent female columnist 'Qingshui', which is such a big beauty. I knew I was going to chase. She is alright." The speaking place is a man with eyes and a thin body.

"It's not too late. How come, don't you dare? This is not like your character, the village well." A full-bodied woman said in the side.

"Who said that he didn't dare? But you said it makes sense. Anyway, she only has a boyfriend. She is still not married. Besides, her boyfriend is also very general." The villager wearing his eyes clutched his chin.

"Why didn't you come to pick up our car? It's really annoying." A woman in her forties who had a heavy makeup on her face complained.

"Miss Aso. Please wait a moment, it should be very soon." Maruyama, who was in charge of reception, immediately accompanied him and said with a smile.

"Every year is like this, can you not improve your work efficiency slightly?" The woman named Aso said very impatiently.

"Sorry, we will pay attention to the next time."

"You say this every year, but it's not the same."

Maruyama had to apologize constantly.

"Forget it. I also asked you, why did you send a few articles in the magazine this year, and women who are not qualified to be writers at all?" asked Aso.

"You are talking about Miss Changgu?"

"I am still confused, except who else?"

"This is the case. Miss Esaka’s essays on the magazine column are increasingly popular with female readers. So our president decided to invite her to attend this exchange."

Aso sneered. "Oh, it’s just a newcomer who just debuted. I will see when she can be red."

Hearing the dialogue here, Akagi Miho, standing not far away, said to Chijin and Murai, "The woman really came again. I really admire her cheeky face, all of them are in their forties, but every year. I am still attending the Young Writers Exchange Conference."

"There is any way, she is the wife of the former president, how many presidents of the current president have to give a few points." Village wells said. "I heard that the former president divorced her. Is it true?" Chijin asked.

"Who knows, but it is not impossible to use the personality of the old-fashioned old-fashioned ghost. The old guy liked to move hands on me that year. Fortunately, he retired early because of that." Akagi Miho gloating Say.

Looking at Akane's plump body. The village couldn't help but swallow.

Finally, the bus that came to pick them up came over, so the 20 or so young writers from Tokyo, popular or semi-red, got on the bus one by one.

When the time falls into the autumn, the weather begins to cool. The Young Writers’ Association specially arranged for their accommodation to be very close to Nagoya, belonging to a hotel near the Hiro Onsen Township in Gifu Prefecture.

Most people feel very satisfied with this arrangement. Only Aso is complaining about why he is not a hotel but a hotel.

After resting in the airport lounge for twenty minutes, Zhizi said to Lei Yin: "Ray, I am fine."

Seeing that her face has returned to normal, Lei Yin assured that she was out of the airport to go to the car.

On the bus going to Gero, the son leaned on his shoulder and said, "Ray, I am really happy."

Lei Yin bowed his head and kissed her forehead. "If you think those people are too noisy, we will move to other hotels. Anyway, there are many hotels there."

Straight son did not speak, just looked at him with ecstasy. After a while, she suddenly stretched her neck and kissed his lips, then retracted her head back into his arms.

Lei Yin smiled and gently stroked the hair behind her neck.

Gero Township is one of Japan's three famous hot springs. It is also known as the three famous springs in Japan. The bus they took took the high-speed road from Nagoya Airport to the north, and it took about two hours to reach the city.

According to the address given by Maruyama, who was in charge of reception, Lei Yin took the son to the hotel where he stayed.

This is a medium-sized lodge with antique design and some old wooden finishes at the door, showing that the hotel has been at least a few decades old.

After entering, Lei Yin negotiated with the hotel's service lady clearly, she immediately took them to the reserved double room.

Although the Young Writers Association is willing to pay for the two people's airfare and room and board, but Lei Yin does not want to owe them any personal feelings, so his ticket and hotel charges with his son are his own. And because he is quiet, he specially booked a quieter room to stay.

"Get a good night's sleep. I will wake you up when I eat." After putting the luggage down, Ray said to the son.

"Where are you going?" In this new environment, Zhizi didn't want to be separated from him.

"A fool, I don't go anywhere, I go to sleep."

"Ray. Can you sleep with me?" She whispered as he hugged him.

Lei Yin took her no way, so she hugged her up on the bed, then took off her coat and lay beside her.

Seeing that he promised, Naoko was very happy to hug his waist.

After putting the blanket on her, Ray hid in her ear and said, "You. It will be more and more spoiled."

Straight son snickered and put his face on his chest.

After sleeping comfortably, the whole person became radiant and more beautiful. When the cat came to the hotel to eat at the place where the meal was eaten, all the men stared at her.

“Do you mind if we are sitting here?” When Lei Yin was eating with his son, the full-fledged Akasumi Miho and the village wearing glasses came over.

"Miss Chicheng, Mr. Chijin and Mr. Murai. How are you." The son said hello to them with courtesy.

"Miss Changgu. I am your loyal reader. You are the best-selling female prose writer I have ever seen." Chi Chengmei Sui sat on the side of her son as if she was very familiar. When she saw her sit down, the village well sat down.

"You have won the prize, compared with the series of novels you wrote, it is nothing." The son replied modestly.

This is the village plugged in: "I am not afraid of Miss Changgu to laugh, although I am a man, but I also like to see the female column you wrote."

"You have won the prize, Mr. Murai."

"I don't know if you have any novels? According to your local culture, it should be very popular." Murai continued to please.

"There is no such plan yet."

"I know a lot of friends in the publishing industry. If you want to publish a novel one day, even if you come to me. This is my business card. If you have something, please call me at any time." Murai handed over a business card.

"Thank you." Naoko did not know how to cope with his excessive enthusiasm.

"Straight, the dishes are getting cold." Lei concealed a dish in her bowl. By the way, help her to stop the man's continued questioning.

Seeing that the interrupted person is her boyfriend who is justifiably, the village is a little angry, but there is nothing to help.

"Can you ask, what is Mr. Yuan’s work?" Chi Chengmei’s head turned to Lei Yin.

Lei Yin casually replied: "Sometimes I buy some stocks to play, it is a freelancer."

"Few jobs, but it should be a little easier than we can do this writing. For us, the editors who are constantly trying to edit are all a group of devils, and the deadline is a Good Friday. When you don't have a selling point, you can't apply for unemployment insurance without a pension. Usually you don't have overtime pay for the day and night, and you have to live in the studio for a continuous holiday. Moreover, the works written by hard work, I have to accept those guys who have arrogantly raised their lives but never published any works that they claim to be critics. "The more the Akasaka Miho said, the more energetic, and finally the waiter took the red wine.

"You said, are we very miserable?" After complaining for another round, Akagi Miho said while drinking and patted Ray's shoulder.

For this self-cooked woman, Lei Yin feels a little funny.

When I saw the son looking at Akagi's Miho, there was a sympathetic look in his eyes. As a woman with a lot of mouths, Mr. Murai coughed and said: "Misui, you drink too much."

"Cut, do you think that I am as hard as you are? You know, last time I went to drink with this guy, you know how it is? Two cups, just two drinks, he fell down. There were other people present at the time. All of them were seen. You said that you are not shameful?" Chicheng Miho patted the table and laughed.

Seeing that this woman actually said his anecdote in front of this beautiful woman, the village couldn’t help but be angry and immediately went over and tried to pull her away. "Misui, you are drunk. Sorry. My friend is drunk, I want to help. She goes back."

"Let me go, I am not drunk. Do you think that everyone is as bad as you? Miss Changgu, go, let's go to the hot springs." Finished. She pulled up straight and went outside.

"Miss Chicheng, you'd better take a break." Looking at her mouth full of alcohol, Zhizi quickly advised.

"Do not worry, my drink is very good, even better than many men. Let's go. Wait a minute while we are immersed in the hot springs and talk about the topic between our women." Chicheng continued to pull her out.

There is no way to refuse. Had to say to Lei Yin: "Zheng Zhi, I am with Miss Chicheng, are you waiting for me in the room?"

Lei nodded, "I have something to call my cell phone."

"I know." This son went out with Akagi Miho.

This is where most people have left, and Lei Yin has eaten two and then returned to the room.

In the women's special hot spring area locker room, Naoko is changing bathrobes. When she changed it, she saw that Akagi Miho was looking at herself with strange eyes.

"What's wrong, Miss Chicheng?" Nazi asked a little puzzled.

"Nothing. Let's go." After that, she took it to the hot spring inside.

There are no other people in the hot spring area, and the surroundings are very quiet.

After trying the water temperature by hand, Akagi Miho took the bathrobe off and placed it in the tub. Then went naked naked. After she went down, Naoko also took off her bathrobe and put it in the tub that she brought, and followed it.

The reason why Gero Hot Spring is known as one of Japan's three famous springs is that it has a special effect on the treatment of some diseases such as rheumatic diseases, sports injuries and neuralgia because it is transparent and clean without impurities.

Although there are no such diseases on the body, but the whole body is soaked in the hot spring, the son still feels very comfortable.

Akagi Miho stretched out in the water and said: "It seems that the arrangement of this exchange meeting is quite good."

Naoko asked: "Miss Akane has been attending the exchange for the first time?"

"The fifth time. When I first participated, I was so excited that I felt that I was really highly valued. Later I learned more and I knew that it was just a consolation benefit."

Straight son smiled.

This is Akasaka Miho suddenly said: "Miss Changgu, I will help you massage, my technique is very good."

"How can this be done? No need."

"You're welcome, wait a minute, you can help me press it. Come, relax." After that, she walked to the side of her son and put her hand on her shoulder and slowly picked it up.

Seeing that she is so persistent, Zhizi had to follow her.

Akagi Miho said on the side: "Miss Changgu, your body is really good, I am the first time I saw a beautiful body like you, so beautiful that even this woman could not help but be excited."

Hearing her such straightforward praise, the face of the straight son was hot. "You have won the prize, Miss Chicheng, your body is also very good."

"I mean, I rarely praise other people's bodies. You are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen."

"You are too much prize."

Naoko discovered that the hands of Akagi Miho were slowly moving down from their shoulders to their armpits, and there seemed to be signs of slowly moving forward.

"Miss Changgu, can you ask a question?"

"What?" The son was surprised to find that the hand of Akagi Miho really moved to his chest position, and one hand slowly moved down along his lower abdomen.

"Can your friend satisfy you in that respect?" When Akasaka Miho spoke, the hand continued to move down.

"Miss Chicheng, please let me go?" Naoko said with a little panic.

"Miss Changgu, relax my body, I will let you try the happiness that men can't give you. You should know that there are only things that only women can understand women's needs." At the same time, her hands are moving more and more under.

But it was here, the son straightened hard to open her two hands, then hurried to the other side of the hot spring, and then looked at her with warning.

"Miss Chicheng, please be your own weight."

Seeing her break free, Akagi Miho could not help but be disappointed.

After a while, she said to the son: "Miss Changgu, don't be nervous, I won't force others. Since you don't like this, I won't touch you again."

Although she said this, the son did not dare to go any further. If it wasn't for the yukata's direction in the direction of Akasaka Miho, she would have left immediately.

Seeing that she was still so nervous, Akagi Shinsei smiled and said: "In fact, I just want you to experience something you have never experienced before. I can’t think of your reaction so much. Don’t worry, I said that I won’t touch you. No more chaos."

After looking at her deeply, Naoko said: "Miss Akashi, this behavior is not correct."

"I am not really gay, only occasionally doing this kind of thing with other women. Because you are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen, so I can't help it for a while. It seems that you really like your boyfriend because you are I have seen the woman who has the most reaction."

"Besides him, I definitely won't let anyone touch me, even a woman."

"Hey, what are the men's good? They are just the fluids that look only at the appearance. When you have no use value or are no longer beautiful, they will throw you away like throwing garbage." Chi Cheng Mi Sui sneer Say.

I looked at her and said, "I don't know why you have this idea, but he is definitely not like this. Sorry, I am leaving, please let me open it?"

Akagi Miho smiled and walked aside generously.

Seeing her go away, Naoko went straight and took the bathrobe in the tub and put it on, then walked to the locker room.

Looking at her back in a hurry, Akagi gave a smile, then buried her head in the water and soaked it up.

Going back to the room and seeing Lei Yin, who was watching TV, Zhizi immediately rushed over.

Holding her in her arms, Ray Hid whispered, "What happened?"

Looking up at his eyes full of concern, Zhizi slowly said the things that had just happened.

After listening to her, Lei hidden frowned.

"Ray, beg you not to hurt her, I can see that she is just a poor woman." The son looked at the expression of the lover very worried.

Seeing her eyes, Lei Yin gently stroked her hair. "Don't worry, I won't mess around."

Hearing his words, Zhizi was slightly relieved. "Ray, I just scared me. I used to listen to it, but I still met this kind of person for the first time."

"It's okay." Ray was softly comforted in her ear.

"Ray..." Straight son buried his head deeply in his arms.