MTL - Azeroth Shadow Trail-Chapter 17 16. The war that hasn't changed

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   Chapter 17 16. A war that has not changed yet

"Ha ha"

   The orc messenger riding on the wolf wolf gasped heavily, holding the reins in his left hand, and laying his entire body on the black wolf warrior saddle.

   His right hand was hanging down by his side, and blood was constantly flowing from the wound on his shoulder.

   His right shoulder was hit by a scorching lead bullet. The soft bullet pierced into the flesh and tore a large wound, paralyzing half of the orc messenger's body.

   Damn human assassin, poisoned the buckshot!

   That's despicable!

   The orc messenger cursed, but he didn't dare to stop, his legs pressed against the wolf's back, and he called out from his throat, making the beast under his crotch run faster.

   He was an elite who sent a letter from Hillsbrad Hills to Arathi Highlands, but was ambushed by dwarves near the Wall of Thoradin, and the five warriors who accompanied him were buried in this human land.

   He was the only one left.

   He had to escape, not only because of his thirst for life, but also because he was carrying an important document from a high-level tribal exchange.

   This thing must never fall into the hands of humans!


  A strange voice came from behind the orc messenger, and the injured orc slammed his body out to the outside, dodging the thing that looked like a sharp blade, rubbing his body and flying over.

   But this is not a throwing knife, or a throwing axe.

   is a hook lock.

The    was made into a claw buckle, and it was buckled on the reins of the war wolf. The orc widened his eyes, but it was too late to push the thing away. The next moment, the hook lock was straightened.

The kinetic energy brought by    dragged the thin assassin who appeared in the broken shadow, swept from behind like an arrow.


   A human wearing black leather armor, a full-coverage hood, and a black face covering to cover most of his face, sat lightly behind the running wolf.

   Just like dancing a face-to-face dance with this orc messenger, he leaned closely behind the roaring orc in a "lover" attitude, raised his left hand like a lover's touch, and gently brushed the orc's neck.

   The front end was sharp as a knife, and when it wiped the orc's throat, it pulled back fiercely, and the black blades on both sides, like a sickle, immediately cut into the orc's flesh and blood.


   The black warrior wolf felt the breath of death.

   This ferocious beast jumped up and down, trying to save the dying master behind him, but the next moment, the black Werther's legs were riveted and slammed on the wolf's head.

   let the beast let out a whimper like a puppy.

   At the moment when the black-clothed assassin jumped out, he was slashed by the black Yin Poison Blade Fist, cutting off most of his neck.


  The wolf slid out with its owner, rolled around on the ground several times, and tried to get up, but the severed neck quickly took away its life.

   And its owner left the world of the living one step ahead.

   Before the souls of one person and one beast could leave the body, they were bound by the milky white light and quickly dragged back to the soul-inducing lamp on the waist of the human assassin.

   is like being eaten.

   Their end will not be very good, falling into the hands of that crazy woman in Hela, life is better than death will become the normal state of their life after death.

   "The 97th."

  Blake moved his left hand, which was a little sore and numb. Just now, the wolf rushed too fast. When he jumped over with the jump hook, his wrist suffered huge kinetic energy for a moment.

   but not serious enough to be injured.

   He glanced at the blade fist buckled on his left hand. Although this thing does not look good, its lethality is really amazing, especially after it is coated with the poison of the blood ring clan.

   Make it a sharp weapon to see blood and seal your throat.

   But the Blade Fist is a weird weapon after all, and you need to pay attention to your skills when using it. Black has been practicing the usage of this thing hard these days.

   Now it seems that the effect is remarkable.


   The head of the orc messenger was chopped off and threw it into the magic bag. Black squatted down again and searched the orc's rucksack.

   did not report much confidence.

   It seemed that he had spent all his luck getting the Blade Fist. In the past three or four days, he worked with Dwarf Greif to hunt down, and he killed at least forty orcs.

   But not getting a weapon or equipment of even good quality is really annoying.

   "Huh? This is."

  Black found a letter wrapped in animal skin in the pocket of the orc messenger. He looked at the stamp on it, which was a clan symbol.

   If he remembered correctly, it should be the mark of the Blackrock clan.

   "Perhaps it was signed by Orgrim himself."

  The pirate thought so, and swiftly opened the letter, which was handwritten in Orcish language.

   Showing it to ordinary soldiers is like reading a book from heaven.

   But Black is an outlier.

   Not only could he understand orc language, but he could also read orc characters, as if he was born with a full-level language talent in the game, just glanced at the envelope, and Blake immediately stood up straight.

   This letter is not long.

   But the content is not simple, and the words and sentences are full of rough orc style.

   "Dead Eye, we have received the battle report from Arathi Highlands.

   As I expected, your clan let us all down.

  With the help of dragons from the Dragonmaw clan, you didn't even take down a single Stromgarde. Perhaps it was the fear of death that weakened the courage of you once intrepid hunters.

   It's no wonder that the Warchief will not let you join the frontal battle. Obviously, your foolish failure in Khaz Modan has made the Warchief abandon you.

   I really want to ask you, a weak old dog, how hard it is to hunt down a group of dwarfs like chickens?

   You let them escape back to that mechanical bunker city.

   For more than a year, you haven't even been able to break through the gate of that mechanical bunker!

   What a shame for the tribe!

   But that’s okay.

  You blood ring waste, maybe you can contribute to the cause of the tribe in another way!

  The Warchief had already set off for a new battlefield a few days ago, and we suspect that it was the black-hearted **** of Gul'dan who tricked him into deceiving him.

   But the Amani trolls are indeed our much-needed ally.

   The large number of soldiers they brought is worth our risk at this moment, but we also have to admit that the humans in the northern border are tougher and more difficult to deal with than their compatriots in the southern border.

   Especially the commander of the human coalition, Lothar, whose strategic vision reminds me of the wise Durotan, unfortunately, our wise companion has already died in a despicable assassination.

   We can't let humans perceive the warchief's intentions, we must attract the attention of humans for the warchief.

  I ask you and the trash in your clan to speed up the attack on Stromgarde, and the brave warriors under my command will also support you in the hilly battlefield!

  We need at least half a month.

  If you can't even do this thing well, believe me, Dead Eye, there is no need for human knights to hunt you down, my sword and I will personally take your cowardly life one night!


   This is your last chance to prove yourself! "

  Black finished the letter.

   At the bottom of the stationery, there is a clan emblem with flames wrapped around a sharp blade.

   This is the symbol of the Burning Blade.

   And this letter was written to the blood ring orc chief Kilrogg. Deadeye who was besieging Stromgarde in Arathi Highlands, that is the chief of the blood ring clan.

A hero of the    tribe, he is said to be the eldest of all the chief clan chiefs at present, no wonder the chief of the Burning Blade clan contemptuously called him "Old Dog".

  These brutal guys are really careless, so contempt for an old man, they don't talk about martial arts at all.

   But that's not the point.

   The emphasis is on the information revealed in the letter.

   "Orgrim secretly brought half of the orcs to Quel'Thalas! He is looking for an alliance with the Amani forest trolls to attack the High Elves' Silvermoon City.

   Planning to open up the second battlefield in the northern Xinjiang! "

  Blake squinted his eyes, put away the blood-stained letter paper, and put it in his luggage.

   He went on to think:

   "Just like the memory in my mind, it completely matches the direction of the world line. Lothar's heavy defenses in the northern border really made Orgrim unable to find any possibility of breakthrough.

   Really deserves to be the last blood descendant of Thoradin the Great. As far as the strategic vision of Marshal Lothar is concerned, it is rare in the whole of Azeroth. "

   He sighed and looked back at the direction of Dangarok Castle.

  The group of dwarves were very warm and hospitable, and their energy was as strong as the legends. In the past four days, before they recovered their vitality, they started hunting orcs everywhere, and Black followed them to "mix" a lot of people.

  To be honest, he liked being with those dwarves, just a little noisy.

   He stroked his forehead and glanced at the translucent character card in front of him. The change in rank was quite big compared to four days ago.

  Character Card: "Spirit Hunter" Drake Proudmoore (Blake Shaw)

   Class: Level 17 Pirate/Level 3 Hunter/Empty

  Added Talent: Perception Enhancement

   is mainly due to the addition of a second class, which comes from the teaching of the mysterious mountain ranger Greif Madheart. When he obtains the hunter class, he has a new perception talent.

   But the class has not yet reached level 5, and no skills have been acquired.

  According to Blake's four days of killing, the experience gained should not be so little, but the problem is that at least half of the experience is sacrificed to the soul lamp.

  Hella has a great appetite.

  This **** is equivalent to a walking experience-devouring machine. The problem is that Blake can't leave it behind, and it's one aspect that he can't provoke hell.

   is mainly the title of "spirit hunter", which is so fragrant.

  Compared with the title of "Orc Killer", after wearing the title of Spirit Hunter, Black's every attack can be accompanied by a weak soul piercing.

   It was thanks to this powerful special effect that he was able to kill the orc messenger so easily.

   The pain of the body may be able to pass the Will save, but the piercing of the soul is too painful, enough to distract the brave warrior for a moment in battle.

   For assassins, a moment of distraction means the end of the battle.

   "But it won't work like this."

  Black walked back and whispered:

  "In this way, the upgrade speed will be seriously dragged down, and you have to find a way to make up for the loss. Maybe you can find some elite monsters to enjoy the huge experience.

   As for ordinary monsters, give them.

   is like spending money to buy a passive skill, it’s not a loss. "

   "Black! Come on! Reinforcements are coming from the castle!"

   Just as he approached the dwarf castle briskly, he heard Captain Darren Iron Mountain's characteristic crackling voice, and the dwarf captain seemed very happy.

  New pirates are also interested.

   Didn't you say a few days ago that the battle in the hilly area was so tight that no extra reinforcements were sent? Where did this new batch of reinforcements come from?

   As a result, Black ran to the bottom of Castle Hill to take a look.

  Ho, good guy!

   is not a human being.

   is a group of elves! A bunch of long ears!

   (end of this chapter)