MTL - Azeroth Shadow Trail-Chapter 24 23. Visit Sal at night (Part 1)

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   Chapter 24 23. Night Visit to Sal (Part 1)

   "Since the orcs crossed the sea to the hills more than half a month ago, those greenskins have been looting everywhere, and they are trying to besiege my castle in groups.

   But with Marshal Lothar's arrangement in advance, those greenskins couldn't take advantage of it at all.

   They came three times and failed three times, and the hills were their burial places! Those beasts don't want to go any further! "

   On the way back to the castle, Major Edras Blackmoore accompanied Black.

   He rode on his horse and discussed the battle situation in the hills with Black in the passionate and low tone that a commander and a veteran should have.

  In this feudal country, this attitude of "equal" communication between lords and generals is especially valuable.

Major    also made a special detour and took Blake to see the gallows in the castle.

   More than a dozen captured orc wolf cavalrymen were hung on it, some were dead, some were still twitching and struggling, and a group of children were beating the invaders with mud.

The soldiers around    did not stop him.

Major    seemed to use this method to show his position to Black in order to gain the goodwill of the "orc killer".

   is actually quite easy to understand.

  Although Azeroth is a world where large-scale battles are common, in this world, the power of individuals is elevated to a level that affects tactics and even strategy due to the existence of various magical forces.

   An archmage can destroy an army as long as he unleashes a blizzard at the right time and place.

   And an assassin, as long as he can seize the opportunity, can also control the trend of a war.

The simplest example of    is the war in which the Human Storm Kingdom in the southern border of the mainland was captured two years ago.

  In addition to the huge orc army, the main reason is that the king of Stormwind Kingdom, Ryan Wrynn, was assassinated on the throne by the legendary half-orc assassin Garona in front of everyone's eyes.

  The world-shattering assassination directly led to the collapse of Stormwind Kingdom's army, forcing Marshal Lothar to flee to the northern border with his young prince and hundreds of thousands of citizens.

  The current Black, of course, cannot be compared with the legendary assassin Garona, but he can kill an "orc killer" in the hills, which proves that he is no longer an unknown character.

   And the major has got the full report.

  Dangarok Castle, which was guarded by those stubborn dwarves, was able to successfully counterattack under the siege of the orcs, and the main reason was the emaciated and abnormal assassin in front of him.

  It was he alone who assassinated the chief of the Bone-biting clan, Halkan Skullbreaker, and made the Bone-biting Orc lose his command, and cooperated with the dwarves' decisive charge to create a "little miracle".

This can almost be seen as a replica of Garona's assassination of King Ryan. This is the way the assassins use their daggers to dominate the war. If such a warrior can be brought under his command, it will definitely be a sure-fire way for an ambitious major. Loss of trade.

   "I personally have been at war with orcs for several years. Mr. Black may not know that when I went to Khaz Modan to rescue the exiled people of Stormwind Kingdom, I once led my knights and fought with the orcs in the wetlands."

   Major Blackmoore observed the Orc Killer's eyes, and in a very infectious tone, he continued:

   "I once sneered at the stupid talk about 'the orcs are not worth mentioning' circulated by the high-level officials of the countries. I am not boasting, but I realized the threat of the orcs very early.

  I once asked General Danas to give me an expeditionary force to go to Khaz Modan to stop the orcs from advancing. Unfortunately, I am only a lowly soldier, and my opinion cannot be heard by the upper echelons.

   Moreover, there is also a lack of warriors under your command, such as you who declare that you are far-reaching warriors, so your words lack weight. Fortunately, the invasion of the orc cubs has finally awakened the high-level people.

   Even Lord Davar Prestor, who was very prominent in the northern political circle, has become a staunch main battle faction, which gives us soldiers who are unwilling to bow their heads to the orcs a chance to come forward. "

   Having said this, the meaning of the major is already obvious.

   When he reached the gate of the castle, he sincerely said to Blake:

   "I can't guarantee a bright future to a warrior like you. I can only promise you that if you go to war with me, I will never let you down."

Major    is quite frank.

   After the previous preparations, if Black is really just an assassin from humble background, there is a high probability that he will not refuse the recruitment of this strong and powerful little lord.

  Unfortunately, Blake is not.

   He is familiar with the fate of Major Blackmore, and also knows that there is no future in doing things under this guy. He can't take the initiative to throw himself into the mud pit.

   And the other identity of the pirate must also be taken into account.

   His injury will always be healed.

   His face will always be spread out, and once it attracts the attention of Kul Tiras, especially Prince Drake's father, Daelin, things will become very troublesome.

   The fate of the prominent Proudmoore family after more than ten years is also a big pit, and Black does not want to jump into it now.


   He is a real prince!

   There is no reason why a prince of a powerful country should work for a major. Edras Blackmore is now on his knees and asks for a vassal to be under the prince's command. Is it normal?

   So Black did not answer directly, but said in a hoarse voice:

   "You say that you are of low status? Please stop joking.

   Even a foreigner like me knows that you are one of the most trusted generals of General Danas Trollbane and King Thoras Trollbane in Stromgarde.

  The fact that they can give you such an important military location as Dunhold Castle has proven that you have a great future.

  Unfortunately, I was born in Kul Tiras, and I have sworn an oath of vengeance, and I cannot swear allegiance to other lords until I have done my vengeance for my compatriots who died in Khaz Modan at sea.

   But I'm here to kill orcs.

  Therefore, I would love to go into battle with your army! "

   "That's good! This is the Warrior's Journey."

   Hearing Black's equally frank answer, the major couldn't hide his disappointment.

   The assassin veiled his offer, but the major was delighted when he heard that the orc killer was willing to join his army.

   With the help of such an assassin who can assassinate the little orc chieftain, he will definitely be able to achieve great results in the next battle.

  This is not bad for his career either.

Major    brought Blake into the castle with a smile on his face, and told his apprentice Oriden to meet all the master's needs before heading to his office to continue handling military affairs.

   "Major Blackmoore is truly a hero, and a man with lofty ambitions like him is bound to make a career."

   Walking along the strong castle corridor with Oridon, Blake praised the local lord against his will.

   And the young sergeant would be equally grinning.

   He brought back the head of the orc captain, as well as the beheading sword of the orc as proof of military merit, plus the "arrangement" of the mentor, he has been included in the list of the next batch of promotions.

   Soon, he will be a second lieutenant.

   And this is all because of the "orc killer" in front of him. Oridon is a very smart person, so he flattered Blake all the way and sent him to the prepared room to rest.


   Just as the two walked out of the second floor of the castle one after the other, they passed a teenage girl in a blue skirt and blond hair holding a fruit basket.

   She was humming a song and looked very happy. She was not affected by the cloud of war in the castle at all, and she walked like a little girl jumping up and down, almost hitting Oridon with her head.

   was helped by the fast-eyed Black again.

  The little girl behaved very politely and apologized to Sergeant Oredon in a panic. The sergeant was in a good mood today, so he didn't scold the girl.

  Blake looked back at the girl who was dragging the fruit basket away. He rubbed his chin, which was blocked by the face covering, and said in a hoarse voice:

   "That girl, is the major's servant?"

   "No, Master."

  Oridon, who is very observant, said in a low voice:

   "Her parents, servants of the major.

   She was a lucky and bright girl named Taretha Folkeston, and Taretha was also allowed to receive an education from an early age because her mother did a favor to the Major a few years ago.

   Unlike those farmers who don't know anything, this kid will have a good future in the future. "


  Blake nodded and didn't ask any further questions. After returning to his room, he took off his leather armor and took a cold shower in a large wooden bucket as if he was resting.

   He finally didn't need to sleep and sleep in the wild, and the moment he lay on the comfortable bed, the pirate assassin almost cried out of happiness.

  Because it was during the war, the decoration of this castle room was not luxurious, but it was cleaned up as cleanly as possible, and fruit and food were specially delivered.

  After two hours of rest, it was getting late, Blake opened his eyes and glanced at the dining table, only to find that the silly little murloc had eaten all the fruit.

   also secretly drank the wine that Oriden specially prepared for the master.

   This will be lying on the dining table, sound asleep, Black's "retired" murloc knife and dagger, caught in the claws by the little murloc, like a dagger.

  The pirate assassin shook his head, without disturbing the pet's rest.

   He silently put on the leather armor, and carefully used the whetstone to rest the blade fist, and at the same time coated it with poison.

   After waiting for the night to fall and the entire castle was much calmer, he secretly opened the door, and in stealth mode, he avoided the guards all the way, and often touched it underground.

   "According to the copy process in my memory, there should be a hidden prison under Dunhold Castle. Its entrance is on the side of the weapons storehouse on the first floor of the castle, a very small passage."

  Blake's sneaky walk in the shadows stems from his intermediate shadow affinity talent, which allows him to control the shadows more delicately. The shadow clothes on his body are like flowing water, blocking his breath cleanly.

   slipped all the way down from the top of the castle, and encountered several patrolling guards on the road, but they did not alert them at all, and Black also practiced the "stealing" skill.

   Walking all the way down, there are a bunch of copper coins and some useless things in the luggage.

   It seems that the soldiers under Major Blackmore have had a miserable life.

   He came to the first floor of the castle, and first went around the armory where weapons and equipment were stored. As expected, there was no valuable armor equipment.

   With a sense of disappointment, he continued to wander through the undulating lights of the corridor, looking for his way to the underground prison.

   But games are games and reality is reality.

  This castle built on a hill is really too big. Blake turned around several times and couldn't find the passage leading to the underground prison, so he changed his method.

   hid at the entrance of the armory on the first floor and waited there.

   Soon, just before midnight, a small figure appeared in front of Blake. It was the girl he met this afternoon, Taretha Folkeston.

   This little girl who was a servant, this will carry a food basket in her hand, with a book in it, she yawns, hums a song, and walks to the corridor on the other side.

  Blake in the shadow narrowed his eyes, and followed up on tiptoe.

he knows.

   This seemingly ordinary little girl will take him to the person he hopes to see.

   That's also Major Blackmore, the biggest secret.

   (end of this chapter)