MTL - Azeroth Shadow Trail-Chapter 26 25. Everything is ready

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   Chapter 26 25. Everything is ready

  In the underground prison of Dunhold Castle.

   Little Taretha and Little Thrall hugged each other, the pirate assassin crouched in front of them, the blade fist in his hand shining coldly in the darkness.

At the entrance to the secret door above   , there is a group of veterans bragging. As long as little Teresa shouts at the top of her voice, they will rush down to help.

   But as the "orc killer" in front of him said, at the moment when the veterans rushed down, he could do a lot of things.

  Blade Fist can easily take the life of an adult orc.

   To take Thrall's life, it's even easier.

   But Black would not do that.

   He knew very well that as long as his sharp blade touched the little orc in front of him, a large group of bronze dragons would immediately rush out of the time stream, tearing him and his soul to pieces.

   will even lead to the arrival of the terrifying King of Time.

   But luckily, the two little guys in front of them didn't know it, so they were horrified by Blake's bravado.

   In the face of the threat of his life, the four-year-old little orc Thrall was more calm than Taresha, who was six years older than him. He stood up and protected the shivering Taretha behind him.

   It was obvious that he was also afraid.

   His body was shaking.

   But he was trying to suppress his fear, staring at the dangerous assassin hiding in the dark with blue eyes, saying:

   "I, I was picked up by the major, who told me four years ago that he rescued me. I was just a baby at the time, Taretha's mother, and my foster mother raised me with milk.

Major    was nice to me.

   I know that my evil brethren are attacking humanity, I don't know why the war broke out, but I am not one of them, and I have not done anything to harm humanity.

  I am thankful to humanity for saving me.

   But I have also read in books that warriors among men would be furious at the death of their fellow men, turning their rage into a sword of vengeance, stabbing the enemy in the heart.

  I, maybe I can understand your pain, just as Sergeant Drake would often provoke me, tempt me to attack him, and beat me up.

   But I don't hate him.

  Because I know that Sergeant Drake's younger brother and parents all died under the hands of my compatriots, he did not kill me because of this, it was already a benevolent act.

  So, if you want revenge too, kill me and let Taretha go.

   She is innocent. "

   "The logic is clear and organized, and he can say such a thing at a young age. Major Blackmore's education is very successful, and he can be regarded as the number one parenting expert in Azeroth."

   Hearing Thrall's words, a thought suddenly popped into Black's mind.

   But he was noncommittal.

   just wiped the blade of the Blade Fist, and looked over Thrall and landed on Taresha, he said:

   "I just want to hear your stories. I am an orc killer, but I am not a baby killer. Since you are not contaminated with demon blood, you are not my enemy.

  Taretha, do you know more?

   As long as my curiosity is satisfied, I will leave without revealing all this to the Major. "

   "What Thrall says is true."

   The terrified little Taretha stuck her head out from behind Thrall. She looked at Black and said:

   "The year Thrall was picked up, I was only six years old. I was supposed to have a younger brother, but unfortunately he died of an illness, and our family was very sad.

  My mother happened to have milk, so the Major summoned her to feed Thrall.

   Later, the major hired a scholar to teach me to read and write, and asked me to teach Thrall what I had learned at night, but he learned much faster than me.

   He can now read those boring history books by himself, and read them with gusto.

   You have also seen that, Thrall is a child. He has lived in this basement since he was a child. The major forbids him to go out. He has not seen the outside world.

   He didn't even know why those of his compatriots outside attacked us. I took care of him since he was a child, and he was even friendlier to me than other children in the village.

   He is kind.

Mr.   , he is innocent.

  You can't count Thrall as one of the other orcs just because they're bad. "

   The ten-year-old girl tried her best to use her own simple language to plead for the young orc who she regarded as "younger brother" in her heart, trying to dispel the killing intent of the orc killer.

   But Black was equally noncommittal.

   He didn't answer Taretha's prayer, just like a ghost, under Taretha's fearful gaze, he stretched out his hand and gently touched Thrall's skin.

   That's green.

   The skin is indistinguishable from other orcs, but smoother, without tough scales, blisters, bone spurs, or whatever the **** was born from the surging of the fel blood.

   "Didn't the major reveal his intention to train Thrall?"

  The pirate looked into the eyes of the young orc in front of him, and he asked in a low tone.

  Taretha shook her head and whispered:

   "I just heard my mother say it again, the major got drunk once and said he would train Thrall to be the killer of us humans to end wars.

   He said that he would prove to those foolish and short-sighted executives that there is another possibility of coexistence between humans and orcs.

Major    is a hero.

   He treated us very well. He did not allow the soldiers to bully us civilians. He also took in many refugees from Southsea Town at Dunhold Castle.

  Everyone respects the major as a truly benevolent lord.

   He must have secretly cultivated Thrall in order to do good deeds. "

   Hearing this, Black curled his lips in the dark, he would not explain Blackmore's true ambition to the two innocent children in front of him.

   In the darkness, he withdrew his blade fist, as if to persuade himself, shook his head, stood up, and took a few steps back.

   Excellent acting.

   He said indifferently to Taretha who was hugging Thrall beside him:

   "Indeed, as you said, I have confirmed that this young orc did not drink the blood of demons, he was 'pure', and he was not like other orcs who had fallen into destruction.

very good.

  In this way, I have a reason to let him go. "

   "Thank you for your kindness, Mr. Black."

  Taretha was relieved when she heard this.

   She hugged Thrall tightly. She really had a close relationship with this orc child. Just as she said, the arrival of little Thrall four years ago relieved her sadness of losing her brother.

  Perhaps at first, she simply regarded little Sal as a substitute for her younger brother.

   But four years later, she has regarded Thrall as a real family member.

   But Thrall, a smart guy, thinks more.

   He didn't feel any killing intent from the human being in front of him.

   He was just a child, but he felt it keenly. The blade fist that had just touched his neck looked fierce, but it didn't mean to draw it hard.


   Seeing Black retreating into the shadows, Thrall hurriedly whispered:

   "You just said, I'm different from other orcs? Do you know the origin of us orcs?"

"I know.

   I know pureblood orcs are brown, not green.

  Your skin mutation is because your parents drank the blood of demons. While that evil thing brought power, it also made you look like this.

   But fortunately, the corruption of evil energy on the mind will not be transmitted through the blood.

   You've lost your life, Thrall. "

   Black said softly:

   "Not only do I know where you came from, I also know why you fell, I know why your world perished, and I know the source of all the calamities you have endured.

   As the saying goes, the one who knows you best is your enemy.

   And I'm an orc killer, in this world, you probably can't find another person who knows your past as well as I do, and your past!



The last word,   , was spoken by Black in Orcish.

   made Thrall's eyes widen. This four-year-old child orc who had been baptized by human culture since childhood could not understand the orc language, but he could feel the language hitting his heart like a heavy hammer.

   He struggled to his feet, desperate to know more.

   But Black had already disappeared into the darkness, like a smoky robe of shadows, draped over him, as if the darkness stretched out its tentacles and engulfed him, wrapping him in the shadows.

  This contact is enough here.

   He couldn't say more, the world line on Thrall's shoulders was too important, and any talk would cause unnecessary trouble, especially when a bronze dragon was hunting him.

   But the lead to contact has been buried.

   is like a seed, and Blake just needs to be patient until the day when the seed takes root.

   The whole basement was quiet.

   It wasn't until a minute later that Little Thrall came back to his senses from this adventure. He turned his head to look at Taretha, and he lightly patted "sister" on the back, soothing the frightened her.

   he asked:

   "Taresha, who was that just now?"

   "That's the 'Orc Killer'!"

   The little blond girl lowered her voice and said with fear on her face:

   "He was a terrible man who killed many orcs in the hills, ah, I'm talking about the bad orcs who invaded our homeland, not you, Thrall.

  You are not like them.

   You are a good orc, you are my friend and family. He said that he smelled the smell of orcs from me and wanted to kill you. It was me who persuaded him that you were a good person. "

   Having said this, little Taretha was a little proud again.

   She stood up, akimbo, and said to Thrall like her sister:

   "I saved you, Thrall, you have to thank me, alright, let's continue learning now.

Major    asked me to finish teaching you "The Seven Kingdoms of Humanity" before the end of this month, so today we're going to study, um, let me see, this chapter!


   About the war between Kul Tiras and Drust, and the history of the development of the sea kingdom, the origin of that kingdom, is a hero named Arom Waycrest."

the other side.

   Quietly returned to Blake in his room, stretched out his hand and pushed open the window of the castle, he looked at the calm night outside the window, and picked up a glass of wine from the side.

   He recalled in his mind the "bad relationship" between Thrall and Major Blackmore.

   Four years ago, Edras Blackmore, who was only a captain at the time, encountered an orc civil war during a routine patrol.

   This is not uncommon now, but it was rare to see it four years ago, when the orcs hadn't conquered the Stormwind Kingdom and were still wreaking havoc in the southern border.

   At that time, the nobles and people of the northern border just heard that a group of greenskins appeared in the southern part of the mainland, and they didn't know what the news meant.

   That war was just a story spoken by people.

   In short, the major at that time did not take the initiative to intervene in the frenzied killing of the orcs, and he ran over to pick up the heads after they were divided and one side was slaughtered by the other side.

   As a result, in the river outside a pile of corpses, the captain picked up a little green-skinned orc in an infant.

   He should have killed him.

but no.

   But it was not because of kindness, but the ambitious captain who planned to use this little orc to study the weakness of the orc and let him survive.

   In four years, many things have changed.

  It was just a whim at first, but after seeing the little orc he picked up grow up and show extremely intelligent traits, the major changed his mind.

   He named the little orc "Thrall" and began to train him more attentively.

   At this point in time, the so-called "human and orc coexistence" system that the major claimed was just an attempt to use Thrall to break into the orcs to end the war.

   But soon, with the doomed defeat of the orcs, the major's ambitions will be further fermented.

   He will be eager to cultivate Thrall into a king of orcs who is loyal to only one person, and use Thrall to command the army of orcs, siege cities and plunder the land for him, and lay down a big country.

   But, that's for later.

  People should learn to focus on the present.

   In the warm fireplace flame, Blake squinted his eyes as he moistened his throat.

   "I've been in contact with Thrall, and that's enough to draw you here, right? You nosy bronze dragon! Come on, let's 'get to know each other'."

   (end of this chapter)