MTL - Azeroth Shadow Trail-Chapter 28 27. Now is the time of the extreme

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   Chapter 28 27. This moment is the ultimate time


  Sefir's fingers clasped Blake's neck and pulled it gently. As the sand-like sand of time escaped, Blake was "caught" out of the frozen time stream.

   His faded body also returned to the light and shadow it should have in an instant.


  Miss Bronze Dragon has been having a bad time recently.

   In addition to being hunted down and injured by the red dragon in the wetlands, when approaching Dangalok Castle to check the time disturbance, he was almost ambushed by a group of elf rangers ambushing there due to his carelessness and lack of experience.

  It is also fortunate that it is a bronze dragon that can manipulate time. If it is a red dragon or a blue dragon, it must pay a great price to repel the difficult rangers.

   Even, may be killed by mortals.

   It's just a baby dragon after all.

   Born in the legendary bloodline, but the combat power is not a real legend.

   was obviously in a bad mood, and her tone became colder. She stared at Blake and asked:

   "Who rescued you from the dead world line? Who instructed you to destroy the time node of the battle of Dangarok? What purpose did you approach Thrall for?

   Most importantly, how much do you know? "

   Black has not answered yet.

   The little murloc who was hiding in his clothes in his arms screamed and jumped out, waving the murloc knife with poisoned claws and hitting Sefir.

   It can be seen that the little fish is very scared.

   A giant dragon, even if it is the breath of a legendary creature that comes with a young dragon, is many times more oppressive to lower-level creatures like it than it is to humans.

   When it waved its claws, its whole body trembled, as if waving this claws had exhausted all the strength and courage of this simple little murloc.

   It's trying to protect its owner, Black.

   But the attempt ended as soon as it started.

   The moment it jumped out, it was "thrown" back into the frozen time stream, making the little murloc fixed in mid-air, like amber, quickly fading all its luster.

   "cough cough"

   In Miss Long's claws, Black didn't try to counterattack beyond his control. He behaved quite calmly, coughed a few times, and stared at the yellow snake pupil and dragon eye of Sefir in front of him.


   "I actually knew about your existence a long time ago, Miss Long.

   I know you've been looking for me, so you're not curious, why did I deliberately contact Thrall to greet you at Dunhold Castle? "

   The face of the young dragon Sefir, who transformed into a high elf, changed slightly.

   She immediately sent out her perception, and in just a moment, she captured another important node in this place. She carried Black and took a step forward.

   Just like the teleportation technique of the archmage, he went from Major Blackmore's office to the home of Little Taretha Folkeston in one step.

   On the bed in front of her, little Taretha was sitting cross-legged on her bed, smiling all over her face, holding a small half of a bright red, sweet apple in her hand, which she was sending to her mouth.


   Time freezes just before her lips bite.

   In the next instant, the entire timeline was pushed back again.

   is another time reversal like a silent film. Under Blake's gaze, little Taretha also returned to the minute before he was given the red apple.

   At this moment, Black was sitting by the fireplace, discussing the court secrets of the Stromgard Kingdom with little Taretha.

   He even saw his own vision left in the timeline.

another me.

   At the moment when the time rewind stopped, the "self" that was frozen in the timeline seven minutes ago disappeared like soap bubbles under Blake's gaze.

   One cannot meet the past or future self.

   Unless you are in an area where time is chaotic, such as the Holy Land of the Bronze Dragonflight or the Caverns of Time.

   Another example, if you are a bronze dragon, you can bypass this rule.

  Sefir's face became a little tired, she spread her perception, and swept the three most important world line node characters in the entire Dunhold Castle in turn.

  The future is destined to become the new chieftain of the tribe, and Thrall, the savior of the world.

   There is also Major Edras Blackmore extended from him, and Taretha Folkestone in front of him, these two figures are extremely important to his growth experience.


  Bronze Dragon firmly believes in the principle that there is no natural savior.

   They firmly believe that a person's achievement is inseparable from his experience, and the same is true for the future savior.

   Thrall could not have been one of the protagonists of a changing age if he hadn't lived through the legendary deeds he was meant to do.

   "What else do you do?"

   After confirming that all dangers of Dunhold Castle had been eliminated, Sefir looked at Blake Shaw in his hands again, who shrugged.

   seems to have given up all resistance.

   He said softly:

   "That apple is just plain herbal juice smeared on it, which makes people drowsy, little knowledge I learned from Greve.

   This is just a joke.

   I'm not mean enough to use a child to win, but this also proves that you are seriously inexperienced, Miss Long.

   Before your appearance, didn't you check your surroundings with your senses? "

"To shut up!"

   Bronze Dragon Sefir said in a low tone.

   But Black did not shut up, saying:

   "The thing about Dangarok was just an accident.

  I have no intention to change the fate of those dwarves who should have died in battle, but they made me very happy because they survived because of me. Saving people is always happier than killing people.

   But I know you didn't come to me for this.

  I’m sorry, the answer you are looking for is also what I am looking for. I don’t know why I was reborn, maybe a stronger force intervened and let me see the future.

   Like you bronze dragons. "

  Sefir stared at the human in front of him.

   She can be sure that this is an ordinary human being.

   Pure flesh and blood, and there is no undeserved power on his body. As for Hela's soul lamp, that is not a big problem.

   The person in front of him is not Hela's first mortal lackey. In the past hundreds of thousands of years, the mad Queen of Hell has made many similar attempts.

   Only this time, she shifted her target from vrykul to humans.

   What's more, Queen Hela has a special status.

   All affairs related to existences like her must be handed over to the seniors of the Scales of Quicksand to deal with. Sefir, a young dragon, has yet to reach such a complex and mysterious level.

   "You look very open-minded."

  Sefir used his clear voice to say to Black in the frozen time stream:

  "That's great, it allows me to take less time to persuade you to accept your destiny when I send you where you should go, you know your destiny, right?

   You do come back from the dead.

   But not at this time.”

"Yes, I know."

  Black shook his head and replied:

   "I will sleep in the sea for almost thirty years, until my sister kills my father and turns into a kinslayer.

  Wait for my country to be torn apart by my mother's 'good girlfriend'.

  The whole world has experienced one disaster after another.

   When those heroes went to the stars and defeated the Burning Legion, sealed the fallen titans, and ran back to Azeroth to play the stupid game of war with speculative stones.

   I can show up again.

   I will miss the real goodies.

   But, I don't want to miss it. "

   "It doesn't matter if you want it or not."

  Sefir said in a tone of indifference as a dragon should:

   "This is destiny, it belongs to you, you should accept it with peace of mind, sleep in the icy abyss, and wait until that moment comes.

  I will send you back. "

   "Then please, Time Keeper."

  Blake showed a helpless smile on his burnt cheeks. He asked softly:

   "But before I leave, I have one last question. I hope you, Miss Long, don't hide me for the sake of my imminent death."

"Just ask."

   Bronze Drake says:

   "This is your last bit of time."

   "Then please listen carefully."

  Black stared at the pair of yellow snake pupils and dragon eyes in front of him.

   His tone became low and serious, and said:

"If the future I see is not wrong, even if a bronze dragon passes the harsh time trial and joins the scales of quicksand, it still needs the king of time or Only the pure divine power of its blood descendants can open the door of time.

   So, Miss Young Dragon, may I be fortunate enough to know your true identity?

   Are you Nozdormu, the granddaughter of the Lord of Time?

   Are you a noble princess of time?

   Do you have the ability to open the gate of time alone to the battle of the old tribe's invasion of Quelius without the help of your own past and future self? "

  Sefir's expression changed.

   she asked sharply:

   "Drake Proudmoore, what have you done!"

   "Seven days ago."

   The pirate's tone became calmer at this moment.

   His calm, in stark contrast to the anger on Sefir's face, he said softly:

   "Seven days ago, I met Nathanos Maris at Dangarok Castle, or a name that you and I are more familiar with.

   There I met the future Nathanos Blightcaller.

  I found a letter from the orc scout and gave it to him.

   It was a letter from the Chieftain of the Fire Blade, Dar. Triple Blood Blade, to the Chief of the Blood Ring, Kilrogg Deadeye, which revealed a disturbing piece of news.

  Orgrim Doomhammer, with half of the Horde soldiers, allied with the Amani forest trolls, they are killing the Eversong Forest and Silvermoon City in Quel'Thalas. "

  Black admired the terrified expression of Miss Bronze Dragon in front of him.

  He said slowly and confidently:

   "With the wartime efficiency of the high elves, that letter may have been sent to the Sun King's desk five days ago. Perhaps now, the Legion of High Elves and the Legion of Farstriders have already traveled to the border of Eversong Forest.

   They will be there, attacking unsuspecting intruders head on.

   Even the old and sturdy Sun King, His Majesty Anastarian, will also hold the legendary long sword and flame blow, invoke the magic of the Sunwell, and participate in the battle in person!

   I am really curious.

  When the Lord Sun King, blessed with the magic power of the Sun Well, confronts Gul'dan, the most powerful and cunning great warlock of the Orc tribe, who will win?

   I'm more curious.

  With the precautions in place in advance, is it so easy for the old tribe to destroy the magic enchantment that Quel'Thalas has inherited for 6,800 years, the guardian of the territory, Leno Bantil?

   And if they can't break that enchantment.

Under the circumstance that the magic power was completely suppressed, facing the high elves Phoenix mages who came out of their nests, the Great Chief Orgrim Doomhammer, could he lead the tribe to withdraw in time as the original history was unscathed. , rush back to Northern Xinjiang?

  My last curiosity is.

   After learning of the fiasco of the Horde, will the stupid and cowardly Aiden Perenold betray the Alliance, wag his tail to the Horde, and open his borders to the Horde?

   So that they can bypass Lothar's carefully laid defenses? "

   Having said that, Blake stopped.

   He looked at Miss Long, who was already on the verge of collapse, and gave her a stab at her heart again:

   "The adult bronze dragons that are not the direct descendants of Nozdormu, the King of Time, can manipulate the upper limit of time streams at the same time, which is eight! And they can go back to the limit of time in eight timelines at the same time.

   Only fifteen minutes!

  Only the bronze dragons who rely on themselves and have passed the trials of time can be qualified to complete the coming-of-age ceremony and be qualified to summon the past and future self to help fight.

but you

  You are just a baby dragon.

  You are inferior to an adult bronze dragon in every way, and it is even less possible for you to go back in time to seven days ago, which is something only the King of Time and his bloodline can do.

  You, can't do it!

  Therefore, when I handed the letter to Nathanos seven days ago, I noticed that you, who are severely inexperienced, did not notice this little detail.

  You didn't show up then."

  Blake stretched his neck and approached the slightly trembling body of the bronze young dragon, approaching her ear.


   "I knew it, I already won!"

   (end of this chapter)