MTL - Aztec Eternals-Chapter 3 return journey

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Spent a sleepless night on the ruins of the settlement. It's still the second half of Mexico's dry season, and it's early February according to the Gregorian calendar, so there's no rain overnight. The next morning, Shulot got up from the bonfire and went to fetch water with Tells.

The most important luggage in the rainforest is food and water. Semi-nomadic settlements can't have much food storage, the samurai simply scavenge for some bacon and cornmeal, and have no interest in those unknown wild vegetables, dried fruits and insects. Olosh used strong sisal rope to string the prisoners into two parallel strings, and then took Shilot, the Tells half team opened the way in front, and Makali and the remaining half team held the line in the rear.

The road in the rainforest is always rough and difficult. Tall trees cover the sky, and among the branches are colorful snakes. Swamps and mud puddles lie beneath your feet, and the aquatic plants are teeming with poisonous frogs and flies. This is a green desert, and every still water hole hides parasites and poisons.

Fortunately, Olosh is both a brave jaguar fighter and an expert in jungle survival. He applied a pungent ointment to everyone, and soon found a river, which meandered south along the relatively empty banks.

Walking on the muddy edge of the river bank, Shulot carefully kept a distance from the "dead wood" in the river to avoid encountering "surprises" like the American crocodile. While curious, he asked Olosh: "Teacher, where does this river lead to?"

"This river is called Tempon, and it goes upstream along the river and will pass through two alliance city-states. It only takes half a month for us to return to the holy city of Teotihuacan, and three days further south is The capital of the great alliance, the home that the sun **** promised us the Mexicans, Tenochtitlan, the city of the lake. It was a majestic and beautiful city, with a thousand canoes laden with goods and a thousand species Chinampa full of corn, a thousand communities full of Mexica warriors, and a great temple full of a thousand boulders. It is the greatest city-state of the Union and the center of the world. Your family and I are from there."

Shulot nodded. Tenochtitlan was the capital of the Aztec city-state alliance and the most prosperous and powerful city-state. This magnificent city in the lake was eventually destroyed by the Spanish colonists, which also represented the demise of the Aztec civilization. Above the ruins of Tenochtitlan, is the city of Mexico.

After thinking about the prosperity and beauty of the capital for a while, Shilot asked again, "Teacher, have you been to the lower reaches of the Tempon River?"

At this moment, it was Olosh's turn to fall into memory, and it took him a long time to answer: "Many years ago, I followed the great Montezuma I to conquer the Vastek city-states, from here down the Tempon River, For more than 20 days, across the mountains is the plain, and at the end of the plain and forest is the city-state of the Vasteks, Kuksikapan.

Behind the city-state is an endless lake, which is the end of the world and leads to every corner of the world. There are many distant islands in the lake, from which tribesmen would come in small boats to trade feathers, pottery and cotton. Legend has it that in the north of the Great Lake, there is also the land of endless forest. There are only wild people in the forest. Every year, there will be terrible disasters, killing all life with white ashes. "

Shirou was stunned for a while, only to realize that the big lake is the Caribbean Sea, the islands are Caribbean islands, and the continent with forests and snow is North America. For the Aztecs of the Stone Age or Early Bronze Age, the Mesoamerican city-states with warm seasons were all the world had to offer. In a rainforest without roads, vehicles and horses, walking for three or four months, at most five or six hundred kilometers, is the limit of cognition of the world.

In this world, the Mayan cities of the Yucatan Peninsula are inaccessible foreign countries, the Caribbean islands are stories passed down from the past, the Indian tribes in North America and the Inca Empire in South America are unknown legends, not to mention the farther side of the ocean, The Spanish conquistador who arrived at an unknown time.

Thinking about the unknown world and the future, Shulot didn't speak, just followed Orosh silently. The road in the rainforest also greatly consumed his physical strength. The team in the middle took a break because the scout spotted a wild deer drinking by the river.

Olosh ordered everyone to be silent. He went forward alone, took out a two-meter-long wooden throwing spear, put the feathered end on the chi-long spear thrower, then held the spear thrower with his right hand, and bowed his waist under the shade of the trees. Sneak silently. Stalking until about 30 meters, the wild deer suddenly stopped drinking water, raised its head and seemed to be aware of it, and heard a shrill sound of breaking the air coming towards it, and then fell heavily to the ground, losing its life in an instant.

The warriors cheered together and shouted the name "Jaguar". The prisoners in the distance couldn't help but show fear. Shirott stepped forward to check, and saw that the spear was inserted into the heart of the wild deer, and the strength was actually coming out through the body. Shocked by the precision and power of this long-range weapon, Xiuluo said half in admiration and half in envy, "Master, this spear throwing is so powerful, can I follow it?"

Orosh also had a look on his face, nodded and shook his head, "I will teach you, but you can't practice spear throwing in a year or two. Soon you will enter the temple to start the practice of priests, and there is no shortage of alliances. A jaguar, but every priest is important." After that, he set up a camp by the river and set fire to it, and told Tells to clean up the deer carcasses, skin and bacon. And let half of the samurai go hunting in the woods to replenish food. He himself took out an obsidian knife, retouched the sharp point of the spear by the campfire, and dried it on the fire to set it. Perhaps the sharpness of wood and stone weapons can be compared with the early metal weapons, but the durability is very different.

After trekking like this for two or three days, the altitude gradually increased, the trees became sparser, and the field of vision broadened. In the distance, Shulot saw a wisp of smoke rising from the kitchen, sparse corn growing on the vast field, slash-and-burn cultivation, only a vague outline of the farmland, and a small village gradually appeared at the end of the field of vision.

As the samurai team approached, the village suddenly sounded a high-pitched flute. Shirott saw the chaotic figures gathered in the village, while Orosh led the team to a stop in the wilderness about 100 meters away from the village. Twenty warriors held shields and sticks and waited quietly. After a while, the village team swarmed out. More than 200 strong men held various wooden sticks and stone spears, a dozen hunters held simple and fragile single bows and slings, and at the front were surrounded by a feathered head. and silver ornaments.

The old man looked at the "jaguar" costume, and there was a trace of unease that could not be concealed on his face. He hurried forward with a few villagers, bowed and saluted: "This respected jaguar warrior, I am the elder of the village, I don't know what order I have come to our village, we Vastek have surrendered to the great alliance more than a dozen. The rainy season is long, and the four tributes are made on time every year. The tribute at the beginning of this year was paid early. It is not yet the harvest season, and there is no grain or fur in the warehouse.”

"The great Assaya Cartel has returned to the kingdom of the gods, and his brother Tisok has been enthroned as the new Tratoani. A grand coronation ceremony will be held this year!" Speaking of the coronation ceremony, Oro He even glanced at the village elder, a look of fear appeared on the village elder's face, UU read www. uukanshu. com immediately knelt down on his knees: "We Vasteks have never wavered our loyalty to the alliance, and we are willing to pay more tribute to congratulate the great king on his accession to the throne."

"Very good. As long as we remain loyal to the Alliance, we won't be sacrificed in the sacrificial ceremony. We have just returned from capturing the sacrificial offerings in the northern jungle." As he said, Oloshi pointed to the captives in the distance. "Now we need food for 100 people for ten days, mostly tortillas and black beans for the rest."

"Of course we won't take it for nothing." Looking at the village elder's extremely ugly face, he looked at the more than 200 armed men not far away. Orosh thought for a moment, took out a bulging cotton pouch, and handed it to the elder. "Here are two palm-sized cotton cloths and two handfuls of cocoa beans. We have just returned from capture and are in a hurry to return to the city. We will not stop in your village."

This sentence was like the last weight that overwhelmed the balance. The village elder finally nodded bitterly, returned to the villagers, and gave a few words loudly. I saw a small commotion among the villagers, which was quickly subsided by the elder's reprimand, and then two villagers went to the largest building in the village, carried out two large bundles of corn cakes, and each came over with a large clay pot. . Seerault saw them bow their heads in fear and hand over the tortillas and clay pots to the warriors, and when they returned to the villagers, they turned into an angry expression.

Olosh weighed the tortilla, opened the clay pot again, took a sip of the black bean puree inside, then nodded in satisfaction to the village elder, and then waved back. The warriors put the obsidian battle stick behind their backs, and walked away with food and prisoners.

After walking for a while, Shulot looked back at the village in the distance. The villagers seemed to be gathering together with crude weapons and watched the warriors leave. The smoke was still rising slowly from the village, and there seemed to be flames burning secretly below.