MTL - Back Before I Became a Vegetative State, I Became An Immortal and Invincible-Chapter 519 go home

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Chapter 519 Going Home

Although there are still shadows of before she left, many people's houses and roads have undergone earth-shaking changes.

 There is actually no dirt road in the village, all are asphalt roads.

And there are actually street lights on both sides of the road, and every household is equipped with air conditioners.

Most of the surrounding land is also fenced, and people can be seen working seriously inside from high places.

The village is no longer dirty and messy, and the scenery is very pleasing to the eye.

Lao Qiao's courtyard walls have all been renovated in the past few years, and the rusty iron gates have been replaced.

 After getting out of the car, Qiao Shuqing was very confused when she looked at the strange old Qiao family in front of her.

 This is Lao Qiao’s house?

 After everyone got out of the car, Jiang Zhaodi parked the car again.

 The nannies and bodyguards were on vacation before and came back early this morning to make preparations.

Hearing a sound outside, he checked in front of the monitor to make sure the owner was back, and then went out to open the door.

 “Mr. Qiao, you are back.”

 The bodyguards, nannies and drivers said hello together.

Qiao Kangsheng smiled and said: "We are back. Come, let me introduce them to you. They are my eldest daughter and my granddaughter, Qiao Shuqing and Jiang Xiaoxiao. I will ask you to take care of them in the future."

 The bodyguards, nannies, and drivers shouted at the same time: "Miss Qiao, Miss Jiang."

Qiao Shuqing suddenly felt uncomfortable, "Just call me Shuqing and my daughter Xiaoxiao."

Qiao Kangsheng had told them a long time ago that there was no need to shout like this, and he said helplessly: "You should listen to my daughter. They are from the countryside, and we are not used to your calling."

A nanny said: "Then let's call them Miss Shuqing and Miss Xiaoxiao respectively. If we call them by their first names, our dispatch company will definitely be dissatisfied with us if they find out."

Hearing this, Qiao Kangsheng could only compromise: "Okay, I'll listen to you."

 “Miss Shuqing, Miss Xiaoxiao.”

Ye Caixiang said: "Okay, you all go and do your own business. If you have nothing to do, take a rest and let's talk as a family."


 After the bodyguards and nannies left, Qiao Shuqing felt more comfortable.

 Qiao Shuqing looked at the villa-like yard in front of her, then looked inside the house, and sighed: "The changes in our family have really been great over the years."

Ye Caixiang sighed and said: "It's all because of Ningxun's filial piety. She helped her family improve their life after making money. Just in the past two years, the wiring in our home was aging, and two electrical appliances were plugged in at the same time. The circuit breaker tripped. She had people change the wiring for us and also bought a TV and various electrical appliances.”

"Yes." Qiao Kangsheng said: "Two years ago, we were still worried about the tuition fees for our children to go to college. Who would have thought that now we can sit leisurely on the sofa and watch TV every day. Ningxun also gave us old money. The couple and her mother bought pension insurance, and now we can get a sum of money from the state every month. Compared with two years ago, life is really much better.”

They have no other intention in saying this. They just want their eldest daughter not to have a change of mentality because her family life is getting better, and she has to work hard while waiting for clothes to come to her and food to eat.

 After all, all of this happened because of Qiao Ningxun.

Qiao Shuqing looked remorseful: "If I had not gone to Shencheng and not been so ambitious, maybe you wouldn't have lived such a hard life for so long."

Qiao Shulan said with a smile: "It's all over, we have to move forward. If you really feel sorry for me, then help me manage the land at home well. Now we have contracted thousands of acres of land and handed it over to Outsiders are always worried, and there are always things that cannot be taken into account. If you can help manage it, it will be much easier for us. "

Qiao Shuqing was very unsure, "I...can I do it? I have been in a factory before, just as a waiter. My family has such a big business, I really don't have confidence."

Qiao Shulan said indifferently: "It's okay. Didn't I only have experience as a nanny at the beginning? Ningxun taught me. If you don't understand anything, just ask the consultant Ningxun introduced to me. Ningxun gave him money , you can ask whatever you want, the consultant is here to help us." Qiao Shuqing suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, "That's it, then I will work hard."

 Ye Caixiang took her eldest daughter to look at other rooms, and finally arranged for her to live in a newly expanded room.

Qiao Shulan also lives there.

 In September, Lao Qiao’s family and the village chief applied for a new homestead.

 After all, Lao Qiao’s family has many children, and they all have their household registration here, so the village chief readily agreed.

Looking at the beautiful room in front of her, the large wardrobe, the princess bed, the expensive carpet, the private bathroom and the air conditioner, Qiao Shuqing felt like she was in a dream.

Jiang Xiaoxiao looked at the luxuriously decorated house in front of her and said suspiciously: "Mom, is this where we will live in the future?"

Qiao Shuqing nodded: "Yes, we will have a home in the future, and this is our home."

Jiang Xiaoxiao asked: "Aren't we going to the capital in the future?"


Qiao Kangsheng said with a smile: "Go, your cousin, eldest brother and second brother are still over there. When they graduate in the future, we will have to attend their graduation ceremony."

Jiang Xiaoxiao nodded ignorantly.

At this point, Qiao Shuqing returned home and she completely settled down in Daguo Village.

As for Jiang Xiaoxiao’s household registration, she and Jiang Liuqi did not obtain a marriage certificate, so Jiang Xiaoxiao also did not have a household registration.

Qiao Kangsheng was very happy to put Jiang Xiaoxiao's household registration in his name, as long as she and her mother did a paternity test.


 After dinner in the evening, Qiao Shulan asked the driver to drive the family to the city.

 They went directly to Junhang Square.

Qiao Shuqing asked: “What are we doing here?”

Qiao Shulan smiled and said: "Your niece, my daughter Ningxun said that I will buy you some good outfits, especially Xiaoxiao. She is at the age where she loves to dress up. We need to buy her more princess dresses. She is our family The little princess."

Qiao Shuqing hurriedly said: "No, I can buy it for her when I have money later."

Ye Caixiang said: "You buy it because it's your intention, and Shulan and her daughter buy it because they want it, so don't refuse."

Hearing this, Qiao Shuqing found it difficult to refuse.

So this night, Qiao Shulan bought tens of thousands of dollars worth of clothing for her eldest sister, mother and daughter.

Although the price seems high, the quantity is large, and the card that Junhua gave me was used, so on average each piece is not very expensive.

Jiang Xiaoxiao had a good time all night. Even when she went to bed at night, she had to wear a princess dress, and her sleep was extremely sweet.

 In the blink of an eye, the long holiday is over and Monday is here again.

 Last night, the new counselor gathered all the students in the study room and elected class leaders.

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