MTL - Back to My Dad’s High School Days-Chapter 42 got engaged

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After Lu Tong vomited this time, he didn't have time to look up.

Qin Shiwu's rebellious words were heard in his ears, and he deliberately refuted, and just opened his mouth, his stomach was overwhelmed.

This time, even Qin Chu's face turned pale.

"Don't spit on me!" Qin Chu quickly supported Lu Tong.

Immediately, two slaps landed on Qin Chu's face, one light and one heavy.

Qin Heng was furious, and he slapped him hard: "You son of a bitch! Are you speaking human language!"

Qin Shiwu roared incompetently, and he slapped him lightly: "What nonsense are you talking about, you're going to be lonely for the rest of your life!"

With a slap on one side of Qin Chu's face, he stood there with a "==" expression, and his eyes fell on Lin Siyin.

"Aunt Lin, do you want to fight too?"

Lin Siyin looked at his handsome face with difficulty, and said "weakly": "I don't know what to do..."

A slap on the left side of this face and a slap on the right side are all taken up, so where is there room for a slap?

Lu Tong vomited enough, raised his head and stared at Qin Chu.

Qin Chu stared at him expressionlessly.

Lu Tong: "Very good. At least it's symmetrical."

The atmosphere was once awkward.

Lu Tong laughed dryly, and shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly: "I heard that you are a Virgo, think about the good, at least the obsessive-compulsive disorder is cured."

Qin Chu's bull's head didn't match his horse's mouth, and he said with a paralyzed face: "If the seed in your stomach is not mine, we will ride a donkey to read the song book and wait and see."

Just to slap these two innocent people, Qin Chu made up his mind to make Lu Tong suffer too. How dare he not have a child in his stomach?

Damn it, you have to make one for me!

Lu Tong wiped his mouth and sneered: "Excuse me, have you planted any seeds?"

Qin Chu chuckled, "Are you going to give it a try?"

The Department of Political Affairs and Education made a fuss, Director He suggested: "The child is important, go to the hospital for a physical examination first."

After he finished speaking, he smacked his mouth and felt that what he said was very ambiguous, so he changed his words: "I mean the child Lu Tong, not the child in Lu Tong's stomach."

Lin Siyin wiped off his sweat: "Teacher He, there is no need to add this sentence."

The atmosphere seemed to be more solidified.

At the critical moment, Qin Heng made a decision: "Go to the hospital first."

The nearest hospital to Provincial No. 1 Middle School is Zhejiang No. 1 Hospital.

Qin Heng actually wanted to take Lu Tong to the hospital in the military region, but on second thought, it would be fine if he took a child for a physical examination, but - if he took a child to check whether he has children, if an acquaintance in the hospital finds out, circle There is still a lot of trouble inside.

Qin Heng weighed it up and decided to change to an unfamiliar hospital.

After thinking about it, Qin Chu is still to be blamed for this matter, this **** has only been able to poke holes since he was a child.

Lu Tong explained a hundred times that it was a misunderstanding, but the two parents didn't quite believe it.

Lin Siyin said: "Even if it's a misunderstanding, you have to go to the hospital to see about your secondary differentiation. You don't tell me or your dad about such a big matter, how can you let us both feel at ease?"

When she said this, Lu Tong had nothing to say.

However, tonight is too late to go for the time being.

A group of people rested all night with their own thoughts, and got together early the next morning.

There was a lot of noise on campus forums, everyone was trying to figure out how Lu Tong and Qin Chu met. The matter fermented all night, and all kinds of urban legends became more and more metaphysical.

But after talking about it, there is always no reason to tell.

Director He can't say that they are in puppy love, so they really are in puppy love.

Come on, Lu Tong is an Alpha, are you in a double-A relationship? Is it so explosive?

Qin Shiwuyi didn't sleep well at night, and skipped class the next day. After finding out which hospital Lu Tong was going to, he waited in the hospital.

Qin Heng personally drove to pick him up early in the morning, and both Lin Siyin and Lu Zhiyan arrived at the entrance of the hospital.

When Lu Tong met his father, they were speechless.

Lin Siyin made an agreement with his father on the way: "If you go to scold Lulu, don't come. If you want to go, you have to listen to me. If you say something bad, come back from the hospital immediately. "

Lu Zhiyan made an agreement with him that he would never say anything wrong with Lu Tong when he arrived.

With deep love and deep responsibility, although he treated Lu Tong harshly, it would be a lie to say that he was not worried about such a major matter.

Lu Tong hadn't spoken to Lu Zhiyan for more than half a month, and he was still a little awkward seeing him: "Dad."

Lu Zhiyan snorted coldly.

Lin Siyin pinched him.

Qin Heng got out of the car: "Si Yin, I'm sorry, I've been waiting for a long time."

Qin Chu's face was very stinky, and he stood behind Qin Heng.

Lu Zhiyan stared at Qin Chu, his eyes were about to burst into flames.

He snorted a little louder, which made Qin Chu feel guilty.

Qin Heng thought he was wrong: "Let's go. Just go to the department directly."

Lin Siyin was speechless, and thought in his heart: As expected of a privileged person, you don't need to register, you can go directly to the specialist clinic.

In fact, this is hardly a privilege.

Qin Heng's rights were far more than that, but Lin Siyin was used to following the rules, and when he first saw this kind of bourgeois boss, he couldn't help but marvel.

The hospital was overcrowded on weekends, and Qin Heng's privilege seemed very considerate.

When Lu Tong went up to the fourth floor, he saw Qin Shiwu, a dog, at the corner.


Qin Chu's eyes turned away, his mobility was stronger than Lu Tong's, and he directly pulled Qin Shiwu out of the corner.

Qin Shiwu didn't expect his perfect disguise to be found out so quickly, and immediately raised his hand in surrender, "I confess, I'm here to follow you."

Lin Siyin turned his head when he heard the commotion, and saw the classmate who was in the office yesterday.

Qin Shiwu blinked his eyes, and quickly acted cute, lying without even typing a draft: "Auntie, I came to see a doctor. What a coincidence, are you too?"

Lin Siyin was dubious.

Qin Chu hehe said, "What disease are you seeing? Neurology?"

Qin Shiwu: "That's not true. Why don't you let go first, didn't I come here because I was worried about you two! We are friends, how about my concern?"

Lu Tong finally found an opportunity, and admitted: "There is some truth to what you said."

He took out a tube of medicine from his pocket to reduce swelling. And an egg, which I didn't have time to eat—though, it didn't look like it was meant to be eaten either.

Qin Chu now has PTSD about eggs, and has a very strong psychological shadow. When he saw this, his conditioned face ached.

Yesterday, Qin Shiwu's slap was light, like a cat's paw scratching. After all, he was not willing to slap him too hard, so he just pretended to show it.

But Qin Heng's slap was a real knife and a gun, and it came down for real.

"This." Lu Tong pointed to the medicine: "Apply it on the face."

He went home to sleep last night, thinking of Qin Chu being slapped twice for no reason, tossing and turning.

In the final analysis, this is completely an innocent disaster, or it is caused by oneself.

It's fine to hit other places, this **** is such a face-conscious person, wouldn't it make him lose face if he slapped him in the face with two slaps?

After living for seventeen years, it was the first time that Lu Tong felt guilty.

Qin Shiwu also twisted a bit: "Are you still in pain?"

Qin Chu said coldly: "You want me to slap you back?" He thought for a while, and then said Qin Shiwu's words: "My son beats my father, and the sky is struck by lightning? Who said that?"

Qin Shiwu complained in his heart: Father, have you beaten me less often?

After thinking about it, it will be sixteen years later, so I gave up.

Qin Chu held the medicine tube with **** in disgust: "What is this? It smells so bad."

Lu Tong: "It reduces swelling."

Qin Chu pointed at the eggs again: "Where are the eggs?"

Lu Tong pondered for a while: "I heard that rolling an egg on the face can also reduce swelling."

Qin Chu: "That's a hot compress, brother, are you a real or a fake student with no common sense in life?" He touched the egg: "Do you think it's still hot?"

Lu Tongfu was in his heart, pretending to be deaf and dumb, and said with concern: "Have you had breakfast? Since it can't be applied, why don't you just eat it."

Qin Chu: "You came all the way early in the morning just to make things difficult for me?"

Qin Shiwu suggested: "Why don't you brag to him?"

Lu Tong pointed to himself: "I play?"

Qin Shiwu: "Otherwise? You expect me to blow it?"

He thought to himself: I'm here to create a little romantic thing for you, understand? Why are you so confused? !

In order to cut off Lu Tong's thoughts, Qin Shiwu broke the boat and said, "I ate garlic in the morning!"

Lu Tong: ...

He turned his head to look at Qin Chu: "Do you want to brag?"

Qin Chu: "Do you dare?"

Just take a breath, there is nothing to dare.

Lu Tong leaned close to Qin Chu, and he had to step on Qin Chu's handsome face if he wanted to blow on it.

Puffing out his cheeks, he exhaled, and asked seriously, "How is it? Is it better?"

Qin Chu said calmly, "It's not good."

His heart was beating violently, and he pushed Lu Tong away: "Stop bragging. Your father's eyes are not right when he looks at me. If you brag again, I'm afraid I won't be able to get out of this hospital today."

He didn't hear what Lu Tong said, and the deafening "dongdong" sound echoed in his mind.

Qin Heng said: "Here we are. Go in."

Qin Shiwu blended into the team very naturally. Although everyone thought it was strange, everyone was controlled by a mysterious force—no one asked Qin Shiwu why he followed them.

Lu Tong suddenly stopped.

Qin Chu: "What's wrong with you?"

Lu Tong touched his chest: "I have an ominous premonition."

His premonition has always been accurate, and Qin Chu couldn't help but stop: "How ominous?"

Lu Tong shook his head: "Very strong."

Qin Heng has already opened the door.

In the department, a familiar, gentle voice with a little smile came out: "Welcome."

? ?

Qin Heng just arrived here, and it was the first time he saw a doctor shouting "Welcome" in the hospital.

Hearing the voice, Lu Tong exchanged glances with Qin Chu, and stepped in together.

Dr. He sat on the seat: "Huh? So it's an acquaintance."

Qin Shiwu came in with his head poking around.

Dr. He put down his pen and said with a slight smile, "The children are already this old?"

Lu Tong: "Shut up!"

Dr. He stood up: "Sit down. Everyone, who is the doctor?"

He nodded, and there were five people in total: "Our department recently held an event, two people see a doctor at half price for the third person, are you interested?"

Qin Chu: "Does the hospital know?"

Dr. He smiled and said: "I must not know. The second time I come to get a 20% discount, let me tell you, what is the reason this time."

Hearing their familiar tone, Qin Heng said, "You guys know each other."

Qin Chu: "It was also him when I came back."

He added: "The last time I saw internal medicine, this time it was gynecology. Why are you still?"

Dr. He clasped his hands together: "I told you, my dream was to be a gynecologist."

Qin Chu: "?"

Dr. He asked the little nurse to bring out some chairs, and told everyone to sit down: "Okay. Our hospital recently responded to the call of the country and started working in a sustainable development model."

Lu Tong: "Sustainable?"

Dr. He explained: "When there is no one in the internal medicine department, the internal medicine doctor can continue to work in the obstetrics and gynecology department. I have continued until now."

...Isn't this **** business out of business?

Are you still talking about being so tall?

Sustainability at work?

Qin Chu: "The internal medicine department is full of people, can there be no one to see the doctor?"

Dr. He took a sip of tea: "There are people, but there are not many people in the outpatient room of our Chinese medicine department."

He motioned for Lu Tong to put his hand up, and Lu Tong raised his eyebrows: "What's the process?"

Dr. He brazenly took the pulse: "A child can be taught."

Lin Siyin was dumbfounded: "Why does the department of gynecology take the pulse?"

In fact, it is not considered a gynecology department. The gynecology department of the hospital includes two clinics for women and Omega, but they are all summarized under one big concept.

Just like the men's dormitory is divided into Alpha and Omega.

Qin Chu said coldly: "Dr. He's personal style of consultation."

Doctor He asked, "What's wrong with your body?"

Lu Tong couldn't open his mouth.

Several parents were also embarrassed to speak.

Qin Chu didn't care, because he and Lu Tong were very innocent, so he said directly: "Do you see if he is pregnant?"

Dr. He said, "Wow."

Lu Tong Fu forehead.

Dr. He asked, "Are there any symptoms?"

Qin Chu seemed like a newlywed husband who really became a father, and he did everything in detail: "vomiting, nausea, dizziness."

Dr. He took the pulse and Baidu: Is vomiting, nausea and dizziness symptoms of pregnancy?

Lin Siyin stood aside: "Why do I think this doctor is so unreliable?"

Dr. He was not angry when he heard Lin Siyin's words, and smiled gently: "My wife is joking. Most people think I'm unreliable, but in fact."

Lin Siyin blushed after hearing the small talk: "Doctor, that's not what I meant..."

Dr. He: "They are right."

Lin Siyin: ...

Dr. He waved his hand: "Let's get the blood drawn first."

When I came to the hospital, I couldn't find out what was wrong, so I basically went to draw blood first.

Lu Tong asked sarcastically, "Is there still a half-price event for the second tube today?"

Dr. He smiled and said, "It's not necessary. If your body smokes the second tube, I will be pulled out of the hospital by the director. Medical accidents are not a trivial matter."

Qin Heng gave orders: "Qin Chu, go with Xiaolu, you stay with him."

Just as Lu Tong wanted to say that he didn't need to accompany him, Qin Chu dragged him out.

Qin Shiwu was like a little follower. He was hiding at the door, but when he saw his parents coming out, he quickly followed.

In the department, there were only four people left.

Dr. He smiled and said, "Now we just have a mahjong table together."

Qin Heng: "Isn't there a little nurse?"

Dr. He: "She is in charge of serving tea and water."

Lin Siyin asked with concern: "Doctor He, was my son also seen at your place last time?"

Dr. He served them wolfberry and chrysanthemum tea. He was very young, his handsome and gentle face was half hidden under the smog, and he looked very unpredictable.

"Madam, what would you like to ask?"

What else can I ask.

Isn't it about the secondary differentiation?

Dr. He is kind and knowledgeable, and answers everything.

When Lu Tong came back from drawing blood, Dr. He had already finished the question and answer.

His parents also got all the information that Lutong got last time.

Pushing open the door, he saw the pale faces of Lin Siyin and Lu Zhiyan.

"Is there no way? Apart from removing the glands."

Doctor He intertwined his fingers and put them on his chest: "Yes, let them combine and follow the natural choice."

He stretched out a finger, quirky, and proposed a solution: "I have a friend who works in a dating agency..."

At this time, Lu Tong and Qin Chu both walked in the door.

When Lu Tong heard his words, he had a strong sense of sight—the last time Dr. He was very speechless: "Isn't your friend a registration office? Their department also implements a sustainable work model?"

Dr. He said boldly: "I have many friends, and this one is a friend from a dating agency. They are almost the same after all."

"Can you turn off the wedding march?" Qin Chu asked.

Dr. He smiled slightly and turned off the song: "Let's meet the occasion. Don't you think it's suitable?"

Lu Zhiyan asked with a straight face: "What if you don't combine and don't cut off the glands?"

Dr. He sighed, silently switched to "Funeral March", and said softly, "Let's meet the occasion."

Ah, this dog doctor, always thinks enough of him.

Lu Tong thought in his heart with a blank face.

This time, Qin Shiwu did not stand at the door, but quietly sat beside him.

Dr. He looked at him twice more.

Qin Heng hesitated for a moment: "Is there any way abroad?"

Dr. He: "Perhaps the moon in foreign countries will be rounder, but there are no foreign solutions. Although there are many cases discovered so far, it is a pity that none of them match 100%. One place, and there was a temporary marker. The two children have cut off the back road. This kind of coincidence of the right time and place cannot be collided with each other in a row."

Lin Siyin said hastily, "Isn't anyone else in such a situation?"

Dr. He: "Unfortunately, no."

Lu Zhiyan: "There is no solution at all?"

Dr. He: "There is no such thing in medicine."

He paused, and said mysteriously: "But there is something in metaphysics. To be honest, I have made great achievements in fortune-telling. Otherwise, I will do a ritual for you two. Of course, this kind of medical treatment that violates the scientific concept of development Behavior, I do not charge."

Like a magic trick, Dr. He took out three blessings of peace from the drawer.

"It's all drawn by me, it's guaranteed to work."

Lu Tong: "Your business is quite extensive."

Dr. He: "It's not easy for anyone to support a family and beg for food. After all, I'm not Mr. Qin."

Qin Heng: "You know me?"

Dr. He: "Mr. Qin was joking. I am also an enthusiastic net surfer, so I haven't even seen your photos. If you know you unilaterally, it can be called acquaintance, just like many people unilaterally shout You're like 'Daddy'. Just to be clear, I didn't yell."

Qin Chu pinched Ping An Fu: "What is this?"

Dr. He: "Things that bless you with health and longevity. Don't worry, although it looks superstitious on the surface, it is actually very scientific."

Qin Chu opened Ping An Fu, and in the bag was a coupon for a vaccination certificate, which was indeed a guarantee of health.

Dr. He said indifferently: "There is also a 20% discount."

The little nurse brought up Lu Tong's test results and looked at Qin Heng tremblingly.

She whispered: "The dean heard that Mr. Qin is here, and wants to meet."

Dr. He said: "It's useless for you to tell me, you have to tell him."

The little nurse was nervous: "I dare not."

Dr. He glanced at the test sheet without raising his eyelids: "Do you think I dare?"

Little Nurse: ...I not only think you are daring, but I also think that you can fly over others to do your best.

Lin Siyin asked, "Doctor, how is the situation?"

Dr. He: "It's the same as last time. Don't worry, I'm not pregnant."

All three parents breathed a sigh of relief.

It's just that while Qin Heng breathed a sigh of relief, he also felt a little lost.

Not pregnant...

Yes, still so young.

He glanced at Lu Tong, and he didn't know if it was a pity or what, but he always felt a stronger sense of loss.

— could have had a grandson.

After much deliberation, I still blame the little **** Qin Chu! He poked all the holes, but he didn't poke them thoroughly. If he couldn't go up, he wouldn't go down! annoying.

At the same time, Qin Shiwu also breathed a sigh of relief.

He was nervous from just now to now, and he didn't dare to make a sound. When the report came out, he patted his chest and thought, "It's okay, okay, I haven't conceived yet, which means that my survival status has not been threatened yet!"

After the test report came out, Qin Heng suggested going to dinner.

In the situation of the two children, they need to sit down and have a good talk.

As soon as they left, Qin Shiwu followed suit.

Doctor He suddenly said, "Qin Shiwu."

Qin Shiwu paused.

Dr. He smiled and said, "Does your family live in Yuexiawan Community, Qiantang?"

Qin Shiwu nodded: "Doctor, are you okay?"

Doctor He smiled and said, "It's okay. I was taken aback." His face became more mysterious in the white mist from the hot water: "It seems that I have not misunderstood the person, and such a serious illness can survive, like Like a medical miracle."

Alarm bells rang in Qin Shiwu's heart.

—He didn't know, what terminal illness did that Qin Shiwu have? !

Look at what this weird doctor said... the hairs on his back.

Dr. He said: "Don't be nervous, I congratulate you."

He handed the third Ping An Fu on the table to Qin Shiwu. Qin Shiwu was like a vigilant kitten, looking at him furiously from behind, and it was not good to take it or not to take it.

Dr. He smiled and said, "Go, they've gone far."

Qin Shiwu's heart was beating violently, and he rushed out of the hospital without looking back.

Just happened to meet Lu Tong who came back to look for him.

Seeing that he was out of his mind, Lu Tong quickly asked, "What's wrong with you?"

Qin Shiwu barely stood still, and plunged into Lu Tong's arms, which frightened Lu Tong. His body was a little stiff, but he didn't feel any discomfort. He just patted Qin Shiwu's back with his hand.

"What happened?"

Qin Shiwu was sweating profusely on his back, and lied, "I, I saw a dead person."

Lu Tong: "It's normal to see dead people in the hospital. Are you still afraid of this? I thought you were very courageous."

Qin Shiwu gripped his clothes a little tighter.

"Have you hugged enough?" Qin Chu lifted Qin Shiwu away: "Did you do it on purpose? This is not a mortuary, where are there dead people?"

When Qin Shiwu saw his father, his uneasiness and fear were relieved a lot.

In this strange era and strange world, the only two people he feels close to are Lu Tong and Qin Chu.

In the end it was his parents, when Qin Shiwu was wronged and sad, he couldn't help leaning against Qin Chu's back.

Qin Chu felt weird: "Why are you so clingy today?"

Qin Shiwu muttered, "I saw it at the corner."

Lu Tong glanced at Qin Chu: "Do you have to speak so aggressively?"

Qin Chu said dumbly, "Forget it. Haven't eaten yet, let's go eat first. The fear is purely from starvation. With such a tall person, why are you still afraid of these things? Have you read too many ghost stories?"

Qin Shiwu refused to accept, "I didn't read the ghost story!"

Qin Chu: "That's what I read online."

Qin Shiwu felt that the topic of online writing was a bit dangerous, and if he continued to talk about it, he would be time-traveled or reborn, so he swallowed and dared not speak.

Beside Qin Heng's car, Qu Muyao was leaning in front.

Qin Chu didn't deal with her, but in front of Qin Heng, the two were not so **** for tat.

"What are you doing here?"

Qu Muyao said: "I heard that you made people's stomachs bigger?"

The corner of Qin Chu's mouth twitched: "Looking for a fight?"

Qu Muyao: "I heard what Ji Rang said, if you want to hit him, hit him first."

Qin Heng said: "Yaoyao, is there no class today?"

He opens the car door.

Qu Muyao smiled and said, "I'll come and see my sister-in-law."

Haha, now my sister-in-law is calling happily.

Qin Chu gritted his teeth silently: Who was it that threatened to chase after Lu Tong?

Qin Heng: "There is no horoscope. If you say that, the other party's parents will be unhappy."

Qu Muyao glanced at the Lu family couple who were buying water not far away: "It doesn't matter, it's so far away, I can't hear you."

Lin Siyin bought water for everyone, and after distributing it, he saw Qu Muyao.

Qin Heng made an introduction, Lin Siyin nodded, and then went straight to the point: "Old Qin, this is not a trivial matter, you have always had your own opinions, what are you going to do about this matter?"

Qin Heng hesitated.

Lu Zhiyan didn't know him well, and Lin Siyin was afraid that her husband would be scolding with old-fashioned thinking when he opened his mouth, so he simply forbade him to intervene, but judging from his expression, it was ugly.

"Do you really want to listen to my opinion?" Qin Heng thought for a moment before speaking.

Lin Siyin: "There is no other way out right now, should we go to another hospital?"

Qin Heng shook his head: "No need. It's the same no matter which hospital you go to. The young doctor in the department just now is a closed disciple of Cheng Zhengming, a famous doctor of traditional Chinese medicine in China. He is already very famous in the circle at a young age. He If you say no, it’s basically out of play.”

Lin Siyin didn't expect that little cunning Dr. He to have such a great background, and after thinking about it, he felt that geniuses might be so weird.

"Then what do you mean?"

The topic is off the table again.

Qin Heng deliberated longer this time, he pondered for a moment, and suggested: "My suggestion is to get engaged first."