MTL - Back to My Dad’s High School Days-Chapter 8 Orphan A oligo O

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Qin Chu just woke up, and he didn't know how to restrain his pheromones at all. Even if he closed the door, the pheromones couldn't be shut down, which made Lu Tong feel uneasy.

He took a few steps back and swayed back and forth, until the cold fragrance of roses around him faded a bit. Fortunately, he sprayed the inhibitor before going out in the morning, but he is an Omega after all, and he is easily affected by Alpha's pheromone. The other party's pheromones smelled so good that Lu Tong could feel these pheromones drilling into his body through his clothes.

Lu Tong was disturbed by this wave, and the already cold aura became even more inaccessible, almost freezing the atmosphere. His mind was smaller than the tip of a needle, and after suffering this sullen loss, he secretly wrote a sum to Qin Chu, vowing to get it back sooner or later.

Qin Chu woke up for a while, then opened the door, and saw Lu Tong wandering back and forth in Lao Zhao's yard, like a wandering spirit.

Hearing the voice, Lu Tong raised his head to look at Qin Chu - his expression was already ugly, and now he didn't look good towards Qin Chu.

If he doesn't give Qin Chu a good face, let alone expect Qin Chu's cold face to stick to his hot ass—he wasn't born to be mean.

The two of them used to hate each other at school, but looking at them now, they feel that the other party is not right with him from the hair to the toes.

"Stupid." Qin Chu thought to himself.

"You son of a bitch." Lu Tong scolded calmly.

Qin Chu didn't say anything, the door was open, he swaggered around and went back to the second floor.

Zhao Yan came back at this time with Xiaonan in her arms, saw Lu Tong from afar, and said happily, "Lu Tong, you're here so early, have you eaten yet?"

Lu Tong turned his head: "Morning, Mr. Zhao." He hesitated for a moment: "Is the student who asked me to make up lessons Qin Chu?"

Zhao Yan put down Xiaonan, who had just learned to walk, and immediately hugged Lu Tong's thigh, Lu Tong was staggered by her hug, Zhao Yan quickly pulled Xiaonan away: "Don't bother brother. Yes, yes Qin Chu, Lu Tong, are you feeling unwell?"

Being hugged by a little girl, he shook a bit.

This is really unreasonable.

Zhao Yan was as careful as a hair, observed this, and asked casually.

Lu Tong is in good health, he can't go to the hospital once a year, and if he does, he goes with his mother, so there's nothing wrong with it.

He fainted for a moment because he was completely influenced by Qin Chu's pheromone, but can he tell Zhao Yan about this.

Of course not.

"It's okay." Lu Tong retreated in his heart. After seeing Qin Chu, he planned to decline Zhao Yan politely—if he knew it was Qin Chu, he would have rejected it outright last night!

Who knew that Zhao Yan didn't give him a chance to refuse to speak out, so she dragged Lu Tong and dragged him into the room.

"I originally planned to have classes in the study room, but the curtains in the study room were broken for the past two days and I haven't had time to fix it. As soon as the sun came out in the morning, it shone into the study room, and it was so hot. Today, I will go to Qin Chu's room to make up lessons."

Lu Tong followed Zhao Yan to the second floor. Qin Chu's room was next to the stairs on the second floor. When he opened the door, he found a suite inside.

On the left is the study room, the floor is covered with Japanese-style tatami mats, the curtains are indeed broken, and the sunlight shines through the glass door of the study room to the corridor on the second floor. Entering from the bedroom door, there is a cloakroom on the right. There should be a bathroom through the cloakroom. There is a faint sound of water, probably Qin Chu is taking a bath in it.

The bed is on the left, and a French window leans against the wall with a violin hanging on the wall and a desk next to it.

There are no books or pens on the desk, only a few figures that look like dinosaurs, a desk lamp, a mobile phone and a PSP.

A school uniform from Provincial No. 1 Middle School hung on the stool, as well as an empty schoolbag. A skateboard more than one meter long was leaning against the stool. There were several footprints on it. It was damaged and not new. It should be used frequently. There was also a football under the table hole, and when it rolled into it, Lu Tong couldn't see clearly.

In Qin Chu's bedroom, the cold fragrance of roses seemed to be more intense. Although it didn't make Lu Tong dizzy when he first met Qin Chu just now, staying in his room and enduring the sweet and greasy torture of boiling frogs in warm water was not uncomfortable.

The TV was on, and a Japanese anime was playing. A dinosaur wearing a robot was breathing fire into the sky. As soon as Zhao Yan came in, he turned off the TV.

She knocked on the door of the cloakroom, reminding him that Lu Tong was already waiting for him in the bedroom, and told Qin Chu to finish washing quickly.

"Qin Chu, the teacher I found for you is here, honestly, did you hear about the test papers?"

Qin Chu didn't reply.

Zhao Yan reminded: "How old are you and still watch cartoons? Is it shameful? Watch this one all day long. If you don't mind it, I'll be bored. Don't dawdle in class after you get out of the shower."

When going out, he greeted Lu Tong again and said that he would bring some fruit to eat later.

Lu Tong sat on the stool that Zhao Yan found elsewhere, and weighed the status of the Tyrannosaurus rex and Qin Chu in his heart. In the end, the Tyrannosaurus rex model defeated Qin Chu with an overwhelming advantage. Lu Tong breathed a sigh of relief, and secretly said: It's not difficult to endure Qin Chu, as long as he doesn't come to provoke me.

He pricked up his ears and heard the sound of Zhao Yan's footsteps walking farther and farther. When he got downstairs, Lu Tong took out the inhibitor spray from his schoolbag and sprayed himself twice briefly.

The door behind him "clicked", and Lu Tong was so scared that he almost lost his grip on the inhibitor in his hand. Trying not to look on purpose, he put the suppressant in the bag.

Lu Tong's secondary differentiation medical examination report was hidden in his room. He didn't tell his parents that he had secondary differentiation into an Omega. Out of a self-protection mechanism, he didn't want others to judge him, so he simply put the secondary differentiation into an Omega. The matter of differentiation is hidden.

Otherwise, according to Lu Zhiyan's personality, he must be more strictly controlled.

Although cases of secondary differentiation are uncommon, they are not uncommon. They have been popularized in physiology classes, and they will not cause much sensation. However, being differentiated into an Omega always gives people a very weak posture. Lu Tong has a very strong self-esteem, and hates others to treat him as a weak person, and he has been in trouble for a few years during adolescence, so he doesn't want others to know his first love. Two sexes.

Besides, he is still in Qin Chu's room now, and the other party is an A. He will fight for his breath even if he doesn't fight for steamed buns. How could he find out?

No matter how fast Lu Tong moved to hide, he didn't finish it off.

Qin Chu pushed the door open and saw him stuffing something into the bag.


He raised his eyebrows.

Turtle hair.

He complained.

Qin Chu glanced at his TV, and was caught by Zhao Customs.

When he arrived in the room, the cold rose scent was even stronger, and Lu Tong's breathing was a bit difficult because of the oppressive breath. Fortunately, he had been sprayed with the inhibitor just now, so his legs would not go weak and he would not fall to the ground.

Qin Chu pulled away the chair, and the moisture on his body almost immediately stained Lu Tong.

He ignored Lu Tong, but directly picked up the PSP and started playing games.

Should he be thankful that he respects Lu Tong a little bit? At least the headphone cable is not plugged in.

There were no test papers or books, and Lu Tong didn't see anything on his desk.

Only the dinosaur figure in the mech.

Now that Zhao Yan had agreed to make up lessons for Qin Chu, Lord Lu Tong had a large number of them, so he decided to break the deadlock of no one, and said in his heart, "Amitabha, I am not a Buddha, but I will be a fool", and calmly found a It is barely a topic of common interest.

He pointed to the mecha dinosaur on Qin Chu's desk: "Do you like dinosaurs too?"

...the dialogue of incomparable elementary school students.

Lu Tong regretted it when he said it, but he couldn't swallow it after he said it all.

On this topic, the ghost will answer him!

Qin Chu ghosted his upper body, and unexpectedly replied: "I don't like it." After a pause, Qin Chu corrected: "It's not a dinosaur, it's a tyrannosaur."

After he finished answering, the room fell silent again.

If these two sentences are put on the campus forum—don't say you believe it, even if you make it up, you can't make up such an outrageous thing.

The campus forum in City H is filled with students from colleges and universities in the entire urban area, and there are nearly 70,000 to 80,000 active people. Because the names of Lu Tong and Qin Chu are often slaughtered in the forum area, they are considered two celebrities in the campus forum.

There are also their respective fan posts, and there are women and men who each like them. They have nothing to do all day long and fight each other on the forum. One looks down on Qin Chu and the other looks down on Lu Tong, and the fight is in full swing.

Although it's been almost three months since the fight in the forum, the two protagonists at the center of the fight haven't even met each other.

This time when He Yuanyuan's incident happened, Qin Chu and Lu Tong were brought up more frequently in the forum. Two men competed for a woman, and the school girl and the school bully fell in love with a woman at the same time. This topic is not enough for everyone to eat. Gualedao?

In that forum, Qin Chu and Lu Tong thought of countless ways to meet each other, usually starting with greeting each other's 18th generation ancestors, and ending with the inseparable punching and kicking.

In short, no matter which one it is, it is impossible to start with "Do you like dinosaurs too?" and end with "I don't like it, it is a Tyrannosaurus."

Lu Tong's face turned pale.

what is this?

He was also generalized!

It's all right now, I lost the first round before I asked anything, and what's even more embarrassing is that Qin Chu found out that I like dinosaurs.

Why on earth could he not think about adding the word "also" to that sentence? !

Lu Tong couldn't bear face, so he wanted to get some face back, so he acted like a make-up teacher: "Where are your books?"

Qin Chu glanced at him inexplicably: "Are you sick? Are you really giving me extra lessons?"

When Lu Tong heard him talking, he couldn't help but get really angry: "I'm here to make up lessons for you."

Qin Chu said: "You just sit here for two hours and go back, and Lao Zhao will give you the money."

When he said this, he was concentrating on playing the game, with his legs crossed, and he looked like a playboy.

Qin Chu was originally a rich second generation, and he unconsciously took on a look of contempt and arrogance when speaking. He really didn't bother to talk to Lu Tong, mainly because there was He Yuanyuan between the two of them, who was neither embarrassed nor embarrassed, which made Qin Chu feel upset when he saw him.

Although he has no affection for He Yuanyuan—but he has even less affection for Lu Tong.

Lu Tong pursed his lips and sneered, took out the test paper from his schoolbag, and slapped it on the table.

He closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and comforted himself: This **** Qin Chu is only sixteen years old now, rounded up, he is still two years away from becoming an adult, and he is three months away from becoming an adult, and now he will be responsible for killing him. Criminal liability, cool, not worth it. Do I need to get angry with him?

Although Lu Tong is young, he is very mature in thinking. Since I was almost an adult, everyone looked like a little bastard, but I was the most stable, and now I became a teacher for Qin Chu, so I have a little sense of being a teacher.

Lu Tong swallowed his anger more times, and Lu Tong felt that he was about to become a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle.

Qin Chu raised his head and glanced at him.

To be honest, Lu Tong is very good-looking, and when he grows up in a few years, this appearance can lead even in the entertainment industry.

Unfortunately, it was an A.

"What are you doing?" Qin Chu glanced at the test paper.

Lu Tong said two words coolly: "Lecture topic."

Qin Chu glanced at the test paper and was not interested.

Lu Tong knew that this kind of half-grown pup was the most vulnerable to stimulation, and would not listen to him if he talked to him carefully, but fighting against him would have a multiplier effect.

"Can't you do it?"

Sure enough, when Qin Chu heard this, he was not happy: "Who can't do it?"

He spoke a little fart, coolly, the cold scent of roses in the room immediately softened, and turned into a sweet, milky scent, like buds that haven't bloomed yet.

Lu Tongdao: "If you can do it, can you ask me to make up lessons?"

Qin Chu put down the PSP, grabbed the test paper, and stared at it.

After watching for a while, I really couldn't do it.

He grew up abroad and can speak Chinese, but it is a bit difficult to recognize each character. Qin Chu has always read characters by looking at the radicals. In order not to expose his shortcomings, he usually doesn't like to talk and pretends to be unpredictable.

Lu Tong understood that he had transferred from abroad, so he deliberately found a junior high school math test paper from the bottom of his schoolbag just now.

There are only two question types above, one is a linear equation in one variable, and the other is a quadratic equation in one variable. The basics are outrageous.

Qin Chu bit his pen and stared at the quadratic equation in one yuan for a long time. Lu Tong got back the game and was in a good mood. He smiled and said, "Why don't you do it."

On his question, there is only one word "solve". After "solve", there will be no more words.

Lu Tong: "Primary school students in sixth grade can solve quadratic equations in one variable, can't you?"

Qin Chu said: "It's too simple, I don't bother to do it. It's difficult for me to do it."

He snorted coldly, and his eyes fell on the binary linear equation. After looking at it for a long time, his brows were about to be knit together.

Qin Chu gritted his teeth and stared at it for a long time, unwilling to make such an ugly face in front of Lu Tong.

He agrees in his heart: It is indeed a two-dollar one-time equation, but it is more difficult than one yuan one-time equation. Sure enough, it is expensive...and there is a reason for it.

When he was lowering his head and thinking wildly, a strange scent floated into his nostrils.

Qin Chu was stunned for a moment, the scent was cold and sweet, like Omega pheromone.

He turned his head, and Lu Tong was lowering his head and concentrating on studying the English vocabulary book in his hand. A white and tender part of the back of his neck was exposed, which was as smooth as suet jade.

The author has something to say: the second chapter of Baby Offline!

The next chapter will have a baby perspective! There will be more perspectives in this article!

The dog's nose is very sharp, and you can still smell it after spraying the inhibitor!

·Thank you for the little angels who voted for me to overlord or irrigate the nutrient solution~Thank you for the little angels who voted for [Landmine]: (●?ω`●), rice pot, garlic fried Lanhua, Jiumi, passerby 1 abc, 夬锡, Rao, Aaaaaaayu, and Amaimai; thanks to the little angel who irrigates [Nutrition Solution]: Harada Shiisoi is really 5 bottles; as long as we don’t black mxtx, we will have 1 bottle; Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!