MTL - Back to the Age of Dinosaurs-~ 105. [一一] This way of saving the dragon is a bit too six

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He and the three tyrannosaurus brothers stood up and wanted to run, but they were surrounded by the roots and could not run out. All of these tyrans showed sharp fangs, and the big mouths of the open mouths all flowed to the ground.

Now I have 5 tons of weight, and each of the three Tyrannosaurus brothers has a weight of 3 tons. They add up to more than 10 tons, which is equivalent to the weight of an adult triceratops. That is, if they are all If you bite it, it will be enough for more than a dozen specific dragons to fill your stomach.

They are very delicious and good for all carnivorous dragons. They don't have the protection of ethnic groups, nor the protection of adult dragons. Their tonnage is already heavy enough that there is no need to eat enough after eating hard. .

These allosaurus are not just about revenge, they want to fill their stomachs more, they are too hungry.

Isometric is not as clever as a dragon. The smarter the dragon, the more likely it is to generate complex and lasting emotions such as “revenge,” and most dragons don’t specifically retaliate against another dragon, because most of the dragons Not smart.

For example, Allosaurus is not smart. Their hunting behavior is absolutely to fill their stomachs. Revenge is just a revenge. Not to mention four small scorpions who are alone outside can hunt more than a group of herbivorous dinosaurs.

However, I think that the last escape of the Allotone may be really smart. After all, there are also mutated individuals, and the escaped Allosaurus and the Allied Dragons they eat are very good, so they escaped. The dragon has always remembered to find them, eat them, and have a scene of today.

Otherwise, with the number of 15 allosaurus, even if it is not too difficult to hunt in the herbivorous dinosaur group, they are so hidden that they are hidden. It must have been that the escaped Allied Dragon specially sought them.

The Allotone is really terrible. He wants to kill him and not kill him. After that, they have to live with fear and live every day in the fear of being attacked by many many Allosaurus.

But even if you want to kill this Allosaurus, you have to escape first, and so many Allosaurus will tear them apart in an instant.

I quickly found an exit that might escape.

Fifteen Allosaurus rushed to them at the same time. Although the little scorpions knew that they were going to be killed soon, they had no fear in their eyes and no dinosaurs.

Because Meng Ge always tells them that no matter how dangerous, you can't be afraid. As long as you are afraid of fear from your heart, then you are not far from death, even if you are dying, you must be brave. In the face, there will always be no fear, never give up hope of living, even if you are embarrassed again, there will always be hope.

Meng Ge’s words are constantly echoing in the ears of the little nephews, always fearless, always hopeful

In the past, Mongo told them a lot, the story of his childhood.

Meng Ge and Yuya are very different in age. Yuya is almost 5 years old and will soon leave Ma Ma. Meng Ge and Meng Brothers have just broken their shells.

Their younger brothers and sisters only had one hemp, no father, and Ma Ma alone to support them. The first nest of Ma Ma lived for one, and the second nest of only a small box of Meng Ge and Meng succeeded in breaking the shell.

The 5-year-old Yuya has been very powerful. She has taken up the responsibility of taking care of her younger brothers when she went out to hunt. It is precisely because she can take care of her younger brothers, and sometimes even help her to hunt, she is not so fast. Was driven away.

It’s very difficult to raise a small scorpion by a female tyrannical dragon. The Asian-born 嘎ya became a half mother of Meng Ge and Meng, and she almost died to save two younger brothers. She also hunted her brothers several times. The injury is serious.

Therefore, Meng Ge and Meng’s feelings for Yuya are very deep.

Yuya stayed to help Ma Ma to look after her younger brother to help Ma Mahun to raise two younger brothers, until Yuya is 8 years old, no 8 year old female Tyrannosaurus Rex must enter the courtship stage immediately, can not drag, Ma Ma this The heart rushed away from Yuya.

After three years of getting along, the relationship between my sister and three dragons is very good. She is very reluctant to have two younger brothers, but there is no way. She must go out to wander and find her spouse.

About half a year after Yuya’s departure, Mengo and Meng were only three years old. It was a big dry season and there was a serious shortage of food. They were stared at by several tyrannosaurus to kill them as food, their hemp. In order to protect them from being killed by the male tyrannical dragon, they ate.

Meng Ge and Meng hide in a long distance and watched their hemp being eaten. Meng Ge felt like he was burned by the fire. He deeply remembered the masters. Look and smell,

Since then, Mongo and Mongolia have passed the days of wandering in advance. Under normal circumstances, Tyrannosaurus Rex should be driven away by the mother at the age of five to start wandering. The five-year-old Tyrannosaurus Rex can defeat all the flesh except the adult Tyrannosaurus Rex. Dragon.

The three-and-a-half-year-old Mongo and Mongolian, although only a year and a half ahead of the wandering, but it is fatal, the five-year-old Tyrannosaurus can only form an alliance with the brothers, the three-and-a-half-year-old Tyrannosaurus rex without the Asian adult Tyrannosaurus and They are allied and are not willing to "help the poor" to raise a small scorpion. The Asian tyrannical dragon can not support themselves. Of course, strong alliance is the right way.

Therefore, after more than a year, the brothers and two dragons lived together. Of course, they encountered many dangers, many deadly dangers, and it was a common occurrence.

Mongo is not born to be so powerful and dominates the entire Yukan continent. Mongo also has invincible strength through numerous deaths.

In fact, the three tyrannosaurus scorpions are now almost the same age as Montgomon when they came out to wander. They also have brothers to help them hunt, they are very lucky.

I remembered that before Mongo told him that Meng Ge and Meng were surrounded by a group of Allosaurus when he was a child, how did Meng Ge escape with his brother, that is really thrilling.

Mengo said that Allosaurus' hunting habit is to place a slightly weaker Allosalong next to a strong Allosaurus to ensure that there is no weak gap in each of the containment links. This is the talent of the carnivorous dragon. , the talent for hunting.

Therefore, if you want to escape from the containment of All Tron, you can only be hard-pressed, do not die hard, go out, luck can be ran out, luck will be eaten.

Of course, running out doesn't mean you can survive. So many different dragons, they run fast, they can catch up, it depends on whether there is good terrain, it is best to slope, slide down, no matter how slipping down Can't live, maybe it will fall to death, and if I don't want to fall to death, I won't chase it anymore.

At the beginning, Mongo and Mongolia escaped like this.

I am very familiar with the terrain nearby and there are no slopes here.

But no matter what, first run out and yell, "Run with me."

The four little scorpions ran away without any help, regardless of whether they would be eaten.

All of this happened in an instant, and I thought so much in a flash. I was thrown over in an instant, and the little nephews ran out of desperately.

Fortunately, the little nephews were lucky, although they were scratched by the giant claws of the Allied dragon's hind legs during the process of running out of the encirclement, but at least they were not killed by one bite.

After running out of the encirclement, he took his brothers to the place where there were more herbivorous dinosaurs. They tried to hide in the group of Argentine dragons.

But the Allosaurus is not like the Rose Maple, and the Allosaurus runs much faster than the Mapron.

The little nephews were quickly intercepted and had to run in the opposite direction, but in the opposite direction there were not many herbivorous dinosaur groups at all, and they were dead.

In fact, these allosaurus are also very puzzled. These little scorpions were hunted by so many huge carnivores. They did not show any fear and fear. Fifteen estrons are enough to have hundreds of thousands of dragons. The herbivorous dragon group panicked

This is a fact, even if the ethnic group of Pado encounters fifteen allosaurus at the beginning of the hunting must be chaotic.

The little nephews ran hard, but the Allosaurus was running too fast.

Seeing it will soon be caught up, no slopes or other favorable terrain can save them, no.

Let the younger brothers run in front, but in fact there is not much difference, they will be killed.

The footsteps of Allosaurus have been approaching madly, and I feel that the scorpion of the Allosaurus has fallen on his back. He knows that he is about to die.

Suddenly, the rumbling rumblings were getting closer and closer to them. It was a group of squads, and many footsteps of herbivorous dinosaurs ran over.

Then there is the smog that covers the sky, which is the dust that too many herbivorous dinosaurs ran together.

Just like a small earthquake, you can clearly feel the ground shaking sharply. The tonnage of herbivorous dinosaurs is generally heavy, not to mention the fact that so many herbivorous dinosaurs are running at the same time.

The little nephews don't know what happened, why are so many herbivorous dinosaurs going to run together, so scared and scared.

Of course, the little nephews didn't have time to figure out that they were still hanging on the line, and the Allosaurus behind them was running too fast.

I don't know how long I ran, I can obviously feel that the Allotron behind me has already chased them.

The little scorpions gradually stopped pulling down and looked back. There was an allosaurus behind them. Behind them was a large army of countless plant-eating dinosaurs who didn’t know what to do.

I saw that the Allosaurus who chased them were in the middle of the rushing herbivorous dinosaur army. In an instant, they were knocked down to the ground and stepped on countless feet by various large herbivorous dinosaurs. It was trampled into meat in a moment.

There are also a few other Tetralongs trying to escape the army of this herbivorous dinosaur, but it is obviously not possible.

So many herbivorous dinosaurs ran across and raised the dust of the sky, and the little scorpions were not so open.

After a while, the herbivorous dinosaurs finally stopped, and the dust that covered the sky gradually landed, and there was a clearing of the sky.

Today's weather is very good, the sun is shining, the breeze is slow, the sky is extraordinarily blue, and there is no cloud.

The little nephews who escaped from the dead were almost unbelievable. They were saved by all herbivorous dinosaurs.

If these herbivorous dinosaurs suddenly ran in groups, they would have become the cans of the Allot to fill their stomachs.

Of course, I know that these herbivorous dinosaurs must not run together to save them. It must have been something terrible, driving them to run here, maybe dozens of Tyrannosaurus Rex, maybe The forest collapsed.

Looking away from the direction in which these herbivorous dinosaurs ran, I was very puzzled. There was no dinosaur's carnivorous dragon group, no forest collapsed, no horrible things at all, everything was as usual, why are so many ethnic groups running together?

The three tyrannosaurus brothers kept asking, "Brother, why do they want to run, they are afraid of anything, there is nothing at all."

Oh, "I don't know."

The three brothers of Tyrannosaurus "have fortunately have them, or we will be eaten by those Allosaurus."

Hey, "Yeah, yeah."

Until I saw the last of these herbivorous dinosaurs, the ethnic group of Oro

At the same time, these herbivorous dinosaurs gradually dispersed after they ran away. All the herbivorous dinosaurs were discussing why everyone was running.

He and the three brothers of Tyrannosaurus hid in the deep fern plants.

Stegosaurus 1 "Why are we running now?"

Stegosaurus 2 "I just saw everyone running, and I ran."

Stegosaurus 3 "It seems that a Triceratops group said that the forest is collapsing and everyone is running."

Liang Long 1 "I heard the people of Oro yelling that the forest was going to collapse before they ran."

Liang Long 2 "I also heard it"

Liang Long 3 "Me too, me too"

Ankylosau 1 "The forest has not collapsed at all, why should the ethnic group of Oro lie to us?"

Ankylosaurus 2 "maybe the earth was frightened by the triceratops before, I heard that the Oro's ethnic group almost fell into the Great Rift Valley."

Ankylosau 3 "No wonder, they must be too afraid of the earth to move, a little bit of movement, they will not be scared."

Through these conversations over the eavesdropping of these herbivorous dinosaurs, it has been very certain that Oro saved them.

He let the three brothers of Tyrannosaurus hid in the fern plant. He himself ran outside the group of Oro, and he finally saw Oro who didn't seem to want to see him.

Oro looked at the dusty cockroaches, and he was also marked with blood marks on his back.

Looking forward to Oro excitedly said, "Thank you, Oro, thank you for saving us."

Oro "I didn't save you."

咕噜 "Oro, I have heard, because your ethnic group said that there will be so many herbivorous dragons running here in the forest collapse. You are too powerful. You can think of using this method to save us. ”

Oro "I didn't help you, I really thought that there was a big earth movement and the forest would collapse."

I know that Oro has always been very proud. I don't know what I think in my head. It is a life-saving blessing to them. Oro still refuses to admit it.

At this time, Paige also ran over. He kept licking his neck and said, "Brother, brother, you don't know that I was scared. I saw that you and the Tyrannosaurus brothers were surrounded by many carnivorous dragons. Fortunately, there is Oro."

At that time, the ethnic group of Oro was not far away, so Pach could see this scene. He did not want to run to his brothers. He wanted to help his brothers, but he had not stopped running out of the ethnic group and was stopped by Grandpa. It is.

Then I didn’t know what happened, and the group suddenly shouted together, “The earth is moving, the forest is going to step, run fast”

Then all the dragons of the ethnic group ran up, and Paige ran and started to follow. The Oro ethnic group seemed to be dedicated to driving away several nearby herbivorous dinosaurs, and then more and more plants. The diet dinosaur group has joined the army of running.

The running direction of the herbivorous dinosaur army is naturally in the direction of the Oro group, and the Oro ethnic group gradually ran a lot after leading the direction, retreating to the end, shouting the forest at the end. To collapse, create panic, and let the front group continue to run.

Running and running Paqi also gradually understood, Oro is saving his brothers.

Oro is very indifferent. "I said, I have not saved you. I will not mention it later."

I know that Oro refused to admit that he had saved them, not because the other dragons who feared the ethnic group knew that the other dragons of the ethnic group must know that this was caused by Oro to save them. The Triceratops had always obeyed the leadership of the leader. .

It must be because Oro’s own reason is not willing to admit that Oroby’s general triceratops are much smarter, and the way of thinking has never been to follow the routine. The brain circuit is strange, and there are often various operations. Anyway, it is completely Can't guess his.

Oro "Do you have other things? If you don't have one, please leave my ethnic group. You are not the triceratops of my ethnic group."

He licked Pach's neck and said, "Hey, my brother left."

Pach replied, "Oh, my brother, you have to be careful later."

He turned around and walked away, and finally looked back and looked at Oro.

Oro looked at the back of the deaf, he felt more and more interesting.

It is indeed the panic that Oro created to save the blasphemy.

Before Oro saw that he was surrounded by more than a dozen particularly healthy carnivores, he knew that he would die, so many carnivorous dragons, even the Triceratops group could not resist, let alone just a few small donkeys.

He didn't want to die like this, he couldn't accept it, but he couldn't take the group to help him. There were too many different Tetrons. Even if he was the leader, he couldn't take the group to take so much. Carnivorous dragon, he can not let the triceratops of the ethnic group die for no reason.

And even if he saved the scorpion with the ethnic group, the Allosaurus hunted the trigonometric dragons in the ethnic group and escaped. They could not chase, and actively provoked the carnivorous dragon. Later, the carnivorous dragon will continue to hunt his ethnic group. That will be a eternal scourge.

So he thought about such an approach. Of course, he also thought that other ethnic groups might not hear the rumors. After all, there was no earth movement, which can be felt.

What Oro thinks is, no matter what, he has to try it. If other people don’t listen to the rumors and run with them, then he can’t do anything. This is the biggest help he can give. If it’s useless, Can only be killed.

Unexpectedly, other herbivorous dinosaurs not only believed but also easily took his group to the direction of their shackles. He did not expect it to be so smooth. It seems that this little scorpion should not be killed. .

I don’t know how to thank Oro. This is a blessing, and it’s not just to save him, but also to save his three brothers.

But it is clear that Oro does not need to be grateful, even he does not admit that he saved.

He returned to the fern plants that the three Tyrannosaurus brothers avoided. Of course, the Tyrannosaurus scorpions also knew that Oro had saved them, although they did not know why Oro had to save them.

After all the herbivorous dinosaurs were scattered, the four little scorpions went to try to find those allosaurus. They had seen those allosaurus because they were in the middle of the herbivorous dinosaur army, and many of them were trampled to death. They want to see if all the fifteen Allosaurus have been trampled to death.

In fact, you don't have to deliberately look for it. You don't have to think that fifteen people have been trampled to death. So many herbivorous dinosaurs, allosaurus are afraid that they have been trampled into meat and smashed into the mud, and they can't find them.

The little scorpions looked for a while, and they were able to find a few bones and broken meat from some soil and fern slag. Nothing else could be found. Fifteen eschars were left by the physiology of the herbivorous dinosaurs. All made fertilizer to nourish this forest and fern plantation.

In the days that followed, and the three brothers of Tyrannosaurus Rex have never encountered so many carnivorous dragons, there is no such thing as a lifeline, but they are indeed getting harder and harder.

As hunting becomes more and more difficult, the herbivorous dinosaurs that have been placed after the earth are gradually eaten up. It is difficult to find the herbivorous dinosaurs that have been placed in the hunger. The scorpions are not in the hunting phytosanitary group. The ability of the dragon.

In addition, the dinosaurs who died in the earth have fed a large number of carnivores, and the carnivorous dragons are growing and growing stronger.

The little nephews often go far and wide for hunting, just to find a single herbivorous dinosaur, or to find a dwarf dragon with only three peers to hunt. If there are more dwarf dragons, they will It can't be beaten completely, or some small carnivorous dragons that don't have a hordes of pairs, which need to be found for a long time, and still need to be observed for a long time.

When they succeeded in hunting, they were often robbed of prey. The three tyrannosaurus brothers were only taken away after eating a few mouthfuls. It seems that there are always carnivores waiting for them to hunt and rush to grab because of the carnivorous dragon. Too many, they have been robbed of prey more than twice before.

The four little scorpions have not seen the original color. Every day, they are desperately trying to make a living. They are all black and black. If you wash them in the water, you will be able to wash out a few pounds of mud.

Today, I have to plan for the food of my brothers three days later, because they can't be hungry and younger brothers. As long as they are slim down, it is even harder to hunt and more likely to be hunted by other carnivores.

Even if they are often hunted for prey, they will hunt their brothers more frequently. In addition to sleeping without any rest time, it is a little bit to eat.

Even if it’s so busy, I’ll take a little time every day to go around the Oro’s ethnic group and see if Pach is being bullied. If you see a new scar on Pach, even if it’s a little bruise, you will run. Asked how Paige was hurt.

Pach knows that his brother is very tired every day. He doesn't want his brother to worry about him any more. He always asks his brother to say that he is accidentally bruised. He will go to ask Wei, and Wei will tell him what he is.

I don’t blame Pach for not telling the truth, and directly screaming at the Triceratops cubs who bullied their younger brothers.

Every time I go to the Triceratops cubs, Paige will not be bullied for many days. In fact, Pach will also resist, but the number of cubs is too many, and Pach is playing. but.

Can't blame these Triceratops cubs always thinking about bullying Pacchi. It's really difficult for them to live. They must squeeze out other cubs to survive better. It is the instinct of survival that allows them to do so.

They are not only bullying one, but one of the relatively weak little scorpions they bully, and the reason they bully Pach is more adequate than the reason for bullying other cubs. Helping the Tyrannosaurus Hunting Pach is like revengeing the Tyrannosaurus to make them happy.

This is the cruelty of competition.

On this day, the three brothers of the Tyrannosaurus retired to a sub-adult triceratops, and until the three tyrannosaurus brothers ate the **** of this Asian adult triceratops and there was no other carnivorous dragon to grab, now This kind of carnivorous dragon is almost too difficult when it is like a dog. This luck is comparable to the first time you buy a lottery ticket.

This way they will not have to hunt for at least three days.

So you can have more time to lurk outside the Oro group. As long as nothing happens, you like to lurk outside the Oro group. He always feels sorry for Pach. He didn't take care of Pach and let Pach face alone. For strangers, Park has suffered a lot of grievances.

On the afternoon of this day, I saw that Paige was once again surrounded by the group of Triceratops cubs, and Patrice stood next to his only peer of the same age.

He is not ready to help Paige right away. He wants to see if his brother has grown up during this time.

This group of Triceratops has a total of twenty or thirty cubs. They often go everywhere to bully those triangulation cubs who are weaker than them. Bullying other Triceratops cubs can give them a sense of security, as long as the weak Triceratops cubs The weaker the coming, the more the people are hunted, the death is of course these weak scorpions.

Paige was not weak at all. After smashing the group of scorpions, they also tried to win over Paqi to join their team. Pacchi certainly didn't want to, and he couldn't win him with a stick.

Of course, Pach's unwillingness undoubtedly irritated them even more, and they knew that they wouldn't dare to kill them.

The head of the Triceratops cub was beaten and wounded. These wounds became very difficult to see after the knot, especially the horn shield was directly used by the horn to draw a deep and deep blood trough from the middle, than the Paige. The injury on the corner shield that was bitten by the Allotone was serious, and it became very horrible after the scar.

Pach put the only little partner behind him and said, "What do you want to do, you dare to do it today, I killed you, I finished, my brother will come and call you again."

Yong and Pach are about the same age, but they are much thinner than Pach, and they are less than 3 tons, because with Paige, Yong has also played a lot.

However, Yong did not regret and became a friend of Pach, because after he became a friend with Pach, he was no longer lonely. There was no dragon to talk to him before.

The head of the Triceratops cub said, "Yes, we are very afraid of your brother. Your brother is very powerful, but we are not afraid of you. Your brother is not here now. Besides, can your brother kill us? He can't." ”

Pach "You triangulation, you will always live with the most edge of the community."

Headed by the scorpion dragon scorpion "You think that you and your brother are good dragons, you help the tyrannosaurus to hunt, raise the tyrants, dragons and scorpions, especially your brother, every day with the tyrannosaurus, it seems that the tyrannosaurus was raised before, He is a big stinky dragon. He is not worthy of being a triceratops. He is all bloody, so disgusting. He is a big stinky dragon, a big disgusting dragon. You are a little stinky dragon. Your brother will definitely be raised by him. Only the tyrannosaurus cubs give life to eat, and deserve it."

The rest of the Triceratops cubs continue to echo him. "They are big stinky dragons, big disgusting dragons, stinky deaths, disgusting deaths, and they will be eaten by Tyrannosaurus Rex in the future.

These dragons beat him and he was not particularly angry, but let the brothers who did not allow them to marry him.

Pach knows that there is no reason to talk to this group of rogue gangsters. They are too difficult to lead them to cruelty and repentance. Only they are more brutal and can only cure this group of scorpions for a short time, just like their brother.

I saw that Paige was rampant among the Triceratops cubs as he did that day, hitting them with his head, and using his horns to draw a deep blood trough on them.

The courage that was originally protected by Pach, of course, immediately joined the battle. Although he was thin, he was brave and fearless. He desperately smashed the Triceratops that attacked Pach.

Today, Paige is as invincible as the cockroach of that day. He is brutal and bloodthirsty. In a short while, his body is full of blood. It is basically the blood of the Triceratops cubs. He is hardly hurt himself. He also protects courage.

I don’t know how long I’ve been playing. The blood on the corner of Parch’s line is falling down. The cubs that are bullying him are just as shivering as they were after being smashed that day. They watched. I dare not look at Pach.

They don't know when Pach became so powerful.

He stood up excitedly. He wanted to cheer for Pach. Paige really was the son of Pado, his brother.

What surprised me even more was that Paige’s growth was really fast, and he was very pleased.

Looking forward to Pach, he never knew that a Triceratops cub could be so powerful.

I have always known how bad the little scorpions living on the edge of the ethnic group have lived. The little scorpions who are bullying Pach are living on the edge of the ethnic group. They also rely on bullying other small scorpions living on the edge of the ethnic group to ensure that they can have A greater chance to survive.

These dinosaurs who live on the edge of the ethnic group are triceratops. They can be said to be "dead squadrons" and "mixed triceratops". They may die at any time. Except for death, we are not afraid of anything. Only stronger and more powerful than them can temporarily suppress them.

In the following days, he discovered that Paige has become the leader of another group of Triceratops cubs. These triceratops are generally thin and weak. They are the targets of bullying Paqi’s group of Triceratops cubs who often bully. They finally found With the big backing and Pach as the leader, they no longer have to worry about the group of small triangle dragons who often bully them.

This group of weak Triceratops had no leader before. They were scattered and randomly bullied by the powerful Triceratops, which was organized by Paige.

Since then, the group of Triceratops cubs led by Pach has never been bullied. They are getting stronger and stronger. Of course, Pach has never been bullied.

I was very happy when I watched the change of Pach. His brother really grew up, and Pach really grew up.

Perhaps it was because the hunting was too smooth a few days ago, and almost no carnivores robbed their prey after they had successfully hunted. After a long time, they were in a nightmare.

Hunting has become extremely difficult. They often need to take a day to find a suitable hunting object. It’s hard to hunt successfully. If you haven’t eaten a few mouthfuls, you will have a carnivorous dragon to grab them. They will also be killed by other carnivores. It’s not too hard to live.

On this day, Yan and the three brothers of Tyrannosaurus Rex finally succeeded in killing a dwarf dragon. He is best at hunting dwarf dragons.

During this time, there are too many carnivorous dragons. There are basically no herbivorous dinosaurs. Most of the time they kill the dwarf tyrannosaurus, because they are good at killing the dwarf tyrannosaurus.

This dwarf dragon has a weight of 2 tons, which is enough for three tyrannosaurus and a small scorpion to fill the stomach. They all eat at the fastest speed and let them release the wind.

But the three Tyrannosaurus scorpions also only eat a few mouthfuls. Several Maprons rushed from a distance. They had to give up food and immediately fled with their younger brothers.

Mapron is really amazing, the little scorpions ran very fast, and ran very far in an instant.

They hid in the ferns in the distance and watched the three Maprons eating their prey. The three brothers of Tyrannosaurus were too hungry, and the saliva flowed to the ground.

This is the second time they have been robbed of prey today.

I feel exhausted, and now there are all kinds of carnivorous dragons. They will be taken away when they are successful.

I am thinking that if there is a herbivorous dinosaur group that can accommodate three brothers of Tyrannosaurus Rex, they can take meat to the ethnic group after the success of hunting. Those carnivores will not dare to enter the ethnic group to grab their meat.

But I also know that this is impossible. There is no herbivorous dinosaur group to accept the Tyrannosaurus Rex, or the Tyrannosaurus Rex that has grown to more than three years old. It is absolutely impossible. Is this not a wolf into the room?

The four little donkeys are too tired, but they have to find another way to hunt, and the mood of despair hangs over them.

I have been looking for a long time, they have not found the right prey, the sun sets, the four little scorpions are exhausted, they walk in the lush fern plants, no one speaks, no strength to speak, they are all soil They are embarrassed.

They passed a small pool, and they saw the reflection of themselves and their younger brothers in the pool. Their black mothers didn't know each other. It was too miserable. It was too bad.

Looking at the afterglow of the setting sun, I imagined that he and Mongo had a picture of a multi-parent. Only by maintaining a good imagination would he have the confidence and perseverance to move on.

At this moment, I heard a familiar voice coming from behind me, as if I was calling him "Hey, are you jealous?"

He turned and looked around, not far from the blunt and awkward Stegosaurus, and it was blunt

I haven’t seen the familiar ethnic group for a long time. After the successful migration, the familiar major ethnic groups have regained their territory. These territories are far away and gradually dispersed.

This is like the "historic knowledge of the hometown" of human beings. The tears of excitement are full of tears. He runs wildly to the blunt and sly. The three brothers of Tyrannosaurus can't pass because they are carnivores. They are all very knowledgeable and hidden in the flourishing fern plants. in.

Bluntly rubbing his neck, he could feel the excitement, the excited body was shaking slightly.

Blunt is also very excited, he choked and said, "Hey, I finally found you, I just can't recognize you, how you got so dark"

He looked up and looked at the blunt, and the tone of his speech was clearly happy. The tears were out of disappointment. He said, "Bad uncle, I have not turned black, I am just too dirty, dumb uncle, You are always looking for me?"

No matter how difficult it was before, I didn’t cry, I was wounded and hounded, and I was wounded by the carnivorous dragon. The tired station was not stable, and I didn’t have a tear. But when I saw the familiar dragon, I couldn’t help it. I want to cry.

Bluntly with his little head licking the tears flowing out, said, "Stupid, don't cry, the uncle will protect you later, the dumb uncle heard that you are always looking for you in the forest here, finally Got you."

He said, "But uncle, no need, can see you, I am already very happy, I can protect myself."

Bluntly, hey, blunt uncle knows that you still have three brothers of Tyrannosaurus Rex, you will not leave them alone, let them go to the uncle's uncle, the blunt uncle is the leader, the leader has the final say."

He was moved and thought of tears. He didn't expect that bluntness could do this for him. Blunt uncle is just a friend of Dad.

But I don’t want to be a dull uncle. "Bad uncle, no need, really, my brother and I can take care of ourselves, we can be amazing."

Bluntly, hey, you can rest assured that on the way to you, I will announce all the dragons in the ethnic group. They are quite my words, and I welcome you all."

Next to the distressed sly neck and said, "Little scorpion, this time is really bitter for you."

I don’t know how to thank blunt and awkward.

Blunt but said "stupid, what do you want? My father and I are comrades-in-arms. We have hunted a lot of carnivorous dragons together. Just because of my relationship with your father, can I help you this time? Without you, my ethnic group and I have already died in the volcanic eruption. Even if we didn’t die at that time, we would die when we were over a glacier. You saved us so many times and we are not allowed to repay you once. Hey."

He rushed into the blunt arms and cried in a hurry. He was still a small scorpion. He was also tired. He sometimes needed to rely on it, even if it was just a moment.

After bluntly waiting for crying enough, he said, "Isn't Pach sent you a Triceratops group? Take him over."

I thought about it, "Pach is living very well there, growing up very quickly. After two days, I will observe it and decide whether to pick him up."

Bluntly know that you will always think for your brothers. He said, "Hey, it’s good to have a brother like you in Pach. Go ahead and take over your three brothers."

咕噜 "Bad Uncle, they will not hurt any dragon in the group. I will still go hunting with them in the future. Our prey is always taken away by other carnivores. Can we bring the meat back to you?" Ethnic groups come to eat"

Blunt "Of course, the dumb uncle can't help you hunt, nor can the dragons of my ethnic group help you to hunt. It's a dull uncle. You don't take care of you. You must run back if you are in danger. Do you know?"

Hey, "The dumb uncle is very good, thank you for the uncle."

The herbivorous dinosaurs would not have been hunting. They only instinctively resisted and attacked the carnivorous dragon when the carnivorous dinosaur attacked the ethnic group. It was blunt to do this for him. I am very grateful to be grateful.

Then he took the three brothers of Tyrannosaurus to the blunt and awkward ethnic group, and introduced them to each other.

The three tyrannosaurus brothers are very sensible, they will not rely on these curved dragons and stegosaurus too close, try not to scare them.

The Sword Dragon in the ethnic group has long been psychologically prepared. Knowing that they are back to the three Tyrannosaurus Rex, they have no particularly big reaction. They are very novel and a little scared. Of course, some dragons are not satisfied with bluntness and embarrassment. Practice, but they must obey the leader.

I haven't eaten meat today. I still have to go out to hunt with my younger brothers. Recently, there are more dwarf tyrannosaurus on the edge of the forest. They went to the edge of the forest.

The blunt and ape ethnic groups also followed the edge of the forest, making it easy for them to return to the ethnic group.

Sure enough, after the edge of the forest, the three brothers of the Tyrannosaurus and the three tyrannosaurus hunted a dwarf tyrannosaur, and the blunt and scorpion took the ethnic group to the front of the little scorpion and protected them.

I saw that there were a few other Tetralongs who wanted to grab their prey. After seeing such a huge Jianlong Bend Dragon Group, they gave up.

The blunt and ape group is very large. Nowadays, the Jianlong Bend Dragon has more than 2,000 dragons, and each dragon is very strong. The average carnivorous dragon does not dare to provoke them.

For so many days, they have not been robbed of prey for the first time. The three tyrannosaurus scorpions have eaten the tyrannosaurus and eaten their stomachs.

At this time, I noticed that there was no prey on the narrow fern plant where Mongo and Barbana were located.

During this time, the little nephews lived too hard, and they did not notice the situation of Mongo and Barbana.

Mongo does not have any prey to eat, he has not eaten for two days, and because of the long-term consumption of physical energy, he is not hungry.

Barbana "Mongo, you ate me, you won't blame you, if you don't have me, I will die."

Mongo "There must be prey in front, let's go."

Barbana roared "no mongo"

Mongo will not eat Barbana, he loves jealousy, including everything.