MTL - Be a Human Again From Conan-Chapter 13 Brawler Vodka

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  Chapter 13 Fighting Master Vodka

  After seeing the familiar black Porsche 356A, Ji Xing didn't show any signs of change. He just casually glanced at the vodka in the driver's seat, then turned around and continued on the way home.

   Pretend not to know them.

   Think fast in your mind.

  Why are you looking for me?

  Is it because of the card's slogan "Kudo Shinichi said it was good after playing it"?

   Or because I caught Akemi Miyano?

   Or worse, I got caught breaking the car door and taking the APTX4869?

   Do you want to run? Where are you going?

  He did not show any abnormality in his movements, and his heart was tense.

   Walking to the deep corner of the alley, Ji Xing turned his head again, frowned slightly and looked at the two figures in black who were quickly following him.

  Under the moonlight, the eyes of the tall, blond, white man looked a little coquettish, giving people a sense of oppression, and his temperament was unusual at first glance.

  Vodka, wearing sunglasses, grinned and grinned, coupled with some stiff facial muscles, fully interpreting the words 'bad intentions'.

   Ji Xing turned his body sideways, as if to give way to them, but the two of them stopped in front of Ji Xing, which made Ji Xing frown even deeper.

   "What do you want to do? Robbery?"

  Vodka grinned even wider, the kid's eyesight is really not that good.


  Gin gave him a look.

   Vodka unbuttoned his suit.

   It’s not the worst possibility, otherwise I’d just draw the gun. What’s the point? You don't really want to rob or kidnap me, do you?

   Ji Xing thought to himself when he saw this, and the next moment, he saw Vodka leaning forward and rushing towards him!

  The strong figure was wrapped in strong wind, as if a truck hit it. The fist the size of a sandbag waved and hit Ji Xing's cheek!

  Ji Xing's heart froze, he raised his hand to block, and there was a muffled bang, and a huge force came, making him sway, step back half a step, and his eyes changed slightly—a lot of power!

  Vodka turned out to be a master?

  It doesn’t hurt to have a strong body. This sentence can be used everywhere. It seems that Vodka’s strong body is not in vain. Just according to Ji Xing's impression, vodka in Conan is more like a comedian, a stupid younger brother of Gin, but I didn't expect...

   That's right, a pure stupid, how could it be possible for Gin to be with him all the time?

There was no extra time to think about it, and one hit missed. Vodka's big hands followed Ji Xing's shoulders. With a twist of his body, Ji Xing, whose center of gravity was not stable, was thrown horizontally to the ground by him, and Vodka's strong body was also crushed. Xiang Ji Xing!

  Ji Xing moved with his strength, speeding up the rollover, his right leg slid and swept, and kicked Vodka's calf, with two muffled bangs, Ji Xing and Vodka fell to the ground one after another!

   Without stopping, he rolled sideways, avoiding the body locked by vodka, opened a distance, squatted up, and Ji Xing took a defensive posture.

  Ground skills and joint skills?

   This is not karate.

   During the two years of learning karate, Ji Xing also learned about other fighting skills, and found that not only karate, but also the overall force value of the Ke Xue world is not right, otherwise, how could a guy like Kyogoku go abroad to study in the future?


   "Slippery guy."

   Vodka got up and muttered with some shame, and walked towards Ji Xing again.

   Ji Xing stepped back, seemingly flustered, but in fact he was unexpectedly calm.

  He swayed, and dodged another punch from Vodka. With a bang, the punch hit the wall with a loud noise, leaving a clear damage on the wall.

  Step left foot and kick right leg sideways.

   With an explosion of power capable of smashing telephone poles, Ji Xing kicked Vodka's waist and hit him right in the middle!

Vodka, the bear-like guy, was kicked against the wall with a bang, and the ashes scattered, but his face did not show any pain. He grabbed Ji Xing's ankle with one hand, and punched Ji Xing straight with his other hand. Star's knees!

If this blow hits, there will be no second result other than a broken leg. Ji Xing made a precise karate parry and deflected the fist, but Vodka easily turned the fist into a claw, grabbed Ji Xing's leg in a hugging posture, and then , twist and shake!

  Under the tremendous force, Ji Xing, who weighed 160 catties, was unable to grasp the ground, and his body flew horizontally, and his whole body was thrown horizontally to the side wall by the vodka!

   But during the horizontal flight, Ji Xing's body and legs twisted like flowers, and at the same time as his body hit the wall with a bang, his other foot accurately stepped on Vodka's face!


  A low, hoarse cry of pain sounded, Vodka let go of Ji Xing's right leg, and staggered back covering his face, his sunglasses shattered and his nose bleeding.

Annoyance rose, but before he could attack this time, he saw that Ji Xing, who was smashed into the wall with all his strength and made a shallow hole, was not so painful that he couldn't move. Get up and rush towards him!

It was as fast as a leopard, and it swept from the side, avoiding the big hand he grabbed, and grabbed the corner of his open suit. With a wrong hand, he folded the suit in half, and wrapped it around Vodka's neck forcefully. Go, fasten!

   "Ah, damn—"

   There was another cry of pain, and the feeling of suffocation shrouded.

  Vodka quickly reached out to tear at the suit, but Ji Xing, who was behind him, kicked him in the crook of his hind leg first, making him kneel on the ground with a bang, and then pulled back hard with both hands!

  The strong body was pulled into a V shape, Vodka felt that his waist was about to break, and the suffocation made him unable to use his neck to fight against the suit. The well-made suit became a reminder instead!

   "Don't move!" Ji Xing said in a low voice.

  He tilted his head slightly, spit out a mouthful of fishy-sweet saliva, and pulled his suit tighter!

  Vodka couldn't struggle, and turned to Gin for help with an aggrieved face. He was careless, and he didn't show much strength at all, so he let the kid behind him make a surprise attack, and lost points in front of the big brother again!

   Winning vodka in a flash, Ji Xing knew that the next step was the key, the biggest danger.

   Sure enough, when he looked at Gin, a black muzzle was aimed at him!

   "Guns? Who the **** are you guys?!"

   Ji Xing shrank his body behind the vodka, and at the same time fixed his eyes on the black muzzle of the gun.

   'Dodge bullets... can I do it? '

   At this time, Gin actually had some surprises in his heart. Vodka's fighting ability is one of the best in the organization. He didn't expect to stumble in the test against Ji Xingqixin.

  Tokyo high school student karate competition champion? Higher gold content than expected.

   Yes, this is a test.

   But it's not to test Ji Xing's skills, but to test Ji Xing's fighting routines to see if there are any traces of those damned policemen.

   The bugs in the organization can't be killed, and he doesn't want to take the initiative to invite another one in. Since the Zhuxing incident, such an attack test has been added to the assessment content of the organization.

  The results of the test made him very satisfied. With Ji Xing's psychological quality and fighting ability, and after a short period of training, he could become a capable person in the organization. His fighting ability comes entirely from karate, and he does not have the kind of efficient means of defeating the enemy after receiving special police and FBI training.

  But he is not sticking to karate. When fighting against vodka, he deftly used some gangster-like fighting skills, which produced miraculous effects, proving that Ji Xing also has a smart enough brain.

   Not a vodka idiot, fine.

   As for whether Ji Xing is willing to join...


  The muzzle equipped with a silencer spews out flames!

   Ji Xing's pupils shrank, his head twisted, and he felt the bullet flying past his cheek!

   It seems to have escaped.

   It seems that Gin missed the shot on his own initiative.

  At the same time, Vodka, who was familiar with gin, suddenly broke free, threw off Ji Xing's shackles, struggled to get up, looked back at Ji Xing viciously, walked back to Gin, and lowered his head.

   "I'm sorry, brother."

  He also took out a gun from his arms, pointed it at Ji Xing together with gin, and smiled viciously.

   Ji Xing paused for a few seconds, slowly raised his hands, and scanned the surrounding terrain with his eyes.

   "What do you want to do?"

   "Join us," said Gin.

   Ji Xing was stunned.

   This surprise is no disguise.

   "Join your...gangster?"

   “You can slowly learn about the organization.”

   "Organization?" Ji Xing frowned, and said, "I can't refuse, is there?"

   Gin sneered.

   "Oh, I I go with you now?" Ji Xing asked again.

   "No, you just need to be prepared and wait for my contact." Gin Jiu said.

   " also want my club?"

  Gin showed satisfaction in his eyes, and it was easy to talk to a guy with a good head, unlike vodka, which required him to spend a lot of words.

  The organization has been short of money.

  Ji Xing nodded slowly, and didn't ask them why they weren't afraid to call the police. That day really didn't look like a top five high school students.

   "Can I ask one last question, why did you come to me, because of the club?"

  Gin didn't answer, he looked at Ji Xing with cold eyes for two seconds, the corners of his mouth curved slightly, and he put the pistol back into his arms.

   "Go, vodka."

  (end of this chapter)