MTL - Be a Human Again From Conan-Chapter 17 Ten years in a blink of an eye, the world has not changed (Part 1)

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  Chapter 17 Ten years in a blink of an eye, the world has not changed (Part 1)

  Ma Shengshi is now Ji Xing's personal doctor. In addition to occasionally checking Ji Xing's physical growth, he is also responsible for his diet, housework, and most importantly... earning money to support Ji Xing.

  Children can't make money, and it's not convenient for Ji Xing to ask for money from his family and withdraw money from the club. Of course, when Ji Xing returns to the age of 18, Ji Xing will give Ma Sheng a sum of money that is enough to make his wealth free as a reward.

   Judging from the current development of Board Game Co., Ltd., this is very easy. After releasing new character cards as planned and enriching the gameplay, "I am a detective" has become even more popular, with monthly sales exceeding 100 million yen.

  The appearance of collection cards and special cards also makes those children who love collecting cards like it very much... Of course, it is far from being compared with Kamen Rider.

   Aso really doesn't hate the current life. Since his parents and sister were burned to death in that fire, and his adoptive parents passed away one after another, he has no care in this world and is alone.

Ji Xing, who appeared suddenly, avenged him and prevented him from falling into the abyss. He was grateful in his heart...Even now he still doesn't understand how Ji Xing knew about his hatred, and why he could change his mind strangely. into a child.

   "Are you back? Ready to eat." He smiled sweetly from the kitchen.

  Like a male mother.

  Because female doctors will get a little convenience in their work, and because of habit, Ma Sheng still retains the makeup and appearance of women.

   After all, I have been a female doctor for more than three years, and I am not used to being a man again all of a sudden.

  And this year, because of Ke Xue's world time disorder, he feels that it is not long or a few days, and it is too early to change it.

   Even if it was 1994 a year ago, and now it is 1995, he didn't feel that there was a problem, and he didn't feel that he should be one year older after a year.

   In Ma Chengshi's eyes, Ji Xing is not growing up, but recovering.

   Even felt that Ji Xing recovered quite quickly.

   "We've got to get ready to move."

  Aseng was really startled, but he was already mentally prepared, and smiled: "Yes, some time ago, the neighbors asked me if my younger brother suddenly grew a lot taller. It felt strange. Where are we going?"

   "Let's go to Kobe." Ji Xing said.

   "Okay, I'm resigning tomorrow."

   As long as you don’t go back to Tokyo, you’ll be fine. Only Tokyo is prone to meet ‘old acquaintances’ who know what he looked like when he was young, causing unnecessary trouble.

   As for the Black Organization? They can't even find Hui Yuan Ai, can they still find their smaller selves?

  Ji Xing took off his shoes and entered the house, washed his hands first, and then went to the coffee table to pick up today's newspaper to read.

   Today, when the Internet is underdeveloped, newspapers and TV are the best channels to learn about all aspects of information.

  ‘New Detective? Suzuki Sonoko, a girl from Teidan High School, cracks the magic murder case! '

   "Is it the sleeping Suzuki Sonoko this time?"

   Every half a month or so, Ji Xing can see a similar report in the newspaper, but most of them are about the sleeping Mori Kogoro.

   That's right, every half month.

  The famous detective Conan is jokingly called by everyone that people die every day, and occasionally several people die. Conan dies wherever he goes, but when he enters the world of Conan, Ji Xing realizes that this is not the case.

  There is still quiet time in the middle of the episode, otherwise cases would be solved every day, and Mori Kogoro could collect two buildings with the entrusted money.

  Over the past year, Conan has cracked a total of 22 cases. Although it is still exaggerated, it is still within a reasonable range.

   "According to this frequency, when I return to the age of eighteen, Conan's plot should reach around 300 episodes... It's not too late." Ji Xing calculated.


   Demon Continent, a bowl of noodles in clear soup, two poached eggs, Ji Xing is cooking again.

  Suddenly there was a knock on the door. Ji Xing stopped, sniffed lightly, and went to open the door with a noodle bowl. Standing outside was a boy in black with a long knife on his waist.

   "Yi Nan? Uh, have you eaten yet?"

  The young demon hunter froze for a moment, then nodded.

   "I've eaten, that..." His delicate face was a bit impressive, he hesitated to speak.

   "Is there any question you still want to ask me? Or is it that I violated the regulations by telling you the story of that day when I set up a stall today?" Ji Xing asked.

   "No, it's not." The boy shook his head: "Can you... teach me how to play chess?"

   "Learn chess?" Ji Xing was stunned.

   “…I can give money.”

   "No, no need." Ji Xing came back to his senses, and said with a smile, "You are my savior, and you still need to pay for such a trivial matter? Come, come in and sit."

  He brought the noodle bowl to his mouth and sucked hard.


  The remaining noodles were swallowed into his mouth, Ji Xing chewed and said to Yi Nan: "Wait, wait for me."

   Hastily cleared the table, he put the chessboard on the table, and asked: "Why do you think of learning chess? Did you have the foundation before?"

   "I just... want to learn. I only know the basic rules, but I've never played it before." Yi Nan said.

   "Horses go slanting to the sun and cannon over mountains, and cars go straight on the road to Feitian. Pawns cross the river and walk side by side, and soldiers and elephants don't leave the veteran's side?" Ji Xing opened his mouth and came.

  Yi Nan's eyes lit up, and he nodded.

"It's easy to say if you know this. There are three stages in chess games, the layout stage, the middle game stage, and the endgame stage. For beginners, we should start from the back and learn **** the opponent first, and understand various chess killing methods. .”

  Ji Xing picked up the chess pieces to find them, and in two or three moves, he set up a simple endgame on the chessboard. The red side's offensive was fierce, and two moves could make a killing move.

   "Come on, have a try?"

  Although the endgame is simple, for a novice new to chess, without experience and without clear thinking, it is difficult to see through the key points at a glance.

After Yi Nan made a wrong move, Ji Xing explained the correct way for him again, and then successively set up several variants of similar endgames. Yi Nan gradually grasped the way, attacked and killed Ji Xing in place, and successfully checkmate Ji Xing once, and couldn't help but reveal happy smiley face.

  This smile... actually looks a little nice?

   Ji Xing frowned, feeling suspicious, and asked directly: "Yi Nan, are you... a girl?"

  Yi Nan was stunned: "Ah? No, why did you say that?"

   "...It's okay, I'm sick." Ji Xing shook his head, did he really know Ma Sheng for a long time, or did he read too many similar novels? What do I think?

   "Come on, go on."

  Yi Nan is very smart. After finding the way for the first time, he became enlightened faster and quickly mastered the five basic killing methods.

  Unknowingly, an hour passed by, Yi Nan suddenly looked out the window, the smile on his face faded, and he said, "I have to go."

   "Oh, patrol? Good job."

  Yi Nan smiled shyly: "That...can I come over tomorrow?"

  Ji Xing nodded: "Of course, as long as I'm at home, you can come."

   "Thank you." Yi Nan said, "Also... I come to learn chess from you every day, please don't tell others, is that okay?"

   Ji Xing was taken aback for a moment, originally he wanted to advertise this matter... "No problem."

  Yi Nan smiled gratefully, got up and left.

  In the next few days, Yi Nan will come to Ji Xing to learn chess at this time every day, and the time is not too long or short, exactly one hour.

  The two gradually became acquainted, and Yi Nan and Ji Xing, who were somewhat socially fearful, even became a little talkative after they got acquainted. From his mouth, Ji Xing could occasionally get some information that ordinary people in the Monster Continent could not get, but there was nothing that could be considered secret.

  I also know that this boy has been trained as a demon hunter since he was eight years old. He has no childhood, and even playing chess is very interesting.

  The thing he is best at and knows best is nothing more than killing demons, so when the two of them chatted, he talked about killing demons the most.

  Ji Xing's mood was quite complicated.

   There is also a sense of humor that wants to cry and laugh.

  (end of this chapter)