MTL - Be a Human Again From Conan-Chapter 540 Return to the Soul Realm!

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  It has been more than a thousand years since Captain Yamamoto subdued the 12 villains in Rukon Street and established the Gotei 13th Team to fight against the Quincy Division headed by Yuhabach.

  For mortals, it is a long time, but compared to the existence of the soul world, it is a blink of an eye.

Regardless of whether it was before or after the establishment of Seireitei, the aristocratic groups headed by the original five and the current four aristocrats have always ruled the soul world. If it weren't for the terrifying strength of the chief captain, the Thirteenth Guarding Team would only be them knife in hand.

Even now, the noble group has countless privileges. A lower-level noble has the opportunity to escape trial by torturing multiple wandering souls to death, not to mention all kinds of higher-level nobles. An organization that exists to protect the interests of nobles.

  However, when one of the four great nobles, the Patriarch of the Deadwood Clan, is willing to demand a fair verdict, they can of course make a 'fair' verdict.

  Lingting Court, Repentance Palace.

   "50 years in the black rope prison on the second floor of the Maou Underground Prison, and 100 years in the first floor waiting prison, a total of 150 years in prison?"

   Sitting in the prison, Kuchiki Rukia repeated the verdict with her head lowered, murmuring in her heart that it was really long, older than my age, when she walked out of the prison, how much would she be familiar with? All my friends in this world must have died, right?

  But... she raised her head and said, "I thought the death penalty was waiting for me, brother."

  Different from the original timeline, the Mao Forty-Six Room without Aizen's control is indeed "fair".

So Asai Renji smiled slightly, and comforted Rukia: "The 100-year prison sentence is basically normal except that you can't leave the prison. Captain Byakuya and I will often visit your.

  The first 50 years of black rope might have been tough, but we're all death, and 50 years... wasn't, uh, not much. You perform well, and the captain and I will help you work hard outside, maybe it won’t be long before this time will be reduced to 10 or 5 years..."

   "No, you have tarnished the name of Kuchiki, and you have not been executed. Brother Byakuya is already very disappointed." Rukia interrupted.

  Byakuya ignored the anxious Renji with a cold face, and said, "You will be transferred there in three days. We should not see each other again in 150 years."

"…team leader!"

  Lukia laughed at herself: "Ah, I see. Can I ask one last question, brother Byakuya, how are those full-managers doing? Sado-san and Inoue-san..."

   "The trial for them is not yet over, we must first confirm the movement of the full-manager Matsuki Hirakawa."

  Byakuya replied briefly, and then said: "Rukia, recount to me the whole process of your contact with Koki Hirakawa, and don't miss any details."

Rukia was taken aback, Renji had already told her what happened after that night, that Koki Hirakawa was so powerful, it really shocked her a lot, did even Big Brother Byakuya really care about it... "That guy..."

  From staying in the Shishi Hostel, talking about being attacked by a Fullbringer for the first time.

   "If he hadn't told me that there was a turmoil inside the Fullbringer, I would have surrendered to Vice Captain Hiyori that night. Of course, it would probably be the same as now...

The impression he gave me that night was...very funny, very mysterious, the coldness at the moment of swinging the knife made me think that I was really going to die, but the hippie smile later made me call him 'grandfather' to beg for mercy, and it made people feel that he was not a bad person , I can’t tell you the specifics, but all in all, he’s quite a strange person…”


  At this moment, a wave of spiritual pressure descended like the sky collapsed, making Lucia, who had not recovered from the spiritual pressure, linger, showing a little pain.

  What's the matter, Brother Bai Zai? !

   "Captain..." Renji was also shocked, I don't know why the captain suddenly erupted all the Reiatsu, and when he looked at Byakuya's expression, his heart was shocked again, what?

   Simultaneously shocked was Rukia.

  They had never seen such complex expressions on the cold Bai Zai's face, they were contradictory but easy to understand, including stunned, angry, unbelievable, joyful, murderous repulsion, etc. The expression management was completely out of control!

  It's like a cold cat who was suddenly blown up by someone else? Such a disrespectful thought flashed in Rukia's mind, and for some reason she was a little happy. Apart from his indifference and disgust towards me, Big Brother seems to have a side that I don't understand?

   But…what the **** happened? !

   Did I say something wrong? !

After a long time, the spiritual pressure on Bai Zai's body gradually calmed down, without a word of explanation, as if he had regained the cold nobleman, turned around and left the confession palace directly, ignoring Rukia, and even stared at Renji to make him Do not follow.

  Going all the way back to the Kuchiki Clan, changing into indoor clothes, he came alone to the backyard of Kuchiki’s house under a cherry blossom tree, holding a practice wooden knife, and doing basic exercises one by one to calm down.

   "Is that so? Is that so?"

   "No...impossible, how could someone actually return from hell?"

   "But...Mashi Yono..."

  A distant memory resounded in his mind, Bai Zai's slashing with the wooden knife gradually became more powerful.


   Time is long, and it is ten days in a blink of an eye.

  June 29, morning, Karakura Town.

  In a small restaurant, Miyuki Komatoyo pursed her lips and said with a smile: "Didn't you see Brother Gou Liu's look like he thought he was dreaming, hahaha..."

  Ji Xing on the opposite side smiled: "I can probably imagine doubting life, right?"

   It was just because of Hidekuro Tsukishima's death that he went out to hide from the limelight brigade for travel. After returning, he was not only destroyed by a meteorite near the tavern, but the reason that ordinary people thought was gone.

   Even the Fullbringer organization is gone!

   "I didn't tell him about you. He wanted to see you, and I used the reason that you went out to avoid the limelight." Miyuki Komatoyo smiled and said, "In what capacity are you going to meet him again?"

"Of course it's the identity of Koki Hirakawa." Ji Xing said with a smile: "Let's wait for me to come back from the world of corpses and souls later. In addition, it seems that Miss Miyuki's condition is well adjusted, very good, hurry up and find a suitable person Let’s fall in love, get married, and start a new life.”

"Although I know that you are really very old, the tone of your elder is really unaccustomed. You are obviously a minor who can't even drink alcohol." Komatoyo Miyuki said, "But it's time to start A new life, until then...

  Kamuki, you can also take away different types of full realization, right? Take away my abilities and let me bid farewell to the past. It should be a little dangerous for you to go to the Soul Realm, and if you take away my power, I will repay you a little bit. "

Ji Xing was stunned, and said, "There's no need for that, Miss Meixing. Keeping the Perfect Presentation technique is also an additional means of self-defense. In case you encounter someone with malicious intentions, or even Xu, you must have the ability to resist. It’s fine if you don’t need it at ordinary times, to be honest, I don’t lack your strength.”

Miyuki Komatoyo smiled slightly: "Since you want to live the life of ordinary people, you have to live it thoroughly. If you are really unlucky enough to meet bad people and Xu, death is also a part of life. I have been thinking about it for ten days. This is my final decision." decision.

   In addition, I may go to live in another city in a few days. The specific location... It has not been decided yet, and I will call you when the time comes, Yuki. "

   Ji Xing was silent for a few seconds.

   Completely bid farewell to the past? Although I can talk on the phone, there should not be many opportunities to see each other again. Even if I say goodbye today, I will never see you again.

  He shook his head and smiled, reaching out to Miyuki Komatoyo: "I wish you happiness, Miss Miyuki."

   "Hmm, this sentence seems weird?" Miyuki Komatoyo smiled and said, "Thank you for your kind words."

   A few minutes later, the two said goodbye to each other, and Ji Xing, who had another piece of internal organs of the Spirit King in his body, returned to the Puyuan store and came to the underground space.

   Ichigo's Reiatsu, which has climbed to almost the captain's level, is active and dazzling. He is chasing Kisuke Urahara with a knife in both hands. Noticing Ji Xing's arrival, he withdraws his sword and turns to Ji Xing's direction.

  The rich Reiatsu wraps around the Zanpakutō, and the Reishi in the air quickly gather to strike!

   "Crescent sky rushes!"

  With a familiar roar, the Reiatsu on his Zanpakutō instantly turned into a substantial blade, like a ray of light blue crescent, splitting the ground and galloping towards Ji Xing!

   Ji Xing swung his backhand.


  If the crescent moon, which can split everything, turns into spirit particles and scatter under Ji Xing's heavy blow, he greeted and said, "So enthusiastic? Are you in a hurry?"

   "No, it's okay." Kurosaki Ichigo gasped: "But it's still far from you."

  Of course, even though you're on the hook, I'm on the hook too. It's also a 12-day practice. Why do you make more progress than me? Ji Xing walked over.

  Kisuke Urahara inserted the knife back, then took out his small fan and shook it, "Since Yono-san has returned, I will start preparing... to send you to Soul Soul Realm!"

  Ichigo is full of energy: "Oh!"


  Soul World, the team building of the Fourth Division.

"so amazing…"

   "Yeah, although it's not the first time I've seen it, but the effect of this treatment is a little too exaggerated."

   "Returning is completely incomparable. Even the captain can't heal such a big wound so quickly. The perfect manifestation is too illegal."

   "It's really amazing, Orihime!"

  The girl with long orange-red hair, gray-blue pupils, and plump **** smiled shyly. Although it was not the first time she received compliments from the friendly members of the fourth squad, she still felt a little embarrassed.

   Fighting with everyone and treating the wounded together, it seems that you are getting used to it?

  Looking away from the window, the girl's eyes flashed a trace of loneliness imperceptibly, and she didn't know...what happened to Chadu-san.

   And... Ichigo-san.

   Will it continue like this forever?


  The second team, a temporary prison.

   "Bastard! How long are we going to be locked up?! Hey, that kid over there!"

   "Come here! Call your deputy captain, call that little guy over here, I want to fight her one-on-one! Let her come here!"

  Listening to the daily noises of the inmates, Chadu sat in a corner of the prison without saying a word all day long.


  Black Rope Prison.

   Rukia has spent a week with her hands and feet **** with special ropes, unable to move freely.

   "It's still very difficult."

  Moving her body with difficulty, Rukia silently stared at the unchanging things in front of her eyes.

   "50 years..."


  Fifth squad team building.

   "Practicing knives like crazy, seems to have been stimulated by the journey in this world?" Mako Hirako raised her eyebrows strangely when she learned about Bai Zai's recent situation.

  Speaking of which, the recent movements of some nobles seem to be a bit strange. It seems that the appearance of the young genius Koki Hirakawa reminded them of the strongest genius and Yono Masashi's return declaration after decades.

   " can't?"

   Could Hiyori be that stupid?

   After a moment of thought, he sighed.

This is really not certain, but after being in such close contact, I didn't feel the familiar spiritual pressure, and I didn't recognize the familiar movements and expressions. It shouldn't be the case. Those guys who were frightened by him over the years have overreacted more than once. .

  Well, let’s chat with the Band Leader Jing later, and let’s grab a drink with him by the way.


  Xuhuan, Xuye Palace, Aizen sits high on the throne, and Hasward, who represents Yuhabach next to him, stands in front of the flush throne.

  In front of them, a line of figures exuding amazing spiritual pressure fluctuations stood in line, most of them half-lowered their heads waiting for orders, and a few Quincy masters looked directly at Aizen "rebelliously".

  Aizen didn't care, and with a smile on her face, she spread her arms forward in a hug.

   "Everyone, there are only two days left before the fall of the Soul Realm. Are you ready to rule the world and create a new world?"


"Ah ah ah ah ah-"

  In the broken boundary connecting the present world and the soul world, Ichigo screamed and ran wildly, and said to the two leading the way: "Why didn't you remind me that there is such a thing in this broken boundary?!"

  In front of them, Ye Yi and Ji Xing led the way lightly, and no one could catch up with them no matter how hard they tried.

   Even just chasing the spiritual son path they paved is already very difficult.

   "It's been a long time since I've broken the boundary, I forgot."

   "Hahaha, me too."

  The response of the two left Ichigo speechless. He glanced back at the strange one-eyed creature that looked like a locomotive coming out of a tunnel.

  That is called Jutu, a life that only exists in the Boundary. The Boundary Cleaner will devour all human beings who want to stay in the Boundary where the flow of time is different from normal for a long time.

  Even an ordinary captain-level Reaper cannot compete with it. Of course, the most important thing is to break it, which is prone to unpredictable changes.

   "It's not Death, it's not Xu, and it's not an ordinary life." Looking back at Jutu, Ji Xing's eyes flashed with thought. Last time, he didn't pay much attention to this "creature" that Death took for granted. This time...

  The breath of hell?

  Hell is always by my side.

  He returned to his sight, and the light in front of him was already shining brightly, and soon, the three of them broke through the light and came to a new space!

   The gate of the boundary slowly closed.

  The three people who landed in the air did not have any confusion. Yeyi was agile and transformed into a black cat, kicked his legs and landed on Ji Xing's shoulders, while Ji Xing and Ichigo adjusted their bodies and landed lightly.

   "The positioning of this guy, Urahara, is always so unreliable." Ye Yidao, who changed into a male voice, said, "I'll use the cat form first, otherwise it will be too eye-catching, and it will bring unnecessary trouble to you."

   "It's already very good." Ji Xing said: "After all, it is a private passage, not a 'Tingdao'."

  He looked around, except for trees or trees, the three of them seemed to have landed on a mountain in Liuhun Street.

  But Ji Xing quickly recognized the location.

   "Where is...?" Ichigo asked.

   "The third district of Xiliuhun Street, Lifu Mountain."

   Ji Xing replied, this is the area that Ji Xing was assigned after entering Soul Soul Realm a hundred years ago. Zeng and Zhibo Haiyan "flyed a kite" here on the uninhabited mountain!

   After a hundred years, Ji Xing once again started from the third west area and returned to the world of corpses and souls!

  4k2 for a day, sort out your thoughts.