MTL - Be a Social Cow In An Infinite Game-Chapter 172 Final Copy (20)

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Duplicate grading needs to go through layers of assessment, and it can only be carried out if it meets the standards.

In addition, the ghost king's own wishes and the other party's behavior must also be taken into consideration.

From the perspective of the half-faced Buddha...

The black dog shook his head.

"I can't go up."

The white cat was puzzled, with a puzzled face: "Why?

"Ascension to the final dungeon, he is completely qualified!"

Black Dog: "Because he is lazy."

White Cat: "?"

Black Dog: "Just like Little Bear, he just wants to have fun. Although he is strong, he doesn't like business."

White Cat: "???"

"If you are lazy, you should stay in the dungeon, and help believers realize their wishes!"

"Because he wanted to see how far he could go."


The white cat was stunned.

The black dog pointed to the solemn treasure on the screen and said: "He just wants to see how long and far his hand can be stretched, and what kind of state his ability has reached in the new world.

"Xia Zhiyi uses his abilities through wishes, and he is also using Xia Zhiyi to fulfill his ambitions through wishes.

"The ghost king who doesn't like to actively do business in his own copy is very interested in other people's copies."

The white cat frowned and said worriedly: "Will it be cheaper for the players behind?"

The black dog continued to look at the person on the screen.

The corners of its lips moved slightly, pulling out a controlled smile.

"Don't worry, he's not a good thing—we're on the same road."

How to deal with players, whether to bless the players, whether to grant wishes, Half-faced Buddha knows what to do better than anyone else.

Rare things are precious, and the supreme holy Buddha will not let his blessings become cheap and can be seen everywhere.

The New World will also supervise from it, and will not allow him to give randomly and disrupt order.

The white cat blinked, then turned to watch the live broadcast together.

On the screen, Xia Zhiyi—no, it should be said to be a half-faced Buddha, he is caressing the white wall, a sly gleam of pleasure flashes in his eyes.

There is no place in this world that his supreme half-faced Buddha cannot reach.

He is still very useful as a believer.

For this sake, He will help her fulfill this last wish.

—It feels really different! It really feels like a ghost king!

—I originally thought she was a master of comedy, but I never expected that she is also a summoner!

-cool! It's pink!

Jing Ruyu stood aside holding Bubu, looking at her lover in front of her.

The appearance is still the same, but the feeling is completely different.

After being possessed, Xia Zhiyi has a divinity and evil nature that cannot be ignored and are very contradictory.

Lofty, invincible, and unpredictable.

This is indeed what the half-faced Buddha looks like.

The half-faced Buddha is here, so what about her consciousness?

At this time, Bubu called out hesitantly: "Mama?"

The half-faced Buddha glanced at her, and replied calmly: "I am not."

Bubu was stunned, and tilted his head in confusion.

Jing Ruyu asked directly, "Where is Zhiyi?"

"Naturally he fell asleep." The half-faced Buddha answered kindly, and asked, "Can I still attack my followers?"

Jing Ruyu didn't say anything, and had reservations about it.

Whether he will attack his followers or not, there will never be a definite answer until Xia Zhiyi returns.

Zou Miao and the others sneaked up to her side.

After looking at the possessed Xia Zhiyi for a while, Fang Xue asked quietly: "Now do you call it?"

Jing Ruyu: "Half-faced Buddha."

Zhou Feng: "Half... noodles?"

He made a gesture of eating noodles in doubt.


Jing Ruyu: "Half and half.

"His main face is half kind and half angry, so it is called the half-faced holy Buddha by the locals."

The four suddenly realized.

Mr. Luo also listened to it, snorted and sarcastically said: "What kind of holy Buddha, the name is nice to use.

"They're all ghost kings, why do you need such a beautiful title?"

The half-faced Buddha listened, neither angry nor annoyed.

He turned his head to look at him, his delicate and beautiful face showed a calm arrogance, his bright eyes were full of pity, as if he was looking at a poor creature.

"Even ghost kings, there are high and low, such as you and me."

Mr. Luo refused to accept this, and put his hands in his pockets: "Then you are really cheap.

"This is my copy, and you came here without permission. This is called breaking into a haunted house, understand?"

Half-faced Buddha heard the words, and chuckled lightly.

"Then I not only want to break into your haunted house... but also beat your people."

After finishing speaking, he folded his palms together, and everyone heard the sound of Weiweifo, and then saw a towering and huge Buddha statue with a transparent body suddenly appearing in the world, protecting Xia Zhiyi behind him, like a patron saint.

The Buddha statue flipped its wrist, and a huge vajra pierced through the air, and with a force of thunder, it slammed into the middle of the ghosts and monsters, shaking the mountains and rivers.

Immediately, ghosts cried and fled, and there were not a few souls scattered. Mr. Luo's army of ghosts became chaotic and disorganized in an instant.

"Is your person just like this?" He smiled contemptuously, with a wild and beautiful smile, "It's not enough for me to kill."

Mr. Luo glanced back at his large army, and then at the half-faced Buddha, with veins popping up on his forehead, and a slight smile on his face.

"—Damn it, you're dead."

The grievances of the ghost king are in an instant.

The flames of war are imminent.

In the fierce wind, the swords of the two kings faced each other, and no one dared to approach.

They were beating in the dark, not caring what was around them.

You slapped your palm, I swung my stick, there were loud noises, dust and dust flew up, and most of the castle was destroyed in an instant, and it became a large terrace directly, and the moonlight outside was unobstructed.

Thankfully, it's good to be safe here.

The half-faced Buddha seems to deliberately divert the battlefield away from a safe point.

Jing Ruyu and the others were able to watch the ghost kings fight safely in the safe spot.

It was also the first time that the barrage saw two ghost kings fighting.

The number of viewers in the live broadcast room continued to soar crazily, and the numbers rose rapidly.

The audience was so excited that they even started a game to guess who would win.

—Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, ghosts!

—Damn, is this the power of the ghost king! love love love

— Director Rotten, is this also your arrangement! I declare that your life this year is particularly good!

—Look how cool they are playing!

Both are ghost kings, Xia Zhiyi is possessed by a half-faced Buddha, and they fight back and forth with Mr. Luo, even if they are equals.

The collision of ghost kings is like the collision of meteorites, shaking the sky and the earth.

All kinds of powerful magic attacks are even more dazzling, every second seems to feel the end of the world, shocking.

After the safe point disappeared, the players hurriedly found a safer place to hide and watch the ghost king fight.

The little monsters have been taken care of by the half-faced Buddha, and the rest of Bubu will not be a problem, as long as they don't get accidentally injured by the power of these two ghost kings.

Looking at Xia Zhiyi's majestic back, Zhou Feng and the others seemed to see hope, and their blood boiled even more.

I never expected to see such a spectacular scene in the final dungeon and meet such a powerful boss!

Only Jing Ruyu's complexion was not very good, showing sadness.

After all, it was Xia Zhiyi's body, and it was Xia Zhiyi who was hurt and hurt.

She only hopes that when the half-faced Buddha fights, she can remember to protect the believer's body and not break the believer.

As a result, half an hour later, she saw Xia Zhiyi's body being cut by Mr. Luo's arm, bleeding profusely.


"Be careful to protect your believer, don't let her get hurt!" She couldn't help reminding loudly.

"Mom is bleeding!" Bubu also howled twice.

The half-faced Buddha was busy fighting, and didn't care about it. When Mr. Luo was close, he raised the vajra and stabbed him in the face, extremely fast.

He intends to drive the vajra into his forehead and give him an immediate salvation.

Mr. Luo's eyes widened in an instant, and he dodged hastily, but his face was still pierced.


The half-faced Buddha feels wrong.

Without thinking too much, the vajra hooked Mr. Luo's face without thinking, and tore it off!


The human skin is torn.

Mr. Luo flew back, covering half of his face that had been shamed.

The players and the audience in the live broadcast room couldn't help but look at him.

The expected blood color did not appear, and there was no flesh and blood, as if a layer of fake skin had been torn off.

The half-faced Buddha glanced at the skin that had been picked off by the vajra pestle, and threw it away indifferently.

"Sure enough, it's a fake face."

"What what? Fake??"

Zou Miao and Fang Xue moved forward curiously.

Mr. Luo covered his face, his shoulders trembled slightly, and suddenly laughed: "Well, you half-faced Buddha..."

He slowly lowered his hands, revealing his face with half of his face torn off.

There is no flesh and blood wrapped under the skin, nor is it a white skeleton, but...another face.

"Damn it, director!"

Looking at the familiar face, Zhou Feng was extremely surprised.

—? ? ?

— Oh hoo the inversion!

— Director Ah, do you do all the acting by yourself now?

—Sure enough, the live broadcast is only wonderful if you watch it at night!

- Fire up the house ghosts! !

Seeing the two faces he didn't like, Bubu felt amazed, and even called out "Mom" in amazement, hoping to get an answer.

Jing Ruyu said succinctly: "Uncle Weird pretends to be Uncle Weird to deceive Boo Boo and the mothers."

At this moment, she finally understood why Mr. Luo was so obsessed with keeping Boo Boo.

"You want us to keep Boo Boo because she is liked by the audience, you want her to stay and continue to help you drain, right?"

The director has torn off the camouflage, revealing his original true face, and completely stopped pretending.

"Yeah, since she is so popular with the audience, then she should stay and become a child star to help me keep the audience."

As soon as he finished speaking, he heard the half-faced Buddha chuckle.

He said: "The Buddha disciples selected by this seat are naturally different."

This child was given special preferential treatment by Him to enter the temple at the age of three, which proved that she was born different from others and was the most simple and kind child in the world.

It's just a pity that He still didn't eat her in the end.

When the director heard this, he turned to look at him: "You picked it out? What did you pick it out for?"

Half-faced Buddha spoke out a word calmly: "Eat."

The director just felt reckless and indignant.

"Eat?! Such a good seed, such a good flow, but you use it to eat?!

"This should be sent to filming, leaving me with more audiences!"

After listening to the half-faced Buddha, he spit out two words expressionlessly: "vulgar."

The director raised an international friendly gesture at him: "I can't eat you to death."

After a disagreement, the two ghost kings fought again, and the fight was so dark that they couldn't distinguish between friends and foes.

Under the spectacular battle situation, Jing Ruyu hugged Bubu tightly and stood behind the remaining upright wall to prevent the child from being hit by flying stones.

Whether it's the half-faced Buddha or the director who is all about traffic, they are all eating people, which is not good for Bubu.

They will not give Boo Boo to the director, nor will they push her to the half-faced Buddha.

But what she is most worried about now is her girlfriend's body.

Let the two ghost kings continue to fight, and it will be Xia Zhiyi who will be injured in the end.

But these two didn't mean to stop at all, as if they wouldn't stop until a ghost king died today.

At this moment, a "ding" sounded in everyone's ears, followed by congratulatory sound effects.

[Congratulations to "Death Live" on the No. 1 hit list!

[Congratulations to "Death Live" for achieving the achievement, reaching 300,000 live viewers in the shortest time!

[Congratulations to "Death Live" for reaching the first place in the annual dark horse list!

[Warm congratulations, congratulations to the anchor, your terror and hard work, everyone can see~]

The exciting words of blessing fell on the director's ear, which made him feel pleasantly surprised. He was unconsciously distracted, and was shot down by the half-faced Buddha and fell straight down.

The sand was flying, and he lay in the ruins, looking at the sky with burning eyes.

There were two bloodstains on his face, but he didn't care, his smile was morbid, and he was almost crazy with excitement.

"First place? Dark horse list?

"I made it? Haha...I made it! Hahahaha—"

What half-faced Buddha, what fights, are not as important as his popularity and first place at this moment! !

The half-faced Buddha looked down at him condescendingly: "..."

Not promising.

The fierce fighting situation subsided.

At the same time, the players finally heard the clearance prompt:

[Congratulations to the player for meeting the clearance conditions and successfully passing the first level of the final dungeon. 】

Everyone couldn't help but startled.

Jing Ruyu frowned.

—Sure enough, there are more levels in the back!

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