MTL - Beast Control Starts From Zero Points-Chapter 5 Beast Control Code

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Chapter 5 Beast Control Code

 One minute passed.

 The mother’s voice was a little louder than normal, but her facial expression was very calm: “I’m going to the toilet.”

The staff member said: "Turn left ahead to the end and then go right and you will see it."

 Mother nodded, raised her legs and walked to the right.

 “Ma’am, go to the left.” the staff reminded.

 The mother’s back stiffened for a moment, and then turned to the left as if nothing had happened.

This made Qiao Sang a little bit dumbfounded, and she controlled the raised corners of her mouth.

 Mom, your persona of a strong and independent woman is broken.

 She turned to look at the Fire Fang Dogs, and her mind returned to them.

Qiao Sang discovered that the fire-toothed dogs were active and energetic, and none of them stayed quietly.

It is not unreasonable for new beast masters to choose little fat doves as their first choice pet beasts...

Qiao Sang couldn't help but ask: "Is there a fire-tooth dog with a quieter personality?"

The staff member said tactfully: "Actually, there are many other pet animals in our base."

 Qiao Sang understood it instantly.

After all, her soul is an adult. Even if she has no experience in controlling beasts, she doesn't think she will be as helpless as a 15-year-old child against a pet beast with an untamed temper.

 In this case, regardless of personality, just choose the fire-toothed dog with only eye rims.

 “Can I see that one?”

 Qiao Sang noticed that the fire-toothed dog had been hitting a tree. It was not a rampant collision with the tree, but a purposeful collision with accumulated force.

Qiao Sang felt that its target was not the tree, but itself.

 After all, who would be so foolish as to crash into a tree without any purpose?

 “Of course.” the staff member replied.

“Beep!” She picked up the iron whistle hanging on her chest and put it to her mouth to make a harsh sound.

 All the Fire Tooth Dogs stopped moving, all their eyes were focused, and they stopped causing damage.

 Several fire-toothed dogs tilted their heads.


 Is dinner ready?

Without the obstruction of the flames, the staff walked into the Fire Tooth Dog Base and picked up the chosen Fire Tooth Dog.


The Fire Fang Dog blinked his confused eyes, and his flaming wind-catching ears moved.

 The Fire Fang Dog was placed in front of Qiao Sang.

The Firefang is a small canine pet with flaming red hair, accompanied by a few black stripes, and a tuft of short orange hair on the top of its head.

The Fire Tooth Dog in front of her is about 60 centimeters tall, and her body is obviously smaller than other Fire Tooth Dogs. There are still scars on her forehead from the impact. Her black pupils are looking at her with wet eyes, and she looks a bit wistful. The urge to touch.

Looking at it, it is not as fiery as other fire-toothed dogs, but rather feels a bit pitiful.

 Qiao Sang's mind has automatically filled in the bitter history of a weak Fire Tooth dog who was squeezed out, robbed of food and then malnourished, and finally exercised desperately.

  I must have been trying to practice some stunt when I hit the tree just now.

 Such as Flame Blast and the like.

The staff introduced: "This fire-toothed dog is the youngest one at our base currently, and was born less than a month ago."

 It turns out that it’s not that I’m weak but that I’m young…

But it’s a good thing. Many beast masters will choose to cultivate their pet animals when they are still eggs. This way of training often makes it easier to establish a relationship and a tacit understanding with the pet beast.

Qiao Sang had previously had the idea of ​​buying a baby animal egg, but she quickly rejected it.

 After all, she still has to go to school. It is impossible to go to school with an egg, which is both eye-catching and unsafe.

If you leave it at home, she won't be worried if her mother has to go out to work and no one will take care of her. Qiao Sang knelt down and reached out to stroke the fire-toothed dog's head.

 The Fire Tooth Dog squinted his eyes comfortably, and his red tail swayed unconsciously.

 Looking pretty good.

 Qiao Sang felt the soft hair in his hands and became more and more satisfied.

She stared into the fire-toothed dog's eyes and smiled: "Are you willing to come with me?"

 The staff member looked a little weird. This fire-toothed dog had a bad temper. He was unscrupulous due to his young age and would always fight with other fire-toothed dogs.

  The older Fire Tooth Dog seems to have just been born, it doesn’t even have the spark skill, and its claws haven’t grown sharp yet, so it doesn’t hurt or itch to hit it, so I just let it go.

  Sometimes I would play with it and pretend to be defeated. It also thought that others could not defeat it, so it became more and more arrogant.

 As a professional receptionist, she still has a good sense of what kind of pets customers want and what kind of needs they have.

This girl is obviously looking for a fire-toothed dog with a quieter personality.

 Do you want to be reminded...

There are no good-tempered fire-toothed dogs in this base.

 She thought about the commission for a fire-toothed dog, and then thought about her son's school district room, but she still didn't say anything.


 The Fire Tooth Dog naturally knows what it means.

 Would you like to leave?

Of course we have to leave, it has no rivals here, and it feels very comfortable to touch with this human hand...

 It seems it’s time to go out and find new opponents!


 The Fire Tooth Dog nodded solemnly and stretched out its fleshy paws.

 Qiao Sang was stunned for a moment, and then he held it.

 This was much smoother than she imagined...

 An agreement was reached between one person and one dog.


 The contract between human beings and supernatural beings is established under the influence of the Code of Beast Control.

 The Beast Control Code is like a medium that closely connects the relationship between the two. Generally speaking, for the contract to be successful, it must be voluntary by both parties.

However, you can also form a bond after completely defeating the supernatural creature without it being defenseless.

The latter has many hidden dangers. Without enough intimacy, pet beasts can easily become disobedient. Only those with high levels of beast masters are not worried.

As long as the beast master's brain is developed enough and the beast master's code becomes more powerful, the pet beast cannot cancel the contract even if it suffers backlash.

Qiao Sang was currently connecting his consciousness to his own brain.

The beast-control code in her mind was sitting quietly without any movement. Although it was called the beast-control code, it was as thin as an envelope, with only a blank page inside.

Qiao Sang has read in the book that the Beast Control Code is white when it first awakens, and there is only one contract space in it for contracting with pet beasts.

 When the brain develops to 10%, the Beast Control Code will awaken to gray, and the contract space inside will also become two.

Following the gesture of opening the Beast Control Code in his memory, Qiao Sang placed a seal in front of him.

 Soon, the Code of Beast Control was activated in my mind, and I slowly opened to the only page.

 A ray of white light slowly converged on the top of Fire Tooth Dog's head from all directions, gradually forming a small circular star array.

 In fact, there is a very simple way to identify the level of a beast master. Whether it is a contract or a summons, you only need to see the light that appears on the pet beast.

Just like the Beast Taming Code, whatever color it is, the star formation summoned by the pet beast will be that color.

However, this can only be used as a reference, because even if the average person awakens the Beast Control Code again and does not have a pet beast with relative strength, they will not be able to pass the Beast Master Level Assessment of the Beast Control Alliance.

 The light of the star array covered the fire-toothed dog's head. It looked up at the star array in novelty and did not resist.

 (End of this chapter)