MTL - Beast Taming: I Can Bestow Attributes-Chapter 19 Hongmeng Company

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  Chapter 19 Hongmeng Company

   "If you're not mistaken, this little guy is using the high-level skill Thunder Thorn, right?"

   In the middle of the judges' seat, an old man with peculiar gray eyes and silver hair combed meticulously said with a smile.

  He is the vice president of the Shenghai City Spirit Master Association, and he came to watch the competition as a guest.

   "That's right! Judging from the previous competitions, it has also trained Thunder Claw and Feng Chi Dian Zhi to a proficient level."

  Beside the old man, a short-haired woman in a black leather vest turned the black pen in her hand and said:

"Of course, what I care more about is the special physique of this blazing fox. Its strength, speed, and especially defense are far beyond the level of a flaming fox of the same level. It should not be as simple as awakening a spirit beast, it should be a mutant Spirit beast."

   "It's a good seedling."

  The old man was a little emotional. Seeing these young people competing on the stage, he couldn't help but think back to when he was young.

   "Whether it's a good seedling or not, you'll know if you don't see it."

  The short-haired woman smiled, and just as she finished speaking, a rusty, ancient and mysterious copper plate appeared out of thin air in her hand.

  Tongtian ancient coin, a super-power spirit beast, has the ability to predict the future through divination, an extremely rare spirit beast.

  Even in the spirit world, it is already endangered, and it is only possible to appear in certain ancient ruins.

   "Tongbao, help me see his future."


  The Tongtian Ancient Coin made a sound like a hungry stomach.

   "I really can't help you, eat it!"

  The woman was a little helpless, and took out a string of ancient bronze coins from the space bracelet.

  The copper plate started to nibble, and in a blink of an eye, it ate all the bronze coins. Afterwards, the copper plate automatically rotated in mid-air without wind, and finally stood steadily in the woman's palm. And the money eye in the center flashed a golden light that only women can see.

   "Xiaomeng, what is the future of that child?"

  The old man saw the woman's movements and asked with a smile.

   "Purple. How about it? Mr. Zhong, is your association interested in recruiting?"

  The woman asked with a smile.

   "Don't be in a hurry, let's see his next game."

   Zhong Lao said calmly.

  Although Chen Mo's performance was good, it was not enough for a vice president to personally invite him.

   "Then if you don't make a move, I will do it first."

  The corner of the woman's mouth was raised, looking at Chen Mo and Blazing Fox on the field, as if she had discovered some treasure.


  Chen Mo didn't know that he was being watched by the two bosses in the judges' seat. After winning the competition, he and Blazing Fox gave a high-five in the audience to celebrate.

  No matter what, they have gained something from this competition. The prize money for the top 8 contestants in the Young Eagle Cup is 10,000 yuan.

   Just as he was about to leave, he saw the handsome short-haired young lady in a black leather vest walking straight towards him.

   It may be that this young lady's aura is too strong, and the people around Chen Mo subconsciously gave way.

   "Is there anything you can do for me?"

   Seeing this, Chen Mo asked suspiciously.

   "Student Chen Mo, I'm Chen Meng from Hongmeng Company. I want to treat you to a meal and talk about something, is that okay?"

"no problem."

  The arena in the center of Shenghai is very large, and it contains many fast food chain stores such as M Ji and K Ji.

  Finally, Chen Mo chose a m diary, and the two chose a relatively remote corner.

   "I want to ask if you are interested in joining our company?"

   Chen Meng asked with a smile, her voice was very kind, like a big sister next door.

   "Sure enough, I came to recruit myself."

  Chen Mo thought to himself.

  He was not surprised that someone would come to recruit him.

  Blazing Fox's outstanding performance in the game must have attracted the attention of many people.

  The question is—why come to recruit people who are not official?

  Although Hongmeng Group is one of the largest companies in Dongxia, Chen Mo always feels that joining an official organization will give him a sense of security.

   "Can you elaborate? For example... Welfare."

"Junior spirit masters, you can enjoy a basic salary of more than 100,000 per month when you join. In addition, your spirit beasts can learn intermediate and lower moves for free. In addition, you can purchase items within the company to enjoy employee benefits. The price is almost 10% off the market price.”

  Chen Meng's voice was full of allure.

   "Sorry, I'm not very interested in what you've said, though it's nice."

  Chen Mo refused.

  Although resources are indispensable in the growth process of spirit beasts, they are not absolutely necessary for Chen Mo. His spirit beasts become stronger relying on entries.

  As long as you develop insignificantly, you can steadily improve your strength, so why bother to be a worker?

   "And how about helping with your grandma's cancer?"

  Chen Meng said with a smile again.

  Just now she learned about Chen Mo's basic information through the company's intelligence network.

  Chen Mo didn't answer.

   To be honest, he was a little moved.

  According to the normal life trajectory, he should go to a certain Yuling University after graduating from high school.

  If all goes well, he should have become a high-level spirit master after finishing college.

   If some powerful entries are generated during the period, the master master spirit master is not a dream!

   But if grandma hadn't made it through before then, even if he became the Crown Spirit Master, he would regret it for the rest of his life.

   "Is it dangerous to be an employee of Hongmeng Company?"

  Chen Mo asked again.

  But the moment he said it, he felt that he had said something nonsense.

   "That depends on which department you join. I will tell you this, if it is a combat organization, then the accident rate will definitely not be low."

  Chen Meng took a sip of iced cola, then said:

"But if you want to become a truly top-notch spirit master, how can you not experience danger on the way? Compared with those spirit masters or spirit master hunters wandering in the spirit world, the accident rate of our employees can be said to be very low. After all For our company, every employee is the most valuable asset."

   "Understood, I still need to think about it."

  Chen Mo nodded.

   "Add a WeChat first! I will send you the specific information of our company."


  Hongmeng Company offered good conditions, but Chen Mo did not immediately agree. What if an official organization came to recruit him and put forward better conditions?

   "No problem, Chen Mo, I look forward to your reply."

  Chen Meng smiled, and left leisurely, as if he was sure that Chen Mo would join them in the end.

  After going back, Chen Mo carefully read the information Chen Meng sent him.

  The information is very detailed.

  Including the history of Hongmeng Group, department structure, employee levels, employee benefits and promotion mechanism, etc., all the content of Hongmeng Company is introduced.

  First of all, Chen Mo is most concerned about the department structure.

  The employees of Hongmeng Group are mainly divided into two sets of formations—combat formation and non-combat formation.

  Non-combat organization includes research department, logistics department, entertainment department, weapons department, management department and so on.

  Employee grades are divided into nine grades from P1-P9, and if they go up, they are the management.

  The combat organization is further divided into the spiritual world combat organization and the blue star combat organization.

  Blue Star's combat organization includes the Security Department and the Intelligence Department, which are mainly responsible for the security work of the various companies under the group.

  The battle organization functions and responsibilities of the spirit world are relatively complicated. It can be said that each branch of the Hongmeng Group stationed at a node in the spirit world is an independent department.

  Similarly, the staff levels of the combat organization are also divided into ten levels from F1 to F10. The treatment and authority enjoyed by each level are different, usually linked to the strength of the spirit master.

  In terms of salary, the combat organization of the spirit world is definitely higher than that of Blue Star.

  After watching it, Chen Mo didn't make a decision right away, he decided to finish the game first.

  The higher the potential he shows, the more chips those companies can offer.

   This book does not follow the college route, it directly chooses to be a worker!



  (end of this chapter)