MTL - Become Marvel Daisy Johnson-Chapter 18 Incident in Bahrain

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May met her husband Andrew in the shower in the morning....

Afterwards, the camera cuts to the kitchen

When you come back, maybe we can go on a trip, to a warm place. Concentrate, expand the family. He will definitely have a big fight.

May and her husband kiss each other tenderly.

ding dong

please come in.

Why don't you lock the door?

Coulson holds the newspaper as Andrew pours him a cup of coffee.

After all, it has the best security measures in the world.

OK, you are early, now is my time.

Coulson drank the coffee that Andrew poured for him in a black cup, and felt that the coffee tasted good.

The plan has changed, and now we have one more person in our group. This is her first time on duty, and she is nearby. You can visit her when you have free time. The coffee is good.

Andrew has bright eyes and a smile on his face. He is a senior psychotherapist for S.H.I.E.L.D.

Oh, that girl, I heard. Why is she on a mission, I mean she's just a girl.

Mei came down from upstairs after changing clothes, and said by the way

That girl can call me from 8:00pm to 10:00pm. And she has a different position than ours. Coulson, let's go.

The house where May and Andrew live is a high-end villa area specially approved by SHIELD, and Daisy is in a second-class bungalow area adjacent to it. Temporary.

May and Coulson visited Daisy together, thanks to the fact that this is the place where the tough S.H.I.E.L.D. family lives together, and Daisy's house is very old. Daisy didn't lock the door.

As soon as Coulson knocked on the door, the door opened by itself, just in time to see Daisy fiddling with her watch.

Nice watch. Oh sorry, I was going to knock on the door.

It's all right, look pretty. I got it back from school at Christmas last year. My side is ready too. I'm going to put on some shoes. Hey, May! Good morning.

God, if I were your mother, I would beat you to death. Why is your room so messy! I need to go out and calm down.

Then I will go out for a while and wait for you outside.

Daisy smiled helplessly when she saw the disgusted faces of Coulson and Mei. There was Parker's mother at home and Emma at school, and Sharon would complain and help Daisy clean up. I'm used to it.

Knocking on the mechanical watch on my hand, I feel that there is no problem. I am still looking forward to the first mission.

go out

I walked halfway up the mountain alone.. Hmm, the dog came for company..

Me, O'Brien. Want a player?

No need, I have it on my phone.

There are nearly a dozen people crowded on the Quinjet plane, the journey is long, and the plane has been flying for a while.

A group of people were in front of Daisy, watching Daisy's mobile phone. Speaking of mobile phones, they felt more like portable computers, and they felt very powerful.

Regarding the mobile phone business, because the finished product has already come out, Emma's main focus is on application development, material selection, and camera issues. Every time a new app is born, Daisy will try it out. So now Daisy mobile phone There are quite a lot of functions on it. Daisy reminded Emma to apply for a patent as soon as possible.

Daisy showed the functions one by one, and O'Brien just wanted to smash his own player.

Everyone thought it was the equipment of the special personnel in the bureau, and they were envious.

Next, Coulson, as the commander of this operation, announced the mission content.

A power enhancer was found in the teddy bear territory, 35 years old, female, Eva Belakov.

The bear intelligence agency has been tracking her. A bear agent once tried to stop her with a car, but the car was kicked into an M model by the target. Now escaped from the bear unscathed.

Mei served as the negotiator for this mission, approaching the target politely, negotiating with her, bringing her back for an evaluation, and recruiting her into his team before Mao Xiong.

Four field personnel are responsible for field control, and negotiators prevent others from interfering when they are in contact with the target.

We can only approach her in public, which is not ideal. Forcing her is a missed opportunity. The local military will not stand aside.

If the target gets out of control, the bomb squad takes it out.

Good luck to her.

Daisy knows the mission situation ahead of everyone else. In this mission, Daisy's task is to be responsible for observation and evaluation. Evaluation of the team's reaction and combat ability, as well as various evaluations of the targets.

Originally, this item was something that every agent would fill in when returning to work. But now there is a separate department that is responsible for various evaluation matters. Daisy is not the first person in the evaluation department.

Of course, each agent still needs to fill in the evaluation content on the job report form. For a task, S.H.I.E.L.D. requires subjective evaluation and objective evaluation.

Daisy still remembers about the Bahrain Island incident. Apart from the target Eva, she also has a child. Both of them are aliens, who stole the Terrigen crystal in the afterlife. Eva’s ability is extremely powerful, and her child card The good power is a very weird mind control.

She can mind control those she touches and kill them with her mind.

The task this time will be very troublesome. The choice is entirely in Mei's hands.

Mei in the original work killed the child, leaving a shadow in her heart and regretting it for the rest of her life.

And Mei in the framework did not kill the child. According to the calculation of the framework, Katya was brought back to S.H.I.E.L.D., and then brainwashed by Hydra and became the mind control center of Hydra. Hydra directly controlled the framework world.

Daisy thought with her heels

This child must not stay!

No matter how biased the frame calculation is, Daisy can still believe that Katya will become Hydra's brainwashing weapon. If Hydra secretly brainwashed the Avengers one by one, this joke would be a big joke.

Thinking about the key point, Daisy unconsciously moved the mechanical watch in her hand. Mei and Coulson whispered for a while, but couldn't hear what they were talking about.

Everyone got off the plane to check their equipment, UU reading www. Daisy also opened the evaluation app on her phone. Everyone started to act.

Dilapidated buildings, incomplete dirt roads, old-fashioned parasols, and streets full of mosquitoes.

Welcome to Bahrain Island.

The four field agents locked onto the target immediately, and skillfully guarded the exit where the target was located with a gesture.

Field work, camouflage ability, bad review!

In order to cover this mission, Daisy in the dark specially rolled the clothes in the soil three times, and then wrapped them around her body. She was afraid of being seen as an outsider.

The place where Eva appeared in Bahrain Island is a slum. The four field workers are dressed in suits and ties. Most of the locals are Indians, but their standard foreigner faces are not dressed up. Putting the cross at the intersection, Eva is already Something feels wrong.

Mei walked over and sat down in front of Eva. It felt like the two of them hadn't chatted, and Eva kicked the table. 10 meters away!

Negotiator, diplomatic ability, bad review!

The news of the negotiation shocked the local gangsters, especially the three field workers in suits and leather shoes. They thought it was the CIA. They immediately confronted each other excitedly, and even picked up the little girl Katya as a hostage.

The two sides spoke fiercely and bluffed. The gang pulled the little girl to retreat, and injured a passerby on the way.


Obviously SHIELD has 12 guns, ranging from pistols to long guns in various styles, and there are all kinds of directions to lock the target. If you hit four people and hug a child, you dare not shoot?

This, this, this.... The anti-riot force, the execution ability is poor.

Taken together, Coulson's team is simply useless.

Eva took advantage of the chaos and hid in the building with the gang.