MTL - Become Marvel Daisy Johnson-Chapter 30 Sokovia incident

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The incident happened for two weeks. Daisy's work content gradually stabilized, and she had more free time.

When the Rumlow incident happened, Daisy was seriously warned, but because Rumlow acted first, there were two agents present to testify to Daisy, so Daisy was fine.

The tragic Rumlow was miserable, his body was shattered by glass shards, and what really made him rest in bed for a week was the internal injury caused by Daisy's palm. This made him be beaten every time he was visited. A bit of ridicule.

Although Rumlow has the image of a tough guy, he also has a philistine side, and he won't show face to those who visit him. And this matter, everyone only thinks this girl is weird.

Whose little girl can fly a strong man who weighs nearly two hundred pounds with one palm? And smash the bulletproof glass?

Thinking of this, Rumlow is terrified. If there is no pool of water behind him to cushion his landing, his life will probably be handed over there. Unless S.H.I.E.L.D. Unless you step into the sixth-level authority, it is possible to think about this kind of thing.

Others have similar ideas with Rumlow, and according to the legend of Bahrain Island, no one dares to underestimate Daisy. Some people even walk around when they see Daisy. For example, that Ward.

The training room was reinstalled with new bulletproof glass the next day. Everything was back to normal.

But Daisy was depressed. Since Rumlow of the special forces was hospitalized by her, no one wanted to fight with her. Everyone was afraid of repeating the same mistakes as Rumlow. Some agents who claimed to be masters in fighting refused Daisy. May also rejects Daisy, and even the rare Sharon Carter rejects Daisy.

Sorry Daisy. We haven't seen you for a while, but I have to report up, sorry.

He sighed secretly, only saying it was a pity.

It is really hard to repeat the inspiration of the sky that day. This kind of thing can only be heard in the stories told by the grandfather in the previous life.

Grandpa is an older generation in the 1950s. From the stories he told about the past, it is rare for a group of people who practiced martial arts in the earlier era to enter a certain state. In that state, they will gradually acquire something called [ Qi] is a qualityless thing. The owner's skill will be greatly improved, flying over the eaves and walls, light work and water are all simple things.

Daisy didn't know if she had entered the state that Grandpa said, because the two worlds are not the same world, and the originator of the Marvel world may not necessarily know the existence of [Qi], let alone there will be Such a setting.

But to return to that state, Daisy really tried her best, but she couldn't reproduce the state of mind at that time.

On the contrary, he made himself upset and wanted to find someone to fight.

Daisy, holding her breath, bought fruit, sushi and coffee in the supermarket. She went to visit Rumlow in Klein's car.

Rumlow saw Daisy enter the room, he wanted to run...

Hey brawny. How's the injury? I brought a band-aid, will it suffice?

Not bad, can't die. Why did you come here?

Of course I came to see you, look, I accidentally beat you to the hospital, and I brought you fruit sushi and coffee for this purpose. I'm so sorry. I couldn't control myself at that time.

What? Can't control yourself? Are you controlled by something? Oh my god, this sushi is terrible.

Huh~ It’s quite unpalatable. Let go of this sushi and drink coffee. It’s hard for me to say that state, a silent force, troubled sea water, a godsend for defending.

Sounds like a prayer.

Afro, don't be shy, come and say hello.

Hi, I'm Klein, Cameron Klein.Info.

Clerical? Your boyfriend? He really matches you.

You think too much, he is just my [driver]. Speaking of this, I really want to complain. I can get a gun license in S.H.I.E.L.D. What's the point?

You don't have a driver's license? Seriously no kidding? Well, I feel better now.

Daisy's original intention was to come here to apologize, although in Eagle Sauce's inherent cognition, the attacker was counter-killed, and the defender was not obliged to visit. But a little hatred is not bad.

Fortunately, at least as far as the current performance is concerned, Rumlow is not difficult to get along with, and he is also considered mellow. The fruit, coffee and sushi I bought were all Daisy secretly investigated his tastes and hobbies, and then bought half and half according to taste. It can be seen that Daisy has investigated him specially, and at the same time can leave a good impression.

The three chatted for a while, and Daisy Klein said goodbye and left.

Although he didn't care, but being defeated by the identity of a little girl, Rumlow still had a pimple in his heart. After Daisy left, his face turned cold.

Among all the known agents, Daisy is the only one who is permanently stationed at the headquarters.

Although Sharon Carter is from a famous family, she often goes on missions. Daisy can see her every day, and she can't see her every day.

Mockingbird Barbara, I have seen it once since the end of the training, and it was still in the war zone in the Middle East.

Coulson, Daisy hasn't seen him since the Bahrain Island incident. It is said that he went to perform a secret mission assigned by Nick Fury himself.

Mei is the person Daisy sees the most in the headquarters. She often hangs around in front of Daisy, but since the Rumlow incident, she has stopped holding hands with Daisy.

Others, such as Sitwell, Hill, Gartler, Hand, are even rarer.

Daisy, who has no missions, will also feel bored. Sometimes I go to the training room to see if someone is willing to help, but generally no one dares to agree.

Sometimes I go to the R&D department to have a After all, I am a major in the Department of Electrical Engineering in Massachusetts. As for the research in the R&D department, just take a look. Others think that Daisy doesn’t understand, but in fact, if Daisy is happy, make a The first-generation Mark model is a casual thing. Of course, it takes some time for circuit configuration and system coordination.

Sometimes I still shoot guns. Although few heroes in Marvel movies fight with guns, they feel very low-level when practicing by themselves. But the necessary condition for being an agent is accurate shooting. If you are in a war Environment, if you don’t hold a gun and shoot at people, do you still expect dozens of opponents to fight you one-on-one?

By the way, when shooting, vent the anger that has accumulated recently. The anger that is upset because you can't touch that threshold again.

Rapid fire, five shots in a row, three shots and three rings, two shots and two rings.

Obviously my grades are not good. Ever since I came to S.H.I.E.L.D., I have been quite tired of firearms training. The feeling is not as good as in the training base of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Replace the magazine again, quickly load and shoot, and fire five shots in a row. One shot with one ring, one shot with three rings, and the remaining three shots with two rings.

Seeing such a result, Daisy will not be angry immediately. This kind of feeling of being fed with bullets requires a long time of training. So don't be discouraged for a while.

Then replace the magazine, load and shoot, bang bang bang bang bang. One shot is one ring, three guns are two rings, and one gun is next to the first ring.

Daisy looked at the result, thoughtful, and didn't think about changing the magazine immediately.

There was the sound of rapid-fire gunfire from next door, seven rounds were fired in one go, and then another seven rounds were fired with a quick reload. Daisy looked at the target, and the gun hit the bull's-eye.

She stretched her neck and looked to the next door, it was Hill! At this moment she put down the gun.

Nick Fury is looking for you.