MTL - Becoming A Dragon In A Martial Arts World-Chapter 17 Panel reinforcement needs to be reasonable?

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  Chapter 17 Panel strengthening needs rationality?

  The next day, Bai Chuan, who had slept all night, just woke up, and opened the panel impatiently.

   This day, he has waited for too long.

  As the familiar panel opened, Bai Chuan glanced at the newly added model, Eagle.

  ‘Race: Kite. '

  'Ability structure: flying LV2, sharp claws LV2, clairvoyance LV2, digestion and absorption LV1, strong LV1 (chest alienation), bird bone LV1 (flight alienation), airflow perception LV1...'

   "Huh? So the real name of the eagle he had been calling in his previous life was 'Kite'?"

  Bai Chuan looked at the eagle model with some surprise and whispered.

  He didn't continue to pay attention to this episode, but continued to look at the eagle... Oh, it should be called the ability structure of the kite.

   It is obvious that Kite's ability is almost the same as that of the goshawk he preyed on last time.

   That's right, these two are eagles, and their body sizes are not much different. At most, goshawks may be a little bigger, so their abilities are almost normal.

  Just like the snakes he had eaten before, many snakes have the same abilities.

  If these abilities follow the words of Xiuxian or Mythology, Bai Chuan thought: Maybe this is their bloodline ability or bloodline talent.

  Bai Chuan looked at the ability above. Before that, he had always wanted the vision of an eagle. After all, the vision of an eagle is the best in his knowledge. At the same time, he can see the colorful world like a human.

  But now he looks at the flying ability above and suddenly has an impulse, can he evolve the ability to fly even as a snake?

  In his previous life, he knew the importance of air supremacy. Once he also has the ability to fly, wouldn't he be able to fight and run in the future?

   At that time, the sky will really be high, and the safety will be greatly increased, and you will no longer have to worry about being bullied by other guys.

  The more he thought about it, the more impulsive he became. The next moment he twitched and tapped the model of the kite to draw out the flying ability, put it into his own snake body model, and watched the change of the snake body nervously.

  ‘Please select a placement location. '

  A panel prompt popped up.

  Bai Chuan had already seen the strangeness, he looked at his thick and long snake body, and after thinking about it, he should put it a little below the neck.

  As soon as it was placed, he immediately saw a pair of wings covered with feathers growing from the back of his snake body on the top of the model.

  Suddenly, a pair of extremely abrupt feathered wings grew on the long snake body, which was really weird and nondescript.

   It seems that the wings were forcibly inserted on the snake's body.

  Anyone who saw it knew that the wings could not be flapped without trying, because there was no room for vibration, and the wings touched the ground.

  Bai Chuan saw that the compatibility was 20%...

   There is no doubt that this compatibility is basically a no-brainer.

  Although he might be able to succeed if forced to evolve, he doesn't know what will happen afterwards.

  An instinctive premonition told him, never!

  Then the question is, can this situation be improved to improve compatibility?

  Before, Bai Chuan was thinking, since the panel allows him to evolve ability requires a high compatibility, at least 50 or more, can this compatibility be improved?

   If not, is it the same as having or not having compatibility?

  It might as well simply show that certain abilities cannot be extracted or strengthened.

   Instead of allowing him to extract his abilities and put them on his own model to see what he looks like after evolution.

   Existence is reasonable, so is there a way behind this that allows him to improve compatibility?

  Bai Chuan carefully looked at the various abilities of the kite, and he believed that the ability of birds to fly does not depend only on the wings themselves.

  In addition to his previous guess, these abilities may belong to their racial abilities, so these abilities should be matched with the blood that makes them up.

  Thinking of this, he finally set his sights on the strong LV1 (chest alienation).

  He vaguely remembered that someone in his previous life said that the reason why birds can fly is not only having a pair of wings, but also has something to do with their extremely strong chest muscles.

  If you think of the kite as a whole, a flying machine as a whole, then the flying ability should be the wings, and the strong LV1 (chest alienation) should be the engine of the machine.

  He thought for a while, took out the ability to fly again, and put on a strong LV1 (chest alienation), and in an instant he saw a big bulge on his snake body where the wings used to be.

   It was as if a tumor had grown on the smooth snake body, and at the same time, he also found that his agility LV2 had changed to LV1.

   "Hiss~ the ability can still be reduced?" Frowning, Bai Chuan looked at the snake's body carefully, and it seemed quite reasonable after thinking about it.

  A big bulging muscle group grew out of the smooth snake body, which would definitely affect his crawling speed.

  He seems to have discovered another rule of the board. If the ability evolution is unreasonable, it will inevitably affect other existing abilities, just like now, it will reduce agility.

  He suddenly thought of another point, what if he added a pair of claws at this time?

   Based on the growth of muscle groups in the snake body?

  Or another pair of wings?

   All kinds of thoughts popped up in his mind for a while.

  He wanted to try to see what changes would be produced by combining two or more, but he had no choice but to give up because he didn't have enough points.

  He stared at the model of the kite for a while, and he found that the evolution ability of this panel was similar to that of his previous life pinching system, but it needed rationality.

  If, he said if.

   If there is such a day, if he gathers the excellent abilities of various animals, can he really evolve the legendary dragon?

  No one knows this.

  But this idea took root in Bai Chuan's heart like a seed.

  Just wait for the day when it takes root and sprouts and grows into a big tree in the sky.

  He temporarily gave up thinking about these issues and looked at Clairvoyance LV2.

   It's up to you!

  With the taking out of clairvoyance ability, evolution is determined.

  The vivid eagle model in front of Bai Chuan turned into a spot of light and disappeared.

  It's a pity, next time if you want the eagle's ability again, you have to catch it again.

   This was the last remaining thought of Bai Chuan before he fell asleep.


  The familiar secretion reappeared, slowly covering Bai Chuan.

   Time passed slowly.

   "Okay... what a beautiful world!"

  The next day, I woke up.

   Bai Chuan, who slowly crawled out of the cave, found that the world in his eyes had changed, and it was no longer the lifeless and colorless monotonous world in the past.

  It's as if the whole world came alive, everything is full of vibrant colors,

  If the previous vision was the black and white TV set with extremely low resolution in the early 1980s, then the current vision is the 4k high color gamut computer screen.

   And it is still as clear and distinct as it is in front of your eyes no matter how far away it is.

  He even saw clearly the scales and armor on the small insects jumping on the ground in the distance, the wings of mosquitoes flying in the air, and the deformation of the wings every time they vibrated.

  At this moment, he can see all this if he wants to.

   No wonder these overlords of the sky can see a tiny rabbit jumping on the ground thousands of meters in the sky.

   "This... is this the eagle's vision? Too, so beautiful!"

  At this moment, Bai Chuan can only praise. If he has never experienced nearsighted eyesight, he will not experience how amazing the incomparably powerful eyesight is today.

   What he sees now is even more than what he saw in human times.

  In addition to the color pictures that humans can see, he can even see some special light rays such as ultraviolet rays in the air.

   It is really mysterious.

   On this day, Bai Chuan was intoxicated in the beautiful world of painting. In a happy mood, he slowly crawled and looked around his territory again.

   No wonder there is such a saying: the world is never short of beauty, but lacks the eyes to discover beauty.

  He thought he probably understood the meaning of this sentence.

  (end of this chapter)