MTL - Becoming A Dragon In A Martial Arts World-Chapter 21 Finding the Electric Eel

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  Chapter 21 Finding the Electric Eel

   At this point in the experiment, Bai Chuan has already understood his current defense power and the attack power of his claws. Don't underestimate his eight-point strength to break his own scaly snake skin.

   One thing to know, Bai Chuan's current strength has reached LV2, this is not a strength that can be easily ignored.

  If his original guess is correct, LV3 is the ability only possessed by the top of the pyramid, then LV2 can already dominate one side.

  This kind of ability is aimed at the strength of a wild boar.

  So it’s not bad.

  At this moment, Bai Chuan focused on his own wound, watching it slowly and continuously bleeding.

  At first, the blood overflowed in a steady and slow manner, until five minutes later, the speed of the blood overflowing slowly slowed down, and coagulation began to appear.

  Ten minutes later, the blood stopped completely, leaving only a blurred wound of flesh and blood.

   Half an hour later, Bai Chuan began to feel itchy sensations in the wound on his body.

  Looking carefully, you can faintly see the granulation seems to be growing.

  After an hour, the itching became more intense.

   But at this time, Bai Chuan also felt a little mentally exhausted, because he had been staring engrossedly for too long.

  His spirit was a little overwhelmed.

  He glanced at the approximate time, then took off and took a nap.

  The next day, when he woke up.

  He found that the wound was almost healed, and there was only a whitish mark and scales that hadn't grown yet, showing what he did yesterday.

  Besides that, I just feel a little hungrier today than before.

  Speaking of which, as he evolved more, he found himself less and less like a snake.

  The predation cycle of normal snakes has nothing to do with him at all, and I don’t know if this continues, whether he will enter hibernation like other snakes this winter.

  Bai Chuan looked at the already somewhat cool weather, and inexplicably thought of it.

   Then he looked at the wound that had not fully grown scales, and he decided to wait for a while.

  Workers must first sharpen their tools if they want to do a good job. There is no need to rush this kind of thing. He has waited for so long, so there is no need to rush.


   Three days later, when night began to fall.

  Bai Chuan, who had reached the best condition, left the cave where he had lived for half a year after eating and drinking enough.

   Walking all the way to the north.

   Soon, he came to the bank of the wide river again. He didn't go into the water, but just went upstream along the bank.

   Along the way, his sharp and sensitive eyes kept injecting the shore and the river surface, focusing on the turbid water bodies.

  Although the eyesight of his eagle eyes has been reduced due to the darkness, don’t forget that he also has thermal vision.

  Under the combination of the two, he can sense all living heat sources within a radius of 20 to 30 meters.

  His concentration and blatant dominance scare the animals who secretly drink water at night to death.

  But he didn't pay attention to these, he just found his goal.

   As for what is he looking for?

  There is no doubt that it must be an electric eel!

  Now his ability has fallen into a bottleneck period, not as weak as before, when all abilities helped him.

  So abilities are particularly easy to acquire.

  But now, the abilities that can have a huge effect on him are basically in some extremely powerful creatures.

  If he wants to obtain it, there will inevitably be conflicts, but once a conflict occurs, even today he cannot guarantee 100% that he can obtain it. There is a high probability that he will die together, or he will die unilaterally.

  Of course, it is not that weak creatures do not lack that kind of powerful ability, but it is either too difficult to find or he has no way to obtain it.

  At this time, he realized that the creature that he could easily take down on weekdays was a creature that could help him, but he had no ability to do so.

   It can be said that he is now in an awkward position where he is insufficient compared to the top and more than the bottom.

  Strong right? Really strong, at least he can easily take down the former him.

   But if it is compared with tigers, brown bears and the like, it is unlikely.

  So he was also a little distressed.

   At this time, he thought of the electric eel.

  Although Electric Eel is strong, Bai Chuan thought carefully in his heart, and found that if he prepared enough, he could still win it.

   Once upon a time, even if he met an electric eel, he would not dare to make up his mind.

   Even sometimes, under their own rational analysis, they choose to avoid.

  Even if I was greedy for its ability, I didn't dare to attack it.

  Up to now, they have begun to actively and purposefully search for them.

   Is he floating?

   No, it's just that he has become stronger, and he thinks he has the confidence to take down the electric eel.

  Because in his previous life, he was particularly curious about electric eels for a while, and had known about this strange creature.

  Electric eel is a freshwater fish capable of short-term and powerful discharges. It is thick, round and long, and can reach a maximum length of 2.5 meters. It comes out at night and mainly preys on small fish.

  It also likes to stay in shallow swamps or shore activities with turbid water. It can emit a current of 650 volts with a random strike, and can emit a current of up to 800 volts.

   Don't underestimate the fact that the highest voltage is only 800 volts, which is already close to the high-voltage range defined by the country in his previous life, which is 1000 volts.

   Even in some industries, this volt is already within the high voltage range.

  And you must know that the safe voltage of the human body is only ≤36 volts, and generally 220 volts can easily electrocute people to death.

   Not to mention 650 or 800 volts.

  As long as the voltage of this level is not the pitiful low current, human beings are hit, and death is basically impossible.

   Once he obtains this power generation ability, then he will truly have a super killer, a super ability like a trump card.

  At that time, there must be no creatures that can withstand his attack.

  Once bitten by his fangs, the two-pronged attack of electric current and venom, the opponent can only watch his own death come in a state of paralysis and convulsions.

  However, the premise of all this is that he can take down the electric eel.

   As for his confidence?

  Bai Chuan looked at his newly born sharp claws full of cuticles, and smiled without saying a word.

   Wrapped with sharp claws with a high-resistance cuticle, and the ability to breathe underwater, plus that super regenerative ability.

  He is confident that he can take down an electric eel.

  Why didn’t he dare in the past?

   It’s not that he didn’t dare to open his mouth, because the only attack method of snakes is a big mouth, and the mouth is too close to the brain, Bai Chuan didn’t dare to take this risk.

  At the same time, he didn't have the ability to breathe underwater. If he was accidentally stunned during the fight with the electric eel, wouldn't he be suffocated to death underwater?

   Don’t think this is a joke, you must know that many powerful animals that were unfortunately killed by electric eels died in this way.

  (end of this chapter)