MTL - Becoming Immortal Through Getting Married-Chapter 22 explosion is an art

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  Chapter 22 Explosion is an Art

  Chen An struggled to get up from the grass, and stretched out his left hand to touch his right shoulder.


  The sudden pain made him gasp.

  He glanced at his left hand, which was covered with warm blood.

  At the same time, there was a sharp pain in my right shoulder.

   Feeling in pain.

  The right shoulder bone is broken.

   And it was still a comminuted fracture.

  If he is not a monk, the pain will be excruciating, and it may even cause shock.

   Enduring the severe pain from his right shoulder, Chen An shrugged and returned to the carriage.

  As soon as they saw that their husband was injured, the wives and concubines in the carriage turned pale in shock, and hurriedly asked with concerned concern:


   "Husband, what's wrong with you?"

   "I'm fine, don't worry."

   As Chen An said, he rummaged through the carriage and found a small snow-white medicine bottle, which contained Xiaohuandan.

   This is an expensive elixir that can treat internal and external injuries at the same time. It belongs to the second-order elixir, and it was bought by him for first aid.

   This will come in handy.

  Open the cork and eat a small Huandan.

  In just an instant, Chen An could clearly feel the pain on his body subside a lot.

   Then, he took out another snow-white medicine bottle from elsewhere, and poured the medicine powder inside on the injured right shoulder to speed up the self-healing speed of the right shoulder.

   After dealing with the injured right shoulder in twos and threes.

   Chen An thought about it.

   Zhang Guanshi is not as powerful as Ouyang Guanshi, so he probably won't be able to persist for long before he will be dealt with.

   After Steward Ouyang gets rid of him, he will definitely come back here to get rid of me.

  If I want to leave with my wives and concubines, I can only drive a carriage.

   But here is still more than ten miles away from the core area, the speed of the carriage is too slow, and steward Ouyang will catch up to him after a short distance.

  Unless... I can make up my mind to leave my wife and concubines and run away alone.

  Chen An glanced at Song Huaying with a big belly beside him, and Gu Xinyue who was always concerned about his right shoulder injury, and couldn't abandon them anyway.

   He continued to think.

  Since escaping is not possible, how about I go back to the forest and work with Steward Zhang to solve Steward Ouyang?

   No, it’s not realistic, and there is a high probability that you will get a double kill when you go back.

   Besides, maybe Guanshi Zhang has already been dealt with by now.

   Picking the time to go back by yourself is tantamount to a sheep entering the tiger's mouth.

  Then...set up some poisonous traps, and wait for Steward Ouyang to come and get caught?

   It doesn't seem to work either.

  The other party had just seen with his own eyes the scene where his accomplices had loose cartilage and were killed one by one. Now they must be on guard against things like poison.

  Maybe, there is an antidote pill in his mouth right now.

Trouble trouble trouble!

   This doesn’t work, that doesn’t work, so what should I do? !

  Chen An was in a very irritable mood.

   This is the biggest crisis he has encountered since time travel.


  Seeing that Chen An was frowning, Gu Xinyue who was beside her couldn't help but yelled worriedly.

  She wanted to ask Chen An how the situation was, why Guanshi Zhang didn't come back, and how did her husband hurt his shoulder?

  But after thinking about it, I still didn't ask.

  She didn't want to put pressure on Chen An.

  Song Huaying on the other side, seeing that Chen An's right shoulder was still oozing blood, couldn't help picking up a bottle of medicine powder for treating trauma, and said to him in a soft voice:

   "Husband, your shoulder is still bleeding, how about I sprinkle some coagulation powder for you?"

   "No, I've sprinkled enough just now."

  Chen An looked at the medicine bottle in Song Huaying's hand and said.

   Seeing that her husband said no, Song Huaying pursed her thin lips, and had no choice but to put the medicine bottle back in place.

   I don't know if it was a lack of concentration or something, but she accidentally emptied the medicine bottle, and it fell to the ground with a thud, and the white powder was scattered all over the ground.

   "Husband, I... I didn't do it on purpose."

  Song Huaying panicked, afraid that her husband would blame her.

  Because she could see that her husband was annoying now.

   However, Chen An didn't speak, just stared at the powder splashed everywhere under his feet without saying a word, and four words emerged from the back of his mind:

  —dust explosion.

   His eyes lit up, and he finally thought of a way.

  Use the powder to create a dust bomb in a closed compartment!

   This may be the only way to survive!

   Think of it and do it immediately!

  Chen An pointed to the opposite woods, and said to the wives and concubines beside him:

   "Yue'er, Ying'er, you two, get out of the carriage and hide, and hide over there, as far away as possible."

  Both the wife and concubine were very sensible, and without asking why, they immediately followed what Chen An said, got out of the carriage and ran towards the opposite woods.

   Song Huaying couldn't run away with her big belly, so Gu Xinyue, a monk, picked her up and ran with her. The two sisters were deeply in love.

  The moment his wife and concubine got off the carriage, Chen An in the carriage immediately started making dust bombs.

  The principle of dust explosion is very simple.

   is combustible dust that mixes with air in a confined space to form a dust cloud.

   Then under the action of an ignition source, these mixtures will burn rapidly, causing the temperature and pressure in the confined space to rise sharply, resulting in an explosion.

  At this moment, Chen An was just throwing out all the medicinal powder he could get, making it form a dust cloud in the airtight compartment.

  In order to keep these medicinal powders in a dust cloud state, Chen An found an electric fan that he had invented in his spare time.

  It is said to be an electric fan, but it is actually a simple windmill, but it can continue to rotate under the action of Lingshi to achieve the effect similar to an electric fan.

  Chen An placed the electric fan at the bottom of the carriage so that it would blow towards the floating medicinal powder inside, so that the medicinal powder would always maintain a certain fluidity.

  After creating the dust cloud, Chen An went outside to pick up a lot of sharp broken stones, soaked them in a special poison powder solution, and then sprinkled them all on the bottom of the car as shotgun pellets to increase the explosive power.

   Then, he immediately found two flints that are usually used when lighting a fire in the kitchen.

   Put them together in the compartment.

   Hold one piece by yourself.

   As the ignition source to be detonated.

  The preparations may seem complicated, but it only took less than a cup of tea to finish all of them.

   Seeing that Steward Ouyang hadn't come out yet, Chen An simply set up traps around the carriage.

  A simple poison pit trap.

   It is to dig a pit, insert all kinds of poisonous needles in it, and then cover it with dead branches and leaves to hide it, so that people can step into it and get tricked.


   While Chen An was digging a hole, Steward Ouyang came out of the woods accompanied by the sound of branches and leaves rubbing against each other.

  His right hand was injured, and blood was flowing out continuously.

  In his left hand, he was holding Guanshi Zhang's dead head.

   Guanshi Zhang died, and he got rid of it!

  Seeing this scene, Chen An got up and ran straight to the carriage without saying a word.

   "Oh, in vain."

   Steward Ouyang sneered.

   Immediately, his calf exerted force, and he chased after Chen An with a buzzing sound.


   I'm afraid you won't chase after me!

  Laughing in his heart, Chen An leaped high and passed over the carriage, and ran towards the woods on the opposite side, luring Steward Ouyang to also pass over the carriage.

   Sure enough, Steward Ouyang was fooled!

  When Chen An ran more than ten meters away from the carriage, he happened to pass over the carriage just like Chen An just now.

   "Die to me!!"

  Chen An saw this opportunity, and threw the flint that he had been holding in his hand all the time towards the window of the carriage, aiming at the flint inside the carriage.

   Steward Ouyang thought he was throwing a hidden weapon. Seeing him throwing it so crookedly, he couldn't help laughing in his heart: "The low-level monks are useless..."

   At the moment when the word "waste" came to mind, the flint thrown by Chen An pierced through the window of the carriage, hit the flint inside with a bang, and caused a burst of sparks.

  The next second, the dust cloud in the car was instantly ignited, and the rapid combustion produced a large amount of gas, which caused the temperature and pressure of the space in the car to rise suddenly.


   Just listen to a loud bang!

  The airtight compartment exploded in an instant, and a terrifying golden mushroom cloud rose into the sky, submerging Steward Ouyang, who was striding over it, into the sea of ​​flames and disappeared...


  PS: Set up a bowl, ask for a monthly ticket recommendation!

  (end of this chapter)