MTL - Becoming the Empress: Golden Finger Set Under My Bed-Chapter 418 Return journey

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When An Rushuang said this, everyone was stunned and turned to look at her.

Uncle Feng smiled dryly: "Girl, I know Aliang's move is wrong, but now, I can't talk nonsense."

With that said, he looked at Meng Li aside with some anxiety in his heart. These two people are considered brothers, and they must not be killed because of this.

An Rushuang shook his head and said, "I saw him in Yandi."

Feng Bo quickly said: "Impossible!"

"Bo Feng, if you don't believe it, don't ask him."

An Rushuang didn't give other explanations, but said slowly: "If he doesn't know, he won't conspire with others and wants to become a general."

At this point, Meng Li also understood.

It turned out that the fake general was exactly this Zhang Liang.

He has also observed himself for a long time, otherwise it would be impossible for him to have many actions similar to himself.

And when Uncle Feng heard her say this, he couldn't help but panic, and he kept saying: "It's impossible..."

Speaking like this, he hurried to the door, staggering to the outside.

Everyone looked at each other and followed Feng Bo.

Uncle Feng hurriedly entered the room, Zhang Liang had already sat up against the wall, but still looked embarrassed.

He hurriedly arrived in front of Zhang Liang and said loudly: "A Liang, you... have you... have you ever been to Yandi?"

An Rushuang couldn't help but sighed helplessly. Even now, Feng Bo is still covering up like this, and the questioning is like this.

Hearing this question, Zhang Liang smiled at the corners of his lips. He coughed twice before saying, "Naturally, I have been there."

Uncle Feng's breathing was stagnant, what was going to say...

But listening to this good talk, he smiled and said: "In order to pick up my lady, it was not Feng Bo Ke Ke Ke... Did Ke Feng go with me?”

Yan Tie frowned, lifted his foot to kick him, and said angrily: "You know what we are asking! Don't change the subject, otherwise, I think you want to die more?!"

Zhang Liang laughed. The laughter affected the wound on his chest. He coughed again and again, until the coughing gradually stopped.

He glanced at Meng Li sideways: "If you have the ability, kill me, don't let your cough... don't let your dog bark here!"

Yan Tie really wanted to rush to bite him this time!

An Rushuang hurriedly grabbed him, although Zhang Liang must be guarded, but now his injuries are serious, and Yan Tie's actions are not serious, so naturally you have to be careful.

After all, she still believes what Feng Bo said-Zhang Liang's true identity.

Zhang Liang looked at her like this and laughed again.

His smile at An Rushuang was gentle and gentle, and there was no mockery like just now.

"I knew... Shuang'er you still remember me... Um!"

Yan Tie didn't kick it out, but Meng Li kicked it directly. He couldn't stand this Liang looking at Shuang'er like this.

Na Meng Li kicked out, Zhang Liang rolled on the ground twice, and then there was no movement on the ground.

Feng Bo hurried up to feel his pulse. After a while, he raised his head and sighed, "I passed out."

Everyone looked at Zhang Liang in silence, and then at Meng Li.

Now, only this general can solve these problems.

Meng Li looked at Zhang Liang coldly for a long while, then whispered: "Go back!"

Yan Tie was silly for a moment, then stammered and asked, "General, General, where are we going back, this...what about this person?"

He pointed to Zhang Liang who was lying on the ground.

"Return to the Yan Palace."

Saying this, Meng Li turned around, stretched out his hand and hugged An Rushuang directly, and whispered: "Let’s rest for a while, we will be there soon. Father-in-law and mother-in-law are now in the county guard house. You send it back."

Saying this, without waiting for An Rushuang to say anything, he went straight to the carriage outside the door.

An Rushuang's small face is a bit hot, this person is really not ashamed to speak...

Who is his father-in-law? !

An Rushuang got into the carriage, but never thought that there was still one in it.

She opened her eyes wide and called out: "Xianxian! Why are you girl here?!"

Meng Li curled his lips slightly. It seemed that she was a little late to take this girl, but Shuang'er still liked it very much.

Thinking this way, he whispered: "I'm just outside, call me if you have anything to do."

With that, he reached out and lowered the curtains for them.

As soon as the curtain of the car was lowered, Zhu Xianxian's eyes reddened instantly, and he hurriedly rushed over to check An Rushuang up and down, and asked again and again: "How is it, what's the discomfort? There is something wrong, tell me, know?"

Saying this, the whole heart fell on An Rushuang, automatically ignoring the children in her arms.

An Rushuang was watched up and down by her, and the little guy was disturbed, and couldn't help crying groaningly.

And first it was a cat-like grunt, and after a while, the voice became louder.

Zhu Xianxian was taken aback for a moment, and his eyes instantly froze in An Rushuang's arms.

She blinked, pointed at the little guy in her arms, and stuttered: "This...this is..."

An Rushuang couldn't help but laughed out loud, patted his still slightly bulging abdomen, and whispered, "It came out here."

Zhu Xianxian was sluggish for a long while, tears couldn't help running around in his eyes, looking at An Rushuang, crying: "Shuang'er...Shuang'er, you have suffered."

Her appearance was so irritating that her eyes were slightly wet.

An Rushuang shook his head heavily: "Nothing, Slim, I'm fine, really."

Zhu Xianxian only thought it was her words of comfort, so she cried, and then gave up.

But she said that she was crying, and it made Ping'er cry as well. The two played a duet, which was really more lively than outside.

After Zhu Xianxian retracted her tears, she asked An Rushuang with her red eyes, "Shuang'er, who is the person who took you away? To be so bold, I thought before, I thought you... "

With that said, tears fell again.

Mingyue said in the past that this girl is really made of water, which seems to be true.

Fearing that she would cry again, An Rushuang quickly drew her attention away, and squeezed Xiao Ping'er into this girl's arms.

"Let's take a look at Ping'er, Xianxian, how can you say, you are also his godmother!"

The godmother blinked and stammered: "Really...really?"

Seeing her like this, An Rushuang couldn't help but laughed out loud and nodded again and again: "Really!"

At the same time, Meng Li was also attracted by the laughter as the horse rushed outside.

He turned his head to look at the carriage, and a smile slowly appeared on his stern face.