MTL - Being Scolded As a Loser? All the Big Guys In Beijing Are Rushing To Pamper Me-Chapter 629 I want them to pay the same price

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Chapter 629 I want them to pay the same price

The Queen Mother Yin had stopped bleeding for almost a day and was extremely weak. She lay on the smelly and dirty ground, not knowing whether she would live or die.

 Suddenly my hair was pulled, and I woke up from the pain.

 Opening his eyes, he saw that it was her mother-in-law's sister-in-law, and her eyes suddenly hardened.

 “What are you doing, are you crazy!”

 She is a majestic Queen Mother, no cat or dog dares to make trouble in front of her!

Queen Mother Yin wanted to dodge, but she couldn't resist the anger of a dying man.

I got a few more blows.

"Ah!" She cried out in pain, looked at the people behind Mrs. Yin who were watching coldly, and said angrily: "Why are you standing there, why don't you get this crazy woman away from the Ai family!"

She didn't notice that the other people in the Yin family had cold eyes and looked like they wanted her to die.

No one stopped me.

Mrs. Yin sneered and pulled the Queen Mother Yin's hair with such force that she wanted to pull off her scalp.

While venting his anger, he said angrily:

"Yes, I am crazy. My son and grandson are going to be killed by you. How can I not be crazy? I want to eat your flesh, drink your blood, chop your bones into pieces and feed them to wild dogs..."

While speaking viciously, he hit the Queen Mother Yin again and again, completely losing the elegance of a lady.

The Yin family watched helplessly as their sister-in-law beat them and remained indifferent. The Queen Mother Yin knew what they were thinking.

Finding an opportunity, he bit Mrs. Yin's wrist and drank several mouthfuls of blood. She was thrown away and fell onto the straw mat where she slept.

"Hehehe..." Queen Mother Yin's face, mouth and teeth were all covered with blood, and she was smiling, not like a normal person.

The Yin family members saw her bloodthirsty and terrifying look with their own eyes. Even through the wooden fence, they were frightened. They supported Mrs. Yin, who turned pale in pain, and stepped back.

 Empress Dowager Yin stretched out her fingertips, wiped the blood from her mouth, and stuffed it into her mouth without wasting it.

“Sister-in-law’s blood tastes really bad. Sure enough, an elderly woman can’t compare to a young girl in her twenties.”

Yin family members: Then you drank so much!

As if she knew what the Yin family was thinking, the Queen Mother Yin smiled and said, "It's better than nothing. Who asked my sister-in-law to come to me? The blood that was given to me was free of charge... Don't give it to me for free."

Mrs. Yin felt so sick that she wanted to vomit, with a look of disgust on her face.

"Are you still human?"

 “Monster that **** human blood!”

"You shouldn't be living in this world! It's a shame that my grandson will die because of you at a young age. You harming bitch. Why should we pay for the mistakes you made? I will never let you go even if I'm a ghost -"

 Empress Dowager Yin did not speak.

 Looked at her steadily for a while, then suddenly smiled.

 “Lost your life because of mourning for your family?”

The Queen Mother Yin shook her head with a smile, and was arranging her unsightly hair that had been pulled by her sister-in-law. When she saw a big bundle falling on her lap, she was startled for a moment, with pity in her eyes.

“The Yin family was not harmed by the Ai family. You are where you are today purely because of greed.”

“It wasn’t just the Aijia who rebelled, there was also Uncle Yin Guo who was lucky enough to be struck to death by lightning... He didn’t need to be left dead.”

“Otherwise, why do you think the Yin family fell so quickly?”

Before Mrs. Yin could speak, her eldest daughter-in-law spoke with a tone of disbelief.


"The Yin family sticks to their duties and cannot rebel. Are you lying? Do you want to drive a wedge between us? Yes! That must be the case. You want to drive a wedge between us!"

Queen Mother Yin sneered, "If you insist on lying to yourself like this, I can't help it. Whatever you think, for you, the Yin family's imprisonment is all because of the Ai family."

 As he said this, his eyes showed a hint of sympathy.

"Anyway, you are about to go down. Wait and ask Uncle Yin Guo, who is determined to become emperor. Don't become a ghost and still be confused and don't know anything."

Mrs. Yin’s daughter-in-law was shaken. She looked at her mother-in-law and her lips trembled slightly. “Mother, is what the Queen Mother said true?”

 Other female relatives also looked at Mrs. Yin like this.

 They really don’t know anything…

Still thinking that when the emperor investigates clearly, the Queen Mother's rebellion has nothing to do with the Yin family, leaving more than a hundred members of the Yin family alive, even if they are exiled to the border, as long as they can survive.

 However, Queen Mother Yin's words tore off their calm façade.

"Mother...?" Mrs. Yin was silent.

She knew something about her father-in-law's rebellion and couldn't deny it.

 The female members of the Yin family were completely desperate.

 The tense nerves were severed, and he fell weakly to the ground, covering his face and crying bitterly.

 “The serious crime of punishing the Nine Tribes…”

Queen Mother Yin looked at this scene with the corners of her mouth raised.

 There are so many people who accompany you to die together, so you are not alone.

The female family members were crying, and the cries were heard next door. The men of the Yin family lowered their heads in despair and said nothing.

“I should have thought that such a day would come.” Mr. Yin murmured.


 They forget that the higher you fly, the more painful it will be if you fall!


 The next day, early in the morning.

The queen came out after praying for the emperor and the prince as usual. She learned from her nanny the news that the Yin family was reunited in prison, and she looked calm.

 “As a family, we should go together wherever we go.”

Just like back then, her prince's life was difficult, and she had already made plans...

 If...if Chen'er was gone, she would risk her life to avenge him, and then go with him.

Mammy is aware of what the Yin family did to the empress and the prince, and does not think the master is cruel.

Instead, he agreed, "What I'm saying makes sense."

"The Yin family has suffered retribution. Once they pay the price for what they have done, the empress should let go of this matter completely."

The queen knew that the nanny was doing it for her own good, so she smiled and nodded, "Yes."

As long as everything goes well for the emperor, there will be nothing difficult for her.

 “Where is the prince?”

Before Grandma could speak, a clear and pleasant voice sounded.

 “My son is here.”

His Royal Highness the Crown Prince walked over slowly and calmly under the clear breeze and bright moon.

  He bowed and looked at his mother with a smile in his eyes.

The queen pulled him to sit down, her eyes full of concern, "Why don't you put on a cloak so early in the morning? Even though it's hot now, it's still very cold in the morning. You haven't recovered for a long time. You need to take care of yourself. Remember to put on extra clothes in the future." .”

To his mother, who had devoted all her patience and tenderness to him, the prince could not say a word and agreed.

The queen is no longer verbose.

I chatted with my son for a while, then hesitantly asked a question.

 “How does your father plan to deal with the Yin family?”

The prince narrowed his phoenix eyes, covering up the flash of coolness in his eyes, and kicked back the words.

 “What do you think, the Queen Mother?”

"If I change the question, what will happen to the Yin family? Can the queen express her anger?"

When asking questions, he looked serious, as if no matter what the queen wanted, as long as she could relieve her anger, he would try his best to do it.

The queen was silent for a moment, picked up the teacup, and slid her fingers back and forth on the side of the cup, making it impossible to see her emotions.

 After a while, she spoke slowly, "From the perspective of the mother of a country, I should not comment, but..."

 The dignified and elegant woman looked at her son and continued: "From a mother's perspective, I want them to pay the price.

No matter how painful my son is, no matter how long he suffers, they should also taste the same feeling! "

 (End of this chapter)