MTL - Beiyin Great Sage-Chapter 599 savage

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  Chapter 599 Tian Man

  Zhou Yi dispersed and turned into a gray ape, his body lightly landed on the ground.

   Scanning the surroundings, he confirmed that there was no one nearby, then skillfully rummaged through the three corpses on the ground, took out something and put it in the bag.

   I don’t know whether these people are bold with high skills, or they have always acted like this. When they murdered, they actually carried a lot of good things with them.

   Among them, there are more than seven taels of Chijinsha alone.

  There are also gold, five poison pills...

   These are all cheap for him.

   After tidying up the scene a little, to confirm that no one would find any clues, Zhou Yifang quietly threw towards the dense forest.

   After a while.

  Two figures appeared nearby, and when they saw the corpse on the ground, their expressions couldn't help but change.

   "Bu brothers!"

   "They are the ones who died?"

  The three brothers of the Bu family have a good reputation, and the three of them may not be as good as a wild man when they join forces, but now they have turned into cold corpses.


  Looking at the traces left in the field, the attackers didn't have too much entanglement with them, but quickly crushed them with their absolute strength.

  In just a few moments, the three Bu family brothers died.

"go back."

  The two of them looked at each other, their expressions all fixed:

   "No matter who the attacker is, it should not be underestimated, and a long-term plan is needed."


   There was a breeze.

  The two people in the field have disappeared.

  The disappearance of the three brothers of the Bu family did not attract much attention. After all, similar things happened in Batu Caves from time to time, but they caused some ripples among certain groups.


   Zhou Yi didn't know.

  After he went back, he was immersed in his practice, and it took nearly a week before he appeared in the market again and set up his own stall.


  In the distant restaurant, Master Bao looked away, thinking:

   "Being able to kill the three brothers of the Bu family is pretty good. Could it be that Zhou Yi is backed by an expert?"

   "Hiss..." the woman stuck out her tongue:

   "If there are really tall people, why not show up?"

   "In my opinion, there is at most a backer, and it is likely to be unreliable. Otherwise, the surname Zhou would have been revealed long ago, and it would have saved trouble."


   Master Bao nodded slowly.

  He thinks the same way, but the current situation is unclear, but the death of the three brothers of the Bu family is real, so it is not appropriate to act rashly for the time being.

   His thoughts turned, and he turned his head to look in the other two directions.

   want to come.

  Those two should have the same thinking as him. Before Zhou Yi's background is figured out, they won't make a move easily in a short time.




   In a flash, it was two months.

  Because the newcomer Chijinsha was short of two catties, now he has to make up for it. During this period, Zhou Yi often comes to the market to sell fairy mushroom pills.

   From time to time, there will be a wave of price reduction promotions.

  The number of people who buy medicine to practice is fixed, and the demand for pills will not fluctuate too much. If he sells more, others will naturally sell less.

  This approach has no regard for others. Although it has a reputation, it may not be rational.

  It doesn't matter for a short time.

   Over time,

   Some people can't stand it.

   "Brother Bao."

  Wu Jiu, who is like a hemp stick and has sharp eyes, pushed the door in, glanced at Master Bao who was curled up in the corner hugging the stove to keep warm, and said slowly:

   "It's really rare that there is no alchemy today."

   "Well..." Master Bao moved his body and said:

   "Business is not good, just take the opportunity to nourish the spirit, money is something outside of the body, earning is endless, and the body is more important."

   "Hmph!" Wu Jiu snorted coldly:

   "I don't think you have any business?"

   "To each other." Master Bao sat up straight and asked:

   "Brother Wu is a rare visitor, what's the matter?"

   "Why bother to ask questions knowingly." Wu Jiu frowned:

   "During this period of time, the surname Zhou sold a lot of fairy mushroom pills in the market. It is said that even the qi refiners have specifically inquired about his situation, and my business has been greatly affected."

   "No." Master Bao shook his head:

   "Zhou Yi's Xiangu Pill is not cheap. Not many people can afford the price and are willing to buy it. Brother Wu is a little alarmist."

  The pills he sells are mainly low-priced and low-quality products, and there are not many high-quality pills.

   So the impact is not big.

  But Wu Jiu is different.

  In addition to refining the five poison elixirs, he also has two high-priced elixirs in his hands. During this period, due to the impact of the mushroom elixir, his income must have dropped sharply.

   "Brother Bao."

   Pulling over the chair and sitting down, Wu Jiu said directly:

   "Ming people don't speak dark words, and the elixir business surnamed Zhou has an impact on us. If this continues, you know it's not a problem."

   "..." Master Bao pursed his lips:

   "What are you going to do?"

   "I have inquired about it." Wu Jiu said:

   "Although Zhou Yi is a member of Junior Brother Shuode, he is not welcomed because he is an outsider. He should have no backing behind him."

   "Brother Bao should know more about these things than I do."

   Master Bao was noncommittal.

   "Except for the five poison pills and Bajiu pills sold by the Black Immortal Master's shop, other businesses in the market are almost monopolized by you and the toad." Wu Jiu continued:

   "You don't want to add one more person to dilute the profit, right?"

   "If Zhou is a Tianman or an outer disciple, that's fine. He's just a gold digger with no background."

   "Why did he rob us?"

   "Brother Wu." Master Bao frowned:

   "Zhou Yi is from outside the mountains. He is an art investment teacher. No one knows how strong he is. The death of the three brothers of the Bu family is just around the corner, so there may not be no background."

   "You're right." Mentioning this matter, Wu Jiu's complexion sank:

   "I suspect that Zhou Yi was the one who killed the three brothers of the Bu family."


  Master Bao raised his eyebrows:

   "In this way, his strength is not weak."

   "So what?" Wu Jiu looked coldly:

   "He is not Tianman after all, and this is the opportunity we are waiting for. If the surname Zhou Cheng Tianman enters the Black Wind Cave and becomes an outer disciple."

   "Some things are not so convenient!"

   Master Bao was silent.

  Gold digging slaves carry the word slave, which already shows their identity and status.

  Once one becomes an outer disciple of Batu Caves, it means breaking away from slavery and standing on the same level as them, without many constraints, even if one wants to do something, one cannot get it out in the open.

   Just like Wu Jiu.

  It was also unknown before, but the practice of Goshawk Jue proved to be wild, and after becoming an outer disciple, he immediately took away the alchemy method of others.

   Steal other people's business directly, and no one said much.

"Feel sorry!"

  After pondering for a long time, Master Bao finally shook his head:

   "I can't agree to this matter."


  Wu Jiu was not surprised by this, the corner of his mouth twitched, and said:

   "You don't need to do anything, I just intend to borrow something from you, Brother Bao, won't you be reluctant?"


   "Scorpio poison!"


  Hearing this, Master Bao narrowed his eyes:

   "Are you going to ask that scorpion to do it?"

   "Not bad." Wu Jiu nodded:

   "Bo Erjin's compatibility with the cultivation method in the Tianman realm is close to the middle stage, and he has been trying to find a way to break through. He will not refuse this invitation."

   "Scorpio poison alone, I'm afraid I won't be able to move him." Master Bao said.

   "That toad is also willing to contribute." Wu Jiu said:

   "Plus he owes me a favor, so he definitely won't refuse."


   While others were discussing how to deal with Zhou Yi, he was not at his residence at this time, but changed into brand new clothes and came to the real Batu Caves resident.


  Just stepped on the stone steps at the foot of the mountain, a cold voice came from above:

   "What is it?"

   "Zhou Yi, a gold digger slave, has completed his meritorious deeds and has now attained the realm of heaven and barbarism. He is here to pay his respects to the immortal master, and he will become the master of the Black Wind Cave."

   Zhou Yi cupped his hands, his voice clear and clear, neither humble nor overbearing.

   "Tian Man?"

   There was a blur in front of my eyes, and a person appeared in front of me.

  The person who came was wearing armor and had a strong and steady aura. The person who cultivated should be one of the eight evil spirits, the bear body.

  The armor on his body matches his breath, giving the impression of a giant blind bear standing in front of him.


  The aura of this person is more than ten times stronger than that of the mountain black bear?

  One breath seems to be able to blow a fishy wind.

   "Gold Digger."

  Looked at Zhou Yi for a while, the other side looked slightly relaxed, nodded and asked:

   "Have you ever made up for the lack of Chijinsha?"

   "Brother back."

   Zhou Yi handed over:


   As he spoke, he handed over the proof of full payment, which he has been busy with for a while.

  (end of this chapter)