MTL - Bent By the Male Protagonist’s White Moonlight-Chapter 40

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It is autumn, the villa is located in a remote place, sparsely populated, and the temperature is lower at night.

But the atmosphere in the room was scorching hot. Meng Xia bit her lip to suppress the sound that was about to overflow from her throat. She didn't even dare to breathe too hard. The room was dark and quiet, and her sense of touch became sharper.

Ning Qingwan knelt down on one knee, Meng Xia naturally fell down with her strength, she was dizzy from the kiss, the air in her mouth was grabbed, her body became uncontrollably soft, and the nightdress was rolled up to her lower abdomen. , with some cool hands, like magic, wherever they go, they make fire everywhere.

Meng Xia couldn't help trembling when her cool hand was on her lower abdomen, her reason was instantly pulled back, and the chaotic fog dissipated and gradually became awake. She held Ning Qingwan's hand tightly and called timidly, "Sister …”

Ning Qingwan was stunned for a moment, her hand on Yingying's slender waist tightened, and Meng Xia, who was being held down, couldn't help but snorted.

The air was still, Ning Qingwan didn't move any more, she propped herself up and stared at Meng Xia's misty almond eyes, there were tears in those eyes, the water was glistening, with a hint of shyness, very green, especially hooked people.

After being silent for a while, Ning Qingwan let go of the hand on her waist, pulled down the nightgown that was rolled up under her chest, and tidied it up, turned over and hugged the person in her arms, and gently kissed her forehead, "I'm afraid already?"

The man in his arms panted and didn't answer.

Ning Qingwan frowned slightly, her eyes were deep and hot in the dark night, and her long eyelashes were drawn down to hide her dark emotions.

She was always afraid that she would be too fast and would frighten her, so she restrained and suppressed it, but when she was in love, she couldn't help it, and all her restraint and reason were defeated by desire when she was in love. She never thought that she would have any thoughts about this kind of thing before, but now she realizes that in the face of Meng Xia, her desire will grow wildly.

"I won't touch you until you're ready." Ning Qingwan comforted her in a low voice, rubbing the back of her head gently.

In fact, it's not like she's afraid. If Ning Qingwan wanted it, Meng Xia would also be willing, but she was a little uneasy. She was afraid of being heard or discovered.

This sentence made Meng Xia's heart soften and soften. It was almost on the verge of breaking out just now, but Ning Qingwan still stopped. She held Ning Qingwan's nightgown in her hands, "I'm not afraid...don't be here..."

After a few more seconds of silence, Ning Qingwan seemed to understand her concerns and unease. She pulled the quilt to cover the two of them tightly, then lowered her head and kissed them again.

The quilt was pulled away, Meng Xia's red lips were slightly open and she was panting heavily. Ning Qingwan was by her side, her breath was unsteady, she said with a smile, "Is there any other place?"

This was an explicit and implicit reference to the game problem at night. Meng Xia turned her back to her with a blushing face and shyness, and quickly said, "Good night, sister."

There was another muffled laughter behind him.

Meng Xia bit her lip and endured the surging emotions. She was very tired today, and fell asleep not long after she stopped making a fuss.

Meng Xia's sleeping appearance was not particularly good. The two beds in the bedroom were not big, but Ning Qingwan slept together with her. In the second half of the night, she thought she was sleeping on the bed in the dormitory, holding a doll.

As soon as the leg was lifted, it was placed on Ning Qingwan's waist. The curvature of the slender waist was just right. It was very comfortable to put the leg on, but it was miserable for the person who was pressed. Ning Qingwan suddenly opened her eyes and looked at the sleeping person, both angry and funny.

The pulp of the fingers rubbed the smooth legs, moved from the thigh to the calf, kneaded a little, the strength was just right.

Meng Xia felt comfortable, humming for a while, and the strength on his legs suddenly increased. She unconsciously retracted her legs but was shackled by her ankles, and Xiuzhi's brows tightened.

The slender eyelashes trembled twice, Meng Xia struggled to open her eyes, but soon, the sense of restraint on her ankles disappeared, she was so tired, she just let herself go to sleep without caring.

In the early morning, Meng Xia had a nightmare and dreamed about the original plot. In the days when the show was about to end, the original heroine and Ji Tong had a relationship in the room.

She always thought it was the heroine's will, but when the dream was clear, she saw the heroine's scarlet eyes full of fear in a trance. Suddenly, the picture in the dream flipped, and she became the heroine, and Ji Tong dragged her into the room behind him.

Meng Xia was panting and struggling desperately. When she felt that she was about to be suffocated by despair, her body was pulled into a warm embrace. The familiar fragrance of mint calmed her heart a little bit.

"Baby." Ning Qingwan called her softly.

Meng Xia opened her eyes and saw Ning Qing's beautiful face. As she relaxed, her nose became sour, "Sister..."

"I am here."

Ning Qingwan stroked her back again and again, "Don't be afraid."

The sky was white with fish belly, and the light passed through the window and through the curtain to coat the room with a soft glow. Meng Xia recovered from the nightmare. She buried her head in Ning Qingwan's arms, craving for the cold mint aroma, "Sister."

"Well, I'm here." Ning Qingwan stretched out her hand to scrape the wetness from the corner of her eyes, "Have a nightmare? What are you dreaming about and are afraid of like this."

"Well..." Meng Xia pursed her lips, why she suddenly had such a dream, and she didn't know if it was because of last night... After a while in her heart, she didn't tell Ning Qingwan the content of the nightmare, she only said, "I can't remember it. But it's scary."

Ning Qingwan didn't ask any more questions, rubbed the back of her head lightly and coaxed her for a while, "It's still early, sleep a little longer?"

Meng Xia was very kind, so he drilled into Ning Qingwan's arms and put his arms around her waist, as if he was holding his only safety wood in the floating sea, tightly not letting go.

"Go to sleep."

She hugged tightly, Ning Qingwan frowned, her expression gloomy, and she was afraid that she could not remember what the dream was.

But she didn't say anything, and still patted Meng Xia's back soothingly, coaxing her to sleep.

When Meng Xia woke up again, Ning Qingwan was still asleep, her eyebrows stretched out, her long eyelashes curled up, and she was more feminine. Her long hair was scattered on the pillow, messy, lazy, and sexy. of.

When she had nightmares, she felt like she was about to die, but when she opened her eyes, the person she loved was by her side, giving her infinite tenderness and treating her like a treasure. At that moment, she truly felt that she was alive again.

Meng Xia gently kissed Ning Qingwan's forehead, as Ning Qingwan did to her, extremely gentle, like snowflakes falling on her cheeks.

Then she gently left Ning Qingwan's embrace with extreme reluctance, got up to wash and went downstairs to the kitchen to prepare breakfast.

At the console in the kitchen, Susan was frying eggs and making sandwiches for himself. He heard the movement and raised his eyes, "Are you eating sandwiches?"

"No need, thank you Sister Su." Meng Xia walked into the console and started busy with the breakfast she was making, and asked casually, "Are the others still asleep?"

"Shen Lan is still sleeping, Dr. Xiao went out early in the morning, Zhang Yang just went out, the other two don't know." Susan watched Meng Xia cut the pumpkin and put it in the steamer, "Eat this in the morning? Steamed pumpkin ?"

Meng Xia shook his head, "Make a pumpkin soup." He took out the cod from the refrigerator, "Let's fry another cod."

"You're pretty good at living."

"If it was me, I might not have breakfast."

The implication is that this is all for that person, Susan suddenly felt bland and a little choking when looking at the sandwich in his hand.

"Make more pumpkin soup, give me a bowl."

Meng Xia nodded in response.

The two chatted one after another, and when the breakfast was almost ready, Shen Lan and Ning Qingwan went downstairs one after the other.

"I'm going, it's delicious!" Shen Lan was so hungry that she was going to lose weight recently, so she skipped the meal last night.

Ning Qingwan woke up and found that there was no one beside her. After a moment's stunned reaction, she realized that Meng Xia was about to get up and make breakfast first, so she was not surprised when she went downstairs and smelled the fragrance.

It's just... Ning Qingwan glanced at Susan and Shen Lan who had already started drinking pumpkin soup, and pressed her eyebrows with a headache. She had never been so stingy about sharing as she is now.

After Meng Xia put the pan-fried cod on a plate, she filled a bowl of pumpkin soup for Ning Qingwan, and brought it to the table and moved it to Ning Qingwan, "Sister, your breakfast~"

The end note is raised, and the voice is gentle and soft, like coaxing a child.

A faint smile appeared on Ning Qingwan's face, delighted by Meng Xia's coaxing.

"Why only Ning Qingwan has cod to eat!" Shen Lan expressed envy, looking straight at the plate in front of Ning Qingwan.

Meng Xia pursed her lips and smiled embarrassedly, and explained, "I don't know when you will get up, Sister Lan, so I didn't do it."

Ning Qingwan glanced at her meaningfully when she heard the words, and said nothing, eating the breakfast slowly.

It is enough to drink soup, Shen Lan is just joking, and doesn't really care about anything. She drank the soup contentedly, and when she looked down and saw the mottles on her nails, she said aggrievedly, "Hey, I was so busy a while ago, I didn't have time to do my nails, I bought a manicure lamp and thought about doing it myself, but it turned out to be ugly. died."

Meng Xia glanced at Shen Lan's nails and volunteered, "I'll do it for Sister Lan~"

Shen Lan exclaimed, "Xia Xia, what kind of treasure girl are you, you can do nails too."

"I know a little bit." Meng Xia pursed her lips and smiled. She often worked part-time before she wore books, and she also went to nail salons to do it. At that time, her master praised her for her skill.

Shen Lan sighed, "Whoever will marry you in the future is really happy to die."

"The person who married her shouldn't need to do nails." Ning Qingwan interrupted suddenly.

Susan glanced at Ning Qingwan meaningfully, she unconsciously clenched her hands, her long fingernails were pinched into her palms, aching slightly, a mass of qi was stagnant in her heart, and the more she could not disperse, the tighter it became.

Men really don't need to do nails, Shen Lan didn't think much about it, laughed twice, and turned around to find that Meng Xia's face was flushed and she was really cute, but she just thought she was embarrassed by being praised, and complimented a few more words in high spirits.

"Being your best friend will kill you happily~" Shen Lan glanced at Ning Qingwan and Susan, "I have brought all the tools for making nails, do you want to join us?"

Ning Qingwan refused, "No need."

Susan gritted her teeth, "No." Not only did she not, she also had to cut her nails.

Shen Lan stared at the two's nails for a while, then scratched her head, "It's trendy to get bald this year? Keep your nails clean and fresh?"

Meng Xia's ears were red with blood. She didn't understand this before, but she accidentally saw it when she was looking up related information about lesbians. In addition to yesterday's, she basically understood it completely.

"Have you bought breakfast?" Ji Tong entered the house at some point, carrying two bags of food in his hand, which looked like soy milk, fritters, noodles or something.

Shen Lan shook her head and declined to say that she was enough to drink the pumpkin soup. Susan glanced at him and said that she was full. Meng Xia and Ning Qingwan drank the soup silently, ignoring him.

Ji Tong held the bag in his hand, suppressing his emotions, looked at the pumpkin soup in their hands, and pulled out a seemingly mild smile, "Is there any pumpkin soup?"

"It seems there is still." Shen Lan replied, but when she turned around, she saw Su Jiabei pouring the last bit of pumpkin soup into the glass, shrugged, and regretted Ji Tong, "It's gone now."

Ji Tong: "…"

After that, Meng Xia helped Shen Lan with nails, and Shen Lan was very satisfied. At 10 o'clock in the morning, Xiao Sixuan and Zhang Yang returned to the villa, and the guests were all together.

The program team arranged a new task, and asked everyone to put the pre-prepared greeting gifts on the table in the living room, and then go to the living room to pick gifts in order of the number of anonymous text messages received.

Confirm the date of the next two days according to the selected gift. The first day is for the person who gave the gift and the person who received the gift to experience their own work or study environment for one day, and the second day is for the person who received the gift to experience the gift-giving experience. .

Meng Xia, who received the three text messages, was the first to choose gifts. On the table in the living room, there was a welcome gift prepared by everyone. In order to let the people who cared about choose their own gifts, the gifts everyone prepared were very obvious. Can know who prepared it.

Meng Xia looked at the gifts stacked on the table - a whole box of lipstick, racing model, shoulder massager, fisherman hat, clavicle chain with full design, diamond-encrusted hand-embroidered jacket, ukulele and prepared by Meng Xia himself of homemade wood carving pendants. She has been carving for a long time and ruined several.

The eyes fall on the fisherman hat, which is a very ordinary style. In the end, Meng Xia picked up the ukulele and looked at it, as if she saw something, her brows twitched, her lips pressed tightly together.

Next was Ning Qingwan, who picked up the woodcarving pendant without any hesitation and made a quick decision.

After everyone had received the greetings, the eight people gathered back to the living room. Meng Xia carried the ukulele and glanced at the things in the hands of everyone.

Shen Lan held the fisherman hat, Su Jiabei put the jacket on directly, Zhang Yang held the shoulder and neck massager, Xiao Sixuan held the collarbone chain, Susan held a whole box of lipsticks, Ji Tong looked hesitantly. Holding a racing car model.

Focusing on the woodcarving pendant in Ning Qingwan's hand, Meng Xia felt the unevenness on the surface of the piano and secretly heaved a sigh of relief.

Everyone communicated who gave the gift they took, and the date of the next two days also surfaced, and the dust settled.

Except for Meng Xia and Ning Qingwan, Shen Lan and Su Jiabei, the others were basically staggered.

Susan opened a whole box of lipsticks, and said without a smile, "Mr. Ji is so proud to give something, please keep it up tomorrow, I'm more of a money-worshipper."

Ji Tong pursed his lips and squeezed out two words, "Definitely."

Everyone discussed the gifts they had prepared for a while. When Meng Xia heard that Ning Qingwan said that the ukulele was made by herself, her heart was rippling. She looked down and touched the small, not very obvious carvings on the surface of the piano. Rabbit, the corners of his lips could no longer be held back slightly.

Without noticing for a while, the fingers plucked the strings inadvertently.

The voice sounded abruptly, and everyone who was discussing the next day's affairs all looked at her. Meng Xia smiled awkwardly, and Shen Lan asked her, "Can you play?"

Meng Xia shook his head. Ning Qingwan took the opportunity to get up and rubbed her head, "I teach you how to play?"

Teaching the piano must not be in front of everyone, so the two naturally took this excuse to go to the glass hut outside the villa.

The sun is very good, and the flowers in the glass cabin are elegant. Ning Qingwan taught patience, and Meng Xia studied seriously, but it was just too close, Ning Qingwan's hair would swipe around her neck from time to time, making her neck itchy and her heart itching.

Whenever Ning Qingwan's hands plucked the strings, Meng Xia felt that the pair of slender and fair hands plucked the strings of his own heart.

One time, another time, provocative, long aftertaste.

After teaching for a while, Meng Xia learned to play by herself, while Ning Qingwan played with the wood carving pendant and touched the pattern on the wood carving with her fingertips. She frowned thoughtfully. If she didn't get it right, she was so attentive. Did the gift fall into someone else's hands?

"Don't prepare your own gift next time, I'm afraid I won't get it right." Ning Qingwan turned slightly and whispered into Meng Xia's ear.

Meng Xia blinked, the corners of her lips curved, and she said that Ning Qingwan had made this ukulele herself, so she wasn't afraid that she would get it wrong.

"Sister, I have made other small gifts for you alone."

Ning Qingwan was very interested, "What?"

"Secret, I'll give it to you tomorrow."

tantalize? Ning Qingwan raised her eyebrows, and after a while, she leaned into her ear and exhaled, "Don't say it?"

Meng Xia shrank his neck, widened his eyes, looked at the photo shoot and followpd on the side, how dare Ning Qingwan became more courageous, and he had already ignored it.

Ning Qingwan glanced at them indifferently, and pretended to be blind in tacit agreement with the camera and followpd. It seemed that Lin Youran gave some instructions in the headset, so they simply put away the equipment and left.

Almond's eyes widened even more. Is this the power of capitalists? Ning Qingwan, the "capitalist" in her eyes, immediately grabbed her ears and asked in a nasal voice, "Huh?"

Meng Xia gasped, gritted her teeth but didn't say anything.

Seeing that she was so resolute not to say anything, Ning Qingwan didn't bother much, and left for a while, whispering, "Actually, I already have the gift I want the most..."

As her voice weakened, Meng Xia looked up at her in confusion, "What?"

Ning Qingwan opened her mouth and said a word silently. Meng Xia blushed as she watched her red lips move.


The author has something to say: The author has nothing to say when he is finished. Thank you to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2020-09-2023:10:46~2020-09-2123:13:19~