MTL - Best Ex-wife: President, Don’t Count on Me-Chapter 942 It's like watching a super fool

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On the helicopter.

Abel leaned back in his chair, looking farther and farther out of the porthole, the smaller and smaller Emperor's Manor, with a contemptuous smile in his eyes.

They still fear the Ai Landi family, although they are only a side branch!

Able, like Emperor Hong, belonged to a descendant who was not written into the genealogy by the family of Emperor Ai Lan, but after all his identity was made public, and his surname can be surnamed, which means that he was recognized by the family, even if he had no inheritance rights The status alone is the glory aura of Emperor Ai Lan's family, that is also the supreme glory!

It's said how a great boy out of the emperor's family is so powerful.

Abel glanced sideways at the imperial wind sitting not far from him. The child did not seem to have suffered in the emperor's house, but he had been silent from the meeting until now.

Does he think he came too late?

A descendant of the Emperor Ai Lan family was so easily caught by others, and he was not afraid of being embarrassed when he said it, but he was embarrassed to lose my temper here!

Abel's heart was a little annoyed, and he couldn't help but ask, "How did you get caught by them?"

There was a trace of embarrassment on the face of Emperor Feng, which was even more silent.

What can he say? Say you planted it in a woman's hand?

Seeing him as if he hadn't heard it at all, Abel couldn't control his anger and couldn't help raising his voice: "Ask you!"

The emperor wind turned back and gave Abel a light look, his eyes cold.

Abel only felt a cold burst into the back of his head, and could not bear the secret breath.

I haven't seen it for a while. Why did this child become like this?

Because the identity of the dynasty wind is not visible, he has been kept outside, and Abel has not met him many times, let alone how much father and son. Malicious, but this time, he even felt sharp hatred from the bottom of his eyes!

Abel was angry and helpless.

He wanted to take out the majesty of his parents, but he was afraid of annoying the imperial style. It's so gray, it seems that I can't swallow this breath!

Abel glanced at the Monarch wind, his lips moved and moved, and he was speechless.

The atmosphere between father and son was strangely silent.

After a while, Abel couldn't hold his breath and reminded him: "The family is punishing the kid. At this time, don't go with the chaos. After this time, we will sit again. Take advantage of the fisherman!"


The emperor wind sneered sarcastically, and looked at Abel's eyes as if he were a super fool.

"what do you know?"

His tone was full of sarcasm, like a wasp with a poisonous needle, and he came straight to Abel, and stabbed it one by one.

Abel was uncomfortable, but he couldn't resist his curiosity: "What do you know?"

The emperor wind snorted heavily again: "They are not punishing the emperor's family, they are testing!"

Abel frowned: "Test?"

Generally speaking, the family will only test those who are qualified for inheritance. I heard that the test is extremely cruel, but everyone wants to try it. After all, once they pass, they will become the masters of this family. Become the king of countless commercial fields!

"Where did you hear the news? I'm afraid you heard it wrong?"

Abel was very determined: "They are illegitimate children who are not recognized by the family at all, how could it be a test?" The wind of the emperor suddenly raised the tone, ridiculed: "This is to ask you! The same are illegitimate children, how is the differential treatment so big?"

Abel was speechless, and his old face was swollen with pig liver.

The emperor style very much minds his identity, an illegitimate child of an illegitimate child!

Therefore, he has a weak relationship with his father and son, and has long complained.

This point, Abel is not ignorant, so he has been trying to ease, but identity is something that has been determined from birth, and he is really helpless.

Abel's heart was difficult to remove, but there was no way to explain it. A deep disappointment and vicissitudes appeared in his face.

The name of illegitimate child has followed him throughout his life. In these decades of life, he has been ridiculed, ridiculed, and white-eyed by countless people, but he never thought that he would be used as a sword by his own son. Arrow through heart!

"Are you blaming me for not giving you a good background?" Abel asked bitterly.


The emperor wind did not conceal his disgust and contempt.

"If you are not an illegitimate child, then I am a righteous heir!"

Abel's lips moved.

He wanted to say: Even if I am not an illegitimate child, you are too. According to family regulations, you are not eligible for heirs.

But after all, he didn't say anything.

Some truths are too painful to reveal.

"A Feng!" Abel persuaded patiently, "In fact, there is nothing wrong with being a side branch. After all, it is very hard and tiring to take care of the business of such a big family. It is better to be a side branch and relax. After this time has passed, I will find a way for the family to recognize you. Although they do not have the right to inherit, staying in the Ai Landi family, even if you do nothing, you can still eat, drink, and worry all your life."

The emperor Feng scorned his lips: "I am not interested in looking at the door."

Abel: "..."

Emperor Feng's words, like a boring stick knocked in his heart, almost spit out the old blood in Abel's heart!

Abel couldn't help but stretch his hand and press his heart, trying to calm down the tumultuous breath he kept rolling up.

He felt that he had worked hard to raise a white-eyed wolf, no, to be more precise, it was more like a cobra! Because the emperor wind all exudes a gloomy temperament, cold and bitter, as long as someone approaches, it can't help but become cold all over the body!

But he is his own son after all!

Abel sighed in his heart, depressed the infinite bitterness of his heart, and brought a bit of a joke: "You will not look at the door, you are more capable than me!"

The Emperor Feng hummed, turned his head, and stopped talking.

He had a great opportunity to change his life. The grand plan, he felt, was nothing before. But in the end, it was planted in the hands of a woman!

Thinking of the warmth, the emperor clenched his fists subconsciously, and the back molars creaked.

The woman who made him love and hate!

In the two days of being trapped in the emperor's family, she thought of her the most!

Abel shuddered as he looked at Emperor Juefeng's expression.

"A Feng, do you hate me like this? You make yourself like a kid from the emperor's family, even if the name is obtained like him, they are illegitimate children who are not even treated by the family, and even the surname can't be used, It’s hard to see forever in my life! It’s hard to do it. Are you more willing to be the son of the emperor’s family?"

