MTL - Bestial Blade-Chapter 25 Life and death intersect

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Elder Jushan was taken aback. He did not expect that Huayi was so difficult to deal with, and he did not expect that the Asian beast boy who could only eat and sleep stupidly and did n’t even talk personally was even more difficult to deal with.

The slasher's attack range is very wide. If it is not for Chang'an to take care of the back of Huayi, which has already killed the red eye, the destructive power in the crowd may be even more amazing-would all the beast monsters in the world be touched by silver teeth Have you arrived?

The elder's nerves had collapsed to the extreme. As soon as he heard the tight footsteps and horseshoe sounds, the whole person was a trembling spirit, and a "bang" in his brain, he knew that it was a branch out of the knot.

However, immediately afterwards, the people who were in a chaotic mess could see where the men and horses that came from far away came from. Those people carried human bone flags, all of them were big men, and the elders were shocked first. Shocked, but then suddenly a happy one-came from the ghost tribe!

The people of the ghost tribe do n’t produce anything, they do n’t do business all day long, they just wander around and burn and plunder. Of course, it ’s not a good thing, but the elders of the Giant Mountain let go of them to collude with them. They became allies.

The orcs and soldiers who killed and hunted all day could not speak to each other. In the eyes of the elders, they came just right. Even the wheel wars, these dozens of gangsters could block those two people inside.

But before the elders had time to be happy, a spear didn't know what to do. He shot from the back of those people and hit the thigh of one of the monsters in the ghost tribe. The monster was running down the hillside. Unable to stop, he rolled off the hillside unexpectedly, knocking down several of his companions like a hugely lethal ball.

Then the elder noticed that the length of the human bone flag was not right, but it had already been halved.

He pulled away the guards around him, turned into a human form, jumped on the body of a beast-shaped body, and stared anxiously away from the past, as if he was splashed with a basin of cold water by his head-the elder only found out, that The momentum is not from these dozens of people. The gangsters of the ghost tribe in the past are clearly being carried away, and the sound of killing behind them has shook the sky, and the spear arrows are like raindrops. From the top down.

The poor elder is a few years old, but in the blink of an eye, his heart has risen and fallen several times, and he can hardly find the north.

The elder's desperate ascension made him a living target. Of course, Huayi would not miss this opportunity. He suddenly caught the neck of a beast that fled in a crowd, that beast. Kneeling with a soft leg, Huayi stepped on his back, leaping in the air, and throwing off the nine-inch knife at an extremely tricky angle.

He passed the elder's throat almost unsurprisingly, and lost his weapon when he landed.

The sword and the orc's claws came one after another, and they were pressed down from his head. From the perspective of Huayi, it was almost impossible to see the sun. If he did not move, he would be chopped into a flesh, even if it turned into an animal shape. Was crushed underground.

However, the saber that has been following him, has grasped the gap between the weapons for a moment, and passed through the cartilage on the claw of an orc. Changan pressed the shank to the extreme, added his own weight, and raised the blade high, so he was actually asked to hold the blow.

However, there was only a moment of fire with sparkles. Changan never oppressed his opponent with the "heavy weight" of the saber. This time, he had no choice but to bear the weight of the sabre himself. His hand was shaking when pressing the handle. The force of the force brought by the blade caused him to pull off the force almost immediately, and the joint of the right wrist suddenly staggered.

Chang'an was forced to let go, and the blade side of the saber was pressed down again.

He was not at a loss. The end of the knife handle that had touched the ground bounced up. He didn't look away from Huayi, leaned back sideways, and bumped the knife handle in one direction with his shoulder. The blade almost wiped Huayi. The hair swept across, straight across the body of an orc, but the knife handle just fell on Huayi's hand.

Huayi immediately reached out and grabbed, bent over, and put the sabre off his back, wiped several people's necks, and slammed into the scimitar flying behind him.

He was not war-fighting, opened his way with a saber, turned around and picked up Chang'an, and instantly transformed into a beast shape, throwing the man and the knife together on his back, but within a few steps, it stood out from the siege.

At the same time, the ghost tribes running down the hillside finally reached the valley with a fart and rushed into the valley, rushing into the rebel crowds of these giant mountain tribes in desperation. group.

The old blind can't look at him. Although he is an orc, his fighting power is basically no. He was lying on the back of an orc. He was thrown down somehow and fell back to the ground. At this time, he heard A familiar horn sound from one direction.

That was the horn used by the Giant Hill Tribe to call on the warriors during the war.

He is a blind man. He cannot see the banner of the giant mountain on the other side of the hill. The invisible head of Luo Tong takes the giant mountain who is supposed to be entangled to look at it coldly. He cannot see Luo Tong either. Suddenly a wave of the machete, the hundred sword-slave half-beast-shaped warriors and roaring giants roared, forming a two-sided pinch with those who chased the ghost tribe.

But Lao Bl had only one thought in his mind—it was pitted.

The battle ended as if the autumn wind swept away the leaves.

Chang'an had never seen such a battle, holding his knife with one hand in a dull manner, and before he thought of returning his wrist, the battle was settled.

All the bandits of the Ghost Tribe and the rebels of the Giant Mountain are leaking, all of them are fuming.

The chaser behind that ghost tribe carried several different flags, and seemed to be an alliance of several tribes. The giant mountain leader Luo Tong stepped forward and bowed solemnly to those chaser, saying, "From me The traitors from this tribe have caused greedy walking dogs. I don't know what to say. "

The coalition forces of several tribes looked at each other, and a man with a sad look came out in the middle. He was silent for a moment, and then returned a ceremony, saying, "We are late."

Then he lowered his head, seemingly restraining something, the corners of his mouth tightened tightly, and after a long while, he said, "The enemy is dead."

Everyone understands that the meaning of a man is "having a wrongdoing and having a debtor," and he does not anger others.

Then, the man walked to Huayi.

Chang'an then jumped off from Huayi's back, silently backed to one side, raised his hand to "gala", and reset his wrist sharply.

Huayi turned into a human form and saw the man suddenly bow deeply and said, "You saved Aye, and I will be my friend of Cazo and our friend of the Blackhawk tribe. If you have something, tell us, Or find someone to write a letter, and we can all die for you. "

Huayi looked up, and on a distant hillside, a young girl was sitting on the back of a giant beast, the one he rescued.

When Cazzo finished speaking, he patted Huayi's shoulder vigorously, and then turned and left.

Just then, a person behind Luo Tong suddenly made a voice. It was a gentle and nice male voice, like a breeze, incompatible with this cruel battlefield. He only heard the man say, "Brother Cazzo, don't go away. "

Chang'an looked at the excitement idly and looked around, almost startled.

The man's face didn't know what was going on. It was like a colorful parlour with big hairs. I didn't know how to think about it. He wore a two-foot-high hat on his head, like There was a tower on his head, and it was surrounded by animal skins below, and it was completely soft and collapsed, and swayed left and right as he moved, like a big lantern that could walk.

Just listening to Huayi sighed slightly, as if feeling shame to the extreme, almost whispering indifferently: "Solem."

"Large Lantern" took a step forward and walked directly to Luo Tong side by side, saying, "The Blackhawk Tribe has suffered a great deal this time. So far, you have only less than twenty orcs and one hunter out of the hunt. How can an adult girl live? "

Cazor paused, watching him silently.

"Large Lantern" Solaimu bent down and said sincerely with his breezy voice: "Join us to live together, you can move to the fertile soil across the river and take over the property of these traitors who have killed your loved ones , Giant Mountain will be fair and enthusiastic to you as it is to your family. "

Cazor froze, then said he would discuss with his tribe.

So that night, several tribes that lived not far away one after another, and Cazor and Luo Tong and others had to stay and rest in this valley.

Huayi stretched a big lazy waist, and finally gave Luo Tong the task, and felt that his bones were a little lighter.

He was not busy handing over the tribe, but looked up at Chang'an. The young man still did not gather in the crowd, and was a bit out of place. I didn't know where to find a fruit, and he was very happy.

Huayi smiled suddenly and walked over to him.

Chang'an was sitting next to a small fire, and the Huayi people stood tall in front of him, almost blocking his light. He raised his head and heard Huayi say, "If it is the same as Kazuo, I will give it to you."

Chang'an can't talk about eating, and bite off half of the fruit with one bite, holding the cheek on one side bulging, looking at him for unknown reasons.

"I remember what happened today, and you will be my friend of Huayi in the future. If you have something, tell me or find someone to send a message, I can die for you."