MTL - Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife-Chapter 1601 Leak

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Luo Feiyang is almost as fat as the building, but it is a little shorter than the building, but in a wheelchair, there is no difference.

Jing Xi gave him a dark golden mask, a medicine, a box of dark blue contact lenses.

Luo Feiyang looked at the pile of things, and suddenly there was a thought in his mind!

If you have these camouflage, anyone can become Li Xiao!

That building is Ling...

He suddenly laughed because he found a big secret!

No wonder Jingxi is willing to marry in!

No wonder Luzi Ling said that he and Li Xiaoyi accompanied Jingxi one day!

It turned out that he was acting alone!

Jing Xi and Tan Ruyi face each other. I don’t know how Luo Feiyang suddenly became crazy and laughed. Is it because the revenge is too happy?

But not much like it!

Luo Feiyang was still laughing, and once again, he looked at the Lijia Manor again.

A good building!

This manor fell into his hands later?

Li Jia’s hundreds of billions of assets have also been returned to him?

Luo Feiyang simply wants to marry her, such a brilliant idea, how he did not expect!

Li Jia left a sly homeowner and Li Wei a woman, and they controlled them, which is equivalent to hundreds of billions of dollars in their pockets!

Li Wei is self-defeating!

When she was not killing her brothers and sisters, now she came out with a brother and sister to testify that Lou Ling is a fake Li Xiao, everything can be solved!

Unfortunately, among the descendants of the Li family, only one of her is left!

Li Jia’s centuries-old foundation will be renamed as a family name!



Louzi Ling can forbear for so long, disguised as another identity, robbing the family!

His eyes are red!

"Hee Hee, why don't you let Li Xiao go out of his own, or let Louzi Ling help, why do I have to run around to disguise Li Xiao?"

"Because...they are acting too badly, it's easy to show up!"

Of course, Jingxi can't say that because Louzi Ling firmly disagreed with the only physical contact with the 邬, or Luo Feiyang immediately picked up the child.

"Moreover, you haven't always seen it, you are not pleasing to the eye? She cheated on your feelings, and now deceives your brother's feelings. Who are you not shooting? Louzi Lingba can't be with Ji Weixuan. How can I get rid of it?"

Luo Feiyang thought about it, as if...somewhat reasonable.

Lou Zi Ling has been watching him and Ji Moxuan are not pleasing to the eye, certainly will not help Ji Moxuan to drive away the fox.

Luo Feiyang did not dismantle the building. Ling and Li Xiao are the same person. Anyway, it is not that a person does not make much difference to him. He just thinks that such a large manor has suddenly become a building, and his heart is unwilling. Only.

Luojia now can't get a huge sum of money to buy such a manor.

This kind of manor is the same for the whole world.

He will manage the family company in the future. If he can't afford to buy such a big one, he will always buy a decent one and give it to Tan Ruyi as a wedding gift.

Someone else has, he wants to have his own woman.

Louzi Ling only took a short period of three years, and he has a huge amount of assets. Now even if Li Wei is still alive, I am afraid that Lou Zi Ling can control most of the assets of Li, and he has at least one billion.

He used to look down on the building, and now he has left him behind!

After Luo Feiyang laughed, he fell into a long silence and condensation.

The goal of Louzi Ling has always been clear, and has been bravely moving forward.

On the other hand, he and Ji Moxuan, if you are not born well enough, what is not necessarily mixed now!

He can still be a little better, and he has been forced to inherit some of his family business by his brother Luo Fei, and he has already begun to get on the right track.

Ji Moxuan has no one to control, and he has always been in the name of the young master of the family, and he has forgotten his original intention by a fox.

He has not been able to inherit the family property of the family.

Luo Feiyang made up his mind and must help Ji Moxuan to solve the problem.

Their brothers joined forces to stay away from the building.

Fortunately, he has a strict brother, otherwise he is now like Ji Moxuan, leisurely!


At night, at the beginning of the Hua Deng, a five-star hotel in W City, Luo Feiyang took a mask, sat in a wheelchair, and slowly entered the luxurious presidential suite.

Inside the room, the only hot red skirt, on the high heels, the voice swayed and charming: "Li Shao let me come here to wait for you, is there anything?"

Luo Feiyang looked at the woman with a curved curve, remembering her pure appearance when she was at school, and she was disgusting.

The purity at that time was all loaded!

In her bones, she was a slutty woman. She was able to speak with a flirtatious voice in a man with a mask and legs, trying to lure him!

Business and Mr. Jiyixuan are all blinking at first, how can you see this stuff!

"Be my lover, I can give you anything you want. You can only serve me alone in the future, and you are not allowed to let other men touch you!"

He just twisted his waist and walked to Luo Feiyang's side, slowly kneeling down, deliberately showing his full chest in front of him.

In the past, Luo Feiyang felt that this is the most beautiful woman in the world, the most beautiful chest, but now, when I don’t know how many men have touched, he will vomit with disgusting feelings!

Luo Feiyang discovered for the first time that it was really possible to face a peerless beauty without being tempted!

Still his small wishfulness, clean, from the body to the soul, are pure and incomparable.

"Li Shao, you are not the same as when I saw you last time!"

The voice of Yu Wei is so delicate, Luo Fei has raised a goose bump: "Where is it different?"

"It's different from head to toe."

Yan Wei’s hand slowly extended to Luo Feiyang’s mask, and Luo Feiyang subconsciously hid behind.

Yan Wei’s hand suddenly changed his angle and pulled his mask off.

"Sure enough, you are flying!"

邬 泫 泫 泫 泫 泫 泫 泫 泫 泫 泫 泫 泫 泫 泫 泫 泫 泫 泫 泫 泫 泫 泫 泫 泫 泫 泫 泫

Jingxi Xuan, who stared at the mobile phone surveillance video outside the suite, turned to look at Ji Moxuan around him: "Mo Xuan, why did she know that it is flying?!"

Ji Moxuan shook his head and looked a little cold: "I didn't tell her what you were trying to do with her. I still don't want to do this in the future. You are single-minded to me. I always try to test her, she will be sad."

Jing Xi's straight foot: "No, she must know our plan in advance! Ji Moxuan, you must be leaked!"

She brushed the door card and slammed the door of the presidential suite. Some angry yelling Luo Feiyang: "Flying, let's go, this is not helpful, Ji Moxuan leaked himself! You only know that you are!"