MTL - Black Clover: Runaway Asta-Chapter 132

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I saw him lurking underwater, and he saw that the crystal of Magna and others was a powerful water magic. After this trick hit the crystal, it would definitely explode, but Gilles was obviously prepared.

He raised the corners of his mouth and directly made a big move, "Sakura Magic Magic Sakura Blowing Snow!"

In an instant, the entire battlefield was covered with beautiful cherry blossoms, and even the ancient fish released by Willy was overwhelmed by Willy's cherry blossom magic.

"What a powerful magic!" All the members of the Magic Knights were amazed.

When Gilles released the magic cherry blossoms and blowing snow, he also opened two passages to the d-group crystals for Magna and Sol, which means that Gilles has super control over his own magic.

"This is the magic that the Magic Knights should have!" Gulobal XIII was very satisfied with this magic.

"Glamourous." You Nuo commented flatly.

"This uncle is quite funny!" Asta hugged his head and couldn't help laughing.

"Break it!" At the same time, Magna and Saul arrived in front of the crystals in Group D almost at the same time. With the hard blow of the two, the crystals in Group D broke, and the three of Magna won the final victory. .

"Win!" Magna and Saul 290 both cheered, and Giles also came to the right behind the two of them in a winning pose!

"In the next third match, Fenlaar, Leo Porter, and Harmon of e team will face Borja, Kyle, and Gaston of f team!" Following the announcement of the magic emperor, the space magician immediately sent the six sent to the battlefield.

"Come on, Finlar!" Magna said to Finlar. After all, Finlar is not good at fighting, and he is still a little wary. This one is likely to lose, but his teammates are very strong, including Golden Dawn. Meng, as well as the rising star Leopold of the Red Lotus Lion King, these two people are still very good at fighting.

"Well, I will!" Finlar nodded.

"Hehe, my good-for-nothing brother is finally on the stage. I really want him to win this round, so that he can meet me!" Fenlaar's younger brother, who is also the deputy leader of the Golden Dawn, Langiers said. He looked at the battlefield with a playful face.

"You two hang out with me, and watch me completely burn their will with my flame magic!" Leopold said excitedly.

"I'm a member of Golden Dawn, and the magic of Gilles just now inspired my desire to win, so I'll show you my gorgeous glass magic!" Harmon said without hesitation.

Chapter 319 The outstanding second son of the Byrd family!

"My good-for-nothing brother is really useless, he will only timidly pick up ready-made!" Langiers saw Fenlaar cowering behind the two of them, and immediately became even more disdainful.

However, at this moment, Fenlar bravely took a step forward and said, "Well... can you two cooperate with me this time?"

"What?" Leopold looked at Fenlar inexplicably. Although Fenlar was the eldest son of the Byrd family, he was well-known in the aristocratic circle because of his inability to attack magic and his cowardly personality. It's a mess, but at this time, you actually ask to provoke the leader?

"Although you black bulls have performed well this year, if you can't come up with a decent reason, you can only humiliate yourself by saying that!" Harmon couldn't help but said.

"As a senior of Asta, how can I be looked down upon by others!" Fenlar took a deep breath and smiled courageously, "Because I am a user of space magic, as long as I have the right opportunity, I can It's easy to teleport you to the enemy's crystal!"

"This reason...seems good?" Leopold was the first to be impressed, and immediately said, "You will command me this time!"

"Me too!" Harmon nodded.

And when Finlar formed an alliance, Borja, Kyle, and Gaston in Group F were also discussing countermeasures!

"Harmon's strength is obvious to all, and Leopold's flame magic is also very strong. Sure enough, the breakthrough is still on that unknown pawn!" Borja, the temporary captain of Group F, said.

"That man is not some unknown person. He was originally the heir of the Byrd family, but because he was too disappointing, I heard that his position as the heir was snatched away by his younger brother!" Kyle, who was born in a noble family, said.

"I've heard about it, so he is the brother of the deputy head of Golden Dawn, Langiers!" Gaston is not young, and he has a little understanding of the deeds of the aristocratic circle of the Clover Kingdom.

"Then don't we have to be more careful〃'?" Borja couldn't help but said.

"That's not necessary, because Rangers' brother is notoriously useless. He claims to be a porter of black bulls. Even the worst knights can only do the worst jobs. It is conceivable that his strength is limited. How watery!" Kyle said.

"I really can't see it, how can such a powerful brother have such a useless brother?" Borja sighed.

"Anyway, this is always good news for us!" Kyle laughed.

"I'm really worried about Finlar!" Gray couldn't help but said on the viewing platform.

"That guy, no matter what, he is still a senior, and his teammates are also good, so he won't lose!" Magna also muttered, after all, up to now, all the members of their Black Bursts have won all the battles!

"You all underestimate Senior Fenlaar too much. His upper limit of potential is very high, so don't worry." Asta is very optimistic about Fenlaar.

"Let's wait and see!" Noelle nodded.

"Mr. Asta believes in his teammates so much!" Mimosa looked at Asta with even more admiration.

"They are starting to confront each other!" Banasa finished speaking, only to see that the six of them had already started fighting.

"Feather Magic Feather Tornado!" Borja, as the temporary captain, cast a super powerful attack magic and began to attack.

"This Borja's strength is not bad!" Harmon smiled slightly, and immediately cast the glass defense magic double tempered!

"Bang bang bang!" Harmon blocked the feathered tornado showing its sharpness.

"Rust Iron Magic Tetanus Sword!" Kyle quickly rushed to the side of the crowd, bypassing Harmon's double-layer steel defense. His magic attack has a virus effect, even if his body is scratched Small wounds can be fatal if they are not healed by the Restoration Magician in time!

"Space magic, the passage of fallen angels!" Fenlar immediately used his own space to instantly transfer Kyle's tetanus sword to the back of his last teammate, Gaston who was in charge of guarding the house!

"I'll wipe it!" Gaston suddenly felt a pain in his thigh, turned his head and saw a rusty tetanus sword hit his leg accurately, and Gaston immediately lost resistance.

"Leopold!" Fenlar shouted, and then released a space channel in front of Leopold. Leopold rushed in without hesitation. When he came out again, he had been teleported to In front of the crystal of group f.

"Flame Magic Spiral Flame!" Leopold directly shattered the crystal of group f with a super handsome flame magic in mid-air.

"What a wonderful cooperation!" Seeing this, Julius couldn't help applauding.

"It's such a perfect space teleportation, the black bull is actually hiding such a master of space magic?" This time, all the members of the Magic Knights on the viewing platform were shocked again.

". It's no wonder that the black explosive cow can get the second place this time, even such a powerful space magician can only be an errand?"

"What's wrong with this year's Black Burst Bull? It's obviously only a low-level magician, but how can it perform so well!"

At this time, many members of the Magic Knights were blown up, because the members of the black bulls who were once looked down upon by them were upset one after another.

"You actually won? Forget it, it's fine if you win, otherwise it would be too embarrassing to be the eldest son of the Byrd family." Langiers raised his eyebrows as he spoke, "If this brother is too rubbish, how can I look good? ? Next, I will show you how powerful the attacking space magician is!"

"Next is the fourth game. Team G's Rangers, Faragir, and Cyke will face off against Team H's Gareth, Simon, and Medio!" With Julius's announcement (Li Nuo's ), the contestants of Team G and Team H were quickly teleported to the battlefield.

"Fenlar, it's your brother's turn." Asta looked at Fenlar who returned to the viewing platform and said.

"Yes!" Fenlar glanced at Rangers from a distance, with complicated emotions.

"My good-for-nothing brother, let's take a good look at what is the space magic of the Byrd family!" Langiers also glanced at Fenlaar from the air, and then rushed out alone.

"Hey, don't you want your teammates?" Langiers' teammates Faragir and Sai Ke hurriedly shouted Yong.

"Just keep an eye on the crystal!" Rangers said without looking back.

"How arrogant!" Faragir couldn't help complaining.

"He is also a deputy head after all, and he is also the deputy head of Golden Dawn. If I am in this position, I will be lost too!" Sai Ke looked at Langiers's back with a little admiration! .

Chapter 320 Mysterious x!

"The second son of the Byrd family has appeared. This is the real genius of the Byrd family!" said a member of the noble magic knights.

"It's actually flying directly towards the crystal on the opposite side. This is too ignoring the other party!" A member of the Magic Knights of the Red Lotus Lion King couldn't help but said.

"What is this? The strength of our deputy head is placed among other magic knights, but we can directly be the head. How many fierce enemies have prostrated under the deputy head over the years?" A member of Golden Dawn proudly said .

"Although Langiers is indeed very powerful, is it too much for you to brag like this? I don't think he is qualified to be the leader of the magic knights with the tail of the crane like the black bull, but he is not qualified to be placed in other magic knights. Alright!" said a member of the Magic Knights of the Emerald Mantis.

"What are you talking about?" Ye Jian silently stood behind the crowd with a cigarette in his mouth.

"Ye, see the leader at night?! Sorry, we didn't say anything!" The three members who were still talking about Langiers were so frightened that they couldn't even speak clearly after seeing Ye Jian.

"You are blocking me." After Ye Jian finished speaking, one of them gave a kick, and the three of them flew out immediately.

"You bastard, what did you do to my regiment?" Jack the Ripper jumped out immediately.

"You two, give me the Magic Emperor a face, let's just forget about this matter!" The Magic Emperor Julius hurriedly sent a sound transmission to the ears of the two, otherwise the two captain-level figures would fight, and the consequences It's unbelievable!

"Give Boss Julius a face today, or I'll have to tear your mouth apart!" Ye Jian said with barking teeth and claws.

"His grandma, I have to skin you off some other day!" Jack the Ripper was also very annoyed.

"The leader is really like a child!" Noelle couldn't help complaining.

"Haha!" Asta couldn't help laughing seeing Noelle's cute look when he complained.

"What are you laughing at!" Noelle pouted.

"It's nothing, can't I just laugh at you for being cute?" Asta said poorly.

"Asta-kun and Cousin Noelle have a good relationship!" Mimosa was extremely envious.

"The two of them have a good relationship with Asta!" Charlotte was obviously even more envious!

At the same time, Rangers has already flown to the site of Group H alone.

"Langiers, you are too arrogant, even if you are the deputy leader, I don't believe that you can (^) survive so many trap magic!" said Gareth, the temporary captain of group h It was about to detonate the trap magic around Rangers, who knew that Rangers just reached out and grabbed them, and all the trap spells were divided into two!

Immediately afterwards, Langiers clawed at the crystal behind Gareth, this time even the crystals of Gareth and others were sliced ​​into two by space magic!

"45 seconds!" Langiers was quite satisfied with this speed, and then looked at the shocked crowd, slightly raised the corners of his mouth, this is the strength of the heir of the Byrd family!

"Even the space where the crystal is located is cut in half!" A group of members of the Magic Knights on the viewing platform were all shocked.

"So strong!" Ge Xiu couldn't help swallowing his saliva seeing this. This was the first time he had seen the power of a space magician!

"The attacking space magic of the Bird family is really powerful!" The 13th Guloba was frightened.

"Very good magic!" Julius couldn't help but commented.

"Fenlar, you must feel a lot of pressure with such a younger brother!" Banasa suddenly felt a little sympathetic to Fenlar.

"It's okay..." Fenlar forced a smile.

When Rangers returned to the observation deck, he still did not forget to look at Asta provocatively. After all, Asta left him a lot of psychological shadow when the Diamond Kingdom invaded Qidian Town last time. This time he Not only do we want to return Fenlar to his original form, but we also want to give Asta some color!

"It seems that he is not good again!" Asta glanced at Langiers lightly, and this extremely indifferent glance made Langiers feel that he had been greatly insulted.

"Damn it! How dare a lowly pariah ignore me like this? Why is Noel, the princess of the Shirba family, and Mimosa of the Vanmilio family, all looking at him with admiration? Just watch, I will beat you up today! Back to the original shape!" Langiers gritted his teeth and looked at Asta, and this scene naturally fell into the eyes of Julius.

"It would be nice if my personality was better." Julius shook his head, and immediately announced, "The fifth game will be played next, and members of group i, Nils, Roubaix, and x will play against members of group j, Roland, Weindsley and Knicks enter the battlefield!"

"X? Is there anyone named x?"

"This is anonymous!"

"It's still possible to participate anonymously!" The members of the Magic Knights on the viewing platform discussed again.

"Well, Magic Emperor, where is X in our group?" Nils couldn't help asking.

"Huh?" Julius took a look, and there was indeed one person missing in group i.

"What's the matter? If the team members are not all in place, they will be disqualified directly!" Guloba XIII obviously didn't want to wait any longer.

"If x from group i is present, please stand with your teammates immediately, otherwise your group will lose the qualification!" Julius began to search.

"I'm here!" Suddenly, a man with a strange face that looked like it was drawn appeared in everyone's field of vision.

"I'm going, is this human?" A member of the Magic Knights was startled immediately.

"Haha, let's scare everyone, hello everyone, I'm Lear!" The head of the Aqua Magic Deer, Lear, laughed after removing his disguise.

"What, the leader actually participated in the selection?"

"What's the point of this? I thought it would be great to have two vice-heads, but now there's a head to compete!" Everyone was obviously taken aback by Lille.

And Lille obviously heard everyone talking about him, and asked like a child who made a mistake, "Does it mean that the head of the team can't compete?"

"How can it be? You are very welcome to join. Don't panic. After all, using the rules of the game, as long as you can smash the crystal on the side of Captain Lille, you can become the existence that defeats the leader. Isn't this a famous and established team?" Wan’s good chance?” Julius laughed.

"The Magic Emperor is right. As long as you can defeat the leader of a knight order, the family will gain face if you spread the news!" Originally, the members of Group J were a little flustered, but after listening to Julius' encouragement, they instantly It's as if he had been beaten with chicken blood, and I have to say that Julius is quite encouraging.

Chapter 321 Angel's Wings!

"This old boy, didn't he make it clear that people can be used as cannon fodder?" Asta couldn't help laughing. After all, the other two members of group i in this group j battle are obviously of equal strength, but Er, this guy appears in Group I at this time, and his strength is obviously beyond the standard!

"However, even if Group J loses, no one will laugh at it. After all, it's a match against someone at the level of the team leader. If there are still brilliant operations, it will become a good talking point!" Banasa smiled. road. 】

"That's right!" Noelle nodded.

"Maybe this is the sorrow of the little people. They are destined to be the background wall of the big people, and they will be complacent." Asta shook his head helplessly.

"It turned out that this guy, Lille, participated in the competition in person. This is really a resounding sign for my King's Choice Knights. After all, even the leader can only enter through selection, but he really doesn't know that the leader level can directly enter the competition." Join?" Guloba XIII couldn't help but asked.

"Lille Pova Mortiai!" Langiers took a serious look at the aristocrat-born Lille. This should be his competitor, not Asta and his like!

"Okay, since both contestants are here, let's start the competition!" Julius couldn't wait to watch Lille's painting magic, this is simply art!

With Julius announcing the start of the game, Lear and the others were quickly teleported to the battlefield. The members of Group J were very excited at this time, and they began to discuss tactics crazily as soon as they entered the battlefield.

"I think it's better to defend!" Roland from Group J, who has been elected as the temporary captain of their group, said conservatively.