MTL - Black Iron’s Glory-Chapter 509 St. Lusk's sea battle

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Chapter 509, St. Lusk's Sea Battle

Clouds and clouds, the waves are soaring...

Murray was standing on the undulating bridge, in the circular frame of the monocular in his hand, there was a small sail on the horizon. At this moment, Murray Ed's mood is very exciting, and finally waiting for you, the Sea King Fleet!

For two months and two months, Murray Ed has lost the disappointment and helplessness of his Ironclad fleet, which has repeatedly caused the Neptune fleet to break away from its own search and tail chase. What annoyed Murray Ed most was that he failed to complete the task of Claude's account, and let the Neptune Fleet send the standing divisions of the two Hicks kingdoms who came to reinforce.

All this happened after the Armored Fleet raided the North Bay, which is the Principality of Canas and the largest and most abundant sea area in the eastern part of the Farrea continent. It has gathered countless ocean-going vessels from the south to the north, making the towns of the three Canas Principality along the coast of the Gulf a very prosperous trading city. A new cruise fleet of the Nasri Kingdom and the Canas Principality is stationed here.

Since the Hicks Kingdom lost the leased joint fleet, the Nasri Kingdom and the Cannes Principality have not had their own ocean fleet. Fortunately, the Hicks Kingdom compensated for a fund, and the Nasri Kingdom and the Cannes Principality were ready to use the funds to rebuild a new ocean fleet. After three years of hard work, I finally owned a cruiser fleet consisting of more than 20 warships.

General Murrayide raided the Beibu Gulf at this time. In front of the armored warships, the unprepared cruiser fleet was completely annihilated. On the eleven new warships, a raging fire was sunk in the Beibu Gulf on the shore of countless people. Sixteen sailboats were captured by the armored warships, and forty-eight ships belonged to the Hicks Kingdom, Nasri. The kingdom and the ocean-going vessels of the Cannes of Cannes also became the trophy of the Ironclad Fleet. Under the setting sun, the Ironclad Fleet and the captured warships sailed out of the Beibu Gulf and went away.

The raid on the Beibu Gulf made the Ironclad Fleet famous in the first battle. Almost everyone knows that this kind of artillery can not beat the black smoke, and the monster ships with the armor of the armor, the most important thing is that they are more than the sailboats. Run faster at sea. Since then, the armored fleet has lost its concealment in the eastern waters. Where they appear, it becomes the forbidden place for the ocean-going vessels of the three countries of the Hicks, Nasri and Cannes.

But General Murray was very regretful. He made a big mistake because the Ironclad fleet was exposed, and the Neptune Fleet of the Hicks Kingdom no longer dared to get involved in the eastern waters. He should first ambush the Neptune Fleet and annihilate the two reinforcements of the standing army on the way to the sea. As a result, a surprise attack on the Beibu Gulf was carried out, and the Navy Fleet changed its planned plan to send the two standing reinforcements of the Hicks Kingdom to the shore in the Garrucha Seaport of the Nasri Kingdom.

There are two large seaports in the northern waters of the Nasri Kingdom, four small seaports, and the Neptune Fleet is usually parked on the best-equipped Camillas Seaport. The standing army that transported two reinforcements was also preparing to dock in the port of Camillas. As a result, Murray led the armored fleet to ambush for seven days outside the sea in Camillas. The news came that the Neptune Fleet was moored to Canada. Rucha Harbour. It is a small harbor town developed by a small fishing village, about three hundred miles away from the port of Camillas.

Murray Ed quickly led the Ironclad fleet to Garrucha Harbour and found that the Neptune Fleet had disappeared, and the standing regiments of the two Hicks kingdoms that landed also left the small harbour town. He ran for a while and had no income. Soon, Murray Ed found that the armored fleet was in the state of being monitored in the eastern seas. The ocean-going vessels of other countries passed by the offshore fishing vessels, so that the armored fleet became a person no matter where it appeared. Focus on the focus.

Under such circumstances, the Ironclad Fleet will never want to find the traces of the Neptune Fleet of the Hicks Kingdom. Although overseas self-governors also have secret agents distributed in these regions and countries, they have no access to higher-level classes. The news and intelligence sent are mostly speculative and hearsay. The armored fleet ran back and forth at sea and never found the true whereabouts of the Neptune Fleet.

Fortunately, the secret agent sent to the Hicks Kingdom finally sent the latest information. Recently, the Navy Fleet will transport a batch of ordnance and armaments to the Nasri Kingdom, but the date of departure is unknown. In order to avoid the trace of the armored fleet by the enemy's eye line in the eastern sea, Murray had a trick to cross the sea.

General Murray Ed, a large fleet of oceanic sailboats and seagoing vessels captured by captives, set up a spare steam engine on the deck to launch, braving thick black smoke, guarding the two armored transport ships. Take a big swing to the Floridian harbour. The remaining 20 armored warships and armored armored ships were hoisted with sails and turned to the ocean at a very slow speed. Then start the steam engine from the ocean and go straight to the border of the Nasri Kingdom.

In the border waters of the Kingdom of Nasri and the neighboring kingdom of Barmac, there is an island called St. Rusk, the island is small, there is only a small fishing village and a mountain, and the mountain is full of pine. In folklore, this small island is the embodiment of a hero named Lusk. He killed a sea monster that harmed this sea area. After exhaustion, he became a small island and sheltered the sea passing through this sea. The safety of boats and coastal fishermen.

Therefore, this sea area is also known as the waters of the island of St. Rusker. The Nasri Kingdom and the Kingdom of Menbamak have once disputed the ownership of this sea area. However, because of the greatness of the Nasri Kingdom, the Kingdom of Menbamark can only swallow the sound. This sea area is divided into the Nasri Kingdom and only requires the retention of the freedom of fishing of its coastal fishermen...

Now the 20 warships and transport ships of the Ironclad Fleet are hiding behind the island of St. Rusk, and they are also disguised by the pine branches that have been cut down on the island, in an effort to prevent the passing ships from discovering the embarrassment. Waiting patiently for ten days, I finally waited for the arrival of the Neptune Fleet.

"117 sailboats, including 92 light-duty fast cruising warships, 20 second-class three-sail cruisers, five first-class five-sail sails, five rounds of front and rear left and right. Driving. In addition, there are nearly two hundred ocean-going vessels..."

Soon, the watchman on the battleship clearly reported the composition of the Neptune Fleet. However, according to the distance calculation, it takes more than an hour for the transport fleet escorted by the Neptune fleet to reach the waters of St. Rusker. Today, the wind is in the northeast, and the Neptune Fleet is in a state of semi-windward driving, and the speed cannot be lifted.

"All the warship crews, once again check the readiness of the war. When the Navy fleet passed the waters of the St. Lusk, we stopped and beat him, and he was caught off guard," Murray said. As long as this Navy fleet is eliminated, the Hicks Kingdom will no longer be able to reach it. It can no longer take advantage of the fleet’s arrogance in the eastern seas, and arbitrarily intervene in the affairs of the eastern part of the Faurea continent...

Nothing caught off guard. After all, the rumble of the 20 iron armored warships that started the steam engine was like thunder, which had already caught the attention of the Navy fleet. There were even a few three-level fast-cruise warships that left the queue and sailed to the island of St. Rusk to see what it was. The thick black smoke rising from the back of the island may be misunderstood by the Neptune Fleet as a fire on the island. At one time they did not expect the Ironclad fleet to ambush here.

The commander of the Neptune Fleet is not a fool. He has learned a lot about the armored fleet from the information obtained from various places. It is also clear that the armored fleet is not an opponent that the Neptune Fleet can rival. In the Beibu Gulf raid, the armored fleet of people on the coast watched the Nasri Kingdom and the newly formed cruiser fleet of the Cannes. The armored fleet is almost a ship, but it is a fact that is obvious to all.

How to deal with the warships that are all over the armor has become a common problem for all the countries in the Farea continent. The Neptune Fleet is no exception, but the sea is so big, can't you escape it? The Neptune Fleet could not risk the trip to the Nasri Kingdom to **** the transport fleet if it were not for the exact information of the armored fleet that had been seized of the return of the ship to the Floridian seaport.

The commander of the Neptune Fleet knew that he was fooled when the twenty armored warships that screamed in black smoke were smashed behind the island of St. Rusk. When the matter comes to the forefront, he can only kill one. He ordered all the transport vessels to land or flee as soon as possible. All the warships of the Neptune Fleet attacked the armored warships and ordered the use of tossing and fire-bombs. The artillery attack was carried out at close range. Anyway, the long-range artillery was useless for the armored warships.

There is also a way to deal with the armored warships, that is, the two ships are close to each other to fight. Taking advantage of the strength of the number of troops to win an armored warship, so that even if the victory is not a loss, returning to China can develop their own armored warships. More than 100 sail warships deal with 20 armored warships. The deer is still undecided, and everyone has the hope of winning...

Two fleets of iron and fire slammed together like this. At the beginning of the Neptune fleet, they suffered a big loss. Nearly ten third-class sail cruise fast light warships were hit by white phosphorus bombs, which ignited the raging Fire. However, after the Navy fleet was full of ships, the follow-up warships swarmed up and separated the armored fleet from the front five or six armored destroyers and fell into a siege. In particular, the three burning light-class cruise ships that are burning are actively rushing to the armored destroyer in order to die together.

The four or five armored destroyers that followed the follow-up also speeded up, and while shelling, they rushed to the entangled fleet, intending to rescue their companions. The result is also surrounded by enemies in all directions, facing the enemies of the enemy, facing countless throwing bombs and fire bombs. The black smoke and fire of the explosion also flashed on the armored warship, and the sailors on the deck suffered heavy casualties.

The Neptune Fleet was also uncomfortable at this time. After a chaotic battle, the sails on the sea were full of fire and smoke, and it was no longer possible to see the situation on the battlefield. I only heard the constant sound of shelling and explosions, the screams and the sound of help, and the sailors and crew holding the lifebuoy from time to time on the burning sea...

After waiting for nearly an hour, the commander of the Neptune Fleet finally received two news, one good and one bad. The good news is that the surface of the enemy’s two armored warships has been controlled by their own battalion of land battles, but they did not expect the enemy. The inner door of the battleship is also an iron gate. The remaining enemies on the two armored warships retracted from the inner compartment and closed their doors. There was no way to open the heavy iron gate at one time, so that the entire armored warship could not be controlled.

The bad news is that the Navy Fleet has lost three warships. The current sailboats on the sea are all left and right. The majority of the warships are busy fighting fire. The smoke on the surface of the sea is too dense, and it is no longer able to continue to fight, nor can it catch up with the enemy's warships.

The remaining armored battleships of the enemy have now learned the lesson and are no longer entangled with the burning warships for melee. Instead, they use their speed to swim on the periphery, using long-range gunfire to bombard the pursuit of the sail ship.

The commander of the Neptune Fleet faced a painful choice, either to abandon the fighting ship immediately to evacuate, so as to save most of the transport vessels and the two Navy fleets. Either put the remaining two fleets into the battlefield and fight for the enemy. Even if it is a victory, it will almost reimburse the entire fleet, but perhaps it will be able to capture several armored warships, even if the fleet is gone, it will pay off.

However, the problem is that the current situation is unclear. The entire melee sea is full of smoke. I can't see what the situation is. The enemy's armored fleet is the same as the one just reported. Most of the battles are together. Only a few of them are guerrilla around the periphery. If this is the case, then nearly 50 warships of the two submarines will be put into the battlefield, not to mention 100%. The Navy Fleet has great confidence to win the final victory of this naval battle...

It was only the commander of the Neptune Fleet who did not consider how long it was. On the battlefield where the smoke was rolling, twelve iron-clad warships with black smoke were prominently coming towards their fleet array. The masts on the masts and decks of several armored warships, as well as the fire on the bridges, are clearly shining. They obviously suffered a lot in the previous melee, but because they were covered with iron armor, the damage was not very serious. And can continue to fight.

Now, the remaining two fleets of the Neptune Fleet can only fight. Just a touch, the Neptune Fleet felt that things were not good. Because the 12 warships of the Ironclad Fleet did not fight with them head-on, they used the speed of their warships to make a big bend in front of the array of Navy warships, maintaining a distance of seven or eight hundred meters, using their artillery. Stopped shelling the Neptune Fleet, these slow-moving sail ships.

A sailboat was hit by a gunfire and fired, especially the huge sails and masts. After burning, it was like a torch. The warships could only stop on the surface of the sea and become a fixed target. The officers on the battleship hurriedly put down the life-saving wooden boat. The sailor crew who could not find the life-saving wooden boat jumped into the sea like a dumpling with a life-saving ring holding the wooden board. Several burning sail ships were also exploding because of the ignition of gunpowder...

No one can endure the situation where the light can't fight back, and after determining that the speed of the armored warship can't be chased, and seeing that one of the warships has been hit by the enemy's armored warships, the fire is first, then several three-level light cruises. The battleships were disengaged from the chasing array, and the remaining forty sail ships soon became chaotic, some were still chasing forward, and others had already evaded and fled the battlefield without listening to the command.

The commander of the Neptune Fleet was forced to withdraw from the whole army, and the remaining sail ship of the Neptune Fleet returned to the Hicks Kingdom on its own. I wish everyone good luck and then personally broke down and resisted the siege of the four armored warships for nearly an hour. The warship exploded and sank to the bottom of the sea. The remaining eight armored warships chased the escaping sailboat for nearly three hours and captured a large number of transport ships until the sky was dark and the pursuit was over.

The sea battle on the island of St. Rusk is the official large-scale naval battle between the Faziland world's first armored fleet and the sail fleet. This naval battle marks the fleet warfare mode that has not changed in the past millennium has finally reached a new chapter. The traditional artillery of the artillery, the hopping and the squadron, and the sea warfare of throwing the ship are about to be eliminated, and the new naval warfare is still being explored.

But there is no doubt that the emergence of the overseas self-governing armored warships means that the traditional sail ship has already come to an end. The Sea King Fleet of the Hicks Kingdom, in the coastal countries of the Farrea continent, can be regarded as a powerful sea power, but in the sea battle of the island of St. Rusk, they are one hundred and seventeen The number of sailboats was superior, and as a result, they were defeated by twenty armored warships. The number of sailboats fleeing back to their own seas was not enough for a fleet.

This sea war has had a profound impact on the coastal countries of the Falia continent, and those naval powers have invested heavily in the development of armored warships. The simple thing is to cover the sailboat with a layer of armor or copper armor. The complicated one is to buy various steam engines and fire engines from overseas self-governing proprietors. The idea is to transform into a marine steam engine. The most common is to send a spy, lurking into the overseas dominion, trying to obtain the production drawings of the armored warships, trains and new weapons...

For the Ironclad fleet, it was not easy to get to the sea on the island of St. Rusk. In particular, the deck and bridge combatants suffered almost two-thirds of the casualties. Each armored warship of the entire fleet was wounded. The throwing bombs and fire bombs produced by the Hicks Kingdom are not vegetarian. The two armored warships that were almost captured by the ship were the most severely damaged. The new type of guns on the deck and the bridge were all abolished, and the hull shell was cracked due to the collision. It can be said that it became a ship with only the hull left. Fortunately, the ship steam engine can still operate normally, and the upper fleet speed.

The general of the fleet, General Murray, was also injured. He was almost bombarded by a throwing bomb. Fortunately, his adjutant hugged him and fell to the ground, only paying for the fracture of his right hand and the injury to his left leg. However, the battle of the island of St. Rusk and the armored fleet were also fruitful. They destroyed more than 70 sail ships of the Navy fleet, and forced 21 sailboats in the pursuit. At the same time, they captured nearly 100 ships loaded with various military supplies. Ocean shipping ship.

After the war, the armored fleet searched and rescued more than 4,000 sailors and crew members of the Hicks Kingdom. At the same time there is an episode, that is, the Ironclad fleet consumes the blackstone fuel it carries. Under the circumstance, General Murray Ed ordered the boarding of the island of St. Rusk, cutting down a large amount of pine oil from the island, using fuel pine wood for fuel, and letting the armored fleet return to the Floridian harbour with the captured vessels. ....