MTL - Black Lotus Daughter She is Not Easy To Mess With-Chapter 532 default champion

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   Chapter 532 The default champion

   Unsurprisingly, the new issue of "Let's Go Idol" Xie Feng came out of the circle again, detonating the audience.

   At the same time, the wind chasing boy also followed the hot search.

   [What is the origin of this chasing wind, he arranges music for Xie Feng every time, it's too strong. 】

   [That is to say, every time Xie Feng's dance accompaniment is like the finishing touch, it's just like a god-level plug-in. 】

  【The wind chaser's arrangement is very strong, but Xie Feng is a bit too much like this. He uses this kind of music every time, so how do other players compete? 】

[Sour chicken upstairs, the competition rules of the program group are very clear at the beginning, the main dancer can contact the arranger, the main singer can contact the choreographer, Xie Feng can find out that it is him who chases the wind How can it be unfair to other players? 】

  【One thing to say, Chasing Feng's ability to arrange music is indeed very strong. Every arrangement seems to be tailor-made for Xie Feng. An arranger of this level has to spend a lot of money. 】


  On the Internet, there is a lot of noise about the relationship between Xie Feng and Chai Feng. Even if the students don’t have the opportunity to surf the Internet, they still hear some rumors.

   When Yuan Shuai came back from the toilet, he was as angry as a puffer fish.

   "Are you going to release water or inflate?" Ye Lingfei asked while wiping away her sweat, "Someone hired you?"

   Yuan Shuai glanced at Xie Feng, who was still practicing dancing, and said, "I'm just angry."


   Ye Lingfei found a place to sit down and waited to hear the story.

   "I heard Shi Hao and his group in the toilet talking bad about Brother Feng in the toilet." Yuan Shuai said, "They said that Chasing the Wind was a plug-in that was bribed by the show team, and this draft had already decided the champion."

  Xie Feng stopped and raised his head to drink water.

   Sweat dripped into the clothes along with the movement of looking up and disappeared.

   "They also said they were going to report me, right?"

   Yuan Shuai was startled: "You know?"

  Xie Feng said with a nonchalant attitude: "They said it before me in the open and secret."

  Su Ran frowned. Although he didn't know who Chasing the Wind was, he knew that he was definitely not from the show team.

   "You're not angry at all?" Yuan Shuai asked back.

  Xie Feng tightened the bottle cap and wiped the sweat on his face that was about to block his vision: "Angry, are you going to fry for not seeing me?"

   Yuan Shuai's mouth twitched: "Are you kidding me?"

Xie Feng walked over and hooked his shoulder: "Why am I lying to you, I'm really angry, I have worked so hard to practice dance by myself, how can it become a shady secret through the back door, if there is a shady secret, I will rank as far as the rankings. Behind these two?"

   Yuan Shuai said very seriously: "Of course we know that you are not such a person, but we can't stand their rumors!"

Although   Shi Hao and his followers are not as many as Xie Feng, there are many people who are suspicious. If they join forces to spread rumors or something, it will be enough to cause a wave of influence. At least the popularity of the passers-by will be corrupted.

   "Maybe it's not as serious as Lao Yuan said, but I think you'd better pay more attention."

  Yuan Shuai is so carefree, as if his brain is lacking. Now even he knows about it. It can be seen that other players may be discussing Xie Feng like this behind their backs.

   After Ye Lingfei, Su Luan also said: "If possible, would you like Chasing Feng to send you a Weibo or something?"

  Xie Feng knew that they were well-intentioned, but those people haven't done anything yet. If they went to catch others to trouble others, it would be a challenge.

   (end of this chapter)