MTL - Black Technology: Starting From the Space Jumping Machine-Chapter 170 Engine No. 15

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  Chapter 170 Engine No. 15

  The upper limit speed of the big universe is the speed of light.

  The disappearance of the pulsar is only more than 20 days, and its macroscopic influence on the big universe is only limited to the light cone of 20 days.

  The spaceship in front of me did not have any traces of activities around it in the monitoring before No. 7.

   This means it is coming from somewhere outside the light cone of the pulsar vanishing event.

   This is where it gets interesting.

  Come here for Pulsar, or a boring guy like Lu Yu, come and take a look after receiving the broadcast from Pulsar. Either it was paying attention to the situation of the pulsar before, and when it was frozen into a [glass ball], it immediately came here from a long distance.

  No matter what the situation is, Lu Yu was completely surprised by the advanced civilization spaceship in front of him.

   "We should just jump away! After all, judging from previous experience, all unexpected encounters of civilizations will turn into conflicts. Why waste time here, can they provide us with space technology?"

   "I think judging from the technology displayed by this spaceship, it won't be the same as a star-level civilization, and it will do it outrageously as soon as it meets. Why don't you try to communicate?"

   That's right.

  The spaceship showing a certain space technology in front of me does not seem to be a star-level civilization.

  According to Lu Yu's strange attributes-he will definitely fight if he encounters a star-level civilization, maybe they can stay and have a good talk?

   Maybe you can get the entire star map from him!

  So in the expert discussion, Lu Yu obviously chose to support the exchange school.

   "Hello, sudden civilization, we are the Horn Race."

   Well, Lu Yu, as a virtual Horn Clan, had No. 7 send a message back to the spaceship without any guilt: "May I ask what is your purpose for coming here to search for pulsars?"

  He has already obtained enough benefits here, and he can leave at any time, so Lu Yu is very straight to the point.

  Instead, this piece of information seemed to wake up the spaceship that was very close, and it suddenly pulled away again, and stopped when it recovered to an astronomical distance.


   This is subtle.

  The other party who approached actively was more like the one who was frightened.

  However, the universe is so big, and there are thousands of weird civilizations, or civilizations that do not conform to the logic of human thinking can basically be considered weird by humans.

  But in the eyes of their civilization, human behavior may be the weird one.

  Lu Yu, who had already understood this in the Planetary Academy, was not surprised by the behavior of the spaceship.

   Just waited for it to stop again and sent a message: "I have visited this pulsar, and you may not believe it, but a special form of life was born on this extreme celestial body."

   "Out of curiosity, I stayed and taught them some basic science and technology. This kind of microscopic life with neutrons as a special form has computing power beyond intelligent life."

   "In a few microseconds, they have mastered the knowledge I imparted, and can even deduce it to perfection."

   "They can completely evolve into advanced civilizations quickly, but if I want to impart the technology I have to other races, I need the authorization of civilization..."

  The spaceship that opened the distance spoke honestly about the reason for its arrival.

  That’s right, they are the enlightenment civilization mentioned by the neutron life form.

   "Such a civilization with potential, once developed, will become one of our civilization's staunch allies."

   "After I left the superluminal communication equipment on the pulsar, I hurried back to the civilization, trying to persuade them to open the authority and cultivate this special life with great potential."

"But unfortunately, I have been away for nearly 10,000 years, and I have not been able to convince my fellow race. One day when I was still working hard, I suddenly received a brief signal automatically triggered by a superluminal communication instrument. mechanism that will be triggered."

   "So I came here in a hurry, and then I found out that the pulsar had disappeared... So I can only ask those who are still on the scene."

   "May I ask the Horn civilization, do you know where this pulsar went? Where did the neutron life form on it go?"

   Judging from the information obtained by Lu Yu, most of the information transmitted by the spaceship conforms to the description of enlightened civilization.

   But only one thing,

  The neutron life body didn’t say that there is a superluminal communication device on the pulsar?

  Maybe I forgot? After all, they selectively forgot a lot of things in order to transform the pulsar in order to squeeze out enough transformation power.

   On the contrary, the member of this unknown civilization in front of him is also knowledgeable, and he immediately realized the terrifying technological development speed of neutron life forms. If he can give the neutron life forms the unified theory in advance, Lu Yu will have nothing to do.

  Lu Yu thought about it, but there is no need to hide it. As the first civilization to help neutron life forms, he is also qualified to know the glorious story of neutron life forms.

  Especially without their help, the neutron life forms would not be able to broadcast, and Lu Yu would not be able to find them, let alone earn such a large amount of points.

  So, Lu Yu described what happened before.

   "Universe civilization?"

   "Have they really developed towards a cosmic civilization?"

   "And didn't meet the obstruction of the restarter? Could it be true that the big universe broadcast before?"

  The questionable message from the spaceship made Lu Yu feel inexplicably happy in his heart.

  Because he personally delivered the big universe broadcast, the restarters can be regarded as the last nail of the seal that he nailed with his own hands.

  Lu Yu doesn't need the civilization of the big universe to thank him, he just hopes that what he has done will not be ignored by other civilizations.

  If it can wake up those civilizations that are scared to hide in the dark because of the restarters, let them shine the light of civilization in the big universe again, so that the universe will not be so silent again, that will be enough.

  And now, he finally met a civilization with advanced technology and talked about it, so why didn't he become happy.

  As long as civilization remembers, this announcement will slowly sprout like a seed.

  Until the first ninth-level civilization willing to believe in it stood up and tried cautiously, and then let them touch the gate of the universe-level civilization, they would understand that what they announced to the universe was the greatest blessing for the civilization born in this era.

   "It's a rare civilization that can communicate well."

   Lu Yu, who was in a good mood, gave a rare positive comment on the spaceship in front of him. With such a good start, the foundation of communication was naturally established.

  Lu Yu wanted the star map of this advanced civilization, and the spaceship also seemed to want to know more details about the promotion of neutron life forms.

  The two sides hit it off and communicated on the site of this pulsar.


  When Lu Yu communicated with this enlightened civilization that claimed to be a neutron life form, a highly anticipated event was happening on Blue Star.

  The development of civilization must be accompanied by an increase in the scope of influence.

  In the ancient human era, a single valley could support the survival of an entire civilization. After reaching the middle and late stage of the second-level civilization, the space and support needed by this civilization will drive human beings out of the parent star and begin to occupy the entire star system.

  In this process, 5% to 10% of the speed of light is enough.

Taking the current solar system as an example, if it is going back and forth between the advance base and the Earth-Moon system, the spacecraft will often decelerate soon after accelerating to 10% of the speed of light. Otherwise, the reserved deceleration distance is not enough, and it is not easy to enter the advance base. track.

  After the star-level civilization, the energy required for the development of their civilization has far exceeded that of a single star system, so the development of multiple galaxies has become necessary.

   At this time, the distance of several light years or tens of light years makes the light speed engine very important. When the distance expands to hundreds of thousands of light years, the warp speed engine is the choice of civilization.

   Such a civilization process often takes hundreds of thousands of years to evolve.

  Because a civilization is not only the development of science and technology, but also its social development and human history will affect the progress of civilization.

   This seems to be invalid on Blue Star.

  Because science and technology are developing so fast, society and human history will be wiped out without even preparation.

  Because most of the development of science and technology in these years originated from Lu Yu's journey to the stars, not the birth of his own civilization.

  Otherwise, every technological explosion before Blue Star was actually inseparable from the influence of humanities and history.

  Whether it is the age of steam opened by the Renaissance, or the collision of two trends of thought during the Cold War gave birth to the information age, this is the case.

  But the source of the development of science and technology in these years is not itself, so now it is the rapid development of science and technology that drives the change of thinking, which can be regarded as a wonder of the development of cosmic civilization.

  And on this day, a state of complete martial law was in place around a large fully automated factory in Huaguo, and it had lasted for an unknown number of days.

  Especially around the assembly plant, it was directly transformed into a military barracks, with dozens of tents erected on an open space,

  There are not only drones but also a large number of soldiers wearing mechanical exoskeletons patrolling back and forth, and even set up laser weapons in some important hubs!

  The gun barrels emitting a faint blue light indicate that they are in a state of energy storage, like an indifferent **** of death that can be dispatched at any time, deterring any threatening creatures from approaching!

  In the large assembly plant, a large number of miniature cameras are watching every detail. At this time, a group of experts and scholars are paying attention to the situation here through virtual reality.

  While they are far away at Base Zero, they are also having heated discussions, or simply asking for advice.

  Many experts and scholars awakened the holographic projection in front of them at this time, and carefully recorded the details and data about the assembled engine.

  The experts surrounded by them seemed to be young.

  Because of the further maturity of genetic nuclear magnetic resonance technology, the appearance of human beings can no longer judge the age, but judging from his demeanor, he is still a young man.

   "The idea of ​​the No. 15 engine is as follows..."

   "In fact, we have obtained a large number of design drawings for designing light speed engines, which have already allowed humans to complete the design in engineering theory."

   "However, our relevant materials have not been able to meet the requirements, so we can't realize it without theories and drawings. This is also a shortcoming!"

   "But not long ago, I made a new material breakthrough in the Materials Research Institute, which increased the strength of the original core parts by more than 3 times, so I have the No. 15 engine in front of me."

   "It is expected to reach a speed of 65%-70% of the speed of light in the simulation test, which is more than twice as fast as the engine on the spaceship today, and it basically has the ability to travel across the galaxy."

   Now the engine assembled in the fully automatic factory turned out to be a brand new engine made by humans, and its theoretical speed allowed humans to step into a star-level civilization with half a foot!

Think about how in the primitive age of human beings, the ancestors set foot on almost all the continents on the blue star by walking and simple tools, but now humans will step out of the solar system and spread the fire of civilization to the farther and wider universe .

   "Professor Li, how did you discover the order of atoms in this new material?"

"Most of this atomic structure is derived from step-by-step experiments. Of course, the two papers on the random movement track of the atomic structure and the important logical links of the atomic structure to the composition of molecules in the internal journals of the base are also of great importance to me. inspired."

  The research institutes in No. 0 Base are all cutting-edge. Everyone needs to pay attention to each issue of the journal, otherwise it will be difficult to move forward behind closed doors.

  However, if the regular periodicals of the Zero Base were transferred to ordinary scientific journals, I don’t know how many subversive results would be obtained.

"I see!"

  The professor who asked the question before suddenly realized that he also had an impression of the papers in those two journals, but he didn't think much about it at the time, which made him have to admire the talent of this young man.

  The rest of the experts and scholars also reacted differently, but the color of admiration was not hidden at all.

  Scientific research ability at base zero is your pass. As long as you have enough ability, you can even connect with Lu Yu and let him work for you.

   During the conversation, the automated assembly workshop has assembled one of the core components of the engine.

   There are dozens of automations in Huaguo that jointly support this manufacturing task, and then send the components here to complete the final assembly.

   It will be the engine used by the small spaceship, first leave the blue star to arrive at the dock at the Lagrange point.

  The small spacecraft is disassembled into components of the spacecraft, and this engine will also become the most important test part of the new spacecraft.

  In space, you can really test the speed that this engine can achieve at full power.

   Only in space can you dare to go all out and let the engine run at full power.

   Now, with dozens of large factories working at the same time, it is possible to complete the crucial engine manufacturing of this spacecraft within a week, and then launch it into the air for full-process operation.

This kind of speed can make all the practitioners in the aerospace industry around the world shed tears of envy. At the moment when Huaguo presides over the global order, the space elevator plan has already begun to be drafted. When the space elevator is completed, it will enter the space age of the whole people. Space is as easy as taking a high-speed train.

  Such a picture is based on the premise that human beings can resist the unknown fleet, and a group of experts looked at the core components that have been assembled in the workshop, without any doubt that human beings can have such a future.

  The fifteenth engine is just one step, the next step is the light speed engine!

  (end of this chapter)

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