MTL - Black Technology: Starting From the Space Jumping Machine-Chapter 180 sub-civilization

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  Chapter 180 Sub-civilization

  At this moment, the brightness of this star suddenly increased hundreds of times. Not only in the visible light band, but also in other bands, its various radiations have also been enhanced hundreds of times.

   After hundreds of years, if the civilizations in the surrounding star field are lucky enough to observe the situation here, they will also lament the disaster of this star. Just lost so much mass that it started entering the red giant phase early, and now it's starting to have high-frequency flashes again.

  Sudden flash is already an extremely surprising change for a star that should be stable, and it is often just a prelude to stellar catastrophe.

  As a result of the collision between the Silver Star and the mysterious weapon, the cracks in the dark core burst out with amazing flashes, and a chain reaction took place with this hapless star.

   Observing through highly filtered optical instruments, Lu Yu saw on the holographic projection that a catastrophic scene like a landslide and ground crack occurred on the surface of the star.

As if an earthquake caused the sea to churn, on the surface of this star, countless flaming mountains with a height of tens of thousands of kilometers suddenly rose up. The stars were thrown away into the star system.

  After the initial few seconds, the radiation intensity further increased, quickly rising to tens of thousands of times the usual radiation of the star, and it is still rising.

From the place where the Silver Star penetrates, the star's matter is shed more violently, and a larger amount of star matter is thrown into the universe. From the observation of optical instruments, it seems that this star is the midpoint. Two fiery trees of flame appeared.

The by-product of such a scene is that the radiation from this star is unprecedentedly intense to the extreme. Under such strong radiation, if the blue star is in this star system, all electronic instruments on the planet may be scrapped in an instant .

   But under the armor protection of the Silver Star, Lu Yu in the living area can still see the scene after the collision safely.

  But in fact, even the Silver Star was not unscathed when it was hit by the creation of the ninth-level civilization.

  At the moment of the huge kinetic energy collision, the outermost armor of the Silver Star—the strong interaction material was actually damaged.

  Even the black-tech armor that came out of the mouth for a while is still made of matter, and the terrible collision caused the absolute structure of this layer of armor to shake.

  The situation that appeared in the one-dimensional world in the past reappeared again. The material that could not be restrained by the strong force peeled off a little bit, and then the second layer of the silver star's vague armor was exposed.

   But that's all.

   Within a millionth of a second when the first layer of armor was broken, it quickly became intact again as if it had been refreshed in a flashback.

   This quick recovery is a very short time that Lu Yu's current observation equipment can hardly capture, let alone in the distance environment of violent collisions?

  So because such quick repairs made it difficult for Lu Yu to find out, the first layer of armor on the Silver Star was not as strong as imagined after it rose to a collision with a higher civilization.

   But… doesn't matter.

  Because the Silver Star has four layers of armor, the first layer of armor can't affect Lu Yu in the living area.

  But the mysterious weapon in front of me does not have such an enviable armor layer. Such the most primitive and direct collision makes it instantly damaged.

  However, it couldn't do anything to the Silver Star, so the mysterious weapon exploded, pulling this hapless star along with it.

In the turbulent plasma, a triangular spaceship rushed out like a wild horse, it couldn't even control its own kinetic energy, and it took nearly 0.5 astronomical distances to stop the car and levitate towards Jingjing. The Silver Star approached.

   "The star has expanded again, and it has irreversibly entered the red giant stage."

   "But the wreckage of this ninth-level civilization has also disappeared, just like the evaporated substances before."

  While sending a message to the approaching delta spacecraft, Lu Yu is also transmitting the data recording the changes of stars back to Blue Star.

  The stage that the sun will face may be a good reference for Blue Star.

   "Our civilization seems to have fallen into a trap here?"

   "Just why? If a ninth-level civilization with such technology wanted to destroy us who only had a seventh-level civilization, it would be easy, but they used this awkward way to solve us?"

   "This is clearly... counterintuitive."

   So this is not a special custom of your star field!

  I thought the alien civilizations here always like to do this kind of gaudy style.

  The delta spaceship's question was also Lu Yu's question. They carefully investigated the star, and after finding out that the wreckage had indeed disappeared, they had no choice but to return to the original place.

   "In the inner space, I found the fleet wreckage of 131 civilizations. They have different levels of civilization, ranging from star-level civilizations to river system-level civilizations."

   "It's just that the information has been eliminated, and there is no information worth referring to left."

   "So what is going on with this wreck, and whether the Wreck Research Institute found anything in it before... Now all clues are broken."

  The triangular spaceship continued to say regretfully: "Originally none of this has anything to do with the Horn civilization, because we let you get involved."

   "The star map you want, we think we may be able to find a way to bypass the system for you, but space technology... there is really no way."

  These Huan civilization members seemed to want to thank Lu Yu for saving his life, and made a decision that violated the rules of civilization.

  For Lu Yu, the star map is also one of the most needed things at present, so naturally he will not refuse the benefits of such a delivery.

  A space door appeared again.

  The triangular spaceship has consumed a large amount of its own stored energy in the inner space, and at this time, those poor frozen stars will definitely not be used again.

   Right in front of you... there is an obvious energy source!

   This poor star, again and again, was taken away by the triangular spacecraft for a large amount of mass, and finally sent away all the gods of plague.

  But this star system will no longer have the opportunity to produce civilization. It will take many years for the high-temperature solar material permeating the star system to cool down. At that time, the star may have reached the end of stellar evolution ahead of schedule.

  "When a civilization is developing, members sometimes have diametrically opposed development directions."

  “Some people may think that editing genetic engineering is the future, and some people think that integration with machinery is the general direction of technology development.”

   "No matter which one has its own foundation, it has its own group of supporters, and there will be a civilization split before each other."

"Such a process will inevitably lead to the weakness of civilization for a period of time, but it also maintains the purity of civilization. Such a civilization divided into two, the part that occupied most of the members of the civilization still continues the name of the civilization, and the civilization that splits out is sub-civilization."

"I can't say how to split the sub-civilizations. In the civilization evolution we observed, some sub-civilizations adhere to the correct development direction. They may be promoted to the civilization level earlier than the main civilization. Some sub-civilizations realize that their own development Mistakes, and returning to the main civilization are not uncommon.”

   "But after most of the sub-civilizations split out, they established a new civilization by relying on the technology they took away when they left. This is the normal state of civilization evolution in the big universe."

   "The destination of the gate of space is the civilization that once split from the Huanzu. They left before the Huanzu was promoted to the seventh-level civilization. Although they missed the opportunity to master space technology, they also have their own opportunities."

  During the time passing through the space gate, the triangular spaceship explained to Lu Yu how to get the star map for them.

  A sub-civilization split off from the main civilization?

  This is interesting.

  Starting from star-level civilizations, such civilization fission behavior has become a very common behavior.

  Because of the advancement of learning methods and personal portable computers, civilization members and civilization teams have very similar technology and weapons. If a civil war breaks out due to route issues, the entire civilization may be destroyed.

  But the big universe is so vast, stars and matter are not scarce resources for a star-level civilization.

  Then they don’t like to see each other, but if a big fight will make both sides unhappy, then we should just develop separately.

  Space and time allow each other to know who is truly on the right path of civilization development.

   Lu Yu can't comment on how this fission civilization method is, but there are indeed civilizations that have thrown off all kinds of restraints because of this, and have been promoted all the way to advanced civilizations in the technological explosion.

   Now listening to the delta spaceship's explanation, the ring civilization seems to be one of the beneficiaries of this mechanism?

  However, now that the disturbance has reached the point of splitting, and time has proved that the Huan clan on the side of the delta spaceship is on the right path.

  Then why does the delta spaceship still remember this sub-civilization? Can you still grasp the other party's whereabouts even now?

  However, Lu Yu is not interested in this kind of civilization ethics story. He is now thinking about the wreckage of the ninth-level civilization that disappeared, and at the same time, he wants to get the star map quickly.

  The wonderful space traps and mysterious weapons are really confusing based on the clues we have now, but the ninth-level civilization that arranged these must be planning something.

  Now that you have accepted the mission, you have to find a way to earn points for repairing the Silver Star!

  As the passage through the space gate came to an end, Lu Yu temporarily handed over this headache to the external brains of Base Zero.

   When passing through the space channel, Lu Yu was actually able to observe the situation of the destination.

  In that brand new star field, the most noticeable thing is the white dwarf star that can observe some situations.

   White dwarfs.

  For Lu Yu, who has experienced extreme environments such as black holes, neutron stars, and supernova explosions, it is not even a big deal.

  In fact, the gravity on the white dwarf is extremely strong. Roughly speaking, a standard white dwarf is about tens of millions of times that of the earth. In such an environment, no structure known to man exists that can be preserved intact. Even, the matter that constitutes the white dwarf can no longer be viewed from the perspective of ordinary matter.

  Atoms are composed of nuclei and electrons, and there is a large gap between the nuclei and electrons. If an atom is compared to a theater, the nucleus is only the size of a basketball. Electrons move freely in this gap.

  But in the white dwarf matter, the distance between electrons and atoms is greatly compressed. Under such pressure, the electrons really become a "cloud", and the nucleus is soaked in the electron cloud.

  If the mass of the white dwarf exceeds 1.5 times that of the sun, the electronic degeneracy pressure will no longer be able to resist its own gravity, and the white dwarf will collapse into a neutron star after a type Ia supernova explosion, relying on the neutron degeneracy pressure to continue to support its own structure.

  Extreme stars such as white dwarfs and neutron stars have certain rules that violate common sense. For example, the mass and volume of white dwarfs and neutron stars are inversely proportional, that is, the larger their volume, the smaller their mass. The smaller the volume, the greater their mass.

   Lu Yu doesn't pay much attention to it, but it doesn't mean that the white dwarf itself is not scary.

  The white dwarf itself is a relatively common extreme star in the large universe.

  If a stellar spacecraft is close to a white dwarf at a certain distance, under the action of tidal gravity caused by gravitational imbalance, the spacecraft will first be pulled into a long strip and hit the white dwarf in the form of a spiral. In this process, any molecular structure will be destroyed, and the matter will be reduced to the most basic state, that is, a single atom.

  For such an environment, a star-level civilization will not easily set foot.

  For this level of civilization, the place where the stars shine is where their energy and material supplies are. Except for special missions, no one will come to this environment to carry out activities.

   But as the Silver Star flew out of the space channel, Lu Yu couldn't help being surprised for a moment by the scene several astronomical units away.

  Dense spaceships shuttle back and forth in this space, and several astronomical distances are still within the gravitational range of white dwarfs. There should not be so many spaceships here.

  But the spherical, triangular, and diamond-shaped huge spaceships are coming and going, and the center is the white dwarf star!

   "That's Base No. 23932."

   "The instrument can't feel any gravitational effect, I'm afraid it's shielded by the base."

On the 7th, Lu Yu sent the observed image, the white dwarf seemed to be wrapped in a translucent cube, a huge spaceship disappeared into the big universe after passing through the translucent cube, and another A spaceship slowly flew out from the other side of the cube, and then left here.

   "Is it actually a creation of the Spiral Clan?"

   "No wonder it looks so familiar at first glance."

   "But why does it look so much like a dock wrapped in white dwarfs?"

   While Lu Yu was complaining, a message was sent from the triangular spaceship following the Silver Star that flew out of the space gate.

   "Welcome to the White Dwarf Exchange."

   "The civilization that masters this exchange was once a sub-civilization that our Huan tribe split off from!"

   "We can get the star map from them as a way of thanking the Horn civilization."

  (end of this chapter)

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